Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 560 Destiny: Curly Tail (Part 2) (For Wen Jing, please see the author's statement)

There was a small square that was very lively, but it was quiet for a while. The children sat upright, not saying a word, and their faces were full of worries.

Perhaps because Zhao Song asked about the results of the monthly exam and would not be able to come down in front of the children, Xiaoyu took Zhao Song's hand to express his longing for a while, and then took the children to continue making breakfast. Only then did the bustle resume in the small square.

Zhao Song put on the big gold chain again with his wet clothes on his face, paired with big slippers, a small belly, a dog beside him, a cat in his arms, and a walnut in his hand. The killing spirit has also subsided a lot.

On the small square table, Xizi and Dashuai looked at each other amusedly.

"Why are you so fat?"

Xizi asked.

"Of course it is the rotten life of capitalism."

Zhao Song patted his stomach and complained: "So, if a businessman pours chicken soup and says that he is self-disciplined, don't believe it. It's just because his business has reached the end. I don't believe that he can wake up at five o'clock to exercise with so little sleep every day. Yes, can you run?"

Xizi ignored Zhao Song's complaints, and said, "Follow me to fight the bag when you have time", and went to help Xiaoyu, leaving the handsome and handsome to talk to Zhao Song.

"Why are you so fat?"

This is Zhao Song's question to Da Shuai Shuai.

"Eating grass."

"Your face is green?"

Dashuai wiped his face, and a vegetable leaf appeared in the palm of his hand, which was stained when he was cooking with the children just now.

"Is there no meat in the mountains?"

"There are iron-eating beasts, you can't eat them."


Zhao Song nodded, glanced at the yellow and thin children not far away, and sighed:

"Breaking through the biological poverty line is the most important task for the country in the next ten years."

Da Shuai said blankly:

"Don't tell me the words of the top leaders, I don't understand."

"There's nothing incomprehensible about this. People can only think about other things when they are full, such as living longer or exploring the unknown, which leads to biology and information technology.

When the billions of flower growers are full, the productivity liberated will have a terrifying impact. "

Now, a large number of people is a burden; in the future, when the basic material civilization of the whole people is satisfied, the large number of people will become a bonus.

Well, the demographic dividend.


"of course."

Zhao Song said with a smile, "At the first World Food Conference, experts all over the world did not believe that flower growers can feed one billion people. Now, we not only feed, but also plan to feed one billion people!"


Dashuaishuai scratched his head in distress. What he wants to do most now is to be a lazy dragon with Xiaoyu and the children, not talking big things about the richest man in front of him.

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

"I want you back!"

Zhao Song finally revealed the purpose of his half-day wasted work, "Charity is a big proposition, I am too popular to do it, so I need someone to stand at the front desk, and I secretly support..."

"Zhao Song!"

Marshal Shuai interrupted Zhao Song, only to see him sitting upright with a smile on his face:

"In the past three years, you have come to the United States from Zhonghai, and I have seen photos of you with the presidents of Apple and IBM in the news.

I don't know what it's like to be intrigued every day, and the moon and the moon are at war, but I can understand the change in your personality. "


Zhao Song whispered.

"It should be me thanking you. I am very happy that you are talking to me with a businessman's thinking, not for personal gain, but for friendship."

"It's good to know." Zhao Song muttered.


The handsome guy smiled and punched Zhao Song, "You don't need to be praised."

Da Shuai Shuai said seriously: "My ideal is not that big, growing up with these children is the source of my happiness; you also have your goals, I am very glad that you are unswervingly striving towards your goals.

That's fine, don't do things you're not suited to do, and don't need to do more. "

"……All right."

Zhao Song smiled wryly and shook his head, there was nothing he could do about this indifferent friend, since he was happy there, he had no reason to keep Da Shuai here.

"In the evening, the fat brother from Advance Education will bring a few teachers to conduct academic assessment on the children, and then dispatch support teachers according to the children's situation. When the school starts, you won't have to be a general subject teacher."


"You're welcome. That little girl with an IQ of 150 is in the sixth grade, right?"

"Junior high school soon."

"Okay, I will treat her personally." Zhao Song pondered for a while, then changed his words, "We will provide academic support for the whole school, including living expenses."

"Are there any conditions?"

"No." Zhao Song shook his head, "I just met, or just helped you, so my funding is done in private, don't make a big fanfare to publicize it."

Seeing what the handsome Shuai wanted to say, Zhao Song smiled and said, "In the DK building behind us, there are several geniuses who only studied for three or four months before going to Huaqing. People who use knowledge.

If the little girl has a heart, she is welcome to work in my company in 10 years. Now, let her grow up happily and smoothly. "


Marshal Shuai sincerely thanked him, he knew that Zhao Song had done all this for his sake.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of little effort for me."

At this time, Captain Hong came behind him with a brand new suit.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"There are a lot of things." Zhao Song admitted, and said while taking the suit, "I can calm down after I finish this part."

"go quickly."

Da Shuai was apologetic.

"Let the children sleep more tomorrow. Tesla's business opportunities are waiting at Xiyuan Airport. Ding Tao is going to Rongcheng for business, so he just dropped by to send you back."


"Just shoot me a few more commercials."

Zhao Song patted the handsome man on the shoulder, turned his head and shouted: "Xizi, the children are here to play, what's the point of going to the factory? Take them to the Science and Technology Museum, Happy Valley, and Dianhai Book City with Xiaoyu. change."



It wasn't until the luxury convoy disappeared at the end of Xiaohe West Road that the handsome man turned around and quietly looked at the children who were having fun again.

In my mind, I suddenly remembered an article I didn’t know when I read:

"Ten years have passed, another decade has passed, and one decade after another has passed. From becoming a wife and mother in her early twenties, to being a grandmother at forty and fifty, to seventy and eighty , as a great-grandmother.

One autumn night, the moon was very round. In the last night, the old man aged without any movement or signs, and aged peacefully.

To bury her, a tombstone should be carved for her. After asking all relatives and villagers, no one knew her name, as if there had never been such a person in the village. "

There is a square, and the laughter of the children is getting louder and louder. If there is no accident, most of them will become the old man without a name. Maybe some people will remember Phoenix Tail, Red Sweet Potato, and Zheer, but who are their real names? What do you know?

Fate has changed, but these children haven't had time to say thank you to the person who changed their destiny.


"July 19th was cloudy, but there was no rain.

Here he comes, and although we like a few places he said, we still don't like him. "


Destiny has already become fragmented in this time and space.

At least on the day of July 19th, there was no luxury convoy driving on the airport expressway in the previous life.

As the special cars of university leaders, city leaders, electronic control bosses, and even ministry leaders merged into the convoy, the cavalry blew their sirens and sped towards the Capital International Airport.

If 2001 was a year of struggle, then 2002 was a year of harvest. What was harvested was seeds, hope, and newly established companies, which should have been achieved after several years or even ten years. Talented people who have returned to their motherland have returned home one after another.

If the change in the fate of the children in the deep mountains is because Zhao Song provided them with the opportunity to continue their studies, then the fate of the Huahua semiconductor industry is also the same.

On January 8, 2002, United Semiconductor completed all the mergers and acquisitions of Wanwan Winbond Technology, and achieved leapfrog development in the fields of consumer electronics, computer peripherals, and automotive electronics. By integrating Winbond's technology, one month later, it truly owned The BIOS chips with independent intellectual property rights are used on Shenzhou motherboards, and 3 chips that have reached the international mainstream level are used in Player Kingdom. Two months later, the first 1.6-inch LCD driver chip was successfully taped out and will be used in Shenzhou PHS and other domestic mobile phones in the future.

On February 29, Lin Zhenghao returned to China.

As the only flower planter who has successfully designed a CPU, Zhao Song not only prepared a high salary and shares in United Semiconductor for him, he will also serve as the chief scientist of United Semiconductor and a professor at Shanghai Tongji University.

On the same day, Zhao Song resigned from the position of president of Huahong IC and was officially taken over by Lin Deyin from Wanwan.

So far, Zhao Song's ideal Shanghai University-United Semiconductor-Huahong-Shenzhou Technology has completed the construction of a complete ecosystem from talent training to market terminals.

United Semiconductor will formally undertake the IGBT650V to 6500V product line on the basis of the perfect foundation laid by Zhao Song, and jointly tackle key problems in the technology and industrialization of ADCs from \u003e65MSPS to \u003e600MSPS with an accuracy within 16bit in conjunction with the 24th Institute of China Power Group. .

Main areas - high-speed rail, communications.

On March 1, Hu Zhengming returned to China.

While holding various positions, he also brought a development roadmap to DK Technology. FinFET, 3D transistor technology, the foundation of modern nano-scale tube manufacturing, DK Technology's sharpest weapon for cornering overtaking.

What is that weapon? No one knows, and interested people can only infer the fields involved in DK technology from limited information: wireless technology, mobile phone SOC, GaAs, mechanical equipment products that need to be driven by motors, and what may be involved. That Zhao Song peddled it for several months Memory technology that doesn't sell.

If United Semiconductor's customers are mainly large state-owned enterprises, then DK will face the most competitive terminal sales market.

Zhao Song left the hardest part to himself.




A single person returns to China and fills in various companies. The fields involved are very chaotic and miscellaneous. No one can find the law. If there is a law, it can only be found in Zhao Song's head, because the law is More than ten years later, the control map of the United States in the hard-core high-tech field!

July 19, at 10:45 am, Capital International Airport.

The convoy was lined up neatly, the bodyguards were on guard, the crowd stood and waited, the elementary school students held flowers, and the media people set up long guns to shoot at the cannons.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Shangzhou, the last important person in the talent pool, finally led his doctoral team back home early after Zhao Song coordinated with many parties.

He is Mr. Yin Zhiyao, who is nearly 60 years old and has given up more than 60 patent interests in the United States.

11:00 sharp.

Zhongguancun Holdings made a strategic investment of 130 million in Seven Star CRE, and the press conference of Yin Zhirao as the chairman and general manager of Seven Star CRE was held at the Capital Airport.

"Mr. Yin Zhiyao will account for 13.79% of the shares in the form of technical shares. At the same time, all the shares of myself and Jingcheng Electric will be entrusted to Mr. Yin Zhiyao for management."

At the press conference, Zhao Song, the richest man, spoke loudly.

"Today, I am attending as an ordinary flower planting official. On behalf of the flower planting government, I welcome all overseas talents and students who are willing to return to China. We promise that the country will do its best to make promising and contributing scientific researchers double fame and fortune." receive'."

"From today, Seven Star Huachuang has officially changed its name to North Huachuang. Under the leadership of Mr. Yin Zhiyao, it will launch a full-scale attack on the field of semiconductor manufacturing equipment and materials!"

Half an hour later, on the return car.

"Zhao Song, will DK's main business be memory?"

Yin Zhiyao just asked with interest.

"If no one takes over, DK may bite the bullet and do it."

Zhao Song smiled wryly, "No one wants to give it away for free. This is really a waste of money."

"It seems that memory is not your main purpose." Yin Zhiyao laughed, "Is the money enough?"

"It is because I don't have enough money that I want to give away the memory."

Zhao Song spread his hands helplessly, "Otherwise, let it become a laboratory product, and at least leave a patent route."

Yin Zhiyao nodded: "So your main business burns money, can you tell me what it is?"

Zhao Song pondered for a long time before slowly saying: "FpGA, Field Programmable Gate Array."


After a long time, Yin Zhiyao asked in disbelief: "Do you know who the opponents you will face are?"

"Xilinx, Intel. The big factories among the big factories, their impenetrable patent walls make it difficult for latecomers to survive in this industry."


"With Professor Hu Zhengming in mind, we will directly tackle key problems in the design field of 25Nm based on FINfet technology before the manufacturing equipment enters the nanoscale, bypassing their patent walls."

"How long is the expected time to achieve results?"


Zhao Song looked at Yin Zhiyao and said with a smile: "Just like Teacher Yin's career, at least ten years later, it would be good to have some preliminary results."


Yin Zhiyao sighed: "There is a long way to go~"

He took the champagne handed over by Zhao Song, and lightly touched the young richest man:

"A glass of wine in the spring breeze of peaches, plums, and night rain in the rivers and lakes for ten years. Zhao Song, it is a pleasure to work with you. We will have another drink in ten years."


Before parting, Yin Zhiyao finally asked the question that was pressing in his heart:

"Why North Huachuang, 130 million can directly establish a new company. (China Micro Semiconductor Equipment Company)"

"Because of the concentrated resources, equipment, talents, and policies of North Huachuang, it can maximize the talents of Mr. Yin's team."

There will be no more China Micro Semiconductors in this life. Although I don’t know if there will be good results, Zhao Song, who has been a stockholder for a while, still clearly remembers the comparison chart between China Micro Semiconductors and North Huachuang. Income generation:

North Huachuang, the average master's degree, 8.179 billion.

China Microelectronics, the average doctoral degree, 25.104 billion.

This is the biggest reason why Zhao Song let Yin Zhiyao join Northern Huachuang.

What kind of argument is this?

If the semiconductor industry of Ten Years Rain is one river and lake, then in the inn of another river and lake, a group of funny people have already told everyone the answer:

"Where did I come from, where did I die? Why did I appear in this world? What does my appearance mean to this world? Did the world choose me, or did I choose the world?"


"Is there a necessary connection between me and the universe? Does the universe have an end? Does time have a length? Where does past time disappear? Where does future time stop? The question I am asking at this moment is the same as you just heard question?!"

"I kill you--"

"Who killed me, and who did I kill??"

"I killed me?

"Correct answer! Do it!"


"What kind of argument is that?"

"knowledge is power!"

Volume 10 (Officially Ended)

Volume 11 (stay tuned)

Total Assets: Can't count.

Commodity housing, 6 sets, both parents, one sister, one girlfriend, missing backup friends, a group of ex-girlfriends, a group of friends, and a group of partners.

1. This final summary has been written for two days. I have a lot to say and deleted a lot. I am still not satisfied and may change it in the future.

2. As mentioned in the previous article, when Zhao Song and Wen Jing were dating, they had no control over their mouths and said a lot. She didn't come here through it.

3. The real name is used in this chapter, which involves the enterprise:

Zhongwei Semiconductor, 5nm etching machine, wet etching.

North Huachuang, comprehensive platform for semiconductor equipment, dry etching machine.

Jingwei Yage: China's independent FPGA device research and development company, because of it, China has become the second country in the world that can independently develop FPGA devices after the United States.

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