Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 561 Prologue (Part 1)

PS: The short paragraph involves the epidemic and is just for praise.


Another spring, April.

No one likes April in the capital, even if it is April when everything recovers, no one likes it.

At this time, some female willow trees that are angry will start to let themselves fly. They will hatch thousands of life essences, explode in the warm spring breeze, and then fly all over the capital, forming a "city full of poplars" Catkins, erratic April snow' spectacle.

These 'sperm' seeds, no matter whether you are beautiful or ugly, whether you are poor or rich, and whether you live in the root of the imperial city or outside the fifth ring road, as long as you live in the capital, as long as you go out, you will be In April, they will harass you endlessly, make your skin itchy, make your breathing difficult, make you

It's annoying.

No matter where you are!

Going north along the central axis of the capital, after passing the North Fifth Ring Road, after driving for a short period of time, and then turning east, you came to the legendary Wenyu River, Old River Bend.

In a place like Beijing that lacks water and rivers, what is the concept of such a river bend, and it is still "old"! "Old" means endless life, washed away the lead, and precipitated the patina of the years.

Laohewan, one of the two rivers in the "one mountain", "two rivers", "third line" and "four high" (note) in the capital, means wealth, high-end, and


Among the willow catkins all over the sky, Gui Luyang limped along a piece of flat land with buckles on his belt. Not far away, the river of Laohewan was flowing slowly, and the unique wetland climate made the air rich and rich. The water ions in the water made Gui Luyang feel refreshed even with a mask on.

This is a land of 420,000 square meters. After more than a year of construction, the Pingchang District Government has even completed the construction of three links and one leveling, and water, electricity and coal have been connected to the entrance.

However, a year later, the land is still as flat as ever, with no signs of construction.

No one is in a hurry, and no one is urging. As a project that will be registered at the upper level in the next few years in Beijing, the eyes of the whole China and even the world are focused on the world's top creative master Zhao Song and architect Foster. On top of the strong alliance.

There are no high requirements, or even deadlines, because Tesla’s reported budget has exceeded everyone’s expectations—starting at $1 billion!

For this century project, the flower planting officials even endowed it with special political significance.


"Sister Gui, when do you think those two big mojis will finish the design draft?"

At this time, Zhao Rong quietly walked to Gui Luyang's side and asked softly.

"Already done."

Gui Luyang stopped and nodded to Zhao Rong.


Zhao Rong said hesitantly, "When will the construction start?"

"While the project manager of this large project is in place."

As she spoke, Gui Luyang turned her head to the north. Following her line of sight, Zhao Rong looked into the distance, where there was smoke and roaring.

"Little Tangshan"

Zhao Rong sighed.

Although her husband is an executive in the system, he is still shocked by the efficiency of the state-owned enterprises that participated in the war.

From 10 o'clock in the evening on April 22, these companies have fallen into a frantic struggle:

Task conditions: no water, no electricity, no roads, no coordinates, nothing but a floor plan.

Objectives: To accommodate 1,000 patients, 1,200 medical staff, plus various security personnel, a total of 4,000 people will be accommodated. The wards must have water, telephones, and TVs.

Mission duration: 7 days and 20 hours.

Participating units: China Construction First Bureau, Municipal Construction Engineering Group, Urban Construction Group, Residential Group, Urban and Rural Group, Municipal Group.

"The Shenzhou is also on board."

At this moment, Zhao Rong heard Gui Luyang's words again. She looked towards Litang Road to the west, and saw medium-sized trucks whizzing by, and the HASEE logo on them was so dazzling.

"Shenzhou Technology will be responsible for the computer information system and networking project of the whole hospital."

Gui Luyang smiled wryly, "Tesla is not qualified even if it wants to get in. There are more than 300 veterans, party members, model workers, and technology representatives, and only Shenzhou has such background!"

"Those vehicles are responsible for the transportation of three links and one arrival, right?"

Zhao Rong asked after seeing a few big imported trucks roaring past.

"The 189 heavy-duty trucks with three links and one reach, and 311 veterans all participated in the war." Gui Luyang sighed, "It also has state-owned capital as a shareholder. This humble logistics company has not let everyone see it until today. Energy—all the gaps in the transport capacity of those cement and sandstones will be blocked as soon as the three links are reached."

Zhao Rong shook his head and sighed, "That student of mine is amazing."

"No matter how powerful you are, you are still a small soldier, and you still obey others."

Zhao Rong suddenly realized: "Sister Gui means"

"My goal is to be the project manager of this century project!"

Gui Luyang looked in the direction of Xiaotangshan with burning eyes, and said firmly, "In the face of this kind of national power, I don't worry about that little epidemic at all. I'm waiting for it to end, and then I find the project manager, no matter who he is Which unit, what establishment, the project leader of the Tesla headquarters base, must be held by him!"

No wonder she has been here as a Tesla HR. Zhao Rong nodded, understood the doubts in his heart, and finally got to the point:

"Sister Gui, where is Zhao Song?"

"I have been sticking to the convenience store one kilometer away in Xiaotangshan as a clerk, but I left in a hurry after receiving a call from home three hours ago."

Gui Luyang looked at Zhao Rong, "What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

Zhao Rong heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly explained: "It's okay, but everyone is a little worried and nervous. Knowing his news can be regarded as relaxing."

"Do not worry."

Gui Luyang smiled and said, "Before, the task was urgent and the form was unknown. He was always on standby. Now everyone can go to the company's information system to learn about the boss."

Speaking of this, Gui Luyang seemed to have thought of something, and asked quickly, "How is Xiao Yu, are you okay?"

Zhao Rong immediately laughed when he heard this:

"Don't worry, I'm inextricably fighting with my little overlord every day."

Inextricable, indivisible, is what Zhao Rong said to his son.

Xiaobawang, the talker of the 4th grade of Zhongguancun No. 2 Primary School, the leader of countless little stubborn masters who are determined to embark on the road of the rivers and lakes. Since the day he took the wrong sister Xiaoyu's schoolbag, those famous names have gone away from him.

That day, it was a film with the fifth grader. When the brothers behind him took out various weapons from their schoolbags, he took out the magic wand of Balabala Little Demon Fairy.

This is not the most embarrassing time for him.

After being quarantined at home, the boring sister Xiaoyu told him that egg whites can cure yellow hair, so he cracked an egg and bathed on his head. Pang Dun burst out laughing the entire Xishan Villa.

As for the above, if it is said that sister Xiaoyu can bear it because of her good looks, then in terms of food, Xiaobawang can't bear it.

On this day, Xiaobawang finally saw fruit, and cherries were his favorite, but Xiaoyu coaxed him that she could perform a "machine gun", so Xiaobawang threw cherries into Xiaoyu's mouth one by one. With a mouthful of cherry stones in his mouth, the light rain filled the floor with "chugs and chugs". The little overlord was so happy that he stuffed the ground to her and asked her to perform "chug and chug".

In the end, Xiaobawang shouted in grief and indignation:

"Where's Brother Zhao Song? Tell him to take Sister Xiaoyu away!"


In the room, it suddenly fell silent.

"There was a fight."

Xiaoyu replied blankly.

"Why did you fight again? The domestic fight is complete, the United States is finished, and the European fight is over. When will he finish?"

Xiao Yu's face suddenly darkened, she clenched her tender hands and loosened them, then loosened them and held them tightly again. It wasn't until Benben and Garfield who were having fun at the side noticed something strange and leaned close to her side, did Xiao Yu calm down slowly :

"Little Fatty, this time, it's not a business war, not a financial war, let alone a market war, but a literal fight!"

The little overlord also darkened his face:

"Sister, what's the matter?"

"Parents were beaten."


"Not only my parents, my brother's grandma, uncle, aunt, uncle, aunt, aunt, uncle...all were beaten."

"Fuck! Fuck him!"

1. The theory of "one mountain", "two rivers", "three lines" and "four highs". "One mountain" refers to Xishan; "Two Rivers" refers to the villa belt in the two river basins of Chaobai River and Wenyu River; "Three Lines" refers to the three lines of Litang, Jingshun, and Jingtong; Kai and Jingmi four expressways.

2. Just write a little bit about the epidemic, don’t talk about Zigong redeeming people, please read it carefully, the intention of praising is obvious.

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