Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 564 Tesla's Milestone

The spacious lobby of the villa is very quiet. Except for Ding Tao, the most profitable migrant worker of the florist, who is playing with the projector, everyone else is sitting tight.

Of course, because of the upcoming launch and the smooth sales of Tesla products, everyone's mentality is relaxed.

"Let's talk about something that has nothing to do with you."

Zhao Song held the information in his hand, and said slowly:

"Shenzhou has just released its 2002 (4.1-3.31) fiscal year financial report. The overall turnover of Shenzhou Technology Group is 10.323 billion US dollars, an increase of 35% over the same period last year; the group's gross profit rate has increased from 13.7% to 16.8%; The net profit reached US$10.11, an increase of 21.1% over the same period last year."

"As a representative of Shenzhou's technicalization and related applications, motherboard manufacturing turned from loss to profit for the first time, with a profit of 1.802 million US dollars. At the same time, Shenzhou Technology's revenue from mobile phones, contract manufacturing and IT services has all doubled."

At this moment, the projection screen turned on, and Ding Tao took the USB flash drive from Dongfang Jian and inserted it into the notebook. A rendering of a notebook computer immediately appeared on the screen.

Zhao Song glanced at it, and then said: "In addition, Shenzhou consumer and commercial desktops both won the Intel PC Innovation Award during the year. In 2002, Shenzhou Technology Group also applied for 572 national patents, of which invention patents accounted for more than 50%. While the fruitful technological innovation results have boosted market sales, it marks that Shenzhou is approaching a technology-driven technology enterprise.”


Everyone listened quietly. As Shenzhou, which is chasing after Tesla, of course they have studied its financial report. To be honest, it was very shocking, but it was more regrettable. If some of Shenzhou’s main businesses were put in Tesla pull on the body.


The documents in their hands fell on the coffee table, and the harsh sound made everyone refreshed, and then their expressions became dignified.

"If anyone still thinks that Tesla is the same company as Shenzhou at this moment, then they can leave here!"

Zhao Song stood up, walked to the screen, and continued to ask, "Why are all the executives of the flower planters in this meeting?"


At the scene, someone lowered their eyes.

"Because many of you are behind!" Zhao Song's face was very serious, "If you continue to maintain the current situation, I guarantee that you will not last until the day when Tesla goes public."


Sister DaDa in the crowd first exchanged glances with Gui Luyang, and then looked at the notebook on the screen.

"It's definitely a problem with the product." She thought to herself, if this is the case, then everyone here is responsible, because Tesla is a company whose life is products, and because this product has been developed from the beginning, all of them are responsible. more or less involved

"Tap ~"

Zhao Song knocked on the projection screen with his hand. Under the light of the projection bulb, the huge hand shadow made everyone more and more nervous.

"Two years ago, I told you its shape, but I didn't say how to make it, because I didn't know it then.

So I made 'Think different' and I hope all of you can learn from this ad and find a way to make this product, and it turns out."


The percussion changed to slapping, and Zhao Song's face became angry:

"Two years later, you will give me such a thing?"

At this time Ding Tao and Dongfang Jian got up at the same time:

"Boss, I have a great responsibility in this regard," Ding Tao said first, "When submitting the nineteenth draft, the design department did add 'different thinking', but considering that you were presiding over the For the research and development of the first generation of Tpod, I have solicited the opinions of some shareholders on my own initiative, and finally finalized the twenty-third draft."

"Bullshit doesn't make sense!"

Zhao Song shook his head in disappointment, waved the two of them to sit down, and continued:

"Tesla's potential has never been created by those who came later, so what's their opinion?

What I need is your own understanding of it!

Two years ago, I had the same starting point as everyone else, with only a description of the product in my mind and an advertisement. As for how to realize it, to be honest, I don’t know much more than you. "

"In the past two years, I have also explored it in learning and practice, not only it, but also the manufacturing concept of all Tesla products in the future.

Turns out you've all seen it, and you've been a part of it: T1, G5, T2, TMAC (all-in-one in 2002), and Tpod classic, Tpod shulle2 works great, and I'm also happy that consumers say: 'some technical Tess La is not the first to do it, but the first to do it well'! "

"However, Tesla cannot become a one-person company, so I hand over the notebook project to you, hoping that you will work together with me to explore a spirit that makes Tesla full of vitality and development!



Zhao Song smashed the screen and roared angrily:

"What is this?"

"The designer designs the shell, hand it over to the engineer for the structural design, and then the global procurement of accessories is a perfect process, so tell me, can't Shenzhou make this thing?"


It was done, which was the common aspiration of the executives present. Just this one question made them understand the reason for Zhao Song's anger, and let them know that this was a complete failure of the product.

"Is that gap the result of trying to cover up? Why not show it openly and tell consumers that we can't do it?

Don't you think it's ugly that the lines of the memory chips on the (printed) circuit board are so tight? No one cares after it's sealed?

I care!

I wanted it to be as pretty as possible, even if it was hidden in a box, a good carpenter would not use rotten wood on the back of a cabinet, even if no one would see it. "


Liao Yingzhu tremblingly stepped forward and handed Zhao Song a glass of water.


Zhao Song thanked him, calmed down, and said slowly:

"The following words are the concepts I have learned in the past two years, and I hope that you can realize something of your own and inject it into this company.

Then, I will give you two months. After two months, if the homework fails again, maybe I will not do anything to you, but I can tell you bluntly that I will reduce my holdings by a large amount after Tesla goes public, and put The focus of the future is on Shenzhou Technology. "



Many rose to their feet.

Ding Tao said in shock, "Boss, you can't"

"Do you know why?"

Zhao Song waved his hand and interrupted Ding Tao again, "Because if that's the case, I'm not sure about defeating Tesla's enemies, and you don't even realize how terrifying that company is!"


Sister Da Da didn't get up, she took out her pen and notebook thoughtfully, and looked at Zhao Song intently.

The others also reacted and sat down one after another, pretending to listen carefully.

"Consumers can feel the product craftsmanship from a non-subjective sense. In a large-scale market survey conducted by Shenzhou, 90% of consumers think that after Shenzhou accepts IBM notebooks, they are not as good as the original ones. As for the reasons, they cannot tell. .

Is it because of quality control?

No, the factory is still the same factory, and the management has not changed. The only change is that Shenzhou has replaced some suppliers.

Therefore, the most intuitive change is the material! "

"This is an important reason why Tesla is internationalized in terms of asset structure, because we must embrace all the most advanced disciplines in the world today in terms of design.

In order to cooperate with you, the material department and several international universities have jointly developed an aluminum alloy that is 5 times stronger than standard steel, and then shared it on the company's information platform; in order to undertake more demanding orders, Wuming Technology has specially acquired in Europe A factory uses the most sophisticated CNC (precision machine tools) to bypass equipment control. The technical indicators of the equipment are also on the information platform. Who of you read it? "


"'One of the most relevant factors in the experience of a physical object is the material. We (at Apple) experience and explore the material, process it, learn the inherent characteristics of the material and the process of transforming it from the original material to the final product, such as Said, clearly understanding how the process of machining or grinding will affect the material, understanding, pouring into the material and the company, is extremely important in the way we work.'

Do you know who said this?

Apple's Design Director!"

Zhao Song said forcefully. In fact, no one has said this sentence yet.


"Guys, with the progress of industrialization, handicrafts are produced by machines, the formation of a market economy, and the advent of the information society, the relationship between people and materials has undergone a complete change. Productivity has changed, production and consumption patterns have changed, and design has also changed. Change.

However, we have not lost the beauty of this kind of craftsmanship. When we see modern production workshops, fast assembly line operations, agile and fast mechanical arms, etc., we will appreciate the beauty of this kind of craftsmanship, but why we What can’t be experienced in products is the era of handicrafts. A work can leave the touch of a craftsman, so can we experience the sense of craftsmanship left by a machine in a modern industrial product? Can we still capture this artisan art in products?

This is the responsibility of modern design. "


Listening to Zhao Song's words, Dongfang Jian was thinking crazily in his heart. He stroked the Sony D50 recorder in his hand. The delicate touch would definitely not make people feel that it is a product of the modern assembly line, but an exquisite Products under modern technology.

The door to a new world suddenly opened in Dongfang Jian's heart. However, the suddenly enlightened Dongfang Jian was full of bitterness, because he knew that even though Tesla was operated by a multi-department joint collaboration, the biggest responsibility for this failed product was still on him.


This is the climax of Zhao Song's teaching. At this moment, everyone who is doing it is unaware of what their boss is teaching, but they can all be sure - what they heard is the most cashable design in the world And business philosophy, even if they have been blinded by wealth, but the instinct of a strongman is still what they feel, what a great idea they will hear!

"Guys, material, just concrete examples, what I'm trying to say is:

One day, we will see the cooperation between the product structure and the shape from our products - from the product, you will not see whether the structure is subject to the shape, whether the engineering is subject to the design, whether the design is subject to the engineering, it doesn't matter. It is clear which part is the credit of the designer and which part is the credit of the engineer. It seems that the designer is also an engineer. When everything is integrated, you will get a real Tesla product. "


Dongfang Jian stood up suddenly. Following his movements, many heads of R\u0026D and design departments stood up excitedly. They looked at Zhao Song enthusiastically, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

"I have already named 'it' - TaleMacBook Pro, 'the legendary portable computer', if one day, when we see or touch the edge of the MacBook Pro with a little hand, when we When sanding something with sandpaper and wiping it back and forth many times and blowing away the dust to see smoothness, when we use white to highlight the picture, when we add reflections to the rendering, when we are exhausted The last bit of energy to find the bug. The moment we watch the program run, when we use a hammer to drive a nail into a piece of wood with a good texture, and watch the nail cap embedded in the wood.

We just touched it.

The beauty of craftsmanship! "


"This is my student."

The corners of Sister Dada's eyes were moist, she looked at Zhao Song proudly

Dongfang Jian leaned over slightly and bowed his head deeply, as if a pious person was completing a pilgrimage.

Ding Tao watched everyone, deeply remembering their expressions at this time.

Gui Luyang held her head high with a smile on her face.

"Guys, look at our previous products, whether it's T1, G5 or TMac, Tpod, look at these products that I lead R\u0026D, and see what they have in common.

Before that, I just developed and manufactured them according to my instinct and the appearance that appeared in my mind, and I couldn't find their commonality. But today, two years later, I can proudly tell you that I found it, but what about you?

What about you who are stronger than me? "


Liao Yingzhu, who turned into a fan girl, once again handed a glass of water to Zhao Song who was thirsty.


Zhao Song put down his cup and said solemnly:

"I'll just say it once, remember it, remember it, and in two months I'll test your understanding of it:

Unibody - integrated molding!

It is a production process, which means to process a finished product by removing material from a whole piece of raw material, usually referring to the use of CNC to mill block metal, and the finished product has obvious integrity characteristics, that is, it has a height or There is a shape surrounded by a seal.

I want all consumers to experience the beauty of craftsmanship from Tsla's product Unibody; experience the concentrated work of precision processing by modern craftsmen! "


"Yes, Tesla has never been a pure technology company. We are not Shenzhou, Fantasy, Dell or Compaq, but a future technology company that pursues the combination of art and humanity!"


Sister Da Da stood up, her face flushed.

Ding Tao, Gui Luyang

Countless people stood up.


They shouted loudly.

Regardless of whether it is to keep Zhao Song at the helm or not, this evening, the original entrepreneurial team finally returned to its original state.



April 30, 2003.

On this day, Xiaotangshan Hospital was put into use.

It is also a milestone on this day, a milestone in industrial design, and also a milestone in modern industrial production and modern technology (CRAFT), and even played a major role in promoting humanistic spirit.

Unibody craft.

It was officially brought up by Zhao Song in a luxurious villa.

Compared with the previous life, it was more than ten years earlier.


(If you don’t understand, please read the author’s statement)

There are always people on the Internet advocating that Apple is going downhill, which generates a ridiculous question:

Apple is about to fall, and the manufacturers of flower growers, who should copy it?


Just as the beauty of science fiction is the vision and expectation for the future, so Apple's design is a test for the future!

This is why Apple does not do pre-market research for new products most of the time, because they have always been at the forefront of the times, and it only needs others to catch up, not to meet the requirements of consumers.

I'm not an Apple fan, I don't own any Apple products other than a second-hand iPad mini as a productivity tool.

However, because of writing, I have learned too much about Apple, and I know how scary this company is!

Regardless of the level of consciousness, Apple has too many amazing geniuses except for that lunatic.

Go look at the dismantling diagram of Apple products, and count the terrifying number of spare parts of Apple products. The details are amazingly detailed, and every place reflects "the change of distance between people and objects" and "the physical sense" disappear".

In addition, I haven't talked about its software ecology.

This chapter is a summary of the details I found from many Apple press conferences and exchanges.

So when our domestic manufacturers no longer advertise SOC speed, photography function, or charging speed, but introduce products from the details of spare parts design and manufacturing.

Perhaps on that day, we can proudly tell the world:

China Electronics Intelligent Manufacturing has really risen!


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