Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 565: Memories

After the meeting, until Ding Tao, who was hesitant to speak, was dragged away by Sister DaDa, Zhao Song didn't talk to anyone alone.

He slumped on the sofa tiredly, closed his eyes and rested for a long time before asking softly:

"Several people?"


Song Guanyi, who had been silent for a long time, said, "It's not easy to form a party for personal gain and enrich your pockets. There are two executives in the Pingchang Park who have threatened many women in the name of recruiting."

"Call the police!"

Zhao Song was expressionless.


"Lawyer Fu."

Fu Jianxing hurried forward.

"Let them spit out how much I ate, and then take back the options, and then let them compensate for the losses caused to the company!"


Fu Jianxing showed a look of impatience.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, the director of Factory 3 of the Industrial Park and his whole family point to him as living alone"

"So you can make an exception for him? Tell people later that as long as there are old and young children in the family, they can harm the company and steal my money at will?"

"...I'm sorry, boss."

Fu Jianxing bowed his head and apologized, but was dragged away by Song Guanyi.


The spacious lobby became quiet again, and Zhao Song looked at the mobile phone on the coffee table in a daze. In the ear, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly came:

"Zhao Song, help me get the phone."


Zhao Song stretched out his hand, then froze in mid-air.

The lobby was empty and silent, it was just an auditory hallucination.

"How long have I not thought of them?"

Zhao Song shook his head and smiled wryly.


"Zhao Song, help me get the phone."

Space-time transformation.

In Beijing, in a school district room outside the North Second Ring Road, Zhao Song sat on a comfortable sofa, a little cramped, looking greedily at his son who was playing games beside him. He hadn't seen the child for a while.


Zhao Song stretched out his hand to the mobile phone on the coffee table, and the non-stop nagging voice of his ex-wife came from his ear:

"There is no rush to pay the living expenses, first feed yourself well and then talk about other things.

I'm going to a meeting, so you have three hours of company time.

Don't eat nonsense, don't play games all the time, and don't spend money indiscriminately.

You know, high-quality companionship”

With the help of inferior hearing aids, Zhao Song's ears automatically filtered out the nagging of his ex-wife. He picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table with great interest, saw the screen light up, put the phone down again, and then the screen turned off automatically.

"How did you use Apple? Didn't you say something like leaking secrets?"

"The child's grandfather gave it to me. I don't work in an important functional unit, so I can use whatever is easy to use."


Hearing that it was given by a senior official and old man, Zhao Song was not surprised, then lifted and put down the apple, watching with great interest that the screen kept turning on and off automatically.

It wasn't until his ex-wife came over that he handed it over carefully. He heard that it was quite expensive.

"Let's go, you two don't play too crazy, son, goodbye to mother."

"Goodbye, Mom."

The ex-wife nodded to Zhao Song, finally opened the door and left.


There was a sound of closing the door, and the father and son ran to the door tacitly, and put their ears on the door. They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the sound of footsteps disappeared.

"Yay yeah~"

"Son, where do you want to go?"

"Dad, I haven't played games for half a month."

The son pitifully picked up the tablet.

Zhao Song scratched his head and asked lovingly, "How long do you want to play?"

"I wanted to finish this scene."

The son raised the Ipad in his hand, and Zhao Song had a headache because of the endless checkpoints on it.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Song gritted his teeth and said:

"In this way, Dad will buy you a level 4 thunder dragon grass, and then upgrade the frozen watermelon to level 3, how about you play at double speed?"

"Yeah~ Dad is the best!"

"That is, I am your father!"

Zhao Song was very happy.


That afternoon, the father and father didn’t go anywhere, and they cleared the Plants vs. Zombies Wild West scene at home. Although they didn’t say much, the son was very happy and Zhao Song was very satisfied, which can be called a model of efficient companionship.

There is no way to ask for too much. On Sunday, the child has judo and swimming in the morning, and two and a half hours of English class in the evening. In a week, only three hours in the afternoon belong to me, and the sensible ones are used to accompany them. father

Regarding his ex-wife, Zhao Song didn't dare to say anything more. The monthly education fee of 10,000 yuan was paid by others, so he didn't even have the right to question her.

The background of the times is like this, and children all over the country are like this. All Zhao Song can do is to be happy with the children.

They were really happy that afternoon.


Ziyu Villa.

Slowly focusing his gaze, Zhao Song patted his cheek, put away the smirk on his face, saw the Motorola on the coffee table, and recalled his ex-wife's iPhone in his memory again.

That day, when the child was playing games, in addition to pointing a few times, he also checked the information on the Apple’s automatic wake-up. The patent on that phone is described in Google Scholar:

'Disclosed are methods, programs and systems for gesture classification and recognition. Broadly speaking, in one aspect, a system can identify multiple action patterns for the same user behavior (eg, picking up a mobile device from a table) based on empirical training data. The system can collect training data from one or more mobile devices. '

machine learning!

There are also manufacturers who have used automatic wake-up, but Apple is adding the most cutting-edge machine learning technology to this small function.

This is why some users can feel that Apple is easy to use, but they just can't tell a more specific reason.

Because in Apple's products, some seemingly inconspicuous functions actually require huge research and development costs (to do well enough), and-they rarely make any noise, so that many people think that the iPhone is just a little more powerful , The software ecology is better.

That afternoon, a door opened to Zhao Song. The company that he hated, disliked, disdained, envied, and always wanted to go bankrupt, after a deep understanding, finally understood what a company it was.

Wonderful company!

It’s not that it has the world’s largest market capitalization, it’s ten times that of Nokia at its peak, and none of the other top five in the world can match it, not these!

It is it that allows the blind to take pictures, the disabled to pull the curtains, the deaf to navigate, the polio to edit videos, and the paralyzed to type.

The lamas in the snow area each have an apple, because only apples in the world have built-in native Tibetan language

It's a pain in the ass, and the auxiliary function is the ultimate.

And a company that can work hard for the 1% of people and change their lives, no matter how much they hate it, this company deserves to be respected.

"They invent, they imagine, they heal, they explore, they create, they inspire, they push humanity forward. Perhaps, they must be crazy."

In the ear, the slogan "think different" came again.

Thinking of the company he temporarily suppressed on the other side of the ocean, the expression on Zhao Song's face gradually became serious.

In the future, anyone can make a mobile phone, sell feelings, talk about cross talk, and make air conditioners, because flower growers can produce most of the spare parts, but that is the progress of a country's industrial system, not an electronics company!

It is very simple to be able to do it, as long as you have money, but if you want to do it well, especially in such a cruel market as a flower grower, it is even more difficult to face hell-level lunatic opponents!

At this time, Zhao Song's eyes gradually became cold, and he could only hear him muttering to himself:

"As long as I'm in Tesla for a day, it's a flowering lineage!

So, if you can't meet my requirements, I don't care if the key position is a flower grower! "


You must chase frantically to stay on this big ship that is chasing bravely.

We, have to work really hard to look effortless.

In order to prevent bad luck, let me explain: I am not from Beijing, and I am not an apple fan.

Some people say that the last chapter is fake Dakong's self-healing, but I didn't express it clearly, because many of the words are quotations from speeches made by Apple designers in some forums.

In my opinion, when you don't know your opponent, it's self-indulgent to just raise your breath.

Domestic manufacturers pay too much attention to marketing. Putting aside their big mouths and some means of provoking populism, some of his technical marketing methods can better promote sales.

Don't blame the family.

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