Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 568 Shocking idea (must read what the author said)

More than ten years later, Liang Ning wrote in "A Past Story About Domestic Chips and Operating Systems":

Just like more than ten years ago, as long as the issue of intellectual property rights is solved, the technical route is selected, someone who can do it is found, and the CPU\\chip can be made. It's still the operating system that can't be fixed.

This sentence impressed many people.

But after this sentence, there is another sentence that few people have noticed, that is: the big gap is still ecology!

What is ecology?

In today's words: Meituan is a nanny, Didi is a driver, WeChat is a secretary, and Tao* is a shopping mall. Without these applications, no matter how smooth and fast the operating system is, no one will need it.

This is ecology.

Ecology is so important that IBM has tried, Motorola has tried, SUN has struggled, and even INTEL wants to get rid of the WinTel alliance. What happened? Tens of billions of dollars have been spent, in vain! (pc system, not server)

(It should be explained here that the ISA (instruction set) of the CPU is the basis of the software ecosystem; conversely, the development of the CPU also requires the support of the software ecosystem.)


There is a term in economics called "path dependence", which is similar to "inertia" in physics: once you choose to enter a certain path (whether it is "good" or "bad"), you may This path generates dependencies. This word is really suitable for the rails.

The standard rail was proposed by Britain, which was the first to use railways. The original designer designed the tram. The width of the track of the tram comes from the track width of the carriage. How did the track of the carriage come from?

It was decided by ancient Rome two thousand years ago based on the width of the buttocks of two horses.

It is also these two buttocks that determine the width of the contemporary American rocket propulsion (because it requires rail transportation).

This is path dependence.

So when we stand in the 21st century, we see those operating systems, mobile phone OS, excel's 1900 leap year problem, RISC processors with hardware compilers, etc. are all caused by historical baggage.

So here comes the question:

Flower growers have no professionals who can design instruction sets, no programmers who can make programming languages ​​popular all over the world, or even any pioneering technologies that can get rid of path dependence, all chip instruction sets, programming languages, application software, etc. All developed in America

Therefore, for the CPU and operating system known to the general public, in the flower planter it is


We can't do it!


Maybe someone thought of Android.

It's open source and free. Unlike Apple, which has obtained ARM instruction-level authorization, all programs on IPHONE are ARM native applications.

From the beginning of its birth, Google has required all programs to be written in JAVA and run on DALVIK (a virtual machine developed by Google), and it is unwilling to see that ARM is the only one in the mobile phone field. It hopes to give MIPS, X86 and other CPUs a Chance.

For flower growers, it is even the savior of many domestic mobile phone manufacturers!

But so what?

JAVA——sun company.

Such a simple example tells us: Even if Android is subject to few ISA shackles, please take a look at its software development ecology.

What is the purpose of our pursuit of an autonomous operating system? Isn't it just to not be controlled by others?

So what about programming languages? What about SUN's patents? Are you out of control?


Not only that, even if Zhao Song acquires Android, Google can still develop Quanzhuo and Taozhuo. Even if Tesla has the background, ability, and human resources to reach the height of Android in the previous life, it must not be forgotten that Tesla is after all Terminal manufacturers, other mobile phone manufacturers will not cultivate a father for themselves.

As for doing a closed loop like Apple?

In 2012, there was a news that wrote:

"According to the Law of the Flower Planters, enterprises that carry out business in the territory of the Flower Planters, at the same time, the annual revenue of the global market exceeds 10 billion yuan (about 1.55 billion US dollars), and the annual revenue of the Flower Planters market exceeds 400 million yuan. must be approved by the government department."

"Tianhua agrees to Google's proposal to acquire Motorola's mobile phone business."

"The flower planting government requires Android to be free and open source for at least five years."

If the florist in the above news is replaced by the United States, and Google is replaced by Tesla with its own operating system, what will happen?

There is no doubt that the ZTE incident is ahead of schedule.


This is unsolvable.

Not to mention that there is no road, surrounded by iron walls, there is no possibility of even getting out of the road.

Therefore, it is impossible for Zhao Song to be an operating system now.

And what he wants to do is

Come the other way.

Remember those super apps mentioned earlier?

What Zhao Song has to do is to make a reverse layout based on the premise of 5G, big data, cloud computing, data centers, and software and hardware development in 2018.

That is to see, the Internet ecology!


May 2003.

Apple has sold out all the shares of ARM and raised nearly 20 US dollars of funds. One year later, a top-secret project team called Iphone will start to form;

The father of Android was still hiding in an unknown corner. Five months later, Android was founded.

In the flower planter, Taobao was established and began to block the invasion of Ebay head-on; in Beijing, an e-commerce website called Jingxi Mall was struggling to move forward amidst SARS.

On May 4th, according to the itinerary of a certain deputy T-level cadre, Zhao Song did not wait for Da Da's brother-in-law to come to his door, but greeted another important guest in advance.

A guest he had studied for two years and waited for two years.


"Are you nervous?"

Ziyu Mountain Villa, in the beautiful garden of the community, used to be a part-time Tesla retailer, and the beauty teacher Ning Zheng asked her husband with a smile.

"I'm not nervous."

Wang Xin shook his head nervously, and couldn't even get interested in teasing the alpaca not far away, "I just found out that I can still live like this if I have money?"

"Isn't it just that the community garden is bigger and there are a few more animals? How else can I live?" Jiao Ning took her husband's hand and said disapprovingly, "OCT is not bad!"

right! not bad!

Wang Xin, who came from a poor family, nodded affirmatively. Through his own efforts, he is better off than 99% of the people in the country!

Looking at his wife's slightly protruding belly, Wang Xin suddenly remembered her performance at Tesla's Xidan flagship store two years ago, and suddenly asked with a smile, "What kind of company is Tesla that makes you pregnant?" I'm reluctant to leave my job even when I'm pregnant. It's not that I can't afford you."


Jiao Ning gently stroked her lower abdomen, and whispered: "Because when our child is born, we will receive a gift signed by the richest man who grows flowers."


Seeing Wang Xin's depressed look, Jiao Ning smiled and took her husband's hand, "If you are interested in the benefits of Tesla employees, I will explain it to you. Regarding your question, I can only Tell you a few little things about Tesla, and find the answer yourself."

"you say."

"Every new employee who joins Tesla will receive a text message called Tesla's leadership principles at the first time. In the most prominent position of this text message, it says Tesla's first leadership guidelines : Obsession with customer experience (Customer Obsession): We care about our competitors, but we will focus more on how to win and maintain customers' trust in the company. Perhaps most companies will talk about the importance of customers, But at Tesla, this leadership principle is much more than a slogan, and actually governs every aspect of its operations."

"Tesla's annual report always includes a letter written by Zhao Song to shareholders in 2001. The letter repeatedly emphasized that the company's priority is not short-term profits, but long-term customer value. Correspondingly, the company's employees The most important part of the evaluation is whether he embodies and promotes the implementation of leadership principles, not the income or profits he brings.”

"Every Tesla customer can write to Zhao Song's public mailbox to report problems and get answers. Zhao Song will personally forward the issues he thinks are important to the responsible department. Such forwarded emails have a specific policy in Tesla. The title: ZEscalation. The department that receives this email must provide a detailed incident analysis, solution, and how to avoid similar incidents from happening again within 24 hours."

"Okay, okay..." Wang Xin rubbed his forehead and said with a headache, "I know Tesla is very good, but apart from being invited to meet its founder today, I didn't receive any attention from it. .”


Jiao Ning rolled his eyes at him, and said disdainfully, "I don't value your words, why did someone ask my old lady to agree to your request for a dinner two years ago?"

"...What?" Wang Xin looked at Yang Yin's wife dumbfounded.

"Old Wang, I married you because I discovered your sincerity and potential when you pursued me." Jiao Ning, a former Tesla flag part-time salesman, turned to face her current husband and said solemnly , "But if Tesla didn't pay attention, do you think you can persuade me to promise you to eat with your appearance that you have never seen in the world?"

After hearing what his wife said, Wang Xin's brain froze, and he bulged his throat, as if he had suffered a major blow, and asked with difficulty: "What do you mean?"


Seeing her husband's lost appearance, Jiao Ning slapped him hard and said fiercely: "Yes, it was Zhao Song who asked me to find out about you, but let me tell you Wang Xin, my old lady can be said to be the most failed person." undercover, because I lost myself in it~"


Wang Xin, a former poor boy from the countryside, after years of hard work, finally led his team to set up a software outsourcing company. Not only did he become a city resident, but he also married a beautiful wife.

The hardships and hardships involved are inhumane.

However, even Wang Xin, who has gone through countless ups and downs, is still shocked by what his wife said today.

However, as the world's top programmer, Wang Xin, a mysterious tycoon in the Internet world, would never have imagined that what shocked him the most this day was not his wife's words, but another question from the richest man in flower planting.

Half an hour later, in the luxurious King's Villa.

After exchanging pleasantries, the richest man who planted flowers like a boy next door handed Wang Xin a cigarette, and asked with a smile:

"Mr. Wang, you know about Netscape."

Wang Xin nodded ignorantly.

"That's good."

Zhao Song smiled gratifiedly, and then asked the question that shocked the top programmers as if nothing had happened:


I mean, if, in the field of web technology and web development, only one development language can survive 20 years from today, combined with another long-lived technical specification (HTML), it can be compatible with the latest development of all hardware. A common software development platform.”

"Then" Wang Xin replied dumbfounded, "Mr. Zhao, you should know, that's impossible."

"I said what if."

Zhao Song waved his hand and asked decisively, "If that's the case, what will happen?"

"If you say that." Wang Xin's eyes gradually lit up, and then it seemed that dazzling flames erupted, causing Zhao Song to narrow his eyes, and saw him stand up dancing, and shouted frantically: "If In that case, coupled with the development of hardware to a certain extent, Netscape's vision will eventually be realized.

Fuck the operating system!

In that case, all applications, not only Penguin, Sound Field, web browsing, even large-scale online games, various professional applications, and all applications.

Mr. Zhao, I'm talking about everything, all of which can be realized on the webpage! "

I wrote this chapter with 3450 words in two days, and I have been looking up information and thinking.

It doesn’t matter if book lovers don’t understand, the meaning expressed in this chapter is:

Standing at the current (2020) height, the operating system really has nothing to worry about. Instead, what we have to worry about is: Why don’t so many large Internet companies have a completely independent operating system kernel?


Why do you write like this?

Because the crueler the reality, the more frank YY is in the online novel.

However, many Huahua netizens do not know how cruel the reality is.

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