Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 569: The Strategy Hidden in the Cloud

In the future, ISA will be less important.

In the long run, semiconductor manufacturers will have weaker control over the ecosystem built on ISA, and ISA itself will become less and less important, which is determined by the development trend of software technology, and these technologies In the 1990s, it has already become a small success.

Netscape Navigator, many professional terms and functions of browsers are derived from it, such as cookies, web frame, JS, etc. are all defined in this browser.

This lunatic company has repeatedly tried to create a network application operating system that allows users to operate through a browser, that is to say, through a browser, users can manipulate a remote operating system without requiring a local computer to install an operating system . (The netbooks and Chromebooks launched by Google a few years ago defined laptops as browsers, and all operations must be connected to the Internet to complete. The performance of the local computer only needs to support basic networking and video playback, and everything else is handed over to the Internet. Leave it to the server to handle.)

At this time, in response to the growing strength of Netscape, Microsoft directly purchased the source code of the prototype version of the Netscape Navigator browser, which is the first version of the browser made by Mark Anderson when he was in college. Then, after the modification, it will be released, which is the IE browser.

This is Microsoft's housekeeping skill. Many interviews have also mentioned how Microsoft's operating system came about. Basically, it is like this after you buy it and change it, it becomes your own.

Well, in the next few years, penguins will carry forward this housekeeping skill and grow flowers shiningly.


In the villa, Zhao Song shook his head slightly, put aside his messy thoughts, and then waved his hand to signal the excited Wang Xin to sit down and talk.

The scene Wang Xin mentioned didn't come true when he returned from death.

But he is willing to try. Even if the attempt fails, the things derived from this attempt will be beneficial and harmless to Tesla.

Because he knows a miracle that everyone turns a blind eye to in the field of web development-VBscript is dead, Dart has failed, leaving only Javascript standing in the future!

"Atwood's Law: Any application system that can be implemented in Javascript will eventually be implemented in Javascript."

This was proposed by Jeff, the founder of Stack overflow in 2007 in the last space-time. Ten years later, this law basically works, and ASM.JS and its subsequent webassembly, which treats a subset of Javascript as assembly language, make web applications more effective. Comparable to the potential of native applications, it is not a problem to run Unity3d games in the browser!

Zhao Song took out a document, handed it to the calm Wang Xin, and said with a smile:

"Don't get excited, it's just an idea I plan to try, you can read the information first."

Seeing that Wang Xin read the information seriously, Zhao Song continued to introduce:

"Two years ago, in exchange, some of the money I earned in the financial market had to be invested in the U.S. stock market, so I took advantage of the trend to acquire several technology companies and obtained some technology licenses."

Wang Xin looked up from the information and asked in a low voice, "Mozilla?"

"Yes, Mozilla." Zhao Song nodded. "After Netscape was acquired by America Online, some people went to Microsoft, some went to Google, and some went to the open source community to continue pursuing their own persistence."

Speaking of this, Zhao Song looked at Wang Xin and joked, "As a technical leader in the community, I believe you are familiar with those people, right?"

Wang Xin was ashamed. On the Internet, he was the boss of small and medium-sized companies. In reality, he knew his role very clearly. He didn't expect to be picked out by Zhao Song.

"There are people still working on the brand new Netscape browser, and there's the last group of people who are doing this Mozilla. America Online funded it until 2001, because of the Internet crash, and the relationship with Time Warner, Tess La took it over."

This is the forward-looking layout of the richest man. The most powerful man in the open source circle, he didn't know that Mozilla had changed his employer in the past two years. Wang Xin silently guessed in his heart.

"The purpose of your coming to me is."

Hearing Wang Xin's question, Zhao Song pointed to the mobile phone on the table, and said, "Based on the Mozilla kernel, first, host the development of a browser for feature phones. similar to UC); second, make a web browser that conforms to the habits of domestic users.”

Wang Xin looked at Zhao Song in surprise, and asked, "Are you going to outsource?"


Zhao Song denied his guess, "I will buy your team."

"If it's just those two projects," Wang Xin shook his head, "outsourcing is much more cost-effective than buying my company."

"Those two projects are just a test of your ability." Zhao Song said with a smile, "Tesla is already a member of the W3C organization, so in the future, it will participate in organizing the formulation of HTML standards, authorize the Mozilla kernel to all manufacturers for free, and establish domestic Open source websites and formulating API (application programming interface) specifications are what Tesla's chief software technology officer should do."

"Where's Frank?" Wang Xin was surprised. He didn't expect it to be such an important position.

"He proved himself in Tesla and fulfilled his previous dream, so..." Zhao Song shrugged, "For a foreigner, it's easy to think about it, so he's going to make a career in other fields."

Zhao Song did not say what the founder of MP3 would do.

"...Mr. Zhao"

Wang Xin thought for a long time before saying with difficulty, "I need time to think about it, and I have to inform my team."

"Should be." Zhao Song nodded, then pointed to the information in his hand and said: "Mr. Wang, if the system is a platform, then the browser is the entrance to the Internet, and grasping this entrance will control the future.

The bundled sales of Shenzhou and Tesla can bring countless users to it, and keeping these users is the main task of Tesla software engineers.

Mr. Wang, the information needs to be kept confidential. Whether you agree or not, I hope you can rot to your stomach what you saw today. "

Wang Xin nodded solemnly. If what he saw today spreads out, it will cause an uproar:

Shenzhou is the major shareholder of Penguin, and Zhao Song holds a stake in Shenzhou; Shanda acquired Sina, and Zhao Song is the major shareholder of Shanda; Zhongguancun Holdings invested in Jingxi Mall, which is Zhao Song's personal enterprise; because of music piracy, Tesla sued Qiandu, The two parties are negotiating the Qiandu share compensation agreement, and Zhao Song is the founder of Tesla

Although I don't know the relationship between these Internet companies and Zhao Song's browser strategy, the next strategy of the richest man in Huahua can definitely be the Internet!

But Wang Xin was wrong.

Zhao Song's real strategic goal is a wireless Internet-based chip ecosystem.

No matter how unimportant the ISA of the CPU is in the future, it will always be the basis of all systems. On this basis, only a sound ecology can make it develop.

And Zhao Song's real goal of coming back is to prepare an ecology floating in the clouds, waiting for that moment to come!

There is such a line in the movie "The Grandmaster": "Why does the knife have a sheath, not for killing, but for hiding."

Now, only Zhao Song knows that the real entrance to the Internet is not a system or a browser at all, but those

Super APP!

Or in other words, a browser that integrates all super apps.


"Mr. Zhao, when the browser comes out, will it be called Mozilla?"

Before leaving, Wang Xin asked this question.


Zhao Song shook his head, thought for a while, and then said slowly:

"It's called 'Firefox'!"

I'm very sorry, I suffered a sudden illness and was dizzy for two days.

Another paroxysmal, tachycardia disease, depressed.

It may be easier to write after the technical issues are laid out.

Sorry again.


Wang Xin is a fictional character.

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