Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 570 Slapping in the Face Extremely Quickly

(There will be a little technical explanation, there will be less in the future)

Firefox will be open source, free, and released under the BSD license, and Tesla will be responsible for maintaining, upgrading, and improving user experience.

If Tesla is doing logistics, then Firefox is the road repair tool that Tesla provides to all major Internet companies. It not only repairs itself, but also provides tools for others to repair. Others can take his tools for free to build roads. Later, Tesla's road repair tools were used in many places, and the roads repaired were all Tesla standards (one of the HTML developers). Tesla's own large trucks can run fast, and it costs What is only tool money.

At that time, an ecology hidden in the cloud will quietly form.

Some people say that other big factories are fools? Can't do it yourself?

That’s right, Microsoft is an idiot. Based on its insensitivity to the Internet, it is known as the Internet Shabi. Because Google can’t stand the poor performance of IE, it took 10 years, and the peak was developed and maintained by 1,000 programmers, before they made Chromium The browser overlord. Based on the salary of programmers in the United States, this free and open source project spent nearly 3 billion US dollars.

Expensive, but worth it!

Google Map, Google Earth, GMail, Driver...these Google services all leave an entry on the browser based on their own kernel, and run smoothly.

This is ecology.

Of course, what Google needs is its own ecology, but what Zhao Song wants is the Internet ecology for planting flowers.

So here comes the problem - the Internet of flower growers is too dirty!


In 2000, a host named Li Jing established a cultural media company with her sister and singer Dai Jun. She became famous through the column "Super Visit". A few years later, she will bring to the Internet Shopping malls, after a while, she would say: "In the entertainment circle, those stars also have their own little vanity and small calculations, but compared to the darkness of the Internet shopping malls, they are still pure."

This is a polite way of saying it, because if it's just a business matter, Zhao Song has no burden at all, isn't he more wicked than anyone else? There is nothing to be afraid of. The scientist named Lin Benjian was admitted to the hospital every three months on average, but no one said what was wrong with him? !

What he is afraid of is another situation, and netizens who pay a little attention to Internet gossip can find this:

That is, as this group of Internet Warring States heroes create an Internet empire, there will be a group of people in the flower planters who have money and power, and will emerge from various industries, fields, and corners. Come on, they learn what the hell the Internet is all about, and then... unspeakable things happen.

Dirtier and darker!


"I don't understand. With your temperament that dares to scold anyone, there are still people you are afraid of?"

The next day, the big leader Wei Liang came to the door quietly, and after understanding Zhao Song's worries, he asked with a smile.

"It scares me a lot!"

Zhao Song exaggeratedly exclaimed, "I have benefited from our country's political system, so I must be familiar with and abide by its rules. Of course I know who can and cannot be scolded."

The straightforward words made Wei Liang laugh:

"It's over, so what are you worried about?"


A drawing board was photographed in front of Wei Liang's eyes:

"This is a penguin, do you know how many people can see it as a pop-up window?"


Wei Liang nodded, the smile on his face disappeared, and he vaguely understood what Zhao Song was worried about.


Another drawing board.

"This is a blog planting flowers. Do you understand how much social influence a hot topic can cause?"

Wei Liang asked in surprise, "This has something to do with you too?"

"It has nothing to do with me, but in 2001 I bought a lot of home and Internet stocks in the US stock market. How difficult do you think it is to copy this with the influence and resource integration capabilities of those portal websites?"

"It's not difficult."

Wei Liang nodded in agreement, and then fell into thinking.

"Public opinion, publicity, discourse power, and social influence, do you think I can take on such a big responsibility with my helpless body?"

"...I can't bear it."

While talking, Wei Liang suddenly laughed, and he looked at Zhao Song strangely, "But why do you want to take the responsibility?"


Zhao Song opened his eyes wide.

"You are just a shareholder, not the operator of those Internet companies, why should you be held responsible?"

"Because I want to influence them to a certain extent."

"What kind of influence?"

"Aspects of business strategy."


Wei Liang spread his hands, "Since it's a business, what are you worried about?"

"I'm afraid that in the future someone will use illegal means to snatch my shares~"

"Who snatched it?"


How did I know! Zhao Song scratched his head, although the child's mother was considered the second generation in his previous life, the family didn't look down on him and didn't let him get involved in the matter.

"Zhao Song," Wei Liang looked at Zhao Song gently, and asked with a chuckle, "Do you feel that the group of people you are worried about includes yourself?"

"What the hell?"

Zhao Song opened his mouth wide.


The gentle and refined Wei Liang stretched out a big hand, intending to count Zhao Song one by one. He has a Chinese character face, and the indescribable hair shape seems to match such a face. People can tell at a glance that this is an official. In this regard, it seems that all officials of flower growers have this virtue:

"Tesla invested in Pyeongchang, how many officials have been promoted?

Shenzhou achieved amazing profits in the memory war, and how many officials have been promoted?

What about Shenzhou listing?

What about Shenzhou's acquisition of IBM's PC division?

How about Shenzhou entering the world's top 500? "


Zhao Song was speechless, of course he knew about it, the Internet rumors in his previous life were a bit scary.

"Also, what about the huge investments of your companies in various places?"

Wei Liang snapped off the last finger, then leaned forward, and moved closer to Zhao Song, "Now is the era when the economy is in charge. The more investment you attract, the greater your political achievements. Am I right?"

Zhao Song nodded and replied seriously: "That's right!"

"So," Wei Liang stretched out his hand again, "Beijing, Shanghai, local governments, telecommunications departments of Shenzhou shareholders, banking departments, and"

Wei Liang thought for a while, "I remember that some time ago, many companies, departments and the State Grid jointly launched the power supply 80 PLUS national energy-saving incentive certification program. You promoted it?"

"That's right."

Zhao Song's eyes brightened as he listened.

"Then add energy"

Wei Liang broke off the last finger again, and asked amusedly, "So, what are you worried about, and what kind of rich and powerful do you think would find it hard to find you like this?"

Speaking of this, Wei Liang got stuck, and it took a long time before he continued, "The model of reform and development that the country has shown to the world, the pioneer of integrated circuits, the pathfinder of the Internet, and the builder of the local economy, are all still struggling. To please the labor-intensive industries, and not to grab the jobs of those with vested interests. So, don’t talk about messing with you, it’s too late to coax you, for fear of leading you to your own industry to grab jobs.”

Hearing brother-in-law Da Da's words, Zhao Song's grin got bigger and bigger, and he smiled embarrassedly: "Should I be proud for a while?"

"What you should be most proud of is putting yourself in the right position and never forming a clique!"

Wei Liang stood up and patted Zhao Song on the shoulder appreciatively, "The position is right, even a huge amount of shares is willing to give away, so what if you control a small Internet company?

Zhao Song, don't underestimate our government. "

That's because you don't know how powerful these small Internet companies will be in the future!

Zhao Song shook his head helplessly, but he still accepted brother-in-law Da Da's explanation, and for the first time faced up to his potential energy, thinking that there were so many people who owed him favors, he couldn't help feeling elated, although he didn't dare because Selfish desires use what.

"Then..." Zhao Song looked at brother-in-law Da Da cautiously, "I'm just doing business layout in this area?"

"Go for it!"

Wei Liang laughed loudly, "The world is selfless in my heart, with the country as your backing, what are you afraid of!"

This is official language, and Zhao Song didn't believe it. If he believed it, he would be a stick, but he took this reassurance.

For a moment, he couldn't help but began to look forward to the future Internet empire, and he didn't come back to his senses until he sent his brother-in-law to the gate of the villa.

However, standing at the door of the luxurious villa, under the motionless gaze of two live lions, Zhao Song, who was full of pride, was just about to say something when he was woken up by a gust of cold water. Even the senior official Wei Liang was stunned by his words.


"You are Zhao Song?"

This blunt sentence is that biting ice water.

Wei Liang, who was slapped in the face, looked around and saw the two young men ignoring him, staring at the richest flower planter with half-smiles.

The two young people are having a personal dispute, which has nothing to do with business or ZZ.

Some people still don't understand the technology, I will explain in the follow-up plot, too many technical introductions delay the writing speed, and also affect the reading experience.

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