Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 575 Love and Career

Five hours later, Paris.

Rose petals rippling in the pure white bathtub, two or three petals are raised in the air with delicate hands like bamboo shoots, and then fall down. Between the petals, a faintly visible porcelain body quietly stands up.

Bright eyes and white teeth, slender willow waist, like beautiful flowers shining in the water, like a weak willow supporting the wind, at this moment, at least in the eyes of French assistant, Emma, ​​Li Linna is the representative of oriental beauty.

Putting a white bathrobe on the body of this 1.76-meter-tall woman, Emma's eyes flashed with a look of admiration, and she said quietly:

"President, Miss Li Wei is in the living room."

"Ask her to wait a moment."

The sound of spring water and a trickle drifted past Emma's ears, making her fall into a brief intoxication:


Li Lingna, who was out of the water, gave Emma a slight smile to express her gratitude. She didn't put on her bathrobe, but walked into the huge bedroom naked, and took off her bathrobe, showing her tenderness under the service of several female professionals. Waist and temples, drink the special nutrient solution, and then lie on the health care bed to receive private customized care.

It has been two years since I came to Europe, and now no one can see that this is a "poor girl" who came out of the hard work in the poor countryside.

"It belongs to only one person!"

Half an hour later, in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Li Linna looked at her flawless body and muttered silently.

Afterwards, under the service of the servants, she wore a nightgown with mysterious auspicious cloud patterns on the bed, and then walked towards the reception room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay," the strong woman Li Wei smiled, anyone could see the dissatisfaction on her face because of the long wait, "Weiwei Group is the global general manager of LeTV, and you are the God of Wealth for all of us, no matter how long you wait It doesn't matter."

Li Linna smiled sweetly, Yu Xia Chengqi did not care about Li Wei's dissatisfaction.

"Weiwei Group hopes to win the exclusive rights of several styles in your big show."

Li Wei took out a contract.

Li Linna was noncommittal and said indifferently: "If it's about business issues, I think it's more appropriate for you to go to LeTV's business department."

"But according to the agreement Zhao Song signed with you, it seems that you own most of the copyrights that you personally own."

Li Wei was unmoved.

"That's right," Li Linna shrugged, "But I don't seem to have fulfilled this agreement, have I?"


Li Wei was silent for a while, then suddenly changed the subject and asked, "In this case, why don't you go back?"

Brushing her half-wet hair, Li Linna rolled her eyes, looked at Li Wei with a half-smile and said:

"Why should I go back? If I don't go back, isn't it good for you thoughtful women?"

Li Wei was not surprised by Li Linna's ridicule. She shook her head amusedly and said, "As the president of the Weiwei Group, I hope that all partners will stabilize their mentality, after all."

While talking, Li Wei spread her hands and said helplessly, "He is so young, but for some reason, his temper is becoming more and more impetuous."

Li Linna was not surprised, and asked with a smile: "Is this why you came?"

"Yes," Li Wei admitted, "it is also the hope of his subordinates, partners, cooperative shareholders, and superior leaders!"

"That should be Ding Tao," Li Linna looked at Li Wei sarcastically, "Who are you?"

After hearing Li Linna's words, Li Wei froze and became annoyed.


"I can't have a baby!"


Li Wei was stunned.

"Otherwise, to me." Li Linna didn't even look at Li Wei's surprised look. She laughed mockingly, "To me, what do threats from you women count? Those pressures are nothing!

Maybe you will think that I came to Zhao Song's side to take advantage of the fire and enjoy the benefits, but what's the matter? I do not care!

I don't care about anyone's opinion except Zhao Song!

As long as he can be good, I am willing to do anything"

Li Linna's voice suddenly became low, and she only heard her say in a low voice: "Including having a baby, a few are fine!"

"What...what's the reason?" Li Wei asked with a complicated expression.

"The root cause of the disease is the overwork left after hours. That's why I put all the money I earned into personal maintenance." Li Linna looked at Li Wei with a half-smile, "Are you gloating, or are you secretly happy?"

Li Wei was annoyed: "Am I that kind of person?"

"Yes! You are all that kind of woman!"

Li Linna stood up and said angrily.

"Us?" Li Wei asked in surprise.

"You, Hao Ying, are even quiet."

"Why is there no Betty?" Li Wei diverged her thoughts.

"Pfft~" After listening to Li Wei's culture, she leaned forward and back with a smile on her long legs. After a long time, she stood up, leaned close to Li Wei, and said fiercely, "I hope it's that silly girl Betty, after all, she The help to Zhao Song is the greatest."

"..." Li Wei was silent.

"Li Wei, I belong to him!

All my life is his!

I don't know why he's in such a hurry to have a baby, so my best hope is to get well soon and get back to him before you bitches with different intentions get it! "

The words are dirty, but the reasoning is not rough, because no matter what Li Linna's original purpose is, she has never cheated Zhao Song, unlike them.

She stared blankly at the big long legs leaving, until she walked into the bedroom, Li Wei heard her last words:

"Zhao Song wants me to go back, because he said: feelings are not encountered, but created.

So Li Wei, put away your wishful thinking, because the longer who stays by his side now, the greater the chance. "


The bedroom was closed tightly, and a low sobbing sound came from Li Wei's ear, it was so painful and heart-piercing!


Life is never easy.

Even if he is reborn and rich, he no longer needs to humble himself in front of women, but there are still countless troubles waiting for Zhao Song.

Be it emotionally or professionally

Oh, no, it should be lost in the East, harvested in Sangyu—the emotional loss is compensated in the career.


May 7.

The open source community founded by Tesla is launched globally, and the Chinese version is the main push. Its main role, in addition to improving the Foxfire core and ecological plug-ins, is to standardize the development standards in the field of flower growers in the subtle way, and minimize various The talent training and project development standards of big Internet companies, regardless of whether it has anything to do with Zhao Song or not.

Ten hours later, the open source community was down for fifteen minutes.

Half an hour later, Tesla's backup chief software engineer, accompanied by Zhao Song, came to Tesla's temporary office in 798 and met all his staff.

In a way that shocked him beyond compare.

In that huge open workshop, the elites of Tesla's software division gathered together, and under the watchful eyes of their bosses and new leaders, they spoke one after another.

The Tesla system and security engineer said: "I will look at the logs of the Load Balancer and the web server. I want to analyze where the traffic comes from and the distribution of time points. Is it a security problem? I can block the source and add Auto-Protect."

Tesla DBA said: "Give me a temporary permission, I want to look at the database log, is there a bottleneck there?"

The Tesla background programmer said: "Give me the log files of the application layer. I want to analyze whether it is related to the latest release. If so, which change is it, what is the root cause, and we should fix it."

The front-end programmer said to the back-end programmer: "Can you first check which specific page is it and which operation comes from the front-end user? I want to know whether the front-end can be optimized and refactored, and large requests can be divided into small requests to reduce request frequency and request lazy loading. , to cache more resources and reduce background burden."

The test engineer said: "I want to know if the front end can be optimized and refactored, large requests can be divided into small requests, the frequency of requests can be reduced, requests can be lazy loaded, more resources can be cached, and the burden on the background can be reduced."

The director of product operations said: "We need a more friendly error page. In this case, the platform can at least not let the browser hang up, the user waits, and the client should have better feedback."


The division of labor is clear, and there is no random throwing of the pot, but each performs its duties in an extremely responsible manner.

Such a scene, not only the new supervisor Wang Xin, but even the team he brought were stunned.

This... This is the working environment that all programmers dream of, and this makes them encounter it like this?

"Wang Xin!"

A soft drink interrupted Wang Xin's daze. Zhao Song looked at him with a frown and said dissatisfiedly: "You will have time to familiarize yourself with Tesla's corporate culture in the future. Now, solve the problem!"


Wang Xin settled down, looked around for a week and looked at his elites with sophisticated eyes, and finally recovered the demeanor of the boss of a small company (technical boss):

He said to the system security engineer: "Look at the server resources, whether there is a system error, or a bottleneck, you need to increase resources, servers, hard disks, memory, processes."

He said to the DBA: "I may need to give the database more memory, to optimize the database, I may have to take it down for maintenance at some point."

He said to the previous paragraph: "Check to see if there are any bad requests from the previous paragraph."

He said to the test engineer: "If there is an error in the application layer, we need to write an API automatic test."

He asked about product operations: "We also need faster error notifications. The current emails are not enough. I want to access text messages and send three messages per minute. Automatic calls are better.

By the way, is there a rollback plan? "


He opened Tesla's internal IM, opened various layers of code, opened multiple terminals, and put forward his opinions in various chat rooms.


Then, the problem was discovered, the bug was dealt with, and 1 hour and 18 minutes later, the community went online again globally. ,

This is Wang Xin, the chief candidate software engineer who Zhao Song inspected for two years, a technical leader hidden in the network, who has the awareness of understanding problems at all levels and the ability to solve problems.


Full stack engineer.

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