Wang Xin's debut show was amazing. He convinced the elites of Tesla's software department with his solid and comprehensive knowledge system.

full marks.

This is Zhao Song's evaluation of Wang Xin's debut.

But the open source community and the browser are long-term, ten-year strategic projects. Whether it can become a spark that can start a prairie fire in the future depends on Tesla's investment level and some luck.

As an alternate chief technology officer, Wang Xin's task is certainly not just this one.


798 Park.

Walking behind Zhao Song with a beautiful and outrageous woman, Wang Xin felt a little thirsty.

"That's Bai Li, the owner of Yiren Chain Group, who has closed down due to the epidemic, and came to Tesla to visit and study these days." Zhao Song, who was walking in front, introduced.

"Oh." Wang Xin and Betty nodded their heads. He only stayed on that stunning face for a moment, then quickly looked away.

Zhao Song didn't see Wang Xin's appearance behind him. He walked in front with his hands behind his back like a little old man, and said to himself: "Tesla's headquarters base was built here before it was built. There are three large factories, all It’s from the original 750 factory area.”

"Director Gui Luyang will introduce you to the overall situation of the company in a while. The US stock market will be listed soon, so there will be your option award agreement in the contract. I suggest you hire a private lawyer to check it out."

"Also, company executives will allocate housing, in Beiqijia, villas.

It is not a central villa area, but it is close to the old river bend, so it can be regarded as a place with the wind and water, so although there are restrictions on buying and selling, I still recommend you to choose carefully.

By the way, prepare the relevant procedures, and the company will handle your Beijing household registration for you as soon as possible. "

"In the future, you will be the top executive of the company and will be directly responsible to me, so you must have a thorough understanding of some of the company's strategic plans."

"Except for the open source community and browser projects, all your other work tasks are carried out around the company's strategic goals. If you lag behind in it, I will get mad!"

Wang Xin didn't know the consequences of Zhao Song's anger. At this moment, listening to the detailed chatter in his ears and the surprising benefits made him feel extremely warm. Especially when they came to a huge factory building and saw many Tesla executives lined up in front of the door to greet them, the warmth reached its peak.

Those people are participants in half of the world's classic business cases since the new century; they are the top business stars of florists; and they are excellent management talents pursued by major multinational companies. Now they all stood quietly in front of him, facing him, with kind expressions on their faces.

"This is Wang Xin, the future Tesla T system and software engineering director."

Following Zhao Song's introduction, Wang Xin quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"Ding Tao, chief operating officer."

"Gui Luyang, human resources."

"Shi Ming, T system hardware engineer."

"Jack Chen, legal counsel."

"Dongfangjian, industrial design."

"Zhao Rong, communication and mobile device advertising."

"Liu Cong, marketing."

"Hong Tao, global security."

"Qin Hai, operate (inside)."

"Liao Yingzhu is not here. He is currently completing his second doctoral degree in the United States, and concurrently serves as Tesla's risk and cost control director and investment department director."

"Frank isn't here, Software.

"Peter Jackson (late hire) is out, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer."

"Jiang Fanke Lanqi is not here, President of Tesla Europe."

"The presidents of North America, South America, and Asia are not here, and all the foreign executives are not here today."

"Internet operations, vacancy."

"I, the chairman, the president, the creative director, and the head of the R\u0026D department."

"The above constitutes Tesla's first-level management system. Below us is the second-level management that includes 47 departments. Under Director Wang Xin's software engineering department, it also includes: software technology, developers There are 13 departments including relationship maintenance, Tpad marketing, system technical engineering, browser, project management, and software marketing.

Director Wang Xin's main task is to develop a second main business for Tesla besides Tpod and T series desktops, which is also a new profit point. "


Following Zhao Song's introduction, Wang Xin shook hands with every executive respectfully, and then naturally stood at the end of the line, listening to Zhao Song's speech with them. At this moment, no matter how stupid Wang Xin was, he understood that these people were waiting here, not just to greet him.

Even Bai Li resisted the urge to go up to Guan Gui Luyang to ask for an autograph, and quietly took two steps back, leaving the stage to her friend, classmate Zhao Song.

In the distance, there were many bodyguards, blocking the gradually gathering crowd.

Nearby, in front of the German-style factory building, Zhao Song's expression gradually became serious, making the atmosphere dignified.

"At the time of the final preparations for Tesla's listing, our underwriters even brought together 13 of the world's top 20 investment banks, which is unprecedented."

Of course, it is unprecedented. This emerging technology company with a cash flow of more than 3 billion US dollars could have been less anxious to go public, but in order to keep pace with the latest technology in the European and American markets, this unprecedented listing event was created: unprecedented IPO scale, unprecedented wealth creation myth, unprecedented media attention.

At this moment, Bai Li finally realized that Zhao Song, who was with her day and night these days, should be the one who should pursue the signature the most?

Looking at the young face not far away, Betty shook her head quickly, suppressing the absurd thoughts in her heart:

"I don't care if he asks for an autograph!"

Maybe it's because of her compulsion, or some other inexplicable mentality, but Betty forbids any further thoughts about Zhao Song, even admiration.

"Based on this, we cannot deny that Tesla's listing is more or less politically charged, so in view of the aggressive posture I have shown in my foreign strategy in the past two years, the upper management advises me"

Speaking of this, Zhao Song tilted his head and laughed at himself, "I don't know what those ghosts said to the government, but capital is profit-seeking, let me compromise, it's nothing more than wanting to make a difference in stock pricing. Take advantage of it, but!"

Zhao Song emphasized his tone:

"However, once the pricing does not meet my inner tone, I will stop Tesla's listing operation at any time!

Please be sure to convey my thoughts to the outside world clearly. "

"Boss," Ding Tao stepped forward and asked respectfully, "What's your psychological price?"

His meticulous attire and handsome face made Bai Li pleasing to the eye at first glance, unlike the one in the middle, who was getting fatter and fatter, it was really hard to appreciate.

"My psychological price is 50% higher than their quotation!" Zhao Song replied irrationally. Those shameless capitalists were able to lower the reserve price by 30% in Google's IPO. He didn't think that those people would show any kindness in the matter of Tesla's IPO.


"I won't go in. Wang Xin's induction ceremony will be presided over by Ding Tao and Director Gui."

"Yes." Ding Tao nodded.

"Oh, by the way," Zhao Song called Betty to his side. Zhao Song suddenly remembered something and turned around and said, "All negotiations are conducted domestically, so no matter how weak our country is internationally, I only know that Tesla is a global leader. Technology companies, if I hear any ghost dare to express disdain, discrimination and negative emotions during negotiations, and make a big fuss about their advanced ideology, I will go crazy!"


"Modern genetic engineering tells us that our primitive ancestors in this land were white, black, and yellow. Why is there only yellow left?" (Note)


Ding Tao and the others lowered their heads in embarrassment. They had long adapted to Zhao Song's divergent thinking. They didn't expect that when the newcomer joined the job today, the old problem of the boss would flare up again.

"Why?" Sister Da Da laughed with a half-smile.

Seeing people applauding, Zhao Song laughed in satisfaction. He held his head high, "Because we ate all the white and black ones!" (Note)


Human genetic engineering is still going on, so no one believes Zhao Song's nonsense, but everyone present is certain that no matter how Zhao Song denies it in public, he is a nationalist (in a certain sense) and can't stand ghosts any irritation.


Asked a difficult question for the executives, the young boss left with a peerless beauty, leaving only a chic back.

The newcomer Wang Xin did not see any embarrassing expressions from the executives, and everyone had a confident smile on their faces.

Also, in the past two years, more than 60% of the international business news of the flower planters are related to these people. They have frequently fought against major multinational companies in business, patents, and finance.

Every time they win a game, Wang Xin and countless others have a sense of pride.

This is why Tesla's recognition in China is getting higher and higher.

Because these personnel are flower growers, Tesla is a flower planting company!

What about the US stock market listing? What about the majority of foreign shares?

Sorry, Tesla is listed on AB shares, while B shares are currently held by only one person.

That is Zhao Song!

Genetic engineering shows that human beings originated in Africa, and there were only 200 Homo sapiens ancestors at the time. Before the ancestors of the flower growers entered the Yellow River Basin, they lived in Southeast Asia for a generation. Genes show that there was genocide among the tribes. The Japanese have nothing to do with Emperor Qin, their genes are similar to those on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. ——"A Brief History of Mankind"

BJ Apes come in black, yellow, and possibly white. extinct. And ancestors are not a group of Homo sapiens. ——"Outline of Chinese History"

I used to read books without taking notes, and my memory may be wrong. If you are interested in reading books, you can learn more about them online.

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