Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 582 Fog, answer

"Every piece of steel hides the secret of a country's rise and fall."

——W. Klass.

When Zhao Song was still entangled with the temporary agent Bai Li in the name of "spending money", in Qingxian County, Cang City, 190 kilometers south, Wuming Science and Technology Industrial Park, the world's largest production base of mechanical and electrical products , a lively executive meeting is going on.

One company, one city.

Xu Liangying, who has been pampered for a long time, is no longer what she used to be.

She was so charming that she sat at the main seat, but this well-known young woman did not attract the attention of the subordinates. They argued with red faces and argued hard.

Grievance, anger, humiliation, unwillingness, all kinds of expressions appeared on the faces of the executives.

A business person once said: Aside from Tesla, Wuming Technology is the most bloodthirsty and aggressive private enterprise in China.

However, it is precisely because of these characteristics that Wuming Technology has kept pace with Tesla's development, step by step to where it is today.

With the never-ending fighting spirit, they have defeated countless mechanical and electrical manufacturers such as the island country, the Gulf of Bay, and the United States in the bidding for the renewal of Tesla products.

They have reason to be proud, so they have even more reason to be angry.

Because they have already learned that Tesla has lost to a small island manufacturer in the supply of accessories for notebooks, a new product line that Tesla has polished for more than two years.

For two full years, there is still no clear news about the launch. Everyone knows how much Zhao Song attaches importance to this product line, and countless suppliers also understand what it means to enter this product line.

However, in this supplier war, they made a bad start for themselves: they lost, lost to a small factory in the island country, and lost to an inconspicuous accessory-steel frame!


Xu Liangying sat peacefully, listening to the arguments of her subordinates, while carefully looking at the two photos in her hand.

One was given by Li Qiang, and he gave one to each of the Zhao Song executives before he took office at United Semiconductor.

The people in the photo are celebrating, some are cheering, some are hugging, some are laughing—that was the scene of the first successful tape-out of Tesla Microelectronics. She moved her gaze to the lower left corner, where there is a blurred The figure squatted in the corner, buried his head, and covered his face with his hands.

"Mr. Zhao cried that day." This is what Li Qiang told them: "If the tape-out fails, there will be no chance to take advantage of it. After that, it will be all commercial tape-outs. With the amount of capital that President Zhao had at that time, there may only be two Chance."

"I hate Tesla, but United Semiconductor is a broader world, and I feel that I have the responsibility to pass on this philosophy."

On that day, Zhao Song was in Shanghai, but all his executives gathered at the Capital Airport to bid farewell to Li Qiang.

They watched him turn and leave, watched him walk through security, watched him suddenly turn and run back, watched him yell:

"Never forget what he said: 'Scientific research is allowed to fail!' 'Scientific research is allowed to fail!' 'Scientific research is allowed to fail!' He shouted three times!"


Xu Liangying felt that perhaps it was not the advertisement that really injected the DNA into Zhao Song's enterprises, but the Capital Airport that day.

That is to say, from that day on, Xu Liangying liked to fail. It was because of countless failures that she enjoyed the sweet fruits of victory again and again.

Xu Liangying came back to her senses and heard that the quarrel was still going on, so she picked up another photo, and there was a person on it, a rare one of the same kind.

A person, in front of thousands of workers, could not kneel in front of the blast furnace chief, tears and sweat mixed together.

Sun Guofang (not her real name), born in a poor family, failed to graduate from primary school, chairman of Gangben Co., Ltd., and a billionaire.

My family is farming in the countryside. I drive a Santana 2000 that was bought out of debt. I live in a flat-roofed house. I am not sociable. My favorite hobby is squatting in technical workshops.

This is the person who graduated from elementary school. Some time ago, he announced the plan for the new factory, and the address was chosen in a long and narrow Yan'an area by the Yangtze River.

However, not many people have noticed that there is a very prominent steel corridor. From west to east, there are Jiangcheng Iron and Steel, Jiujiang Iron and Steel, Maan Iron and Steel, Jinling Iron and Steel, and Baosteel Group. Top 100 Industrial Enterprises'.


At this moment, Xu Liangying's thinking was interrupted by the louder and louder voices in the meeting room.

"I am optimistic about the future of Gangben. Carnegie once said: The low price is directly proportional to the scale of production. Therefore, the larger the scale of production, the lower the cost."

"Mr. Liu, no one disagrees with what you said. The premise is whether the courage of Sun Guofang and the Longcheng City Government can be realized."

"That's right, Mr. Liu, what we have doubts about is that, 8.4 million tons, 9379 acres of land, the estimated project budget is an astronomical 10.6 billion yuan

If all of them are realized, then Li Guofang will become the second richest flower grower! "

"You two, don't forget that the expansion of this scale is led by the local government, and even the local bank has given a credit line of 4.6 billion yuan, so I don't think it has any possibility of failure."

"Mr. Liu, please pay attention to two points: first, it is a private enterprise; second, the local city government is not the provincial government, and we don't even know if the central government knows about it."

"Let me add one more point: whether our parent company (Zhongguancun Holdings) allows us to participate. After all, it is the traditional steel industry, and the country's important weapon!"

"A steel company can't affect the overall situation. Everyone, don't forget where we lost this time. Participating in the research and development of raw materials is the strategic direction that Wuming Technology has formulated long ago."

"Okay, okay."

Xu Liangying rubbed her forehead with a headache. After the meeting room was completely quiet, she looked around and continued:

"We are able to get to where we are today because our parent company has never interfered and fully supported us. Don't you have any doubts about this?"



Executives agreed.

"But this matter is of great importance. With a scale of tens of billions and a sensitive industry, we should not make our own decisions like before."


The executives looked at each other for a moment, and suddenly realized that it was not up to them to decide whether to participate in this matter or not.

Seeing that everyone has reached a consensus, Xu Liangying smiled and said decisively:

"I will go to Beijing tomorrow, and after asking Zhao Song for instructions, I will entrust the relationship between the provincial government and ask the higher-ups for their views on this matter."

The executives bowed their heads one after another, pretending not to notice the fact that the boss called Zhao Songming directly, and pretended to listen carefully.

"As for you..."


Boss Xu didn't finish his sentence, and all the notebooks and pens in his hand went to battle, and a group of formerly glamorous executives pretended to be students, and put on a posture of taking notes seriously.

Xu Liangying couldn't laugh or cry in her heart. Not only did she feel that this kind of paternalism was wrong, but even Zhao Song said it several times, but it had no effect.

"First, after the meeting, thoroughly investigate all project teams, and try to win all the projects that can participate in the future Tesla bidding."



Xu Liangying suddenly lowered her face, her gloomy gaze flicked across everyone's faces, and after a long time, she said harshly:

"Why did the Dragon City Investment Promotion Office come to us? How did Gangben's information be placed on the chief secretary's desk?



48 hours, give me an answer.

Otherwise, I have an answer for you! "

ps: I can accompany my children on weekends. I haven't seen you for a long time. Sorry for the unstable update.

Thank you book friends:

Thousands of rewards from Lisha Qinghua and diver Liu.

Just wrote a book friend: For me, the cute, fantasy child 007, the flowery pig but not the flower, is ugly or cured, the breeze knows no face, and the flying meow fairy.

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