Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 583 Sleep Well

After the meeting.

Xu Liangying sat alone in the conference room and thought for a long time. During the period, she also called and exchanged opinions with many colleagues from the Zhao Song Department. She did not start to prepare for the next day's itinerary until she had some vague guesses in her heart.

But compared to Xu Liangying's ease, the whole of Wu Ming and even Qing County became tense after the meeting ended.

Mrs. Xu Tie, Xu Bancheng, the only boss of a large private enterprise in Cang City, if someone wants to make trouble here, and someone even sneaks into her chief secretary, then it would be easy for him to give Xu Liangying's water glass.

This is no longer a commercial dispute, but a ## incident.

Half an hour later, the police came to the door; an hour later, a senior executive and a small secretary were taken away; The road to provincial arrest.

In this era when the economy is in command, compared with some shady people who are not on the stage, the support of chariots and horses is the correct way to open up to the richest man.


Before dawn, the capital.

The sky was turning white, and when the people in Ziyu Villa were still wandering in their dreams, Zhao Song opened the bedroom door in a daze, and wobbled towards the barking dog downstairs.

He passed the kitchen, ignored someone next to the refrigerator, numbly opened the door, and crouched next to a cat.

In front of them is a row of decorative railings with gaps of varying sizes, the main function of which is to control the growth of climbing plants.

Looking at Garfield, Zhao Song looked suspiciously at the stuck dog's head and struggling body in front of him, and couldn't help falling into deep doubts:

Is this dog really a German Shepherd?

He sighed, stretched out his hand, and made a little effort.


The dog head was rescued.

"You don't sleep most of the night, what are you looking for in the creeper?"


"It's Garfield's job to catch mice, and you're nosy."

After complaining, Zhao Song stood up and walked back to the villa with cats and dogs in a daze. When passing the kitchen, he continued to turn a blind eye to someone.

"Zhao Song!"

"What are you doing?"

Signaling the cats and dogs to go back to rest, Zhao Song walked into the kitchen, ignoring the red wine and... pork head in Betty's hand.

Bai Li sat on the high stool, showing her fair legs, and looked at the wine glass with misty eyes:

"When can I go?"

Zhao Song looked at Bai Li in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"I don't want to live here anymore!"

"I locked you up?" Zhao Song laughed absurdly, "You come and go freely."

After finishing speaking, he was too lazy to look at Betty who was suffering from a petty bourgeoisie, and was going to go back to his room to sleep.

"Zhao Song~"

Betty stopped him loudly.

"What are you doing again?"

"I want to go home!"

Zhao Song stared at Bai Li: "Where is your home?"

Grandpa's house? Grandpa's house? Suddenly, Betty was a little hesitant.


"You have a home where your parents are."


"They only made a small mistake, but they took on mistakes that they shouldn't have to bear, just to keep you away from the 'home' you talked about!"


"Is it the 'An Jiahe' (Feng Yuanzheng) that those people introduced to you? No, it should be called Liu Yupeng, which suits you quite well?"

Betty was silent.

Zhao Song thought of the shocking back in his previous life again, suppressed the anger in his heart, and tried to calmly say: "Handsome, outstanding ability, valued by leaders, loved by subordinates, everyone likes him. Such a perfect person, why don't your parents Agree, why do you want me to watch you?"

If you change the angle, maybe the family introduces him to a crooked melon and cracked date, so this silly white sweet can develop another attitude towards life, right?

"Bai Li, you can go wherever you want.

For your grievances and incomprehension to your parents, please ask them yourself after they come out.

Also, Garfield and Benben are my family members, they will stay with you all night long, even if you don't read well, please don't take it out on them! "

No matter how stupid she is, she is also a licensed companion dog. Not to mention mild alcoholism, even if she has been slightly depressed for so long, she should get better, so what this girl suffers from is not a disease at all, but hypocrisy!

Also, Liu Yupeng has been offended to death, and the two of them will not be so cheeky to contact each other for a while, so the task of keeping an eye on this silly girl is considered complete.

Betty bowed her head and said, "I apologize for shutting them out."

"I thank you on their behalf!"

Zhao Song said angrily, at this moment, the living room was filled with the fiery morning light, he looked at the wall clock, and found helplessly that the plan to return to the cage was completely ruined.

"Zhao Song, Wen Jing is back."

"Then what?"

"I heard that Liu Yupeng picked her up."

"Alas~" Zhao Song sighed. To be honest, he liked the bruised and bruised Betty very much. His eyes that see through the world, and his lazy and nonchalant demeanor made the incomparable Betty, not the one who is still young. Big little girl.

"Do you want me to fight her father to the death so that others can take advantage of it?"


"Is Wen Jing the mastermind?"

"No." Betty seemed to understand something, and slowly lowered her head.

"Who is the mastermind?"

"I have no idea."

"Who wants to attack me? Does that or those people want to wait for the opportunity, or do they want to take the initiative?"

"I have no idea."

"Bai Li, our economy is on a business trip, but from a macro perspective, I'm just a backup or optional, and the country has to take time to consider whether it will affect the main business if I help the rescue. It will not delay Tesla's listing progress.

When will other demons in the next round decide for me? "

Betty buried her head lower and lower.

"Also, who dares to take the initiative to make up my mind?"

At this moment, Zhao Song's arrogance was fully displayed, and it also made Bai Li fully understand that the people who stayed together during this period of time were not only good classmates and friends, but another identity of him was the reason why countless people were jealous where.

At this time, no one dared to take the initiative to make up his mind, but wanted to know what he was going to do, so that he could wait for the opportunity, eat a mouthful of oil and water, and peel off a layer of skin, so as to fill his insatiable stomach.

"Bai Li, the condition for me to take care of you is Yiren Group's follow-up industrial expansion plan. Now that I see you, I don't care at all." Zhao Song shook his head disappointedly and said, "I will pass a word today. If there are no other questions, you Parents should be able to come out."


Betty covered her mouth in surprise and looked at Zhao Song in disbelief.

Zhao Song sneered and said, "I don't know if the elder who asked you to inquire about the news, or your 'family' has such a skill."

Betty blushed: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Zhao Song waved his hand indifferently, and walked upstairs, "Clean up, I'll have some fun later, and meet a leader by the way.

Please be a spy for one more day, and Xiao Yu and I will go back to Xiaohe Village tomorrow, and then we can go wherever you like. "


In the era when appearance is equal to justice, beautiful women are privileged.

Zhao Song can let the beauties be self-willed in life, but he can't wait for them to grow slowly in their careers.

Betty, who stayed in the kitchen, didn't know what she was about to lose.

The wealth that Bai's father and mother left to Betty in the health system finally returned to their hands.


Upstairs, Xiao Yu's room door was not closed, Zhao Song poked his head cautiously, and then walked in lightly.

Wrap the sleeping Benben into the den, put the motionless Garfield next to Xiao Yu's head, and then cover Xiao Yu with a quilt, who is sleeping so horrible, and then pat her on the face.


Zhao Song smiled kindly: "Did you sleep well?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were confused: "Huh~~~?"

"It's nothing, I just came to ask if you slept well, I'm leaving, you continue."


Zhao Song was leaving quickly, Xiao Yu reacted suddenly, and smashed the water glass from the bedside.




(PS: This chapter doesn’t make sense, it’s not suspense: What Bai Li wants is the big health industry, medical beauty, physical examination, etc., what Zhao Song wants is big data.

It will still be written around the main business. If it is a conspiracy, the content of the two chapters will be finished, and it will be written interspersed with life and Tesla. )

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