Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 584: The Chessboard Is Prepared

Jingcheng East, Jingha Expressway Bailu toll station service area.

For the vast majority of long-distance vehicles, the service area at this high-speed entrance will be their last stop before leaving Beijing.

For business with Yikilometer, this is its deepest tentacles protruding into the Beijing expressway system.

This is an industry with complex interests. How to get involved has always been a headache for One Kilometer and its parent company Zhongguancun Holdings.


Carrying two full plastic bags, Xizi squeezed out of the crowded one-kilometer convenience store in embarrassment, and walked to the service area and the isolated flower bed on the main road, where a Crown and Coaster were parked.

Approaching the vehicle, seeing that no one was paying attention, he knocked on the window of the crown.

Zhao Song and Lezi got out of the car, took a plastic bag, walked towards Coster with Lezi in their arms, and said:

"Go home and have a look, and when you're settled down, follow these people to do well, listen more, watch more, learn more and talk less.

They are a very good team. They have made great contributions to Shenzhou in the past two years. If there was no agreement in advance, that bearded man would not be willing to let them go. "

Of course, Lezi knew the weight of the bearded president of Shenzhou, and nodded nervously and excitedly.

Passing the plastic bag full of snacks to Lezi, Zhao Song finally confessed: "Give it to everyone to eat on the way, dessert for your mouth."

Lezi nodded in response, and he said with red eyes, "Brother, Brother Zhao Song, I'm leaving."

Zhao Song sent him to the car with a smile, and nodded to the sales elites inside: "Thank you for your hard work, slow down on the road."


At the toll gate, the driver of Coster took the paper voucher, then accelerated steadily until it disappeared from sight, and the two sat back in the car.

"Turn around and go to the opposite side."

Xizi started the car, looked at the rearview mirror and asked, "Who shall we pick up?"

"Leader." Zhao Song replied rolling his eyes, obviously showing no respect for the so-called leader, "How about the convenience store."

"There's a lot of people." Xizi laughed. "Mineral water is 1.5 yuan more expensive, and Coke is 2 yuan more. However, the high-speed store has a corresponding point bonus. Many members buy here to upgrade their level."

"What about the service?"

"No service!" Xizi shook her head with a wry smile. "The number of employees in this store has reached the upper limit. They are still answering customers' questions while loading goods. They are too busy. There is no time to pay attention to service issues."

While talking, the vehicle has completed the U-turn and stopped at the service area in the direction of entering Beijing. The one kilometer on this side is also full of people, and there is even a tendency to queue up. Many customers who come out are carrying bags and bags. book.

'City Guide', which provides free advice on transportation, tourism, accommodation, catering, scenic spots, etc. for VIP customers of One Kilometer***.

"Queued up."

Zhao Song looked around and saw two one-kilometer employees began to maintain order with smiles on their faces.

This is Zhonghua Expressway, with a total mileage of 37,000, ranking second in the world. The average passenger flow of a single store within one kilometer reaches 80% of the CBD store, and the turnover is 120%. More than ten years later, the total mileage is 140,000, the first in the world, and the passenger flow and turnover have doubled.

"You want to go in?"

After getting off the car, Betty, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

Zhao Song understood what she meant. The so-called entry means participating in the highway industry. He glanced at her calmly and said, "Yes."

"How to get in?"

"It's not a question of how to get in." Zhao Song shook his head, "It's a question of who gets in first."

Betty became more and more interested: "What do you mean?"

Zhao Song explained: "For Zhongguancun Holdings, there are currently three options to choose from. First, the convenience of building logistics parks in various places with three links and one access, and propose conditions to various local governments; second, DK has already cooperated with Huahua Transportation. The Scientific Design and Research Institute has reached a strategic partnership to jointly develop expressway toll collection, monitoring, communication, networking, 5.8G ETC and other systems, taking this opportunity to achieve the goal; third, regardless of the identity of Party A and Party B, no matter who owns the service area , as a third party, One Kilometer Commerce entered directly.

All three paths must be taken. The question now is who will be the assaulter. "


It turns out that it is not just one kilometer to open a store in the high-speed service area.

Bai Li stared blankly at Zhao Song. Just now, she wanted to help in opening the store, but who knew that what Zhao Song proposed was the direction of enterprise development.

"You...what are you going to do with a hammer here and a stick at the same time?"

After so many days, you can be regarded as asking the right question.

Zhao Song glanced at his watch and said patiently: "I'm not trying to do something, but I've been doing it all the time——to be a salesman, to expand and accelerate the expansion of the information industry, and to serve my main business, which is domestic integrated circuits. Product development for a broader market.

Industrial informatization, this process transforms informatization data into a tool for improving productivity, thereby further promoting industrial informatization. This cycle applies to any industry. "

Zhao Song pointed to the toll booth not far away, and said with hatred: "I bet that if we don't do something, let alone ETC and IC cards in 20 years, the First Development Group will still dare to use paper on the Beijing Expressway." Do you believe in the passport?"

Betty asked in disbelief: "So, you are just trying to get business for Huahong and DK?"

"Yes." Zhao Song replied naturally, "So, do you have any misunderstandings about my main business, which is the integrated circuit industry? I earn a lot of money, so don't you investigate how much I spent? ?”

"You, you have no money?"


Zhao Song looked towards the toll booth, and when he saw a convoy approaching in a ostentatious way, his face darkened immediately: "You have to spread the word for me, the money is about to be spent, so hurry up if you want to make any decisions." Bar."

As soon as the words were finished, the team stopped behind the Crown car.

"Bang bang~"

Open the door, close the door, President Wu Ming and strong lady Xu Liangying come to you.

"What's that?"

Zhao Song pointed at her car with a dark face and asked.

"It's stupid," Xu Liangying rolled his eyes at him, and put on the richest man's arm without caring about other people's eyes, and said with a coquettish smile, "Maybach."

"Who among the common people knows this brand?"

Zhao Song got angry, Maybach, Brabus, and Volkswagen with letters, one by one, they made the luxury cars into unremarkable hangs. If you get bumped and ask someone to accompany you, that's pretending to be coercive, and if you get bumped and solve it yourself, that's a low-key atmosphere. With the quality of the rich at the current stage, he doesn't think those people are so generous.





"What kind of family is the other party?"


Xu Liangying finally realized something, and her face turned red.


Zhao Song roared angrily: "Northern River Tie Lady, you are so majestic, if you let me know that you dare to ruin the common people's property, I will fight Wu Ming..."

"Check, check, don't be angry, don't be angry."

Xu Liangying gave Zhao Song a sigh of relief, and at the same time gave instructions to the secretaries who were about to shrink their heads into their necks, "Investigate now."

Seeing the secretaries talking on the phone in a panic, Zhao Song gradually calmed down.

The goal of hitting Xu Liangying's aura has been achieved, so let's get to the point: "What are you doing in Beijing?"

"I'm asking you for instructions on investing in steel." Xu Liangying replied with a smile, "I'll see if I can get some news along the way."

"What do you want to know?"

Zhao Song shook his head and denied Xu Liangying's idea: "During economic reform, it has always been the local government's tradition to 'break through barriers' when you see a green light and bypass it when you see a red light.

Zhongguancun Industrial Park, a multi-billion-dollar project, was dismantled by the Beijing Municipal Government into a dozen, each less than 200 million yuan, without central approval at all. "

"That is to say, there is no news about Gangben?"

"Crossing the barrier, if there is news, it will be regarded as no news. If it succeeds, it will be a good talk; if it fails, it will become a typical example."

That's why it won't work?

Xu Liangying shook her head in disappointment, and asked with her final fantasy, "What's your opinion?"

Hearing this, Zhao Song glanced back at Bai Li, who was an invisible person, and slightly increased the volume: "There are now two big discussions in the country that are in full swing, and the two leading economists, Li and Wu, are leading the discussion." Home, do you know?"

Xu Liangying nodded: "During the meeting of Beihe Federation of Industry and Commerce, we also did a lot of research in this area: first, about the trend of heavy-duty private flower planting enterprises; second, whether flower planting should take the road of heavy-duty."

"What do you think?"

"Disappointed." Xu Liangying said regretfully, "Although I am a little pessimistic about Wu Ming's future, at least in Beihe, I still can't see the shackles of enterprise development."

"So since you saw the problem, why did you run all the way here?"

"Isn't this just in case of hope?"

Xu Liangying pouted and lowered her face.

"Hope?" Zhao Song said with a smile, "at this stage, private enterprises are not even considered as adopted sons, and state-owned enterprises are their own sons, not to mention there is a real father-foreign capital!"

Xu Liangying said loudly: "But this is wrong!"

"Whether it's wrong or not, no one has the right to say." Zhao Song laughed, "Our country is conducting social experiments unprecedented in human society, and I don't believe that any government can do better than our leadership, so Right or wrong, leave it to time to test.”

"Speaking like a big leader." Xu Liangying muttered, struggling to say, "Don't use macro-level explanations, be specific, so that I can give up."

Zhao Song smiled and shook his head: "At the same time, Fosun Group is planning a steel plant of the same scale in Yongcheng, Zhejiang Province; Hope Group is planning to invest tens of billions in electrolytic aluminum in Inner Mongolia, and private enterprises such as Gangben are all investing in steel, non-ferrous metals, etc. The ban on state-owned enterprises such as coal, electricity, etc. is very close. Do you feel that it is too much?

And Li Guofang is the least well-known among them. "

"Then don't do it."

Xu Liangying completely gave up on the plan in her heart. She looked at her watch, glanced at Bai Li, and asked, "Have a meal together?"

"What time is it?" Zhao Song waved his hand in disgust, "Go back, it's an emergency, don't come here if you have nothing to do."

"You also know it's an extraordinary time?" Xu Liangying gave him a hard look, concealed her inner worry, and said slowly: "Some people have sneaked up to me, and there are all kinds of messages about you on the Internet, and some people say You shall live forever."

"I want to study the brain!"

Zhao Song turned his head and looked at Bai Li who was looking up at the sky. He couldn't help but explain, "And it's related to the main business. The neural network system at the mechanical level is basically irrelevant to the human brain."

"I don't understand." Xu Liangying shrugged, and finally persuaded: "If you want me to say, call Zhao Rong back, so that you can save some trouble in dealing with the situation."

"For the matter of Zhongguancun Holdings, why did you ask Tesla's executives to come back?" Zhao Song waved his hand indifferently without worry, "Go back, and leave all the information on Gangben before you leave."

"Ah~" Xu Liangying was stunned, "Aren't you not going to participate?"

"What Xu Liangying can't do..." Zhao Song held his head high, glanced at Bai Li with sharp eyes, and said loudly, "Zhao Song may not be able to do it."

Betty behind her was shocked.

Gangben, the fog is cleared, and the game is set.

As if to set off Zhao Song's aura, at this moment, a convoy turned around from the gap of the toll booth, and the Audi A8 was sandwiched between four Mercedes-Benz cars, and stopped firmly in front of the Crown car.


Open the door, close the door.

"Mr. Zhao."

Bodyguards in suits, business beauties in place.


Xu Liangying said sourly, motioning to the assistants to hand over the information, and then hugged Zhao Song fiercely: "Don't be brave, call if you have something to do."

"Go back." Zhao Song also hugged her tightly, "Drive slowly on the road, and put back the domineering energy on your body when you get back."



In less than half an hour, Xu Liangying came and left with her flamboyant motorcade.

Perhaps for her, steel is not the goal, and seeing that Zhao Song is fine is her greatest wish. Let her go back immediately, or not let her participate in it, it means that Zhao Song already has a plan to deal with it, so what else is there to worry about?

But her departure gave Bai Li a deep shock. She was driven back when she watched the famous Iron Lady come.

She watched Zhao Song take off his casual T-shirt after the convoy disappeared, revealing his white vest and chubby arms, watching him stretch out his hands, and a white shirt was put on with the help of a business beauty; The tied tie was gently put on his neck; watching him put on a suit and leather shoes, watching his hair being gently cared for, watching the beautiful woman who is not inferior to hers in his ears He said something softly, and faintly heard the word 'starter'.

Seeing him walking quickly towards the crowd of onlookers, bending over to shake hands and exchanging business cards with a leader-like person—she always saw him bending over with others, with a cheerful smile on his face, no matter when Wen Jing came back, others beat him Pay attention and don't do anything, she just thinks he's useless.

Today, on this occasion, she saw Zhao Song bending over again, but she finally found that the person opposite Zhao Song seemed to bend even more than him...

She saw Zhao Song sending the leader to the car, saw Zhao Song cheerfully satisfying a group photo of several people, saw him walking towards her quickly, and watched him talk to her with an appearance and tone that she had never seen before.

"After resting for a while, it's time to go to work. You can live in Ziyu Villa if you want, and let Xizi take you where you want to go if you don't want to."

Betty saw him stretch out his hand to herself: "Betley, goodbye."


Betty murmured, and then she saw the business beauty open the car door, respectfully invite him to get in the car, and then carefully close the car door, the convoy set off, speeded up, and disappeared into the traffic entering the city, leaving behind the excited crowd after posing for a group photo. What are you talking about.

"Let's go."

Xizi came to her side.

"Is that Zhao Song?"

Betty seemed to be meeting that friend for the first time.

"Zhao Song at work." Xizi nodded, "Haven't you seen it?"

Betty thought about it carefully, shaking her head in confusion.

"Is the bodyguard closest to him armed with a gun?"

"Yes, he had a man-made car accident in the United States at the beginning of last year, so the company helped his bodyguard apply for a gun license."

"I have no idea……"

"During the international patent dispute case, a small company jumped the wall in a hurry. He was afraid that his family would worry, so he asked someone to block the domestic report. Don't tell Xiaoyu."

Bai Li nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked quickly: "When did he say goodbye?"

"I have to help look after Xiao Yu, sometimes I can always see him in the middle of the night." Xizi avoids Betty's gaze, and points to the phone in her hand: "If it's a classmate, friend, or leader, please call his public phone. If you have one, make an appointment with his assistant if you want to meet."

Opening the car door for Betty, Xizi hesitated for a moment, and added, "Although we can't confirm the time, we can usually make an appointment."


Betty, who was sitting in the car, fell into deep doubts about herself.

So, did I misunderstand the identity of the richest man in flower planting?

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