Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 596 Someone Always Stands Up in 'Alive'

People are selfish.

Zhao Song understands that these people will put their own future ahead of the future of tens of billions of enterprises. If he is the same as before, it will definitely be even worse.

The pursuit of the spiritual level is based on the premise of the material foundation.

Zhao Song's material foundation is very solid, and his spiritual pursuit has more or less countless feelings, which is fundamentally different from some people who pursue power, so contradictions appear in this way.

For many people, lust for power can be addictive.

Look at the convoy of cavalry leading the way, and the management of the Tesla branch chasing after it; in the Gulfstream plane, there is a delicate little secretary who is blushing and carefully fastens for herself in the Gulfstream plane. The tie; the assistant of the beautiful and strong woman I have only seen on TV respectfully calls the boss; Decisions can affect the lives of thousands of people...

This thing can make people sink into it and get carried away. If Zhao Song hadn't thought about his own life and kept his own heart, it would be light to be domineering.

This is just a businessman's treatment, what about the museum? He has heard of some, and the treatment can scare people to death!

Back to business.

It is not terrible to have contradictions. Finding balance from contradictions and maintaining unity in opposition is what Zhao Song is good at.

And the balance and unity here is to keep the banner enterprise of Huahua 909 Project, Shanghai Huahong, maintaining a healthy development, and release one or two advanced achievements from time to time, so that everyone can fulfill their demands on the right path.

Zhao Song believes that this is why the level of the board of directors is getting higher and higher this time. The high-level director representatives of state-owned enterprises and government agencies are not only concerned about Zhao Song's status as the richest man, but also his status as a consultant.

Knowing the policy direction and capital flow from Zhao Song's words in advance is related to their vital interests.

After all, it is Huahong, the pioneer of Huahong Semiconductor, and every movement represents big policies and big funds.

How much money do you have in hand?

Will it increase investment in the integrated circuit industry?

How much money will be invested in other industries?

Dragon City or Rongcheng?

Steel Book or Top Software Park?

Compared with these, those second generations who bought land by the Longcheng River in advance are not even considered clowns. The difference in level makes these forces and a certain behind-the-scenes manipulator pay more attention to Zhao Song's real actions.


the bund.

The convoy stopped slowly on the side of the road.

Director Zhao, who had only inquired about good and bad news in advance, got out of his Audi and got into a light rain Santana 2000. Then the government convoy continued on the road, leaving Zhao Song's Audi alone.

Behind, a person in charge of the Tesla motorcade following here, he hesitated nervously, until Qin Han glared at him angrily, and then reluctantly led the motorcade away.

Then Zhao Song got off the car and walked slowly towards the river, enjoying the scenery relaxedly.

The daytime on the Bund is very solemn, and the Pearl Tower at C cannot conceal the fact that this is a foreign architecture expo, so the handsome foreigners standing by the river are not at all obtrusive.

Zhao Song walked up to the handsome blond guy: "Hi~ Frank."

Frank, the founder of Winmap and the biggest contributor to Tesla Soundfield's digital music ecosystem: "Hi~Nicolas."

Patting Frank on the shoulder, Zhao Song said with a smile: "It seems that the person in charge of Tesla's Shanghai branch is not living well."

Frank shrugged.

"Hey, Frank, can you tell me why?" Zhao Song asked.

Tesla Shanghai is the software department of Tesla in Huajiajia. After Wang Xin took office at Tesla and Frank became the head of the artificial intelligence department, the importance here seems to be much less than before.

Frank didn't answer right away, he took out a document and said, "After hearing that you didn't see anyone before the board meeting, Li Qiang begged me to hand it over to you, maybe from this document, you can find out Why he's not happy."

Zhao Song took the documents, which contained two handwritten documents.

One is Yin Zhiyao, the founder of China Microelectronics, a joint-stock company of Zhongguancun Holdings, who manufactures etching machines. In layman's terms, the main difference between it and North Huachuang, where Zhao Song works, is that the former develops wet engraving, and the latter does dry engraving. .

One is He Rongming, the founder of China Micro Semiconductors, a joint stock company of Zhongguancun Holdings. The major shareholder is Shanghai Electric, a large state-owned enterprise in Shanghai City, which is a lithography machine manufacturer.

The two documents were written in great detail. The two elders maintained sufficient respect for the major shareholders of the company. In addition to introducing the company's development, they more tactfully put forward some suggestions to Zhao Song:

If the current research and development route in the field of semiconductor manufacturing equipment is wrong, please get it back on the right road as soon as possible.

How do they know it's wrong?

Zhao Song told them.

Don't doubt how destructive a super-rich person can be if he wants to mess with it.

In the past two years, Zhao Song has subsidized island country (Nikon, Canon, etc.) research institutes from time to time to publish research results in major journals around the world; he kept targeting Lin Benjian, a top optical expert, and prevented him from participating in various semiconductor seminars, in order to delay the global Semiconductor equipment manufacturers expand their investment in immersion lithography technology.

As for the failure of Moore's Law, what does it matter to him?

However, today, two great masters who are highly respected by Zhao Song wrote to persuade him to give up this kind of behavior...

Is this... technology without borders?

Zhao Song scratched his head inexplicably.

"Zhao, I've been at the Flower Planter for more than two years, and I understand your strange patriotic thoughts very well." Frank said leisurely.

"Hey!" Zhao Song replied dissatisfied, "This is not patriotic. As a member of Tesla, you should understand how much profit it means if its terminal products are replaced by domestic products here."

"A profit in line with reality." Frank spread his hands and said nonchalantly, "Z, I don't care about the country and politics at all, I'm telling you the actual situation, the current situation is:

Take a look at this beautiful country, this bustling city, look at the Shanghai Volkswagen running on the street, it contains 5,000 parts, what is your domestic production rate? "


Zhao Song's face darkened instantly.

Frank turned a blind eye and expressed his opinion straightforwardly: "How many parts are there in the lithography machine?

One hundred thousand!

I can describe it to you like this: This is a product that combines top technologies in the fields of mathematics, optics, fluid mechanics, polymer physics and chemistry, surface physics and chemistry, precision instruments, machinery, automation, software, and image recognition. "

Zhao Song: "..."

Frank: "Z, I don't know if the basic education of florists is bad, I'm not an educator, but I know that the higher education of florists is definitely not outstanding.

These two companies can no longer go on. What they need is not a large amount of capital investment, but technical direction. What they need is the correct basic research papers published by the world's top journals, not the wrong route you said. "


"Similarly, Z, do you know why the person in charge is upset? Because our stupid dog can't go on anymore, stuck in the brick-moving game!"

Speaking of this, Frank patted Zhao Song on the shoulder helplessly: "I like it here, I have the biggest and best office here, provide me with a service team, and make me a billionaire soon.

Z, I love it here, I even found a girlfriend who grows flowers, but..."

Under Zhao Song's silent gaze, Frank's expression was also ugly: "But I have to go back, Z, I want to go back to school, in the field of neuroscience; A mathematician with perfect ideas.

None of these things are available to us here. "

Of course I know, am I not working hard! Zhao Song scratched his head in frustration, he didn't have to worry about his image in front of this old outsider.

"when are we leaving?"

"The sooner the better." Speaking of this, Frank became excited, "Z, I have a hunch that this dog will be able to remove that damn cube game in no time, and then we will attack the highest game of human intelligence-Go , the only pity is that these things need to be done in the United States."

Zhao Song's face slowly recovered, and after a while, he nodded calmly and said, "Then let's go."

So straightforward?

Frank looked at him in surprise.

"About that dog playing Go, I'm a bit immature." Suddenly, Zhao Song stretched out his finger and nodded his head tremblingly. suggestion."

"..." Frank swallowed hard, "Hey~Z, if what I said before offended you, then I apologize."

"Listen up!"

Zhao Song roared: "First, go to IBM, they don't pay much attention to the meaning of Deep Blue, they seal it up in a museum, you must pay attention, Deep Blue's Monte Carlo tree search algorithm is incomparably important to that dog.

Second, since you want to learn artificial neural networks, you must pay attention to the more complete convolutional neural network LeNet-5 constructed by Yann LeCun and his collaborators in 1998 and succeeded in the recognition of handwritten digits.

This is a real multi-layer structure learning algorithm. Understand it and analyze it. When you construct a neural network with 8, 9 or even more hidden layers, it means that the dog will become smarter and it will become possible. "

Frank looked at Zhao Song dumbfounded, looked at him and shook his head regretfully and said, "When you find it, I hope you can publish a paper in the name of a chair professor at my alma mater. I've thought of the name for you, it's called 'Deep Learning' 'Bar."

" there...?"

Frank suddenly found that his tongue was numb.


Zhao Song growled, "Training that dog, no, no matter whether it is a dog or a sheep, no matter which higher-level country or company it is, data labeling is required.

Shit Frank, guess where the most data in the world is? "


Facing the inexplicably angry Zhao Song, Frank felt that the best way was to be silent.

"At the florist!

And this human-based work will be done by countless flower programmers in the background of higher education that you look down upon! "

(Later reinforcement learning solved this problem, but who knows now?)

"...Is there...?"


"I'm leaving?"


Zhao Song waved his hand, and finally warned in a low voice, "If you let me know that you dare to be sorry for your flower-planting girlfriend..."


Frank fled in despair.

"By the way, Z, give that dog a name."



Looking from the Bund to the direction of the Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai looks like a big city in the sea, with incredible beauty.

However, what is the localization rate of cars produced in such a beautiful and prosperous city?

Zhao Song thought suspiciously.

It seems that when he came back, few people talked about it.

Because the localization of automobiles is not enough, there are new energy sources that can replace them. What about semiconductors?

It's a joy to be stuck in the United States~

5G, the sixth information technology revolution (not industry), its real-time transmission speed makes the concept of Internet of Things possible.

When the technological development in the fields of quantum computing and energy is still vague, does the Internet of Everything seem to mean a new generation of technological revolution?

All fools know that the first person to eat crabs in a revolution will make a lot of money.

The United States is not a fool. It has almost eaten all the dividends of the industrial revolution, and it knows best what it means to control the standards of the technological revolution.

That's why its people are enjoying themselves, because it occupies all the high value-added industries; so the flower growers enter the sweatshop with blood and tears, desperately earning every dollar of foreign exchange.

Ao Guanhai, a good friend of the people who grow flowers, said: "If 1.3 billion flower people live like the Australian people, it will be a disaster for the entire Western world!"

So there are always people who say that they are living and we are living.

So some people want to take a shortcut and run out to live after receiving compulsory education.

(Standing in 2020 and shouting, hey, among a group of white-skinned people, are you still alive?)


But we have to catch up, someone has to do something.

Otherwise, not only our generation, but also our next generation... will only be able to live forever.


In the warm summer wind, Zhao Song took a private phone call from his little secretary.

"Mr. Lin, hello."


Even if he didn't speak, Zhao Song could still think of the gnashing of teeth of the top expert on the opposite side - as long as he is not a fool, he will always think of who is related to his so many accidents.

"I have a cooperation intention. I wonder if Mr. Lin is interested in listening?"

"No, not at all." She really gritted her teeth.

Zhao Song snickered: "If Mr. Lin agrees, then starting today, I will personally support Mr. Lin in attending various semiconductor seminars."

"... Huh?"

"..." Don't choke to death, Zhao Song waited anxiously.

"What cooperation?"

"In the next two years, I will serve as a chair professor of Capital University of Information Science and Technology. Through various forms such as seminars, summer schools, and international conferences, I will attract more well-known scholars in the field of scientific research, and have in-depth cooperation and exchanges with teachers and students of the school to provide teachers and students with more opportunities. Opportunities for international exchanges and scientific research cooperation..." Zhao Song introduced softly, "During this period, it will not affect Professor Lin's appointment at Wanji Electric."

Gou x's bay pole electricity.

Zhao Song secretly cursed that even the helm he chose for Huahong in the future could only be squeezed into the top ten of Bayji Electric's talent pool. One can imagine how terrifying this company is!


It didn't take long for the other side to think, and then there was a low roar.

Zhao Song beamed: "Then I will wait for Professor Lin in the capital!"

"Beep beep beep~"

He was answered with a very impolite hang-up sound.

Zhao Song, who was in a good mood, didn't care, threw the phone to the secretary, and quietly enjoyed the scenery in front of him.

Of course, appreciating the scenery is false, but changing the mind is real.

In the field of high-end equipment, the plan to overtake on curves has been completely ruined. Zhao Song had expected it a long time ago, but he just wanted to try it, not always saying that dreams are necessary, just in case they come true...

What if it really is, Zhao Song's fantasy is that 9999, based on the current overall scientific research of flower growers, it is simply a fantasy.

So he came to Shang Hai.

How could there be no second kind of preparation.

So he came to Huahong.

The high-end field requires long-term accumulation, but in another life, many people do not know that in a certain industrial chain in the integrated circuit field, flower growers occupy more than 60% of the monopoly position from the source production equipment to the terminal market.

It is the field of integrated circuits!

"Old Qin."

"here I am."

"Call Wen Zhenwen and Liao Yingzhu."

Zhao Song said leisurely, "Tell them, don't let the old professor suffer, and sign tonight."

Qin Han asked in surprise, "Sign what?"

"Investment agreement." Zhao Song said with a smile, "Gangben and Top? Is there any? I drew the attention of those who make ideas to me, just to relieve the pressure on that old professor and let the company's equity Simpler structure."

Qin Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry and asked, "Why does a small company spend so much effort?"

"As for!" Zhao Song turned around and looked at Qin Han solemnly, "Although it is a small company, I wrote an unlimited check to the professor. For acquisitions, mergers, and poaching, I will let him concentrate on the industry. High-quality resources, research regardless of cost."


"Old Qin, the first goal of Zhongguancun Holdings this time is to knock on the doorstep enterprise of the 100-billion-dollar market!"


Night fell.

Jinling, Nanda residential building.

Old Professor Sun Xiangzhen paced back and forth in the study, the anxiety on his face made his wrinkles a little deeper.

In 2003, the conversion rate of my country's scientific and technological achievements was less than 5%, which means that the probability of failure was over 95%. The reason is that there are many checkpoints in the process of "turning", and the checkpoints are all "flaming mountains". If one checkpoint cannot be passed, the "baby" will die.

Usually small test to pilot test, and then to industrial production is the "three steps" of industrialization of scientific research results.

It's difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, what can be done? In this country where we can only live, there will always be someone who will step forward and do something.

Even if you go through all kinds of difficulties when doing it...

But Professor Sun Xiangzhen never imagined that it would be so difficult!

2003 was destined to be full of disasters for him.

Since the beginning of the year, almost every day has been a "cold winter night" for him.

Foreign manufacturers have joined forces to cut prices more and more, so that the selling price is lower than the cost. These powerful large companies tried to crush the optoelectronic industry of the flower growers at all costs and funds, and finally forced the old professor to surrender.

Sun Xiangzhen knows that although he has made great efforts to open up the market, the result of sales below the cost price is that the more he sells, the more serious the loss will be. Wolves" fight?


Suddenly, the old professor stood up, this is my 'child', this is the country's hope of breaking the technological blockade.

He gritted his teeth and said to himself: "Write a letter and ask the superiors for help!"

History has turned at this moment. The country's action has not changed. What has changed is that Zhang Xingguo, a private entrepreneur who gritted his teeth and acted righteously, and others have become the richest man Zhao Song.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Teacher, Professor~"

There was frantic knocking and shouting outside the door.

Sun Xiangzhen heard that it was her student, and hurried over to open the door.

"Xiao Jin, what's the matter in such a hurry?"

"Old...teacher..." Xiao Jin suddenly stammered, "provincial...leader..."

"Oh?" Sun Xiangzhen's eyes lit up, and she asked excitedly, "The provincial leaders have come."

"Also... and the city leaders..."

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and pick it up..."

"Professor...change...change clothes."

Sun Xiangzhen was in a hurry: "Xiaojin, don't make the leader wait."

"No..." Xiao Jin said incoherently, "They... are escorts... Wen Zhenwen, Liao Yingzhu, professor, Zhongguancun Holdings. If you haven't heard of it, you must have heard of Tesla, right?"

"Zhao... Song..." The old professor's mouth trembled.

"That's right." Xiao Jin nodded again and again, "The leader asked me to inform you that this is a business visit and you need to change your clothes."

"Change ~ change ~"

Before the words fell, Wen Zhenwen's voice with a smile interrupted:


She brought Liao Yingzhu forward, and shook hands with Sun Xiangzhen respectfully one by one:

"Because of the urgency of the mission, this visit has been rushed. I hope Professor Sun doesn't mind."

"I don't mind, I don't mind."

Sun Xiangzhen's eyes were straightened because he saw Liao Yingzhu taking out a check.

Is this a business visit? Or negotiate?

"This is twenty million."

Liao Yingzhu respectfully put down the check, "It can be settled by an accounting firm selected by Nanjing University, Professor Sun, and the city government. Zhongguancun Holdings will occupy the shares according to the normal ratio."

Professor Sun trembled a little, took deep breaths, and asked softly after a long time:

"Light... ask, do you have any requests?"


Liao Yingzhu handed over another check, but Sun Xiangzhen didn't see any numbers on it.

"This is an unlimited check. The only requirement of Zhongguancun Holdings is that your company, in addition to completing research and development in the field of optoelectronics, fully enter this field..."

While talking, Liao Yingzhu handed Sun Xiangzhen a document, "For all domestic semiconductor manufacturers related to the Zhao Song family, the domestic substitution rate of these special materials is still 0 so far!"

Liao Yingzhu's words were calm, but the people in the room felt very cold.

"Electronic special gas."

Sun Xiangzhen looked at the information and murmured.

"That's right." Liao Yingzhu nodded, "On behalf of Mr. Zhao Song, I promise that Zhongguancun Holdings' support for you... has no upper limit!"


Under the stupefied gaze of the whole room, Sun Xiangzhen hardly thought about it.

He trembled, his eyes were red, and he roared:


After finishing speaking, he turned around, raised his head, and looked at the four large characters on the wall.


In this country that can only 'live', there are always many brave people who stand up and try to do something.


Liao Yingzhu followed the old professor's line of sight and read softly:

"Nanda Optoelectronics!"

PS: Six thousand words.

The upstream and downstream monopoly industry is photovoltaic (monocrystalline silicon).

In addition to being the most upstream Mo source supplier, Nanda Optoelectronics is also a manufacturer of electronic special gas, with a domestic substitution rate of 14% in 2018.

The current reading experience is still a bit difficult, and I will connect the various plots in the future.

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