Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 597 Come out across the wall, looming indistinctly

Professor Sun is an elder with clear thinking, quick response and great manners.

So when the company's debt and lack of money crisis were resolved, it quickly calmed down and expressed to Wen Zhenwen the plight of the company's large number of management and sales resignations.

Now that the richest man has made a large investment, the provincial and municipal leaders have already left here contentedly. Professor Sun and Wen Liao sat down to discuss in detail, and Xiao Jin waited on him wholeheartedly.

It seems that this problem has been expected, Liao Yingzhu took out the mobile phone, and handed it to Professor Sun after dialing.

Unexpectedly, it was not the young male voice that Professor Sun thought, but a gentle female voice:

"Hello, Professor Sun, I'm Gui Luyang."

"Mr. Gui, hello."

Professor Sun became excited again. Compared with the young richest man, it is obvious that the best HR in the world can solve the current predicament better.

"Professor Sun, I'm on the plane to Munich, the capital of Bavaria. I need to know how much management and sales that company has poached from you."

Munich, that company.

These two points are enough for Professor Sun to confirm: Gui Luyang's goal is to poach NTU Optoelectronics' Linde Group, the world's leading industrial gas company.


Even Professor Sun, who had seen many leaders, could still hear a chill from Gui Luyang's calm tone.

"I understand, Professor Sun, there will be at least this number of foreign executives reporting to you within a month, please be prepared to receive it."


Is it because Gui Luyang, who is well-known outside the world, doesn't take international leading companies seriously?

The well-informed Professor Sun lost his composure again. He stared blankly at the two women and forced a smile: "Director Wen, Xiao Liao, the salary system of NTU Optoelectronics may not be able to pay the salary of foreign executives."

Both Wen and Liao laughed together, and took out a piece of information from the document bag: "Professor Sun, this is why our investment landed so quickly."

Liao Yingzhu explained: "The 20 million in the early stage is to determine the shareholder composition of Nanda Optoelectronics, and to keep some irrelevant people out, so that you will be less hindered in the company's mergers and acquisitions in the future.

Now that the shareholders have been determined, injecting advanced international management experience and injecting R\u0026D genes from the source into the company's blood is the basis for us to fully support NTU Optoelectronics. "

Professor Sun put on reading glasses and carefully read the content of the document.

"CSIC 718 Institute? Tungsten hexafluoride... Nitrogen trifluoride? This is..." Professor Sun was startled, staring at Liao Yingzhu and asked, "This is... the air separation market?"

Liao Yingzhu: "Yes, all non-boss companies under Zhongguancun Holdings have self-hematopoietic functions, and NTU Optoelectronics in the future will be no exception!"

"This..." Professor Sun's face was full of doubts, "I don't know if you are clear, the medical industry is quite xenophobic..."


At the same time, Beijing.

In the suburbs of Beijing at night, there are a few street lights.

Outside a certain high wall and iron fence, Xizi turned on the headlights of the Crown car parked on the side of the road, and a figure of a pacing back and forth was illuminated, which was also illuminated outside the gate under Gao Qiang.

The beautiful shadow is so beautiful, Xizi thinks that as long as she looks at that shadow for a long time, she will never feel bored.

"Bai Li, there are still 15 minutes to go, dodging mosquitoes in the car?"

Betty turned her head, shook her head and forced a smile, "It won't be long, Xizi, you go and hide for a while."

Xizi had no choice but to take two steps forward and stood beside Betty.

In this desolate place, except for a few Gaoqiang searchlights not far away, the surroundings are gloomy. He can't rest assured that such a beautiful woman will be left alone outside the car.

"Zhao Song has made arrangements, so what else do you have to worry about?"

Betty shook her head: "If I don't see them, I always feel empty in my heart."

"..." Xizi stared blankly at the beautiful woman, and frowned at him, maybe the only one in front of him didn't take the richest man seriously?

Oh, and Wei Mingyu.


Suddenly, the heavy iron door under the high wall slowly opened.

A personable middle-aged man came with steady steps, with a silver suitcase in his hand, as if he did not come out of the four walls, but returned from a trip.


Betty no longer looked like a goddess, she cried and stepped forward to hug her father.

"Uncle Bai," Xizi stepped forward in dismay, only to find the heavy suitcase, "We have to hurry and go to another place to pick up Auntie."


Father Bai nodded, and pinched his daughter's face dotingly: "Zhao Song did not break his promise, and raised my little princess white and fat."

Betty didn't speak, she hugged her father's arm tightly, followed step by step and got into the crown car.

"Go pick up your mother, let's go home!"

"Well! Go home." Betty nodded fiercely, her pretty face was already messed up by the incessant tears.


In a quarter of an hour.

Xizi looked at the middle-aged fairy couple and their beautiful fairy daughter through the rearview mirror, feeling deeply moved.

"Xiao Xizi, thank you for accompanying Betty to pick us up." Bai Ma thanked her gently.

"Auntie," Xizi smiled wryly, "Can you remove the word 'small'?"

"It doesn't matter," Bai Ma said as before, "Anyway, you are just children in my eyes, Xiao Xizi, tell auntie, why didn't that kid come?"

"He's going to the south to fulfill your agreement," Xizi picked up an envelope from the passenger seat and handed it back, "This is your start-up capital."

Under Bai Li's curious gaze, Bai Ma took it unceremoniously: "I will borrow it from him."

Xizi replied honestly, "Oh, I will tell him."

"Where is that company?"

"Su City."


"Nanda Optoelectronics."

Bai Ma nodded and ordered to Bai Pa: "You will go there tomorrow."

Papa Bai nodded with a wry smile.

"What's the kid's plan for Betty?"

"No," Xizi shook her head again and again, "I'll listen to you."

"The medical beauty program will be merged into Yiren, and the physical examination program will exist independently." Bai Ma said decisively, "Has the kid given a name?"

"He said that if the physical examination is not incorporated into the Yiren Group, it can be called 'Ci Ming'. Of course, everything depends on your opinion."

Bai Ma nodded with a smile, and immediately let the atmosphere in the car relax a lot: "It's called Ci Ming! Now..."

Bai Ma suddenly put her arms around Bai Li, and categorically explained to Bai Pa:

"You go to earn money, pay off Zhao Song's debts and then take over Yiren; Ciming, I'll come!

From now on, our family will not owe anyone, my daughter can marry whoever she wants, she can be free and beautiful..."

After finishing speaking, she looked at her extremely cheerful daughter, and said with a half-smile, "I don't know if the home decoration of two listed companies is considered rich."


Jinling, Nanjing University.

The conversation continues.

"This person's name is Bai Lidong, a former senior official of the Ministry of Health, and the sales director of NTU Optoelectronics Medical Gas for some time to come."

Liao Yingzhu took out a business card and put it in front of Professor Sun, and continued: "The cooperation intentions of many tertiary hospitals in Beijing are in the document bag.

His wife is Luo Qin, the largest medical examination group in China in the future, and will also be an important or partner of NTU Optoelectronics.

In addition, Zhao Song will ask the local government to personally open the Shanghai medical gas market for us on the condition of Nanda Optoelectronics’ heavy investment project in Shanghai Zhangjiang. "


Although there are still many doubts, Professor Sun still nodded excitedly, and continued to read the information:

"Tianke shares?"

"That's right, with the former Southwest Chemical Industry Design and Research Institute as the main sponsor, the A-share listing was completed in early 2001."

"Are we going to list the shells?"

"That's right, this is a continuation of the cooperation between Zhongguancun Holdings and the Sichuan provincial government."

Wave after wave of impact, for Professor Sun, there was excitement, but the difficulties in reality made him smile wryly:

"Xiao Liao, you should know that there won't be much left after the 20 million debt is paid off."

Unlimited checks can only be used for the company's research and development, only one thing Professor Sun knows very well.

"This is the last question of the day."

Liao Yingzhu took out two documents: "

The first is that you will sign a private loan agreement with Zhao Song as a legal person of NTU Optoelectronics, with an amount of 440 million.

The second is Nanda Optoelectronics' acquisition of a part of the creditor's rights worth more than 2.13 billion for 440 million! "

"Who is the creditor?"

Professor Sun trembled all over.

"The name is very long?"

What is the name is very long.

"Why is my name so long because I don't want you to know what I do..."


Could this be another bad taste of the young richest man? Professor Sun was speechless.

"This is the former holding company of YDL Adult Products Company. After Zhongguancun Holdings completed the equity transfer, it became a leather bag company and is now used by us for debt operations."

After all, he has to be responsible for the great responsibility, so in order for Professor Sun to let go of the burden and understand the value of it, Liao Yingzhu explained in detail:

"The shareholders include a foreign-funded leather bag company, the owner is me, Sichuan Provincial State-owned Assets, Rongcheng City Government, and the head offices of several state-owned banks."

What's the hesitation?


Without even reading the specific content of the loan agreement, Professor Sun signed his name and asked expectantly:

"Can you know who the debtor is?"

"The debtor is being transferred at any time," Liao Yingzhu pointed to the information and signaled Professor Sun to read it for himself, "Someone wants to accrue this debt as bad debt, which will cause a huge loss of state-owned assets. At this point...

The boss disagrees, the local government disagrees, dozens of mayors disagree, the head offices of major banks disagree, and the country, let alone agree! "

"That's right!"

Professor Sun patted his thigh and drank: "Looking at our little richest man's work is to cheer up!"

Little richest man?

Wen Zhenwen and Liao Yingzhu looked at each other and smiled wryly, waiting for Tesla to go public to see if you still call him the richest man.

Professor Sun didn't see the exchange between the two. He looked at the document in his hand seriously, followed Liao Yingzhu's explanation, and finally found the name that made him so angry just now:

Top Technology!

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