Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 598: The Eve of Stormy Waves

(PS: Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, also known as 'Chang', also known as 'Dragon City'.)

In 2003, the electronic information industry with integrated circuits as the core surpassed the traditional industries represented by automobiles, petroleum, and steel to become the largest industry, and became a powerful engine and solid foundation for transforming and pulling traditional industries into the digital age. The world market of the electronic information industry with integrated circuits as the core has far exceeded 1 trillion US dollars, accounting for about 3% of the world's GNP. The data of modern economic development shows that for every 1 to 2 yuan of integrated circuit output value, the formation of the electronic industry output value of about 10 yuan is driven, which in turn drives the growth of GDP of 100 yuan.

At present, 65% of the growth of the national economic output value of developed countries is related to integrated circuits; the electronic content of the US defense budget has almost accounted for half of the country. It is estimated that in the next 10 years, the world's integrated circuit sales will grow at an average annual rate of 15%, and will reach 600 billion to 800 billion US dollars in 2010, which will support the electronic equipment market of 40,000 to 5 trillion US dollars.

As the focus of economic competition in today's world, integrated circuits with independent copyrights have increasingly become the lifeline of economic development, the basis of social progress, the bargaining chip of international competition and the guarantee of national security.

We can say that a new situation of war has begun. This war is not about who will be the first to enter the digital age, but that after entering the digital age, the VLSI engine and cornerstone industry will not be free from control.

In 2003, we had a market size of 220 billion yuan, accounting for 17.5% of the world. Compared with two years ago, our total sales revenue has increased from 2.5% to 3.4%.

Such is the dire state of our situation in this war, and it is the result of the painstaking efforts of the brightest minds in this country.

This situation will not make the news, and ordinary people will not dare to be interested in those English professional terms that they cannot understand. They can only be published in the white paper in the form of a reference for specific people to refer to.


A conference room in a private club in Longcheng.

All kinds of people gathered together, amidst the smog, the white paper on the conference table was looming.

At the table, an expert looked away from the white paper and said gently: "The integrated circuit is a knowledge-intensive, technology-intensive and capital-intensive industry, and it is also the industry with the largest investment in information manufacturing.

From this point of view, it can be said that it is a pragmatic strategy for the country to focus on the 'LED' and photovoltaic energy industries! "

"Chang Lao~"

At this time, a domineering young man impatiently interrupted the expert's introduction, "We are not interested in any national policies or industrial situations. I just want to know whether Zhao Song's investment in NTU Optoelectronics mattered to us. Influence?"

The expert Chang Lao's complexion did not change, and he introduced with a relaxed expression: "Sun Xiangzhen of Nantah University has been engaged in the chemical synthesis of MO sources since 1986. After fifteen years of hard work, Nantah Optoelectronics finally obtained the international advanced preparation route and the most advanced technology."

"Chang Lao," the expert was interrupted again, this time it was Liu Yupeng who asked politely, "What is Mo Yuan?"

"It's related to LED." The expert's explanation was easy to understand. Seeing that everyone no longer had the intention to ask questions, he continued, "I think Zhao Song saw this and made up the last gap for Nanda Optoelectronics—— The funds and talents required for large-scale production!"

Having said that, Mr. Chang picked up the document at hand: "According to the inside information that everyone got from the provincial government of Suzhou—with the support of Zhongguancun Holdings, Nanda Optoelectronics will build a large-scale R\u0026D and production base in Jinling; Trimethylgallium, trimethylindium, trimethylaluminum production lines, air separation plant and special gas plant.

These actions are fully in line with the knowledge-intensive and capital-intensive characteristics of the industry. "

Chang Lao raised his head, looked around at the thoughtful crowd in the room, twitched the corners of his mouth, and sighed: "This is a very huge investment, not to mention that I don't know whether Mr. Zhao Song has other plans, but combined with the white paper In view of the heavy participation of the provincial government:

This is definitely an investment project approved by the superiors, in line with the general environment and policies, and closely following the high-level line. In my opinion, the investment base is one billion yuan! "


"Chang Lao, is there an upper limit to this base?"

"No," the expert shook his head and said, "In addition to Mo Yuan, this investment also involves the electronic special gas market with a scale of up to 20 billion."


Expert Chang Lao looked at the cloudy crowd in the room, and couldn't help but persuade: "Everyone, it's an unfortunate time for the stock market thunderstorm. No matter whether you can guess the size of Zhao Song's capital, please also put Tesla Listing factor is excluded.”


"Because Tesla didn't comply with the NYSE listing rules until October! By then, the stock market storm incident would have been resolved long ago!"


Seeing no one speak, Liu Yupeng in the corner said hesitantly, "That is to say, we must know how much money Zhao Song still has in order to determine his next move?"

The most urgent question now is to know whether Zhao Song still has the money to participate in Gangben.

Who would have thought that Zhao Songxuhuang would shoot up this thing that was supposed to be a sure thing, and get it on the little-known Nanda Optoelectronics—they thought that Wen Zhenwen's arrival in Suzhou was aimed at Gangben.

"I have a piece of news." At this moment, a deep male voice came from the landline, "Xu Liangying is missing."

"What's the meaning?"

"We can't find her anymore. Whether it's Q County or Cang City, our people haven't found her in the past two days. Gu Wuming's insider revealed: She has come to Dragon City!"

Someone asked: "Where are the insiders?"

"This is my business, I guarantee it will be absolutely reliable."

The people in the room looked at each other thoughtfully.

"We know: apart from One Kilometer and Three Links and One Access, Wu Ming is the only one under the Zhao Song family who has the least participation in the integrated circuit industry.

So Xu Liangying has always had great ambitions. From alloy structural steel to carbon structural steel, from carbon tool steel to special performance steel, and even cast iron parts, as long as it is the steel connectors involved in integrated circuits, it is Wu Ming. This time has been collecting technical information. "

"what does that mean?"

"It means that Xu Liangying's ambition can only be realized by participating in Gangben, a purely private steel company."

"So our early preparations were not in vain."

It was a middle-aged man who spoke, the oldest one in the room, and he was also the speaker of the whole speculation.

"of course not!"

On the phone, a deep voice explained, "Zhao Song used the steel book to attract you to Longcheng in the hope that there would be less constraints when investing in Nanda Optoelectronics; now, the reason why he didn't keep it secret after the successful investment is to warn everyone to speculate in steel book. Stop in and stop, don't push yourself too hard~"

"Beautiful thinking!"

The middle-aged man sneered, "It seems that Tesla's listing in October has not affected the pocketbook of our richest man~"

He turned his head, cast his stern eyes on Liu Yupeng in the corner: "How much money do we have?"

Liu Yupeng touched the corners of his eyes that were still bluish, and gently stretched out a finger.

"Then throw it all out and get the land!" The middle-aged man waved his hands fiercely, and then said to the landline sullenly, "Use us as gunmen, and then make trouble behind yourself, are you going to do something?"

"Of course," the deep male voice said unhurriedly on the phone, "I don't believe that Zhao Song is selfless. Two big thunders in the stock market are disasters for us, but opportunities for him!"


"Why did he let Liao Yingzhu come back without calling anyone?"


"Also, I just received news that Zhao Song is related to an international blockbuster paper, and CCTV's press release has come out."

"What is he going to do?"

"He wants to focus all his attention on that industry, which needs to be knowledge-intensive and talent-intensive, so he wants more and more people to pay attention to that industry."

"What does it have to do with the stock market?"

"The reason Chang Lao said just now - that industry also requires capital intensive, so the more people focus on it, the more funds will be invested in that industry, and where the funds will come from the fastest? The stock market!"

The middle-aged speaker finally understood what the person on the landline meant, and couldn't help asking:

"What are we going to do?"

"We can't be led by him, we have to disrupt his pace."

"How to disrupt?"

"Tomorrow, Huahong's board of directors will definitely report on their work and show their merits. According to Zhao Songyu's habit, it will nothing more than prepare those major shareholders to make great contributions.

What credit?

What is the credit of the integrated circuit industry that can attract the attention of superior leaders and the interest of ordinary people? "

Listening to the question on the phone, Liu Yupeng blurted out:

"Planting flower cores!"


That's right, everyone's eyes lit up, they patted their thighs, and said one after another:

"It's Godson!"

"He hid the Godson team in United Semiconductor for two years."

"It's time to produce results!"

"The first flower core~"

"Big news."


After a while of discussion, the meeting room slowly calmed down, and people then turned their attention to the landline.

"Release the first flower core, and then separate Godson, establish a company, attract investment, and seek listing..."

"What a game of chess!" said the middle-aged speaker gloomily, "What should we do?"

"Of course it's going to disturb his steps..." The person on the phone chuckled, "Mr. Zhong, don't forget that you also have a chip in your hand."

As soon as he said this, Liu Yupeng's heart suddenly twitched in the corner. He looked at the white paper on the table, full of worry-these people have to deal with people who need to refer to the white paper to study and understand. Do they know this? What exactly does it mean?

They took advantage of Zhao Song, which seemed like a harmless joke to the upper echelon; but they made Zhao Song anxious, or something worse happened...

Have they considered the consequences?

However, no one in the conference room cared about Liu Yupeng's thoughts, and everyone turned their attention to the middle-aged speaker.

"You mean..." The person in charge hesitated for a long time before recalling an idle move he made a long time ago, "That Chen Jin?"

"That's right!"

The frowning chuckle came again, and on the landline, the deep male voice finally said: "Since Zhao Song has brought the heat up, of course we can't live up to his kindness, and the road to wealth of Godson is everyone's back road .

When the time comes, even if something happens to Gangben..."

I didn't say the following words, but everyone present can understand the meaning.

"I think the name of the first flower core planted is the one given by Mr. Zhong, which sounds better. Do you think so?"

Many people were nodding, and then looked at the blushing speaker with admiration.

In their mouths, they were still chanting that nice name.

Only Liu Yupeng lowered his head, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

He wants to run, he wants to get out, but he who is deeply trapped in it doesn't make any movements, there is only a kind of despair from the heart, and unconscious murmurs.

The situation described in the white paper is indeed very bad, but have you overlooked something?

What we have to deal with is the owner of a private company called Tesla, which is the highest-level partner of most semiconductor chip designers and manufacturers in the world~

In the face of such a person, do you dare to take out a "flower core" that claims to have independent intellectual property rights without any warning?


At this time, if someone could get close to him, what he would hear was the name that was exactly the same as the others chanted:


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