Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 606 Fairy (a big chapter today)

(PS: In reality, BYD.

For the Lifetime One Core Program, the National University of Science and Technology has completed the first training session, with a strong lineup of tutors. )


The upcoming press conference in the afternoon caught many by surprise.

Especially for Zhao Song, but it is not at a loss.

In these days after his rebirth, what Zhao Song is most proud of is that he has been recognized by countless people as a member of a vested interest group, and has formed a terrifying circle around him.

Huahong's board of directors is not as simple as the little news that Zhao Song and Director Zhao revealed. Even the layout of the western region was brought to the wine table, and the status of shareholder representatives attending the meeting is getting higher and higher, which proves one thing : That is, the board of directors will eventually return to its tradition—report the results, and then everyone will sit in line to share the fruits.

What fruit?

One of them depends on another company that has a cross-shareholding with Huahong: United Semiconductor.

what does it have

Plant the first core of flowers.


This vested interest group in the integrated circuit industry is different from traditional industries that have been boycotted. They welcome all capital to participate. As long as they are aboveboard, they are willing to make the cake bigger with everyone.


In the private room, the shareholders attending the meeting looked at the materials brought by Qin Han in silence, some shook their heads and sighed, some were furious.

People are afraid of comparison.

Zhao Song's initial plan for talent training starts from ten years ago. How dare your small "Hanxin" project team release such wild words?

Sitting next to Li Qiang at the dining table, the middle-aged man who had been silent all this time raised his head from the information, and nodded slightly to Li Qiang.

"Mr. Zhao, let me introduce you to Mr. Chen Zhi."


The angry Zhao Song regained his sobriety, and looked at his general in doubt.

What time is it, how did this come out, besides, as a participant of United Semiconductor, the person in charge of a certain military management company, didn’t he introduce it when he got up early to visit?

"Mr. Chen Zhi..." Li Qiang grinned, "Colonel."



"He came here this time, in addition to attending the meeting, he mainly wanted to discuss with Mr. Zhao about the cooperation between JD's companies, various research institutes and United Semiconductor in two major projects."

After the introduction, Li Qiang handed Zhao Song a cooperation proposal.


Zhao Song took it silently, browsed it roughly, and his body slowly trembled again, but this time he was not angry, but excited.

'Big Dipper! '

'radar! '

Zhao Song roared in his heart.

Ten years ago, the Yinhe, whose GPS was turned off and drifted in the Pacific like a helpless child, suddenly came to mind.


If VLSI can really intervene in the military field in advance, the things that happened ten years ago may follow the wind, but the 10,000-ton large-scale drive that solved the radar problem ten years later may really become the real number one in the world!

"Thank you~"

What the hell?

Everyone looked at Zhao Song in surprise.

"I mean..." Zhao Song lost his composure and smiled, "We must fully support it!"

He solemnly extended his hand to Chen Zhi: "Thank you, Mr. Chen Zhi.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized I wasn't a capitalist!


Chen Zhi twitched his lips, trying to put on a serious look, and said solemnly: "Mr. Zhao, as long as you do things that are beneficial to the country, we will be your backing."


After hearing this, the deputy mayor silently put away his mobile phone and gave up his plan to stop the press conference himself. Although, the press conference was organized by the City Hall Press Office...

So what if 'Hanxin' is an 863 project, we have nothing to do with it.

So what about the participation of the city government? I don't know.

So what if there are academicians? Are there many academicians behind Zhao Song? Maybe such a secret press conference was the academician's secret to Zhao Song.

Let the young people toss it.

Like the deputy mayor in charge, at the dinner table, those who wanted to take action all silently gave up their plans and looked at Zhao Song.


"Little rain."

Zhao Song called his sister and waved to the corner of the room along the way.


In the astonishment of everyone, the invisible bodyguard appeared in an instant. He nodded in Chen Zhi's direction first, and then stood beside the boss.

Zhao Song groped up and down on him, took out a rectangular object, and waved his hand.


The invisible man disappeared without a trace.

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Yu turned out a big rectangular stick, and waved it twice excitedly.

"Don't you like stabbing people, go help brother stab two people..."

As he said that, Zhao Song whispered in Xiao Yu's ear and explained in detail.



"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Go together, go together~"

These officials suddenly discovered that as long as they stay with the young Zhao Song for a long time, they can always get various "surprises".

Forget it, this kid is not easy, so those little shrimps can let him do whatever they want.

The trouble is the people behind Xiao Xiami, if Zhao Song wants to do something, they don't mind doing something that makes people worse - M, did you get the peaches on me? ! !

"Bear, do you bring them all?"

Xiao Yu blushed with a smile and nodded excitedly.

She has lived in a dirty circle since she was a child, so of course she knows what the two bears mean.

"Hug it!" Zhao Song emphasized that Xiao Yu didn't understand what he meant, "Hug both bears!"

"Skin crackling~"


The big stick in his hand made a scalp-numbing electric sound, and Xiao Yu was so excited that his ponytails stood up slightly.


"Da da ~" the footsteps of small high heels in the park.


The deputy mayor patted his head with a wry smile, and nodded to Director Zhao beside him with a headache.

After receiving the order, Director Zhao hurriedly followed.

Hu Nao belongs to Hu Nao, there is the city government, someone must prevent the incident from expanding further—since you keep it secret, let Hu Nao keep it secret in that secret press office...


Five minutes later, the lively atmosphere returned to the restaurant.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

So Zhao Song also smiled all over his face: "I believe you have heard the good news just now."

Everyone nodded again and again, and gave Chen Zhi a friendly smile.

Also as a shareholder of United Semiconductor, if it can really develop a product that meets the specifications, it will be a project that guarantees income from drought and flood.

"So in order to prevent those people from making blind comparisons, my personal shareholding in United Semiconductor has become inappropriate."


Everyone understood Zhao Song's concerns, and they all nodded solemnly, but looking at their burning eyes, they could tell that there must be some crazy plans in their hearts.

"This is my plan..." Zhao Song said in a deep voice, "Half of the shares in my hand will be approved with several layers of skins and handed over to Shenzhou Group for acceptance."

The bearded man quickly stood up, and solemnly agreed: "I will send the most elite team from Shenzhou to deal with it."


Nodding his thanks to the bearded man, Zhao Song looked around with a smile, and under the expectant gaze of everyone, he said:

"I will sell the other half, and the proceeds will be used to improve the treatment of R\u0026D personnel..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Song turned to Chen Zhi and said, "Mr. Chen, according to the usual practice, no matter where your technicians come from or where they work, you need to concentrate talents and take on teaching tasks. , do you have any objection?"

"No." Chen Zhi spoke very well.

Of course, as long as you know what Zhao Song is going to do, you are easy to talk to.

"Okay." Zhao Song said with a smile, "I haven't reduced any personal contributions these days, so out of the principle of equal treatment, I need to improve the material treatment basis of your project team personnel. The first step is the house, and the joint semiconductor senior engineer Baseline, starting with 120 square meters, three bedrooms and one living room, after that, the salary needs to be equal.”


At this moment, Senior Colonel Chen, who had been at ease all this time, finally couldn't sit still.

Others are not surprised, because this kid did that in Huahong.

"It's up to you to distribute the remuneration. The funds come from the proceeds from the sale of the other half of the shares. At that time, a fund will be established, which will be operated by my chief financial advisor, Liao Yingzhu."

Chen Zhi obviously knew Liao Yingzhu's name. Seeing that Zhao Song had arranged things clearly, he no longer hesitated, and agreed with a little more confused head, intending to hand over the problem to the superiors.

"Now..." Zhao Song looked at the people staring at him and asked with a smile, "Who is interested in the 3.73% stake in United Semiconductor?"

"Boss, I think it is better for United Semiconductor employees to purchase internally." Li Qiang said.

The bearded man was disdainful: "Mr. Zhao wants cash, do you have any money? Mr. Zhao, our Shenzhou can take on big responsibilities bravely!"

The deputy mayor in charge smiled heartily: "The development of United Semiconductor cannot be supported by Shanghai City, I think..."

"That's not true... We don't have any less support for it, we..."

"Supporting the development of the integrated circuit industry is in line with the national plan. Our country's tobacco is in the vanguard. These shares..."

(PS: National Tobacco has always had a tradition of participating in large funds for the integrated circuit industry. In reality, what I know is that it has jointly invested in large funds with BOE long ago. It was mentioned once in this book, and Zhao Song called the boss of BOE.)


12:55 noon.

While snapping up shares in a restaurant in Zhangjiang was in full swing, another interesting conversation took place in another place in Shanghai.

Hong Kidd, an ordinary migrant worker.

As one of the migrant workers who play the most important role in the flower-growing economy, Hong Ki-duk has reason to be proud.

But now, he feels that his life has reached a climax.

Everything was because of the identity of the person in front of him that made him terrified.

Especially after confirming with this person's PDA...

Song Guanyi, Tesla's global security director.

"Are you Hong Kidd?"

"Yes." Hong Jide nodded honestly, answering every question.


"Shanghai Hanji Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. is a decoration company."

"Very good, I heard that your company asked you to do a big thing?"

"Yes." The quail-like Hong Kid nodded hastily. For him, if it's a big deal, then that's the only one.

"Tell me."

In order not to scare people, Song Guanyi tried his best to make his expression as kind as possible.

"Okay. Some time ago, we renovated the chip and system research center of Professor J University Chen."

"..." Song Guanyi frowned, causing Hong Jide to tremble in fright, "The decoration company is doing decoration, what kind of big deal is this?"

"Not this, not this..."

Hong Jide shook his head in a panic, and quickly added: "I, I, I repaired the chip for Professor Chen by the way."


God he M's decoration under the chip.

As expected, as the boss said in the text message just now, the fairy in front of me is simply...

The most innovative migrant workers in the 21st century!

(PS: I won’t be able to return to the past when I’m old, but I won’t be an eunuch even for the sake of making ends meet. This can be guaranteed. Watch the children on weekends, try to be more careful, consider the 404 issue, and slow down)

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