Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 607: She's Coming

When Song Guanyi was shocked by a migrant worker, in the staff dormitory of Shanghai J University, Chen Jin had already finished his lunch and began to prepare for the most important moment of his life.

It was the turn of spring and summer in Shanghai, and the spring catkins were still flying in the air, but the hot weather in midsummer was already probing from time to time. At this time of June, long-sleeved, short-sleeved and sleeveless vests can be worn as you like. As long as you are confident in your figure, you can see bright and enchanting beauties everywhere on the road.

Chen Jin likes Shang Hai's June. The weather is most pleasant in the morning and evening, the air is fresh and slightly cool. Running in the morning and running at night, watching a drama on the sofa at night on weekends, and sleeping late in the morning with a thin quilt are all the most pleasant things.

Of course, the more comfortable thing is to travel around every corner of the earth with countless money.

In another world, the future he did...

"Professor Chen, the car is ready."

At this time, the assistant doctoral student knocked on the door and entered the room, looking at his supervisor with respect and admiration.

For him, no matter if it is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. Whether it is true or false, as long as you can cheat funds, get fame and fortune, that is a good mentor.

As long as the tutor has obtained the Changjiang Scholars, I will be a big disciple; if I become the dean of the School of Microelectronics, I will be the secretary of the dean; if I work as the CEO of the Intellectual Property Exchange Center, I will be the chief assistant to the CEO!

"How is the venue set up?"

A gentle voice interrupted the reverie of the chief disciple.

"The arrangement has been completed, and Junior Brother Chen reported that the media has already entered the venue one after another."

Having said that, the eldest disciple hesitated for a moment.

"What, is there a problem?"

"Junior Brother Chen said...the media's standards for admission are a bit low."

In fact, not only the media, but even the officials and scholars present are much lower than those of the other world.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Jin smiled confidently, "As long as the results can be published in the newspapers, with its news sensitivity, and Zhao Song's contribution to the industry in the past two days, I believe that a single spark can start a prairie fire!"

As long as it can be seen in the newspapers!

In terms of people's expectations for the first core of planting flowers, the richest man is nothing, and United Semiconductor, which has not released a result in two years, is nothing. At that time, Zhao Song and Li Qiang will all stand aside, and people will only know me. gold.

"Set off."


The two went down the road, and when they saw the extended Lincoln parked at the door, Chen Jin nodded in satisfaction, and sat in the car in high spirits...


the capital.

Different from Chen Jin's extended Lincoln, Qin Tian's car is an ordinary Santana.

As a member of the Shenzhou Group, Qin Tian, ​​who has been working here for two years, doesn't know whether he is a manager or a worker.

Two years ago, as a follow-up to the shocking battle between Zhao Song and Wanji Electric, Huada Electronics became one of the four major smart card manufacturers in China, and he and his team also came to Shenzhou Group in exchange.

At that time, the chairman of Shenzhou personally received it. Zhao Song even gave the department he was in charge of a grand name-Shenzhou Jiutian!

Of course, he didn't know that the name 'Jiutian' should belong to them. After 6 years in another world, an EDA company named 'Huada Jiutian' became independent from the Huada Group.

"Processors as simple as radios and as complex as Intel can be realized through the circuit design and simulation technology of EDA software. Whether a higher-performance CPU can be designed depends not only on the professional knowledge of the design team, but also on the expression of professional knowledge. EDA software."

"A country's EDA software level represents the level of its electronic product design capabilities."

"So, I can't just treat you as a fire seed in Huada. Even if you want to be self-reliant, you should be self-reliant, because only I can give you the greatest support."

"We are experimenting with social reform. There are right and wrong experiments, but this time, our country is really wrong, not just EDA, but the entire industrial software industry. This will be a...

Unforgettable industrial misjudgment. "

How could it be a misjudgment, Zhao Song did not say, because Germany, the leading European leader at that time, had not released the Industry 4.0 standard, and "digital modeling and simulation" had not yet become the brightest star behind all digital industries. However, when it is actually released, the two most important software tools in the field of R\u0026D and design, CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and CAE (Computer-Aided Simulation), will become the most familiar, but seemingly lame, information technology for florists. field of legs.

(PS: EDA is advanced, automated CAD)

At that time, Qin Tian didn't understand the deep meaning of Zhao Song's words.

But in the past two years, as Shenzhou has given him more and more support, correspondingly, his team has received less and less support from relevant state departments...

He has been engaged in EDA research and development for 20 years. The higher-level competent departments have changed from the Ministry of Machinery to the Ministry of Science and Technology to the Ministry of Information Industry. …

The policy of integrating industrialization and industrialization is to promote the construction of informatization through enterprise applications and promote the popularization of informatization in the manufacturing industry. It has also cultivated a group of talents, but it also has an indirect consequence, that is, a large amount of funds subsidized by the state for the integration of industrialization and industrialization are used to buy foreign industrial software.

This has also created an unrivaled spectacle in the semiconductor industry-that is, the three major international EDA monopoly giants, who fought bloody battles abroad, actually coexist harmoniously in the flower growers!

Money, gone!

Regarding this point, Zhao Song reported it, the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported it, and the relevant personnel also reported it during the Second Session, but it disappeared without a trace.

"Here we have an invisible and intangible bastard thing, it has a name called...

Buy B!"

Thinking of Zhao Song's indignant words again, Qin Tian, ​​who was sitting in Santana, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Boss Qin, X is here."

Qin Tian turned his head to look out of the car window, and an imposing university gate immediately came into view.

Another university, the advantage of working in Beijing is that there are so many university hours here~

"Find a parking place and wait for me. It won't be long."


The driver responded, and then he persuaded hesitantly, "Mr. Qin, let these universities offer relevant courses. If it really doesn't work, let Chairman Zhao come forward."

"Got to try~"

Qin Tian smiled sarcasticly, "Let Mr. Zhao do everything, even if he is exhausted, he won't be able to take care of it."

After finishing speaking, Qin got out of the car and strode into the school.

Although he could foresee how he would be treated, he still walked without hesitation.


"President Qin, besides the schools of Huaqing and Aurora, do you think it is necessary for us to offer this major?"

"It depends on your school's consideration."

"What is the size of the industry?"

"2 billion? 5 billion? Sorry, this is the field of industrial software, it's hard to count."

"You also know that it is industrial software, which is an industry that needs the support of the national system."


"What about the global workforce?"

"10,000? 20,000? I'm sorry, principal, but there are no statistics for this."

"Then can you know the number of people who are employed?"

"...I'm sorry principal, we can only hire outstanding graduates."

"What about the salary?"

"Not as good as a commercial software company."

"...President Qin."

"Principal, tell me, I'm listening."

"It is not impossible to open related majors. As long as you can let Wei Xu, it is best to let Zhao Song come forward, reach a strategic cooperation with our school with great fanfare, and promise employment prospects in front of the media. I promise to open two classes for you next year. .”

"This won't work..."

Qin Tian waved his hands again and again, and murmured, "Isn't this a scam?"


'How is this a scam? "

Shang Hai.

Chen Jin looked at the closed press office, smiled slightly, and shouted in his heart:

"I can improve the patriotic pride of the people. I am indeed doing chip research and development. As long as I grab this first, in the future, I will definitely make a veritable first chip for planting flowers!"

It's a pity that Chen Jin didn't know, and even the experts who endorsed him would never have imagined that the No. 2 and No. 3 that this insatiable greedy bastard would make in the next three years were all fake... …

At this time, Chen Jin straightened his appearance again, and pushed open the door in high spirits.


"Shua Shua ~"

If there is a climax in life, then for Chen Jin at this moment, it is the climax.

If there is a trough in life, it is a trough for Qin Tian, ​​who walked out of school in despair at this moment.

What people are most afraid of is comparison.

Compared with treatment; compared with superiority; compared with winning or losing; compared with happiness; compared with happiness.

Even compare a lot of different things.

For example, Chen Jin and Qin Tian at this moment.

If there is no accident, hundreds of millions of netizens like Zhao Song can only look for clues about what happened that day on the Internet, and then denounce and scold with indignation...

Until the fingers were tired of typing, there was only a sigh of disappointment.

They will turn off the monitor, be absent-minded for a while, and then get up and leave. Some people may even mutter something:



How nice~"




"Welcome everyone to the 'Hanxin-1' press conference."

On the rostrum, the senior disciple was in high spirits, presided over the press conference calmly amidst the flashing lights.

"This release..."


The door burst open.

Amazon's butterfly wings are waving crazily, bringing a serious keyboard warrior to this world!

He was cowardly, useless, and useless. His only affirmation of himself was that he never took a step back on the Internet!

Today, he came, no, it was his sister who came, bringing the resentment, resentment, and anger of hundreds of millions of netizens, and smashed open the door...

The door to kill a thousand swords!


Under the horrified gaze of the city government staff, two big bears with unique numbers on both ends were held by slender and delicate arms, and walked in step by step.


A female staff member collapsed to the ground under the pressure.

Wei, sister of Zhao Song, blackening, love to stab people, Ming Yu.

who is she?

The most widely circulated gossip in Shanghai City Hall is that Zhao Song asked his superiors for three invisible people, kept one for himself, and gave the other two to his younger sister.

At this moment in the press office, everyone's eyes were wide open in horror, and their footsteps were trembling back.

Because behind those two terrifying bears, they saw two middle-aged men walking out like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood unreservedly releasing their aura.


In the focus of everyone, Xiao Yu shot, she ignored Chen Jin, and the experts and professors on the platform beside her were knocked down by her.

Then she looked at the photo in her hand and turned her gaze to another expert professor.


Another fell to the ground.

Xiao Yu nodded in satisfaction, continued to ignore Chen Jin, took out the printing paper from her small pocket, stood on the rostrum, and read softly into the microphone:

"Postpartum care for sows should first start before delivery, and the sows should gradually reduce the amount of feed 4 or 5 days before delivery..."


Chief Zhao, who was poking his head at the gate, patted his head dumbfoundingly.

"Little rain, little rain."

The little secretary Zhu Yue ran anxiously to the rostrum, holding another piece of printing paper in her hand.

"The idea is to reduce abdominal pressure, eat less prenatally and eat more postpartum."

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, I took the wrong one~"


Xiao Yu raised her head in confusion, looked at the manuscript in her hand, and then at the one in Zhu Yue's hand...

This is more embarrassing.


The true chief disciple and assistant on the side fell to the ground.

Is it really so comfortable?

Xiaoyu looked at the twitching assistant doctoral student suspiciously, raised her head and said to Zhu Yue:

"You do it."

After she finished speaking, she raised her left hand, and held up a large electric baton in her right hand to attack her.


The twin tails stand upright.

Director Zhao, who had already rushed over, stepped forward with a wry smile, and hugged Wei Doubi Mingyu. He knew that this girl was just trying to avoid the embarrassment of saying 'sow', so she stopped playing!

The little secretary, Zhu Yue, stared at the twitching Xiao Yu in a daze. Under Director Zhao's glaring, she reluctantly picked up the manuscript, and read to the stunned crowd:

"Hi everyone, now the press conference officially begins.

First of all, let us welcome the most innovative decoration worker in the 21st century, Mr. Hong Kidd, with warm applause. "



Amidst Zhu Yue's awkward applause alone, Hong Ki-de felt that his life had reached a climax again.

He was high-spirited, high-spirited, heroic, and strenuously stepped onto the stage:

"Hi everyone, my name is Hong Jide, a mason at Shanghai Hanji Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. I have been working for more than ten years. As for the work of masonry, as long as you give me the tools, I will do nothing!"

"A few days ago, Professor Chen asked me to decorate the chip. For this delicate thing, I can't use No. 100 sandpaper. In order to make the job perfect, I also specially bought Continental No. 500 and No. 2000 sandpaper."

While speaking, Hong Kid took out two chips from his pocket:

"This thing is called a Motorola dsp56800 series chip," Hong Kid read to the note, and then said to everyone with a smile, "it's exactly the same as what Professor Chen gave me.

Now, let me show you how to turn a Motorola chip into a Hanxin-one! "


Although he was not electrocuted, the person who should have enjoyed all the glory fell to the ground~

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