Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 608 It's finally coming

Another 'Hanxin' was made.

But the reaction of everyone in the audience was not as great as the little secretary Zhu Yue expected.

Some people are indifferent, some shake their heads and sigh, some are filled with righteous indignation...

The inexperienced little secretary didn't know that for these stinky and shameless people, this situation would not make them at a loss, and there were many ways to escape.

Besides, there are tens of millions of chips in the world. Do you think this one is a Han core or a Han core?

Only Chen Jin, who was paralyzed on the ground, was full of despair, because he knew that Zhao Song had made a move, and he, who had returned from studying in the United States, knew how ruthless Zhao Song had made it!

If possible, he would rather that cute girl could give him a piece of electricity, so that he could deal with them with physical attacks until the people behind took him out.

But no, the girl ignored him, which also meant that the decoration worker was just an appetizer.

He knew that those people in the audience would soon be unable to continue acting, and they would all walk into the deepest abyss with him...

Sure enough, Zhu Yue, the little secretary on the rostrum, didn't care how people reacted. She looked at the manuscript in her hand like reading a manual, and then carefully put it away. She came to the results display stand and picked up the "first core of planting flowers" , Picked up the layout of the first core and returned to the rostrum.

On one side, a man who looked like an assistant handed the little secretary a ruler.

As if to poke fun at the people here, that ruler is a tape measure!

In the field of integrated circuits, even if you don't have a vernier caliper, a ruler can be regarded as face-saving. However, these people don't need face-saving today!

Zhu Yue pulled out the tape measure, gesticulated on No. 1, and then looked it up against the layout—she didn't know professional drawings at all, but she could understand pictures!

"The real thing doesn't match the size of the layout!"

(PS: All the bugs about No. 1 in the article are not fabricated. They all come from Internet materials. Regarding the source of No. 1 materials, they come from Qiandu Encyclopedia. It is not a violation or a violation.)

"Physical pin count...

208! "

"Number of layout pins... Let me count~"

Zhu Yue counted the territory carefully. This time, some of the G staff and experts in the audience finally changed their colors.



"Are you blind?"

"Plop~" Someone in the audience fell to the ground.

"If you are not blind, are you stupid~"

boom boom boom~

Under Director Zhao's watchful eyes, those low-status G members and experts were like dominoes, their faces slumped, and they all looked like dead parents.

The little secretary paused, thinking of the repeated explanations in the instruction manual, and still cursed out that swear word: "Are you all stupid?"

boom boom boom~

Not a single leeway was left.

Just pick out the faults according to your display results, pick out the faults that make people speechless and jaw-dropping!

In another world.

It's these blind people and idiots who made the first core of planting flowers!

In the end, the little secretary finally did not ignore the culprit of all this. She walked up to Chen Jin, took out the manuscript paper, and said solemnly:

"Although the time is a bit tight, it just so happens that my boss is in Shanghai and in the United States, and it still has something to do with it."


What do you call... something?

Chen Jin smiled bitterly in despair.

"Motorola found the person responsible overnight, your cousin is the one who bought the chip, it is not illegal, but your colleague is secretly selling the layout and has been arrested!

Mr. Chen, the next step waiting for you will be an international arrest warrant. My boss promises that it will be a matter of time! "

finally come.

Chen Jin's eyes darkened, and he was extremely desperate.

"Oh, by the way, the principal of Tongji happens to be the teacher's wife of the boss. When Mrs. Jiang heard about this, she unilaterally issued an order from the principal, announcing the cancellation of all your student status in Tongji!"


Chen Jin finally passed out.

Really cruel.

Director Zhao smiled wryly while holding Xiao Yu.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout from the gate!

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yu in Director Zhao's arms suddenly struggled.

"Get out!"

The unbearable Director Zhao finally made his voice on behalf of the city government.

Why didn't Zhao Song come?

Why did Xiao Yu turn the venue into a farce?

This is to minimize the impact on the city government.

The two brothers and sisters have done their utmost to benevolent and righteous, but there are still people who want to magnify the matter.

Carefully handing Xiaoyu to the invisible man, Director Zhao angrily came to the gate, and kicked the visitor out:

"I, Zhao Zhigang from the G Capital Committee, who are you and what position are you?"

The visitor got up in embarrassment, and when he saw Director Zhao who was not working here, his face changed drastically, and he said in a low voice:

"Zhao... Hello Director Zhao, I am Secretary xx."

"Go back and tell your leader that the city leader has entrusted me to handle all matters here, and I will report the relevant situation to the city leader in every detail.

Now, with your majesty...

Get out! "



The door closed again.

Director Zhao picked up the big electric baton, looked around majestically, and said word by word:

"Due to a power leakage failure in the power supply of the press office, this press conference was canceled and the content was kept confidential."


"Above, who is for and who is against?"

"Very well, agree, agree."

"Since I agree," Director Zhao ignored several small media outlets, glaring at a few small city officials, "Hurry up and get out!"


In the blink of an eye, the crowd disappeared completely.


Xiao Yu stood up, walked over with her slightly numb left hand, pouted and said regretfully, "Uncle Zhao, we agreed that you would not show up."

"It's okay if you don't come forward," Director Zhao smiled wryly this day more than in the past year, "Your brother is going to end in person, I can't let some departments of the city government be taken over by him."

Xiao Yu was overjoyed, with a smile that people could never get tired of: "My brother is so good?"

"Great is not enough to describe your brother," Director Zhao sighed, "It's Shanghai's turn to study your brother Zhao Song. If I am willing to admit that I am second, no one will dare to admit that I am the first."

"..." Xiaoyu blinked her big eyes and looked at Director Zhao seriously. As long as it was a compliment to her brother, she would never tire of hearing it.

Looking at the three comatose outsiders, and to reassure Xiaoyu, Director Zhao patiently explained: "From the time he started, as long as someone confronted him, he would immediately create a big trend around him, just like The memory war throws out the Shenzhou Group, just like the market war brings out domestic substitution, just like the patent war in the United States lobbying a street to spend money and dollars..."

"What about this time?"

Xiao Yu asked curiously.

"This time~" Director Zhao sighed and said, "One hour after confirming that the chess players of both sides will end the game in person, a meeting that appears to be a board meeting is actually an outcome report is about to begin..."

He looked at Chen Jin, who was waking up slowly, and grinned: "Compared to this 'Hanxin' that doesn't light up the screen, your brother will bring this country the real first flower-growing core'!"

Xiao Yu's proud smiling eyes almost narrowed into a line.

"The most important thing is," Director Zhao added excitedly under Chen Jin's shocked gaze, "what he brought is not just the first core of planting flowers, but a commercial plan with a strict timeline!"

"what is that?"

Xiao Yu was confused.

"That will be the beginning of an ecology~"

Director Zhao murmured:

"One kilometer is here, the first private convenience chain in China; three links and one delivery are here, the first private logistics for planting flowers; of course Shenzhou is also here, a large state-owned enterprise founded by your brother, the world's top 500, and the No. 1 PC company for planting flowers ;Wu Ming is also here, the first machine for planting flowers; Shanshi is here, Wesonic is here, and YDL (the original why my name is so long, because... a condom company, considering the number of words, I will use YDL in the future) will also come up...

The Pingchang district government of the capital city also came, and many organizations at all levels, large and small, also came..."

"What are you here for?"

This sentence was asked by Chen Jin.

"They will be the place where Shenzhou will undertake the first commercial project of Zhonghua's core!"

Director Zhao waited for Chen Jin to reply, "Boy, you are not worthy to ask this question at all. Compared to Zhao Song, you are not even a flower planter, no, you are not even a human being!"

After satirizing Chen Jin, Director Zhao turned his head and said kindly: "Xiao Yu, the flower core ecosystem that countless people in the industry are looking forward to, and countless high-level officials are concerned about, will be initiated and hosted by your brother.

Everything will start from cash register, electronic office, low-end server, and data center. "

"Although it is not high-end, we have really started to do it!"

Xiao Yu said fascinatedly: "Although I don't understand, Yazi looks very powerful."

"Of course it's very powerful, it's simply that there are tens of thousands of people I will go!"

"So although your brother's opponent's chess player is also very good, as long as he still acts according to the old ideas, what will greet him will be...,

Flat out! "

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