Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 616 You are really looking for death

Song Hua didn't wake up like a dream until she was handcuffed by plainclothes officers.

There are always people who better than you.

Those people think that their influence in the capital is enough to handle everything, but they don't know...

"I knew it earlier, I left from Shanghai."

This was Song Hua's last thought.

He didn't know, even if he left from Shanghai, even if he ran to the United States, Zhao Song would still have the ability to bring him back to the capital!



"Continue to broadcast the news below."

"The news from this station has been confirmed by many reporters. The two discoverers of flower planting, the two-dimensional material graphene that shocked the academic world of physics, have finally confirmed their identities.

They are Zhao Song, the richest flower grower, and Li Qing (Sunny Day), a DK Research Institute. "

"Although both theoretical and experimental circles believe that a perfect two-dimensional structure cannot exist stably at non-absolute zero temperatures, single-layer graphene has been prepared in the DK experiment."

"Scientists from many countries said that the emergence of graphene will have a revolutionary impact on future materials science."

"The DK spokesperson stated that the company has received invitations to speak from more than 20 top universities around the world, but it has not received any reply from the company's boss Zhao Song."

"With the extraordinary achievements of our wealth myth Zhao Song in the field of scientific research, the DK technology that has been hidden for many years has finally surfaced."

"After the large-scale acquisition of Shougang NEC, DK has also become the only vertically integrated IDM wafer manufacturer in my country. In addition to being one of the four major smart card manufacturers in my country, DK Technology has been deeply involved in the SDRAM field over the years."

"From our station, the joint investment group led by Zhongguancun Holdings Group has reached a number of consensuses after several days of negotiations with the provincial government of Qin Province. The scale of this investment is as high as..."


For some reason, today's news is rich in content, but Liao Yingzhu listened absent-mindedly.

The only thing that can catch her attention is that after the large-scale investment lands, she will think about which listed companies will benefit, and if it is her, how will she operate in the A-share market.

In the five-star hotel suite, Liao Yingzhu was drinking coffee and listening to the radio while bathing in the morning sun.

Very comfortable.

At this time, the assistant came:

"President Liao, they're here."

"Then let's go."

Liao Yingzhu got up and walked to the door easily.

An assistant, a bodyguard, and a suitcase, Liao Yingzhu's clothes are light and simple, and Xingsheng who was waiting in the meeting room expressed his dissatisfaction. He looked at Liao Yingzhu's casual clothes and said:

"Zhuzi, sometimes you really should learn from your boss. No matter how annoying or tired, as long as he is in a business situation, he never loses his demeanor."

"We are so familiar," Liao Yingzhu waved his hand nonchalantly, and sat across the negotiating table, "As long as there is sincerity, what kind of demeanor do you care about?"

After hearing her frivolous words, Xingsheng frowned deeper: "What we are going to sign today is a legally binding draft agreement. Are you sure about this?"

Liao Yingzhu glanced at the opponent's strong lineup of No. 20 and Thirty, and then at Kitten No. 3, and nodded with a smile: "Sure."


As soon as the voice fell, the assistant stepped forward, and the heavy suitcase was placed on the negotiating table.

"This is the audit report of PricewaterhouseCoopers, a third-party auditor recognized by both of us. Do you agree with the above figures?"

Liao Yingzhu asked, which also means that the negotiation has officially started.


Xingsheng regained his calm expression and nodded solemnly.

He really recognized that number too much, as if it was specially prepared for them, stuck above his psychological bottom line.

"This is their appraisal price for Top's industrial park and land. Do you agree with it?"

Liao Yingzhu continued to ask.


Xingsheng continued to nod.

Of course, it is recognized that it is also stuck above his psychological bottom line. Coincidentally, he can't raise any doubts. He only has the idea of ​​strengthening cooperation with PwC in the future.

"Very good." Liao Yingzhu nodded with a smile, "If you meet our conditions, I will sign my name. Within the specified time in the future, you will discuss the replacement of shares and cash payment with the Santong Yida team in Beijing. quota."

Xingsheng shook his head, and a duplicate agreement was placed on the table.

The assistant stepped forward to take it, and took out the prepared original document for word-by-word comparison.

Assistant: "No problem."

Xingsheng: "Since there is no problem, let's sign."

Liao Yingzhu was surprised: "Sign what?"

Xingsheng: "Sign the agreement."

Liao Yingzhu spread her hands and asked doubtfully, "What do we need?"


Xingsheng stared at Liao Yingzhu gloomily for a while before shaking his head.

The lawyer stepped forward, took out the documents in his hand and introduced:

"Miss Liao, this is Top's equity certificate, and this is Top's land certificate. All the information is legal and compliant."

"very good……"

Liao Yingzhu checked carefully, until the person on the opposite side got impatient, then raised her head and asked:

"anything else?"

"Song Hua?" Liao Yingzhu said in amazement, "According to our agreement, you should tell me how Song Hua and Top's debts are handled, otherwise, I can't sign any agreement and contract with future troubles and risks on behalf of the boss. "


"Miss Liao, I think you misunderstood something?

Top's debts and Song Hua's problems are handled by us. What we are cooperating with you is our split sub-project, not Song Hua or Top Technology. It is land, software park, and program personnel, logistics construction, and medical resources..."

Liao Yingzhu said innocently, "But they are still tops~"

"Miss Liao, as an internationally renowned financial expert, I don't think you should say such ignorant things..."

The lawyer was helpless.



A Montblanc signature pen was slapped fiercely in front of Liao Yingzhu, causing Xiaocai fan to twitch his eyes in distress, and then looked at Xiang Tuqiong's prosperity.

Seeing that Xingsheng's face was extremely ferocious, he stared at Liao Yingzhu and said viciously: "Sign!"

"Don't sign!"

"You can't afford the consequences of not signing."

"What are the consequences?" Liao Yingzhu was full of curiosity.

"You don't want to know."

"I really want to know."

Speaking of this, Liao Yingzhu shook her head regretfully, she took out her mobile phone, shook it mischievously in front of Xingsheng, and said: "It's really boring, I'm going to call the boss, tell him the mission failed, and then play happily went."


Xingsheng beat the table.

The door is blocked.

Behind Liao Yingzhu, the foreign bodyguard's expression was fixed, and he stepped forward quickly, with his right hand inserted into his clothes, and stared sharply at the opposite side.

Liao Yingzhu turned a blind eye and made an orderly call.

"Hello, the user you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

This time, her expression finally changed:

"Are you looking for death?"

The 'death' in the mouth of the financial witch is not that simple.

This time, Xingsheng, who had pulled back a round, finally showed a smile. He leaned over, leaned in front of Liao Yingzhu, and said darkly:

"Longcheng City Government and relevant departments have seriously violated national laws and regulations, and have exceeded their authority to split up projects with an investment of up to 10.59 billion for 22 times;

6,541 mu of land was requisitioned in violation of regulations, and land requisition and demolition were organized in violation of regulations;

The steel company defrauded bank credit and loans by providing false financial statements, and misappropriated more than 2 billion working capital loans for fixed asset investment..."

Under Liao Yingzhu's disbelieving eyes, Xingsheng spoke word by word.

"If you don't sign within ten minutes, you have already quietly arrived at the working group in Dragon City, and you will break into the door, completely messing up your boss' strategic plan."


Under Xingsheng's gaze, Liao Yingzhu's eyes finally retreated. Like a little white rabbit who was wronged after being bullied, she pitifully picked up the pen, and signed her name earnestly under the guidance of the lawyer.

"Now let him go."

"Of course~"

Satisfied, Xingsheng put away the contract, handed it to the person behind him for safekeeping, and then made a gesture of please feel free.

Liao Yingzhu quickly walked towards the gate under the protection of assistants and bodyguards.

"That's right~"

The voice of prosperity sounded again.

Liao Yingzhu stopped.

"You know what I need is shares, and the credit granted by the Dragon City Bank Federation seems to be another source of funds for Zhao Song, so..."

Liao Yingzhu turned around, without any sign of a little white rabbit on her face, she just watched Xingsheng calmly, waiting for his next words.

Xingsheng smile:

"So, what I just said is true, and so is the working group."


This time, Liao Yingzhu was really stunned.

Xingsheng turned a blind eye and smiled with a victorious expression:

"Gangben is doomed to fail!

This is not only my wish, but also the common opinion of many veterans in this industry! "

I debuted for decades, including Zhao Rong, no woman has ever dared to treat me like this!

You are a fledgling little girl, continue to be arrogant~ You are so funny~

Xingsheng looked at Liao Yingzhu expectantly, waiting for her to show an expression that met psychological expectations.

However, Liao Yingzhu let him down...

I saw her showing an inexplicable strange expression, and said in an extremely sincere tone:

"Uncle Xingsheng~"

"You are really looking for death~"

PS: Ask for a ticket.

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