Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 617 Can't do it, my wife has your last name

The time has returned to the turn of the century when the storm rose.

January 10, 2000.

A group of burly men came to Zhonghai Electronics Mall through various women vendors with children in their arms.

They were defiant and domineering, and they came to the Zhonghai Eleventh Passage amidst the crowds fleeing one after another.

Then, they saw Zhao Rong's unexpected eyes, obviously the other party was not prepared for their arrival.

They saw Zhao Rong take out the dagger from the drawer, and saw Zhao Xin, Zhao Dou, and Zhao Li put on finger cots...

The other party is also a well-known figure in Zhonghai, not to mention Zhao Rong has a husband with a deep background. If there is no accident, this will be a negotiation with the upper hand in force. They will get some benefits as before, and then find a place to eat. meat to drink.

Zhongguancun, while witnessing the development of the times, also witnessed the dangers of human nature.

If you want to gain a foothold in the bloody Jianghu e-commerce mall, how can you do it without a bit of ruthlessness?

So, they unexpectedly saw a young man full of vigor.

He snatched the dagger from Zhao Rong's hand, and stood in front of Xingsheng holding three certificates:

"Big... big..."


Back then, the twenty or so arrogant men would never have imagined that Xingsheng's slap not only slapped the young man in a circle, but also opened up a treacherous future...


2003, June 9.

7:23 minutes.

Dragon City, the scenic south bank of Yunlong Lake, New Century Grand Hotel,

The flower baskets were placed neatly and orderly on both sides of the gate, the red carpet had been laid, and there were busy figures in black suits and white gloves everywhere.

The road at the door, with the arrival of more and more traffic police, the busy road gradually became orderly and rare.

However, they didn't notice the faint sounds coming from a van in the corner of the parking lot not far away.

"The convoy will arrive in 5 minutes."


"Start signal shielding."

"The device is turned on and the test begins."

"Hello, the number you dialed..."

"Successfully shielded."

"Notify Boss Xing, all the staff evacuated."


"This is... Dragon City Traffic... The traffic control information will be played below..."

"From 7:30 to...30, the entire section of Yunlong South Road will implement...traffic control..."

"From our station, the Longcheng City Committee... met... the joint business group led by Zhao Song, the richest flower planter, and today will..."


Lao Luo patted the car radio in doubt, and then parked the heavy cargo on the side of the road under the command of the traffic police.

"Three connections and one connection?"

asked the traffic policeman.

"Yes." Lao Luo calmly handed over various procedures to the traffic police.

"Why did you come here?" The traffic policeman asked while checking the procedures.

Lao Luo replied: "The supermarket next door is stocking up on flood control supplies."

"Traffic control is in place, and all roads are restricted," the traffic policeman politely returned the formalities to Lao Luo, asked for instructions on the walkie-talkie, and finally said helplessly to Lao Luo, "The convoy is coming soon, you should stand aside and wait."


Lao Luo had nothing to do, ran back and forth along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in three days, and happened to rest on the side of the road.


At this time, the piercing siren sounded, and Lao Luo looked up, and saw an ultra-long luxury convoy approaching quickly from a distance.

He grinned, happily raised his hand and waved it quickly.

He was a little embarrassing, because he had seen the most noble person sitting in the car, and not only had he seen it, he was the one who dragged the lost little richest man and his bodyguard to Dragon City three days ago.

"Let's talk, talk well, and then everyone will be well~"

After being retired from the army, he likes this job. It is not only his old job, social security, but also meaningful!

Lao Luo didn't know that in Rongcheng, 1,800 kilometers away, the ongoing negotiations on the future of three links and one reach have come to an end.


"You're courting death!"

Liao Yingzhu pointed at Xingsheng tremblingly, not because of fear, but because of anger.

"As Zhao Song's former teacher, don't you feel ashamed?"

Xingsheng was expressionless: "Just because he is a teacher, he should be taught what is right and what is wrong!"

Liao Yingzhu nodded, and her body trembled. This time, she was afraid, not Xingsheng, but...

"Aren't you afraid that Zhao Song will do something crazy?"

Just him?

Three years ago, I beat the crap out of me. In the past two years, the seemingly risky actions were all very sure.

What crazy things can he do with his old bastard character?

At this moment, Xingsheng couldn't even arouse the interest of answering.

"Very good~"

Liao Yingzhu slowly regained her composure, took the suitcase from the assistant, and returned to the conference table.

"When someone sent me the first bullet, I took it as a document for combat; when the second sniper bullet appeared in front of me, I took it as a charge horn; When the explosion rang, three days later, that family was destroyed!"

The blackened Liao Yingzhu stood in front of the 1.9 meter Xingsheng without showing any weakness. She took out a document and patted it in front of him:

"Such a big action cannot be directed by you alone, let me guess who is standing behind you...

your dad! "

Xingsheng's face darkened, and he roared angrily, "Your father~"

"Oh, let's call it your father~" Liao Yingzhu said indifferently, "This piece of paper contains all the overseas investment business of your relatives and friends. If there are any omissions, please help me to correct them."


Xingsheng's complexion became darker and darker when Shabi corrected you.

"Three months later, as long as there is a convenience store and a gas station still alive, I will take your surname!"

Speaking of this, Liao Yingzhu backed away while pointing at Xingsheng.

"You're doomed. I can't do anything to you in China, but overseas, I will do what I say!"

"Do you think you can let me go after threatening me like this?"

Xingsheng said in a dark voice.

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

"Miss Liao, we rushed over after receiving the report. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Thank you, Captain Gong," Liao Yingzhu gave Xingsheng a blank look, and then said to the visitor with a smile on her face, "There is an urgent matter overseas, please Captain Gong take me to the airport."

"No trouble, no trouble," the visitor replied quickly, without looking at Xingsheng Fang, and walked out first, "It is our bounden duty for the Rongcheng police to serve every investor well."



The conference room returned to silence.

The lawyer came to Xingsheng and asked worriedly:

"Boss Xing, did you notice what that girl said just now, she kept saying 'you'!"

"So what if she knows?" Xingsheng patted the contract document in his hand and said disdainfully, "The contract between us and the United States has been signed, and the direction of the matter is neither they nor we can decide."

"Then overseas..."

When asked about this, fear flashed across the lawyer's eyes, the threat from that female devil was really terrifying.

"When things are done, I'll be ashamed of domestic affairs, so I don't care about overseas," Xingsheng waved his hand nonchalantly, "However, let's remind those relatives and friends."

So you didn't recruit any children?

The lawyer nodded resignedly.


PS: Today is a blast, two chapters.

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