Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 633 (Re)born as a Human

Zhang Lina was a little puzzled.

She has never experienced that time and space. It was an era when "people" who owed money were regarded as heroes and praised by the whole people.

She looked at Zhao Song in confusion, and asked, "Isn't it all like this in the capitalist world? What's more, I don't think there will be any market for the 'non-necessities of life' you mentioned, after all, in the hands of ordinary people in our country. There is no money, even if there is some money, everyone will save it!"

After hearing this sentence, Zhao Song sighed with such an expression, "This is the problem between us."

"Between us? Question?"

Zhao Song raised his head and glanced at the monitor in the corner, and suddenly asked:

"Will our conversation get out?"

Zhang Lina really couldn't stand Zhao Song's brain circuit. She took a few deep breaths to suppress her irritability, and then calmly replied: "There are many people who care about you, and 'we' can't keep the conversation secret."

Hearing this, Zhao Song immediately changed into another face, and said in Teacher Zhao's affectionate tone:

"I am full of expectations for the future of the country!"

In 20 years, the GDP has increased by 30 times. In this day and age, the most fanciful people would not have imagined that any country could do such a thing.

"We have the most hardworking people, and their hard work will surely pay off in the not-too-distant future."

"I believe……"

Zhang Lina waved her hand, interrupted Zhao Song's emotional expression, and said weakly: "Mr. Zhao, I probably understand something. Let me tell you my opinion. Can you take a look?"

Zhao Song waved his hand in a dismal mood, signaling the woman to be free.

"You have full confidence in the future of planting flowers, so Xiaoyu is an experiment, and the experiment time is based on two years."

"Similar to your personal entrepreneurial image before your company, Xiaoyu is a personal brand built on the basis of the traditional fashion industry and the emerging Internet."

Zhao Song added: "It can also be called 'personal IP'"

"Okay, personal IP," Zhang Lina didn't care, smiled and continued, "In the past four hours, there have been 3 photos of Xiaoyu going out on the street on the Internet. Behind it is the joint efforts of many manufacturers, business companies, luxury goods merchants, advertising companies, etc.

This kind of cooperation has existed for a long time, even Hao Ying signed by your company and those European and American stars are usually doing this kind of thing.

But the most precious thing your company has done in the island country is that you are collecting data and making data models, from a photo released on the Internet to the final product sales, all input-output ratio models.

The real-time bidding advertisement in this process also inspired many companies, especially Google, which caused a series of impacts..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Lina took a deep breath and solemnly stated: "Mr. Zhao, with the improvement of living standards, people's pursuit of spiritual life and more requirements for shopping are human nature. I don't understand why you take Let's talk about the collapse of future values!

And we don't care about that at all, we only care about the present, and now your actions in the island country have brought us a lot of trouble, and those Tesla international shareholders who should have been on our side have doubts, this is why It's what we, the country, care about. "

Zhao Song disdained: "You can't represent the country!"

Zhang Lina said in awe: "On the issue of Tesla's future business line, before the upper leadership makes a final decision, we can represent the country, because we represent the current highest-level instructions!"

"Instructions?" Zhao Song sneered, "I don't listen, you bite me~"

"Of course I can't do anything to you," Zhang Lina sneered, she stretched out her hand and removed the breakfast tray, revealing a notice underneath, "Boss of Suzhou Province personally went to the ministry to appeal, and within 72 hours, the steel issue was resolved The desks of the six ministries and commissions disappeared, Mr. Zhao, do you think you are very powerful? Are you very proud?"

"Of course!" Zhao Song replied boldly.

The woman's sneer was even stronger: "No matter how powerful you are, you will be free today, and the Errong Agreement should be signed. If you find reasons to delay, someone will always come forward to make you obedient!"

Zhao Song imitated the woman and sneered: "What a comprador class, it really shows your ugly face!"

"We are not compradors!" Zhang Lina yelled, her pretty face contorted, "It is the country's consistent policy to seek common ground while reserving differences with the West.

Mr. Zhao, how many people did your Zhongguancun Holdings invest in research and development funds for state-owned research institutes last year? "

Zhao Song bowed his head to think about it, and answered honestly: "It's less than one hundred million, US dollars."

This is the funds invested by the entire Zhongguancun Holdings in state-owned institutions. As for how many people have invested in themselves, Zhang Lina didn't ask, and Zhao Song didn't need to tell her.

"Nearly 800 million RMB, participated in 72 research institutes, 126 R\u0026D projects, and a high overlap rate of 92% with foreign finished products. After 1 year, less than 10% of the research and development were successful, and 13 cases of academic corruption were found, involving 12% of the funds. , but within this year, through the efforts of our country's diplomacy and enterprises, 18 items of advanced technology have been introduced. These 18 items are all in your research and development list!

Mr. Zhao, you are wasting! It is a crime to waste state-owned resources! "

At this moment, if someone watched the two young men's verbal swords on the surveillance camera, they would definitely be shocked by the murderous intent hidden in their words.

"The introduction has come in. How much money do you plan to spend and how many talents are you going to use?" Zhao Song roared without showing any weakness, "Do you have a charter for personnel training, R\u0026D process, R\u0026D direction, etc.? This kind of introduction will only Cultivate inertia!

What about academic corruption? I have paid the cost of corruption, and the country will not turn a blind eye, so this is just a contradiction among our people.

On the contrary, you, sacrificing the interests of the people and pleasing the Western masters, is our current main contradiction! "

"Internal conflicts?" The woman laughed angrily, staring at Zhao Song's young face, and mockingly said, "You, a capitalist, shouldn't be the one to say the phrase internal conflicts."

"...Yes, capitalists..." Zhao Song replied softly. He leaned tiredly on the dining chair, looked at the roof with dull eyes, and murmured, "Back to the original topic, my When capitalists were in junior high school, their best grades were in politics. I remember that at the end of every midterm and even high school entrance examination, the answer to the last question contained one sentence:

The construction of material civilization and the construction of spiritual civilization must be carried out with both hands, and both hands must be hard.

Have you caught it yet? "

Zhang Lina was unmoved: "Since you are full of expectations for the future of the country, you should know that our current priority is to focus on economic construction.

"Very good!" Zhao Song nodded and continued to ask, "Just now we were talking about reserving differences and seeking common ground. You have lived in Western society for six years. Can you tell us what is the biggest difference between us?"

"Zhao Song!" Zhang Lina said angrily, "My task is to send you a notice, not to defend the thesis."

"The West says that capitalism is the greatest invention of human society. This invention has been around for 300 years, and we are 300 years behind." Zhao Song said to himself, "so those high value-added industries are all in their hands. , so when my American Tesla employees are off work, my flower planting employees have to work overtime; Overtime.

Not only do they work overtime without overtime pay, but even their wages are two or three times worse.

So some people always say, that is life, we are just living!

In the next few decades, I agree with this sentence, because we have a bunch of compradors who would rather pay ten thousand times the cost to buy Western products! "

Having said that, Zhao Song stared at Zhang Lina and said, "For companies other than Tesla, the salary difference is more than 10 times. This is the gap between us and the West now. Do you know how many times it was 13 years ago and in 1990?"

Zhang Lina shrugged.

"64 times!"


"It was the hard work of your parents' generation that narrowed the gap between us so much. It only took a few decades. How come your generation doesn't want to work hard anymore?"

"Zhao Song!~~!!"


With a roar, a whole carton of milk cups was splashed on the woman's face:

"Stinky bastard, can you stop interrupting me again and again!"

"You~" Zhang Lina seemed to have thought of something, put away her anger, and took out the paper to wipe it with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, you are free now, and the whole capital has been very quiet these two days, I believe you will not find Ordinary people, if you pick quarrels and stir up trouble, you will lose your share~ Don't worry, you will never be locked up for 'no reason' again before Er Rong signs the agreement!"

'Your mother~'

Zhao Song was slumped, completely slumped on the chair.


"What I regret the most is that I had to call out the phrase 'Miss Sister' to Zhao Rong in Zhong Hai!"


Zhang Lina was shocked and looked at Zhao Song in disbelief.

"Didn't expect me to know?" Zhao Song smiled self-deprecatingly, "It should be after the first memory war, maybe I was amazed by my talent, so I came into your sight?"

Zhang Lina resisted rolling her eyes and listened quietly.

"At that time, my heart was full of various novels and rumors. I wanted to rely on a 'second generation' to seek peace and prosperity, but I didn't know that I threw myself into a huge vortex!"

Zhao Song shook his head regretfully, and sighed: "I'm too anxious. Since 1999, in fact, the golden age, why did you hang yourself on the road of Zanji?"

Zhang Lina sneered: "Men, they are noble in front of others and rich in queens. Who can escape such small thoughts."

"I just want to be a little rich!" Zhao Song shook his head and said disapprovingly, "Although I have a good face and love to talk big, I have always adhered to this small idea and never changed."

"Who would believe it?" Zhang Lina pouted.

"I just believe it myself." Zhao Song said to himself because of his woman's attitude, "After hearing so many rumors, I am very curious about how those people who climbed up from the bottom became "bare hands". became one of them.”


"A small machine builder, how could so many troubles and entanglements come to me? After a day, I turned out to be one of the many 'Gu' raised by you."

Zhang Lina was shocked.

"When this 'Gu' rises up, it becomes a 'bare hand', and becomes a new folklore."

"You~" Zhang Lina laughed dryly, "You think too much."

Zhao Songli ignored her:

"I said why so many of my partners are angry and silent. It turns out that you are preaching that I am your Gu. My rise was cultivated by you. I am your person. Our dispute is an internal conflict, so 'outsiders' It's hard to talk~"

Zhang Lina's face gradually became gloomy.

"Who are you or are we? Leaving aside conspiracy theories, you are Zhao Rong, Xingsheng, and a circle formed by their elders. It is useful to the country.

The argument with me is more of a battle of ideas, maybe it will be a bad apple, and my car accident is the proof, isn't it? "


Although she didn't want to admit it, Zhang Lina nodded with difficulty.

"Then everything is simple, you put Tesla...


It should be Zhongguancun Holdings as the palm of your hand, and you want to decide the winner with me..."

"Zhao Song..."


Another carton of milk cups was splashed on the woman's face.

"Little girl, teach you a good boy, don't interrupt the leader's speech at will!"

According to the notice, Zhao Song's position as the chairman of the Student Federation will not be resigned until the new semester is handed over, so there is nothing wrong with his words.

Zhang Linna didn't refute, but wiped her blush with a tissue, and said solemnly, "Your Excellency Minister Zhao, whether you win or lose, you are still in control of Zhongguancun Holdings."

"'Giving from nothing', apart from having to be obedient, I'm still very comfortable. After all, I'm a dignified person, and I can even get a U.S. hukou, right?"

"The general environment is like this, as long as you think about it, there is nothing wrong with it."

"But I was born here~" Zhao Song leaned over, stared at the face covered with mysterious liquid, and said softly, "I don't feel safe going out, I was born here, grew up here, I will marry and have children here, I'm going to die of old age here.

I just want to start a family, not a family.

For the so-called offspring, I will give him a rich life and a fair room for improvement, which is enough.

So, what can you give me? "


"So if I lose, I will be a proper capitalist, and those companies under my banner that crazily trample on the "Labor Law" will be my burial ground.

Mr. Zhang, you are talking about economics, and you may not have a deep understanding of my country's national system, but I am a party member, so I am sure of one thing:

That is, the "empty hands" that stand on the opposite side of the people will be liquidated sooner or later.

It's not that we don't report, it's just that the time has not come. "

Zhang Lina asked solemnly: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I said that I will give my future son a fair environment, and this environment does not include infamy!"

Zhao Song stood up, stretched, and said with a smile, "So I want to live within the safety line, whether it's wealth or influence.

Ms. Zhang, my personal wealth is only profitable from the memory war.

I work in various companies with a salary of 1 yuan, and the living expenses go to the company's account.

All of the above is what I deserve.

It is recommended that 'you' prepare in advance. "

"what to prepare?"

"If I lose, I will reorganize Zhongguancun Holdings. If you win what you deserve, I will donate my personal shares to governments at all levels and resign from all positions in various companies in accordance with the previous support."

"Zhao Song~"

Zhang Lina finally became anxious.


Another glass of milk was splashed on the pretty woman's face, God knows how many boxes of breakfast milk Zhao Song prepared.

"(Re)born as a human, not to be a dog for you!

Get out~"

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