Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 634: Two Daughters

Zhang Lina was kicked out.

Zhao Song was going out, which was beyond his expectation.

But he didn't mean to complain about Su Sheng at all.

Maybe it's a difference in level, the battle of winning and losing in Zhao Song's place may not be a matter at all with the boss.

Of course, there may be other reasons as well. The boss would never tell others that he was so angry by his subordinates and Zhao Song's subordinates that he couldn't wait to go to Beijing to mediate.

Recalling the famous scene of Ms. Dong yelling in front of the mayor in another time and space, I can imagine how successful business managers are arrogant in front of the rulers in the era when the economy is in command.

In just two or three days, countless mayors, like the big man, missed the young richest man very much.

Without the shackles of Zhao Song, Zhongguancun Holdings is like a sharp sword without its scabbard, showing its sharpness!

Let me advance funds and dare to restrict bank lending?

That's OK!

Projects that have not yet been signed will not be signed; if there are restrictions on lending, change the cooperative bank; as for advance funds, don’t even think about it. The current general market is empty gloves and white wolves. ! ?

As for the rebate or something, that is another channel and way of saying it.

Anyway, as a flower grower, this is the correct way to start a business.

So in the past few days, the entire central control series, except Tesla is still sticking to the bottom line, in Xu Liangying's words:

Bottom line, what the hell is that? My boss is gone, tell me the bottom line?

You open the conditions to me, the money is loose, and I blow the satellite into the sky-the stock market boost plan is completed, the economic development speed has increased, hello, hello, hello everyone.

Hello everyone, it is really good!


Of course, Zhang Lina in the small courtyard in the capital didn't know the twists and turns. She just finished her task, and then she could pack her bags and leave.

June 14, noon, 12:15.

After serving the 'uncle''s last lunch, all the staff in the small courtyard packed up and evacuated quickly.

Zhang Lina, who stayed at the end, also cleaned up the unknown liquid and put on clean clothes.

She looked back at the huge building, and thought of the only 'uncle' left inside, and suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion.

Zhang Lina quickly shook her head, shaking that 'poor' emotion into nothingness, and then got into the commercial vehicle beside her.

When the car door was closed and the cold air blew, Zhang Lina's eyes turned red quickly, and she covered her face and began to cry.

"I said you don't care?" Zhao Rong, who was sitting on the side, closed the folder in his hand, and comforted him dumbfoundingly, "I can't stand scolding you a few words. How do you usually teach some local bosses?"

"Woo~ I'm so polite, I don't look like that Zhao Song and the local hooligans...Woo~ I've never been wronged so much in my life!" Zhang Lina sobbed, "Sister Rong, it's not like you didn't hear, what? Compradors, what is the opposite of the people, what an ugly face, what class contradictions, if you don’t know, you think that bastard is teaching people political lessons!”

"What's wrong with the politics class? Everyone will be satisfied with this kind of political correctness. Believe it or not, if there is no camera, with the temper of that boy Zhao Song, he will definitely not scold you!"

After hearing this, Zhang Lina raised her head feeling relieved.

"He's a little anxious. In order to avoid Errong, he will definitely beat you to the hospital so that he can hide himself in another place."

"..." Zhang Lina gritted her teeth, "Sister, are you comforting someone?"

Zhao Rong smiled and shook his head: "I'll tell you the truth, he's not only anxious, but also scared!

He was afraid to meet our old man, because he knew that in front of him, he had no strength to fight back. "

Zhang Lina asked in disbelief: "Are you exaggerating a bit? After all, the entrepreneurial star who has made such a big foundation and caused such a big storm in the island country..."

Zhao Rong shook his head: "Do you think he is directing such a large commercial tactical operation in the island country?"

"Who is that?"

Zhao Rong was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "In the past few years, the implementation of Zhao Song's solar system management structure has not been smooth, it can be said that it has collapsed countless times, otherwise we would not have kicked us from the first management immediately. Open, because he has the last line of defense - think tank!"

"Who?" Zhang Lina became more and more curious.

Zhao Rong said with a bleak smile: "He has more than me and Xingsheng as two teachers, those who played an important role in his growth process, those teachers headed by Professor JFJ Liu, and those who have been trained by the famous school committee for two years. The think tank formed by them is supporting Tesla’s last line of defense until the new generation of management fully grows.”

"So that's how it is," Zhang Lina suddenly realized, "Politicians..."

"The document stating that one cannot engage in politics and business has not yet been issued, and his teachers have been approved by the higher-level organization to serve as consultants, honorary directors, and other positions.

Zhao Song..."

Zhao Rong shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed: "You are so young, you can live better than some old foxes!"

Zhang Lina hesitated before saying, "He said... the thing he regrets the most is calling you 'Miss Sister' at that time."

Zhao Rong's face darkened when he heard the words: "Yes, it's time to regret it. Anyone has to pay for their own impulses. At the beginning, he wanted a background and a backer, that's fine, but it's not so easy for me to be a backer. Let me check it out."


"No ifs!" Zhao Rong interrupted Zhang Lina without hesitation, "At that time, the minimum monthly income of gold counters was 300,000. In 1999, a freshman with no background, could he keep such wealth?

Wealth does not match! This is what he has always understood! "

This is one wrong step, one step at a time. Zhang Lina secretly learned a lesson.

"So he is really a 'Gu'?"

"Yes." Zhao Rong nodded, "A Gu that grew beyond our expectations and grew at an astonishing speed, a Gu that was so amazing that we couldn't control it.

After all, compared with the shackles we gave him, those local governments gave him more help than us. This is where the contradiction lies! "

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Lina asked, "He said he would donate shares and resign if he lost."

Zhao Rong couldn't help laughing: "In his position, if he dares to seek his own government, it is probably not our old man who is looking for him, but the real big boss to criticize him."

Zhang Lina gritted her teeth: "So what he said just now was to scare people?"

"Except that the resignation of donating shares is fake, everything else may be true! I haven't figured out the issue of wealth worship, but I know that as long as the island country project goes well, then in the future, the channels for promoting luxury products for the rich will be from top to bottom. Everything is in his hands." Zhao Rong said with a headache,

"This 'Gu' is different from others, he is born to be the spotlight, and he has won the greatest fairness for himself, so we must abandon all off-court factors and prohibit the use of all off-board tricks.

But he is in a hurry now, what we have to do is to exacerbate this situation, Lina, call back all the people outside, stare at him, within two days, the second financial agreement must be signed! "

"Bang bang~"

As soon as the words fell, there was a knock on the door outside the car.

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