Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 635 After that, do my shit

Thinking that the 'uncle' was going to hitch a ride, Zhang Lina quickly opened the car door, and then she stared dumbfounded at the long legs in front of her.

The long legs glanced at Zhao Rong, did not say hello, just smiled and asked: "I heard that my boss has been released, where is he now?"

Zhang Lina stared blankly at the building.

"Thank you." The long-legged man glanced at Zhao Rong again, but waved his hand smartly without saying hello.

There was a roar, and the A8 W12, which is familiar to people in Beijing, drove in slowly. Behind it, a row of Audis lined up neatly, filling the open space in the courtyard in a short while.

Zhang Lina asked blankly: "I've seen photos of Li Lina, this is definitely not her..."

What kind of woman is this? Zhang Lina has never seen such a beautiful and intellectual woman, contradictory and harmonious.

Zhao Rong also glanced at the long legs, and introduced: "Liu Ying, one of the world's number one flash mob participants, Zhao Song's one-night stand three years ago, after a clean-up, got a double degree in management and finance from the International College of Technology and Business University. Bachelor's degree, Master of Business Administration in Paris, studying by correspondence in finance, chief secretary of Tesla's president's office, compared to Qin Han's false chief, this one you see is the real chief and the authentic Tesla Reserve cadres!"

"Paris..." Zhang Lina, who graduated from the Ivy League, curled her lips in disdain.

Zhao Rong laughed and said, "Your contempt is unreasonable. One of the two majors in that school is second in the world, and the other is number one!"

We can breastfeed every day, but if we can't really take one of the five hooligans seriously, it would be a joke.

Zhang Lina was in a daze.

"Tesla's talent pool comes from four places: Shanghai University Alliance MBA Weipei, Ivy League, Paris Department, Oxford and Cambridge Department. At present, Tesla's Eastern talents are interns in the West, and Western talents are interns in the East. There is another year. There will be a talent blowout at Tesla!

This is why we are determined to be heavily involved in Tesla despite the infamy.

Because no one can dare to spend hundreds of millions of funds directly on the training of direct descendants in three years like that lunatic Zhao Song; La found these talents. "

"Gui Luyang~" Zhang Lina murmured, thinking of that woman's achievements, the evaluation and covetousness of the presidents of famous companies, and more and more talents from famous schools in the future, unconsciously, Zhang Lina looked at Zhao Rong With envy and... worry.

"There is nothing to worry about." Zhao Rong looked at Liu Ying who was walking towards the building, and said confidently, "Because of Zhao Rong's mistake, from the date of Er Rong's signing to Tesla's listing, there is a blank space in his control over the company." In the future, we will abandon Zhao Song's idea of ​​being critical of new products, and use Tesla's rich product line reserves to fight a beautiful marketing battle.

After the listing, Zhao Song relied on the B shares to regain control of the company. I don't believe that he dared to disregard the demands of the vast majority of shareholders and ignore the outstanding performance in exchange for his fault-finding philosophy! "

Speaking of this, Zhao Rong sneered: "Tesla's so-called integrated innovation is not global procurement and integrated assembly.

So what we need is not his ability to manage the company, but his genius creativity and forward-looking strategic planning! "

This is the limitation of a person.

Looking at the confident Zhao Rong, Zhang Lina suddenly realized that this woman who stirred up the situation only focused on Tesla's announcement and marketing, completely ignoring the equally astonishing R\u0026D investment.

But Zhang Lina suddenly didn't plan to talk about it, but kept herself out of the matter as a real little guy.

Because others could watch the conversation just now, only she who was at the scene understood that no matter how excited the old man was, there was never any fluctuation in those eyes that couldn't see clearly from the surveillance!

No circle has ever raised 'Gu' to such a great extent!

Zhang Lina had a hunch that the energy of this Gu might be greater and more terrifying than they imagined.

For example, Zhao Rong said that he did not explain one thing for a long time: Why should the island country open the market for Tesla? Could it be that Zhao Song is its father?

Zhang Lina believed in her premonition, because she had relied on her premonition to avoid danger several times since she was a child.

From now on, there is no 'us', only them.

The situation they imagined, whether they win or lose, a battle of ideas, a happy situation will never happen.

Zhao Song will take revenge, crazy revenge.

Zhao Lina clasped her hands tightly to prevent her trembling from being seen:

"Sister, I want to go home."

Zhao Rong glanced at her in surprise, without thinking too much: "Okay, I'll call the car behind to take you off."

"Thank you ma'am."

Is that 'uncle' a Gu?

Then he is a 'gu' who has trained the lecturers of the party school and the reserve cadres of the central group to be speechless?



In the confinement room, Zhao Song, who was lying on the bed to digest, did not know Zhang Lina's little Jiujiu.

Just as he was reminiscing about the delicious lunch, when he wanted to think about other things, a delicate fragrance rushed into his nostrils.

The glamorous Liu Ying leaned down, asked Zhao Song's neck twice, and nodded in satisfaction after smelling the aftertaste of the bath milk. When she straightened up, she pulled Zhao Song up by the way.

Zhao Song straightened up obediently, changed into a refreshing casual clothes under Liu Ying's service, and then asked:

"Why are you here? Professor Liu doesn't need anyone anymore?"

"The big bodyguard suddenly raised the security level, and your booth is too big. Now Lao Qin and Lao Hong can't get away, so of course I have to come."

After fastening Zhao Song's belt, Liu Ying replied angrily, "You are too. It is a matter of mutual benefit, but you have to make the needle point of the needle. I saw Sister Da Da just now, she is very haggard. A lot."

"What do you know?" While Liu Ying was arranging her clothes, Zhao Song rubbed her body vigorously and said while taking advantage, "Be your office secretary."

"I don't know why," Liu Ying said, pushing away an aggressive hand and straightening her collar, "My dad said that there was a commotion in the circle, and everyone predicted that either you would be recruited, or you would achieve a great cause and complete your own career." Department feat!"

"..." Zhao Song's head hurts.

Seeing that Liu Ying finished packing her clothes, he no longer wanted to take advantage of it. He sat on the sofa in a dispirited manner, and said in a tone that seemed to be explaining or talking to himself:

"In emerging industries such as high-tech and the Internet in the present and future, more and more entrepreneurial stars like me will emerge, so how to recognize myself in the sudden wealth and power is what I personally have to think clearly one thing."

Liu Ying leaned against Zhao Song and asked curiously, "Have you thought about it?"

"It's easy, just recognize the reality: it is the times that make us, not us that make the times."

"Who made the era then?"


"Zhao Rong?"

"The fathers of Zhao Rong. They can create the era, and they can also 'create' us!"

Liu Ying couldn't help laughing: "I probably understand, isn't it just like Zhong Haishi, no matter how rich you are, you will still be that Zhong Hai's counselor. But if this is the case, why don't you follow Sister Da Da and the others?"

"The ideas don't fit~, after all, I have dreams."

"Still thinking about your broken chip?"

The current chip issue has little to do with Tesla, so as the boss of Tesla's secretarial team, Liu Ying has no pressure to ask.

"A little bigger."

"What's that?"

"In the field of integrated circuits, I will control the flow of all funds and intelligence in a single field in the world within ten years and in multiple fields in China within twenty years!"

"What are you going to do?"

"I want Moore's Law to fail, and I want the world's technological development to stagnate!"

"It's amazing~" Liu Ying covered her mouth exaggeratedly, "But what does your dream have to do with Zhao Rong and the others?"

"I want to realize my dream. They can't agree with each other, so they are destined not to be together."

Liu Ying curled her lips in her heart: Don't talk about Zhao Rong, Shabi can't agree!


12:56 minutes.

Wanwan, Taoyuan Airport, VIP lounge.

"Mr. Liang, what a coincidence."

Liang Song turned around, and quickly reached out to shake hands with the visitor: "Gong Lin, hello, are you going on a business trip?"

"Yes, I don't know why the scheduled technical exchange meeting was suddenly brought forward." Lin Jian asked curiously, "Mr. Liang, where are you going?"

"South Korea," Liang Song admitted generously, "My girlfriend had a conflict and went back to her mother's house. I'll go and see if I can fix it."

Lin Jian asked hesitantly, "This company?"

"I resigned," Liang Song looked at Lin Jian who was hesitant to speak, and smiled understandingly, "Don't worry, I signed a non-employment agreement, and I won't do anything out of line."

"Then..." The high-tech Lin Jian is not suitable for socializing, so he can only extend his hand to bless, "Gong Liang, see you again."


Twenty minutes later, a Boeing 747 soared into the sky.

In 2003, Maple Leaf TV Station hadn’t launched yet, and now no one knows that McDonnell Douglas is the traffic, and Gulf Air is the frequent guest of the "Air Havoc" program.

No one would have thought that a technician would fall into the hospital due to the leakage caused by the quality problem of the cleaning solution bottle, which would lead to the rescheduling of a technical exchange meeting.

This is the world of ordinary people. Zhao Song can't masturbate, but he has the ability to get someone on a certain plane.


12:57 minutes.

In Beijing, the strange conversation between the boss and the secretary continues:

"Boss, everyone is very curious about how you opened up the island market."

"Human Competitive Sports."

Liu Ying twisted Zhao Song: "Nonsense."

Zhao Song surrendered: "The dry-wet battle in the field of chip manufacturing has reached a fever pitch. The two parties have invested tens of billions of funds. No one can afford to lose. Whoever loses will be eliminated by the market."

"What did you do?"

"After I promised Tesla's IPO circle to collect the money of the shareholders, the central control department led the investment in the research and development of the island country dry key."

"Qianke is the future?"

"It has no future."


"Integrated circuits are the crown of human technology. It is not an industry that takes two geniuses to lead to overtaking in a curve. Since there is no hope of overtaking, I will slow down the speed of cars all over the world. After that, the flood will be monstrous...

Fuck me! "

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