Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 636: Just Tomorrow

According to the urgency of the domestic media, if there is a company whose market value = Philips + Airbus + BMW, it will definitely blow up and give it the name of the United States.

ASML (Asmail), a high-tech company that has just become independent from Philips Finance, does have many American employees and a lot of technology originating from the United States, but many people ignore the most important point:

80% of ASML's supply chain is in Europe, and 41% is in its home country, Honan; 1,600 of the 5,000 suppliers are in Honan. In the Zeiss Semiconductor Optics department with only a few dozen people, ASML holds one-third of the shares.

The so-called American regulatory agreement has already been broken through by its own efforts.

In 1989, when the United States decided to sell PE, the former leader in lithography machines, it meant that it had already launched a competition for lithography machines!

Today, the beginning of the new century.

ASML, which relies on a single competing product to achieve financial independence, is of course powerful, but the favorite thing for its employees is to walk around in T-shirts, which read:

Beat the Islanders.

And Zhao Song is only doing 3 things:

1. Holding a blank check in front of the reviewers, delaying the publication of all of Lin Jian's basic scientific research papers, and the fact that "water can shorten the wavelength of light" has never appeared.

Today, the plane went down.

2. The central control department fully supports Nikon in suing ASML for infringing its patents and requesting a ban on sales in the United States, and fully prevents Intel from falling to its opponents.

3. In the market exchange market, the condition for the island country not to suppress Tesla is 25 sets of Nikon S520D dry lithography equipment with a premium of 5 million US dollars. For flower growers in the next ten years, dry engraving is enough!


15:45 pm.

Zhao Rong's commercial vehicle has been squeezed out of the courtyard.


Knocking on the door, opening it, Xingsheng sat in the car with a sullen face.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Rong asked curiously.

"Several massage and convenience stores owned by my cousin in the Middle East were bombed."

"..." Zhao Rong suppressed a smile and asked with pretended concern, "Is everything alright?"

"He was bombed by shells when he went out, but they just frightened him, just to make him come back with nothing."

If people are fine, Zhao Rong will not be polite: "You deserve it! Who told you to make a surprise attack without investigating or saying hello, the richest man was arrested, and the business negotiations that the whole province valued were disrupted by you.

Because of your recklessness, we have to go to such lengths to wipe your ass dry. "

"If there is any problem, just investigate it clearly," Xingsheng said nonchalantly, but the gloomy look on his face still made Zhao Rong laugh, "Which department does this yard belong to, let them use this as their office?"

"It doesn't matter which department, starting today, this yard will belong to three links and one access," Zhao Rong replied gloatingly, seeing Xingsheng's stunned look, "1.67 million, this money needs to be paid by you. People who take them away have to pay a price.”

"%¥#%" Xingsheng cursed angrily.

Zhao Rong praised: "It seems that our little apprentice has already graduated from the teacher."

Looking at Yingying Yanyan, who is full of small courtyards, beautiful women like clouds, Xingsheng envies and hates:

"Since we have left the teacher, what are we still doing here? Do we fill in the gaps for him?"

Zhao Rong shook his head solemnly:

"We can't be confused by him, and we can't treat him as a peer. He is too young. And for some people, young people will always be forgiven for making mistakes."

Xingsheng paused, nodded slowly, and suddenly saw a figure flashing past the window.

"Liao Yingzhu is here."

Zhao Rong immediately looked up when he heard the words, and after confirming Liao Yingzhu, his face was flushed: "It should be resolved soon..."

Before he could finish speaking, the phone rang.

"This is the secretary's office. Is this Director Zhao Rong?"

"I'm Zhao Rong."

Zhao Rong pressed the phone tightly to his ear excitedly, without revealing a single sound:

"Okay, thank you, I'll be there early."

Xingsheng asked expectantly: "How are you sure?"

"It's confirmed," Zhao Rong showed a bright smile, "Sign the agreement at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Zhonghai Electronics Mall."

After finishing speaking, she tried her best to calm down before picking up her mobile phone and dialing out:

"David, have you also received the news? Very good, I think it would be better for you to propose the recall of the board of directors after the agreement is signed."


"Okay, thank you David."

Putting down the phone again, Zhao Rong finally breathed a sigh of relief, leaned on the seat, and murmured:

"Xingsheng, keep an eye on him for the next day. Based on what I know about Zhao Song, he is absolutely not willing to be manipulated by us and make trouble.!"

"Don't worry, all the boys under my command have been released, and old friends from the public security system will answer my calls at any time."

"Let's use it sparingly. If we don't live up to our expectations, this kind of parental shadow will be used less and less."

"..." Xingsheng was speechless, and after a while, he said leisurely: "I heard that in the past four hours, a total of 4 landing agreements have been signed in the northwest?"

"5 items."

Zhao Rong sighed: "Zhang Lina is right, waste is a crime. If it were us, how much political achievements would we get, how many favors would we have to let go, how many people would be promoted and rich..."

Xingsheng also suppressed his voice and cursed: "M's!~"

"It's useless to be angry," Zhao Rong cheered up, "Play a game of chess across the country, without the national chessboard of Zhongguancun Holdings, we don't have the confidence to covet Tesla, and now, he has no money!

Lao Xing, it's the last day, you must keep an eye on him! "

Xingsheng picked up the phone, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll shake people again!"



The small courtyard is full of cars, and the first floor of the small courtyard is full of people.

In order to make up for the work lost in the past few days, Liu Ying brought half of the secretarial team.

The original prison room has been quickly transformed into a comfortable president's office.

Liu Ying had already put away her flirting and scolding demeanor and turned into a professional chief secretary. For four hours, she stood motionless behind Zhao Song, listening to Zhao Song's instructions non-stop, rotating the PDA and documents back and forth in her hand, and the two clerical secretaries behind her also kept rotating.

Zhao Song seldom intervenes in company management, but in managing those unruly company managers, Zhao Song wants to make a big deal out of it!

Now, with the scabbard back in place, the joint investment plan that was going off track has begun to return to the right track, which has relieved countless attention.


The busyness continued, Liao Yingzhu and Wen Zhenwen stood side by side at the desk.

The tense atmosphere on the first floor of the building reached the extreme. Amidst the roar, the beautiful secretaries did not dare to breathe out, and tried their best to calm down the sound of busy footsteps.

"Call Xu Liangying and ask her how to tell the story of the empty-handed white wolf?"

Zhao Song's roar came again:

"The lies in the stock market can be debunked as soon as you poke them. Our task is not to boost the stock price, but to retain funds. Ask that Sabi girl, if you don't invest funds, how will you retain those investors who are already panicking?"

Wen Zhenwen, who was sprayed with foam all over her face, wiped it casually, raised the phone that had already been dialed, and shouted loudly:

"You heard me."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Zhao Song turned a blind eye to the new document that Liu Ying handed over, just glanced at it and continued to shout:

"What happened to Nanda Optoelectronics? Didn't the two listed companies finish their talks with the local government? Why didn't the news get out?"

Wen Zhenwen yelled back: "No money! The Securities Regulatory Commission will suspend the timetable, and the 2 billion we promised has not been seen yet."

Liao Yingzhu said: "There is also good news. Affected by the gossip, the decline of those two companies has stopped recently, and the withdrawal of funds from the technology sector has stagnated."

Zhao Song: "Then speed up and release the news!"

Wen Zhenwen: "No money!"

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