"Last name?"


"from where?"


"……what is it call?"

"Zi Long?"

"SJZ Zhao Zilong?"

Ermao complained in a separate lounge of Gongti:

"Brother, let's practice, be serious."

Zhao Song asked while eating instant noodles in a bucket, "Have you ever gone in?"

Ermao scratched his head: "I've heard of it."

"I've been in it before, so there's no need for a drill."

"Ah?" Er Mao was dead curious, "Who did you hit that time?"

Zhao Song thought for a while, it is better to save some face for the flag-bearer of the national enterprise, so he shook his head.


For Zhao Song, why should he be so presumptuous tonight?

Because of winning, the life in dreamland like this tonight will no longer be there, just as an aftertaste, and in the days to come, I will be the leader of drinking.

If you lose, tonight will be a preview of the future. Although you won't be so indulgent, who wouldn't want to be reckless while you are young?

What's more, he wants to win, really wants to win!


"(ˉ▽ ̄~) cut~~ boring~" In the conference room, Ermao complained, and then asked, "Brother, isn't it 11x connected to the Internet? It's been almost an hour, why haven't people arrived yet?"


At this time, the invisible man came over, this time he was completely invisible, and the phone calls came one after another, and there was no small leader who could reach his mobile phone.

"It's understandable for children to have grievances. Small punishments and big punishments."

This is what the legendary leader said, who would dare to punish him?

As for the relaxed tone of the other leaders' complaints, the invisible man can understand it better.

"Boss, in fact, if you have the opportunity to be a leader, it would be great."

The invisible man said regretfully, with such a blemish, if Zhao Song wanted to go into politics, he would spend his whole life spinning around in the career editor.

The so-called 'self-contained lineage' is self-defeating!

Some relaxed leaders even planned to intervene in Zhao Song's master-student dispute.

As long as Zhao Song can successfully hold on for a few days, the alliance over there will definitely break down.

Zhao Song shook his head mockingly, but did not answer the invisible man's words.

In politics? What a joke.

"Mr. Zhao."

At this time, the doors in the lounge were opened, revealing a big cap:

"Mr. Zhao, I'm here to tell you that you're fine, so don't wait."

"What do you mean it's okay?" Zhao Song was anxious, "I beat someone in front of the people of the whole country. I was picking quarrels and provoking trouble. How can I say it's okay?"

The invisible person on the side curled his lips in disdain: Compared with the compensation he received, the leader Yan who disdains the fans and is only responsible to his superiors definitely hopes that you will play more times. As for losing face, it is nothing, as long as the leader remembers, this kind of I wish I could lose my face a few more times.

"No one has reported the case, Mr. Zhao," Big Block said helplessly.

Zhao Song was dissatisfied: "You can't see it if no one reports it?"

"You didn't watch TV?" Big Cap pointed at the pitch-black TV screen. "The hosts of several TV stations have just clarified that you are hosting the opening performance as a sponsor, and the referee and the chairman are all pretended by stadium staff."

"I... Fuck... Can I still do this?"

"It's not only possible to do that," Big Block smiled wryly, "Tomorrow's Evening News will issue an apology, admitting that today's 19:00 game start time was wrongly listed. In fact, it started at 20:00. No matter which channel you watch from, the game has just begun .”

Er Mao quickly turned on the TV, watching the fierce game and listening to the normal commentary, Er Mao was speechless.

what is this? Omni-channel control and review?

Zhao Song was also on the spot in a daze, and asked, "Officer, which district are you from? If you're from the Xiyang District, please show me some face and take me back first. I'll talk to your leaders later. We're talking about the follow-up. "

Big Block raised his hands and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Zhao, don't embarrass me. In just a short while, all the phones in the office have been blown up.

We also want to deal with it impartially regardless of intercession, but there is no victim and no basis~"

Zhao Song was dejected, and stepped forward to shake hands politely: "Thank you then, you are busy."

"I can't help, I'm sorry Mr. Zhao." The big cap saluted and left quickly.


Zhao Song stared blankly at Er Mao and the invisible man, and asked suddenly:

"Which district is this?"

Ermao and Ermao looked at each other, even if they were born and bred in the capital, few people paid attention to the division of urban areas.

Another head appeared from the unclosed gate, and said with a smile, "Sunset Area."

Wen Jing raised her phone, shook it, and said cheerfully:

"Zhao Song, tonight, you can play as much as you want, and I will be your backing. As long as someone arrests you, I guarantee that you will be settled with a phone call!"


Zhao Song waved his hands in disgust, like chasing away flies.

"Oh," Wen Jing agreed honestly, shaking the phone, "I'm right around you, don't worry!"

After finishing speaking, the schoolgirl retracted her head and disappeared without a trace.

"That..." Zhao Song scratched his head, and said to Ermao and the invisible man, "Maybe the Sunset District is giving me face, let's change to another place."

Ermao, the invisible man: "..."

Zhao Song dialed the mobile phone, and when connected, he roared, "Ningzi, where did you die?"

"It's almost here, just wait," Chen Ning's excited voice came from the phone, "Zhao Er, you are giving me too much face today."

"Stop talking nonsense, see you at the gate of the stadium, make arrangements!"

"Don't worry, you~"


To the west of the Workers' Stadium is the Workers' Stadium. As the center of nightlife in the capital, there must be nightclubs to the west of the Workers' Stadium. There, it is already extremely close to the Dongsishitiao Bridge. Zhao Song does not believe that it will be under the management of the Xiyang District!

20:45. **Nightclub.

With the deafening music, four or five young men led the way, and five or six bodyguards in casual clothes scattered around. Chen Ning excitedly held hands and shouted as he walked:

"Zhao Er, what you said today is absolutely famous through the ages, you don't know, we have long wanted to trouble you, but we can't think of a way.

Zhao Er, you must give me a face, and let me make a small toast. "

Zhao Song looked away from the big breasts and thighs in the field, raised his head and said, "No problem, give me some face!"

"Okay," Chen Ning rubbed his hands, thinking about getting some circles to cheer him on, and then asked, "Zhao Er, I must be counted as mine tonight. What are the requirements for drinks?"

Zhao Song is a Muggle, and he has always wanted to put learning foreign wine on his agenda, but he has learned three languages ​​and learned countless things, but he has no time to learn how to taste wine: "I don't understand, you can do whatever you want."

Chen Ning blinked his eyes, bent down on purpose, and said flatteringly, "Thank you~"

"Atmospheric," Zhao Song was satisfied, patted Chen Ning on the shoulder heavily, pointed to the DJ booth, and said boldly: "Arrangement!"

Chen Ning immediately became excited again, and he gestured towards the night manager who had been paying attention not far away.

The manager's face turned red in an instant, and he jumped to the DJ booth, picked up the microphone, stopped the DJ song, and shouted loudly:

"Everyone, Mr. Zhao will pay for all the consumption tonight!"



21:00. Private room for the night show.

Zhao Song stared straight at the bulging and swollen back beside him.

He grabbed his smooth and tender hands, and said with his tongue out:

"We are destined to meet thousands of miles away."

"Yes, yes."

"Do you know why?"

The beauty made a cute gesture: "Why?"

"Let's not talk about our parents, let's talk about it afterwards!"


"If you hit it in the womb, you may have a miscarriage at any time, and a puff of smoke as a mother may cause deformity. If it grows slowly, it will have a heart defect, and if it grows fast, it will have six fingers. After ten months, it was born with difficulty. Had to have the forceps crush the brain. Dodged it all, polio, whooping cough, scarlet fever, meningitis still lay ahead.

Crying and choking on milk, walking and wrestling; touching water and scalding, touching fire; hitting something, we are half dead. If you have too much calcium, you won’t grow taller, if you lack calcium, you won’t grow taller, and if you grow into your appearance, you still need not too much, not too much! "

The beauty couldn't close her legs with a smile.

"Finally mixed enough to be able to eat and go out. There is hail in the sky, and cars run underground; there are only a few bad guys in the dark in the streets and alleys. If you say that chasing anyone is a narrow escape.

These are all open guns, as well as hidden arrows. Snobbish, cold-faced, gossiping, accusatory; you are envied at good times, and looked down upon at bad times; honest people say you are stupid, shrewd people say you are treacherous; cold people say you are arrogant, and enthusiastic people say you are a waste ;Walk ahead and suffer sap, walk behind and get nothing; this is also called living, it is purely practicing his mother's lifetime of lightness..."

Speaking of this, ignoring the dumbfoundedness of the entire private room, Zhao Song took a sip of foreign wine to moisten his throat, and asked with a lot of meaning:

"In the end, we just happened to come here and get together among so many people. Do you think we are destined?"

"...Yes, yes!" The beauty nodded and couldn't close her legs.


Facing the sudden silence, Zhao Song turned his head and asked Chen Ning who was in a daze: "What are you going to do next, can you directly get into the topic?"

Chen Ning asked blankly, "What theme?"

Zhao Song glanced at the hot R beauty.

"That..." Chen Ning stammered, "I'm in a hurry, if you want her and don't object, you can take her out later."

"You still have to go out?" Zhao Song was disappointed, the novel was full of lies. (He was reading CR novels)

"Then what do you do next?"

Chen Ning replied bluntly: "Drinking, joking, flirting, if you are not satisfied, go to the venue and have a hi?"

"Just after a fight, my legs are weak, I'm not hi anymore." Zhao Song shook his head and said, "Let me sing."

"Singing?" Chen Ning was taken aback, "Zhao Er, this is not a KTV."

"Is the DJ available?"


Chen Ning looked back at the manager crouching in the shadows.

The manager nodded repeatedly.

Zhao Song took out a USB flash drive from his trouser pocket and shouted, "Arrangement!"



The hot HI ballroom suddenly fell silent, and the lustful men and women in the venue stopped their legs that couldn't be closed, and looked around.


The lights go out.


There was a scream.

At this time, Teacher Zhao's unique monologue sounded, making the men and women who couldn't close their legs quiet down.

"a long long time ago

There is a group of legendary social youth

every night of the full moon

they will all be held

an ancient and mysterious ritual"


The spotlight suddenly turned on and shone on a man in sunglasses on the DJ stage.

"Ah~ it's Zhao Song!"

Someone recognized him.

"Ah~" screamed sharply.


The DJ sounded.

The man in sunglasses began to imitate the action of chopping vegetables, and the audience followed suit.

The DJ sound continued.

The man in sunglasses began to imitate Ultraman's fight, and the audience followed suit.

"Fighting Monsters Fighting Monsters

buy a watch buy a watch

Small waist, small waist"

"Damn, dare to touch my ass, that Sabie don't run away~"


The night scene was completely chaotic.

Chen Ning \u0026 Manager: "..."


22:10. Business suite.

Xingsheng sneered and put down the phone: "Jealous and jealous, Pediatrics! Wen Jing has to deal with it, there are still 14 hours, let him make trouble!"


Gongti North Road, at the intersection of Hong Kong and Macau Center.

Zhao Song's expression was calm, and he stood upright by the side of the road.

At the feet, a young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face was lying on the ground, moaning non-stop.

Zhao Song kicked him calmly:

"It's coming, act a little better."

Chen Ning next to him looked miserable, twitched the corners of his mouth, turned his head and pretended not to see it.

Pull over the work truck and get down a few big hats.

Appearing with them was Wen Jing who popped up not far away, she shook her mobile phone, and before Zhao Song scolded, she disappeared with a smile on her face.

"Who called the police."

Fa Xiao raised his hand tremblingly.

Da Mao looked at Fa Xiao carefully, and stood up straight with a serious face.



"Mr. Zhao, this kid is very much like a wanted criminal of XX. Thank you for your brave deeds. We will send the bounty after confirmation. Goodbye."

Zhao Song: "..."

Chen Ning: "..."

Zhao Song: "This is the East District, right? I have no friendship with them."

"Yes...is it?" Chen Ning also became unsure.

At this time, the invisible man appeared again. He handed over the phone and said helplessly:

"Boss, answer the phone."

Zhao Song's eyes were fixed, and he asked solemnly: "Is it okay if you don't pick up?"

The invisible man shook his head, then retreated 5 meters away with the people around him, surrounding Zhao Song.


I only need a week!

But you dare not even give me a week?

Zhao Song sullenly raised his phone.

"Young man, is the outcome between us really that important?"

For some reason, Zhao Song, who had been wantonly all night, finally broke out:

"Old man, there is no victory or defeat between me and you, and it doesn't even matter!

I don't know why you, a retired veteran cadre, need to contact me.


If you are a descendant, then winning or losing is very important, you should go straight to the real chapter!

If you are so-called ideals, then let me tell you that there is a country called 'Ermao' in the west of us, which has just finished its general election. The new ruling class will govern the country completely according to your ideas. You can see how it develops. I have "correctness" and "superiority", so there is no need to target me.

By the way, I can define those people in advance:

That will be the most shameless, insidious, despicable, nasty, and greedy 'comprador' ruling team in the history of mankind, none of them! "

Developing a nuclear country into a "womb of Europe" is a good idea!

What a great cause!

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