Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 640 Quiet Discovery

"Zhao Er~"

Hearing Zhao Song's angry voice, Chen Ning, who was not far away, became anxious and rushed to grab the phone.

Pushing Chen Ning away, Zhao Song pressed the hang up button, glanced at the "m" Logo on the phone, and fell hard to the ground.


The corner of the invisible man's mouth twitched, and the motorcycle phone was torn apart.


Chen Ning sighed, and sat side by side with Zhao Song on the curb, passing a cigarette along the way.

Zhao Song glanced at the pure white Zhongnanhai, held back in disgust, took out a root flower and lit it.

Chen Ning didn't care either. He smoked .8 Zhongnanhai and couldn't help but said, "Why don't I make two phone calls, you know, I can still deliver the call to ICBC."

"Don't you!" Zhao Song shook his head, "There are so many people I can talk to, why don't you think about why I don't call?"

Chen Ning pretended to be puzzled: "That's right, why don't you call? Just call two, which ones are still the problem?"

Hearing these unreasonable words, Zhao Song couldn't help punching him.

"Playing stupid?"

"I'm not pretending to be stupid!" Chen Ning sighed, "Don't talk about other people, I don't quite understand."

He patted Zhao Song on the shoulder comfortingly: "We have always sought common ground while reserving differences, that is, putting aside disputes and seeking common development. Why can't we come to you? Obviously, we can only sit down and have a good talk. You have to make the situation so complicated and tense!

You don't know how many people can't sleep well these days! "

"I still care about other people's sleep? I'll be done if I sleep well!" Zhao Song said bitterly, "You are also a shareholder of Shenzhou. Your ignorance is a shame to the board of directors of Shenzhou!"

Chen Ning got angry and stuck his neck: "I would like to hear more about it."

"Tesla spent three years opening up the domestic mobile phone supply chain. Since last year, it has increased investment in domestic research and development. What it does is low cost and high profit. To put it a bit taller, it is domestic substitution. After all, SUPCON Tesla’s domestic substitution rate is not even as high as that of foreign brands.”

"That's right." Chen Ning agreed.

"But there was a very interesting thing in the first half of the year. When several of our research and development projects entered the final public relations stage, the direct wholesale price of the relevant imported parts dropped by 70%. After a few days, the higher-ups even asked me if I wanted a full set of technical materials." Zhao Song turned to look at Chen Ning, "Chen Ning, the Emperor of the United States will never die!

If you still don't understand the explanation, you should resign the director of Shenzhou as soon as possible. "

Chen Ningming realized: "Zhao Rong and the foreign shareholders agree to introduce a complete set of technology."

"They also plan to launch Tesla's reserve product library, and want to attack the low-end market."

"Convex (艹盘哗)!" Chen Ning blushed.

"Let me just ask, with Shenzhou's broken stuff, are you sure you can deal with Tesla's impact?"

Chen Ning blushed and muttered, "We still have IBM notebooks."

"Tesla's new notebook products are the most complete."

"..." Chen Ning was speechless.

"You see, from the domestic layout, brand image, to the company's development strategy planning, we have disputes from the beginning to the end. How can we seek common ground if we can't put aside differences?"

Zhao Rong took a deep breath and continued to explain: "Then people with a heart expanded their attention from Tesla to the central control system. After collecting and integrating data, they found out that I had found myself a terrific enemy. Many people were frightened. It's gone, which is why I didn't call and no one greeted me."

"Wait," Chen Ning took two deep breaths before asking tremblingly, "What kind of opponent did you find?"

Zhao Song tilted his head and replied with a half-smile: "EUV LLC alliance."

Chen Ning: "Speak human words!"

"The U.S. Department of Energy led the establishment of the EUV LLC alliance with companies such as Intel, Motorola, AMD, and IBM. Betting on the development of key technologies for lithography machines. The three major laboratories of the Department of Energy, Lawrence Livermore, Sandia, and Lawrence Berkeley, are more It is a collection of technologies in multiple fields, including physics, chemistry, nuclear weapons, semiconductor industry, supercomputing... and so on.

The only company supported by the alliance is ASML. "

"..." Chen Ning, who had a big mouth, opened his tongue and stammered after a long time, "It's hard... no wonder no one came forward.

Now that the country is short of money everywhere, even if you are optimistic about your leadership and consider the overall situation, you will not agree with you...

You wishful thinking! "

Zhao Song didn't care: "Yeah, wishful thinking, Zhao Rong and the others have changed my wishful thinking through a few months of hard work before going public. But for me, they..."

"They are the thinking of normal people!" Chen Ning interrupted Zhao Song without hesitation, "Zhao Er, no matter how powerful Tesla is and how huge the central control system is, you want to develop the entire industry by yourself. Downstream is just wishful thinking, I heard that you are going to get involved in industrial software engineering, and now you add a lithography machine, can one person and one company play?"

"Yes," Zhao Song replied as a matter of course, "Nikon, the whole lithography machine and accessories are all played by myself."

"..." Chen Ning opened his mouth, trying to organize his words.

Zhao Song didn't intend to give him time to react: "So I really admire the island country. Some experts put forward the concept of craftsman. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a craftsman spirit. It is the result of the entire social system of the island country!"

Chen Ning agrees: "I don't deny this point. The gap between us is too great, so we can't be far behind. I heard that some people in Tianya Current Affairs claim that our GDP can catch up with the island countries in 2030.

Simply arrogant! "

"..." Zhao Song suppressed a smile and patted Chen Ning: "This kind of modesty is very good, keep it up."

Chen Ning arrogantly persuaded like an elder: "So people have to recognize themselves. Your current thought of wanting to do everything is just a little achievement floating in your mind."

Zhao Song looked at Chen Ning in a daze: "But, it's all my company and my money~!"


"What do I want to do, can you control it?"


"Reluctance? Do you think I'm a waste? You earn it yourself?"


"I know that it is the whole industry, it is a complete set of projects, and I can't do it by myself, so I actively participate in the stock market plan, so that I can have the right to make suggestions on the flow of relevant major special funds and intelligence in the future five-year plan of the country. Paying money, but asking the country to be my backing, is this why you say my mind is wandering?"


"What's more, I'm not alone, not a company! Look east, what's there?"


"It's the brightly lit Shenzhou Gemini."


"Look north, look west, what's there?"


"It's DK Technology, Zhongguancun Industrial Park, 365 days and nights."


"Look at the road, look behind you, what's there?"


"It is a three-way and one-da heavy truck that is always on the road and a 365*24 one-kilometer convenience chain that does not close stores."


"Hundreds of thousands, millions of scientific researchers, production personnel, ordinary employees, truck drivers, cleaning aunts, and even the vast majority of working people in the country are sacrificing rest and health to race against time to develop and catch up...

Young Master Chen!

What gave you the courage to say that our flower growers will not be able to keep up with mere island countries in 2030? "

"..." Chen Ning buried his head, trying to pretend that he didn't exist.

"Everyone is racing against time, why should I give Zhao Rong and the others a few months?

Why should I call for help and continue to sell time after I owe a favor?

We have been separated by thirty years, and we must not slow down any further, so I will not let it go, not even a second! "

Zhao Song stood up and kicked the confused Chen Ning: "I'm very unhappy tonight, so the nightclub bill has changed: Men are not invited, older ones are not invited, gender is not invited, same friends Those who are underage are not invited, those with too much makeup are not invited, those who are too ugly are not invited, and those who are not beautiful are also not invited."

"Just tell me who to invite this time."

"I don't invite anyone!" Zhao Song kicked Chen Ning angrily again, "I want you to arrange more beauties, not to arrange a treat, you sabi!"


It wasn't until the Audi taillights were completely invisible that Chen Ning, whose face was flushed, slowly uttered a word:


"If I were you, I would even invite Mr. Zhao as a guest for a month." Li Pei sat beside Chen Ning and said with a smile.

Chen Ning was not angry: "Why?"

"Because according to the Shenzhou stock price forecast, your assets will double in the next month."

"..." Hearing this good news, Chen Ning wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

Li Pei sighed and said, "You should support him, even if it's just language support."

Chen Ning bowed his head and remained silent.

"Just do it to him, you have such a friend, no matter what occasion you say it, you will have face!"

Chen Ning held his head high, proud.


11:59. A business private room.

A long day is coming to an end.

Zhao Rong and Xingsheng put down their earphones and stared at each other dejectedly—the old man came forward, Zhao Song stopped, but to a certain extent, they lost completely in today's confrontation, the old man won, not them.

Neither of them was interested in talking, so they cheered up and walked to their respective rooms. There was still a decisive battle waiting for them tomorrow.

The private room opened and the two left, but the door was not closed tightly.

If someone passes by the hotel passage and looks through the crack of the door, they will see busy people and many high-tech devices with flashing lights.

As long as you have seen Hollywood spy blockbusters, you will have a correct guess about those machines.


Zhao Rong and Xingsheng left, but the others were still working.

The time has come to 00:00.

There are still 14 hours left before the signing of Tesla's second financing contract.

And Gongti North Road has also entered a real nightlife.

East Forty Articles.

Strolling quietly on the side road of the Second Ring Road, her shaking shoulders from time to time and the sound of music in her mouth all show that she is in a good mood:

"The beat of the music is too heavy

alcohol is working

lights keep turning

make people want to indulge


At this time, a big Benz stopped on the side of the road, the window was opened, Wen Jing saw the figure inside, and even got in through the door.

"I heard that the agreement is about to be signed. I need to confirm some things. It's okay."

The cultural boss opened his mouth. The driver is the silliest nephew, and next to him is his dearest daughter. The two have conflicts, and they have to ask in a business-like tone.

"Of course no problem." Wen Jing replied with a smile.

Wenhua frowned: "Can you stop putting a fake smile on your face at such a young age?"

The old eight in front said disdainfully: "Learn from Zhao Song, but he's just smirking, it won't be annoying, my dearest sister can't learn it!"

"You!~" Wen Jing pinched the starling fiercely, and then sat down angrily.

"The shares of Three Links and One Da were lent to you by me and Lao Ba, and we have no plans to sell them, so I hope that after the end of tomorrow, the shares will be returned to us, no problem."

Wen Jing replied confidently: "No problem! Dad, do you want more shares of three links and one deal?"

"I want it, but we want it in a dignified way. In my life, the Wen family has never had a tradition of stealing and plundering, nor has it the habit of being put down by others, understand?"

Wen Jing looked at his father intently.

The old eight in front said coldly: "Tell those bastards that after tomorrow, if the shares have not returned to us, let them wash their asses and wait.

M snarled, dared to pull my sister in, I \u0026...%\u0026\u0026...%! "

Wen Jing leaned back in her chair and looked up at the roof of the car, not caring about the threat from her father and brother at all.

She was just thinking, trying to find the source of the confidence she found in Zhao Song today.

She believes that it is definitely not from the success of wealth and the promotion of status.

It is a kind of spiritual, a kind of self-confidence that comes from the heart and is engraved in the bone.

Wen Jing was puzzled.

Of course, if Zhao Song knew her question, he would also be baffled, how confident? Can it be eaten as a meal?

Perhaps only after more than ten years, Wen Jing can find one of the answers from the self-confidence of more and more people:

Great country context!

But now, no matter how Wen Jing thinks, she can't think of the possibility of Zhao Song winning.

But why does she always feel that Zhao Song has no possibility of losing?

"That's right~"

At this time, a steady voice broke the silence in the car, and Wenhua said unhurriedly:

"Three Links and One Da is a joint-stock company. Before it is listed, it is in consideration of the interests of all shareholders. No matter what valuation you give it tomorrow, please be prepared to make up the price difference and premium."

That's it! ~

Wen Jing sat up straight and did not speak.

"Girl, did you hear that?" Wen Hua was impatient.

Wen Jing heard it but didn't realize it.

That's it!

She was sure that Zhao Song would never call his father and brother. They dragged that kid down because of their daughter (sister), but at the end of the matter, they worked hard to fight for the greatest fairness for that kid!

He dared not accept or ask for any conditional help, he dared to face domestic and foreign capital bosses alone without any means of counterattack, because he believed...

What do you believe?

In grand terms:

He believes that everything he does deserves reward.

He believed that with what he had done, this country and this land would never allow him to sit there alone and helpless.

There is Zhong Hai, and he is Zhong Hai Zhao Song.



Under the puzzled eyes of the culture, Wen Jing pointed to the sky: "Can you find the peak value of the telecommunication signal tonight?"

"Where is it?"

"The city government and district governments are also fine. It would be even better if there are sensitive locations."

"Don't even think about it," Wenhua said without hesitation, shaking his head, "Do you know the penetration rate of domestic SIM cards? Do you know how much foreign exchange is saved by that thing?

From the moment the boy had an accident, Shenzhou and the four major telecommunications companies closed all channels for inquiries. Unless there is something really wrong with that kid, no one can get all the information about him until the matter is resolved. "

Wen Jing was taken aback: "What I'm asking has something to do with Zhao Song?"

"They think it's relevant."


Wen Jing suddenly realized. Sure enough, everyone was silently ordering something outside of the obvious.

So she showed the most sincere smile and sighed, "That used to be my man~"

The culture and the old eight hated that iron could not be made into steel and answered in unison:


PS: Today is not divided into chapters. Tianya Post 2030 is indeed true. In order not to affect the plot and reading experience, all popular science and explanations will be supplemented by the author.

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