Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 641 Mysterious Car Accident


In the middle of the night, there are few vehicles on the Second Ring Road.

Without worrying about disturbing the people, the scattered security vehicles gradually gathered together to form a long convoy, driving on the North Second Ring Road.

"Just because you vomited all over, that Sabi thing can still be promoted?"

In the Audi car, Er Mao asked angrily.

Zhao Song said calmly: "He has been wronged, and he is still in office for a short time, so X's successor has not been selected yet."

"A pig could sit on it better than him."

"That might be it," Zhao Song said with a smile, "He has earned me a flat during the years he has been in office."

After finishing speaking, he sighed, and said helplessly: "Although gambling is not good, the money delivered to you should not be wasted."

"Brother~ What are you doing?" Ermao's eyes are square, but brother just said that he will still be in office in a short time.

"Use your junior high school mathematics knowledge to make a simple multi-investment plan, just keep buying Chinese football and lose." Zhao Song curled his lips, "They are only at the junior high school level."


As a senior fan, Er Mao's face darkened instantly, and he was about to say something, but was interrupted by a roar that was getting closer.

"Brother." Ermao reminded in a deep voice, as an experienced and professionally trained driver, let him instantly understand the situation behind.

"Get into the middle lane and drive at an even speed."

Ermao hurriedly turned on the turn signal, waited for a smooth lane change, took out the walkie-talkie from behind him, and unplugged the earphone cable.

"Boss," the invisible man's steady voice came from the intercom, "there are seven supercars, piloted by a professional driver, the purpose is unknown."

Zhao Song picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "Are they speeding?"

"Suddenly slowed down behind us, now driving normally, I don't know what I'm going to do."

Hearing the roar behind him, Zhao Song pondered for a moment, and ordered: "All the vehicles behind slow down and get behind them to prevent social vehicles from overtaking."

"Boss?!" The invisible man questioned.

"You know what's going on with my car, they can't hit me together."


"The two cars ahead change lanes to the inner and outer lanes."

The two cars that understood Zhao Song's intentions quickly completed the lane change, forming an inverted formation that completely blocked the main road on the second ring road.

If the supercar team is provocative, they will pass through a gap of less than 4 meters; if they play their own way, the emergency stop lane is the safest choice.

"Ermao, change the mode."


The cover opened to reveal the hidden red button, and Er Mao suppressed his excitement and pressed it.


The W12 engine, which has been suppressed all the time, is like an awakened beast, with the dual exhaust pipes hidden in the surround, giving out a roar that is no less than that of a rear supercar.

"elder brother?"

"Wait." Zhao Song said in a deep voice. He has played in the United States of all the models behind him, so he can't know everything about it, but the sound of releasing the accelerator is clear. There is no other reason, he is timid.

The supercar team didn't keep them waiting for long, and soon the leading car approached.

The gap is very large, and it can be passed through with a bold kick of the accelerator without a professional driver.



Ermao cursed angrily as the lead car brushed against the Audi and overtook it.

The purpose of the supercar is clear - provocation!

"elder brother."


Zhao Song closed his eyes and listened carefully to the roar.

One, two, three.

There's a Porsche in the back.

Zhao Song smiled, the car is a good car, but the floor is a bit loose, and the engine will fluctuate slightly.


"Here we come~"

Porsche quickly tied with Audi, but the change in the distance between the two cars is not what the floor oil should have.

He is loose.

Zhao Song smiled: "Step!"

Ermao held the steering wheel tightly and stepped on the accelerator.




"what is this?"

In the car, Zhao Song and Er Mao were stunned by the overturned buttocks of the car.

"Ermao, are you fucking speeding?"

"No!" Er Mao was wronged.

Zhao Song quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and roared, "What's the matter?"

"It's probably an assembled car from a roadside shop," came the invisible man's steady voice, "Boss, I saw the driver, he's fine."

Such an expensive car, let alone a speed of over 80, as long as you wear a seat belt, you will be safe even if you go faster.

But Zhao Song didn't expect that there would be a sham here...

What's the fun with TM's assembled cars?


The Audi slowed down, overtook the super sports car team, and slowly stopped on the side of the road.


Ermao pulled out his stick, turned around and asked, "Brother, you haven't forgotten the security plan, have you?"

Zhao Song waved his hands angrily: "Do your thing."


Ermao got out of the car, leaned against the back door, looked around, then raised the stick, pointed at the young people gathered together, and shouted, "Stop, don't get close."


The security car approached.

The invisible man quickly came to Er Mao, his right hand was inserted into his jacket, and his eyes were fixed on the young people.


The young man in the lead suddenly stood up, and stretched out his hands to stop his companion:

"I... we just want to ask how to solve it."


At this time, four security guards had already surrounded Xiaonian.


A Mercedes and Audi parked side by side, with just enough room to open the doors.

Then, as if acting countless times, the Mercedes-Benz driver quickly got out of the car and stood in front of the gap between the two cars. Ermao ran into the driver's seat. At the same time, the invisible man quickly filled the gap behind, covering the gap between the two cars tightly.


"Listen to my password, three, two, one, go!"

A figure quickly ran from the Audi to the Mercedes, and Zhao Song quickly completed the transfer.

As for getting out of the car and pretending to slap your face? He would like to, but that's impossible. This is the biggest lesson after a willfulness in the United States.

The Mercedes-Benz started and quickly left the scene under the escort of two security vehicles.


When the young people recovered from the shock, they found a serious middle-aged man standing in front of them.

"This is a power of attorney for my client. Please stay where the accident car is. The traffic police will arrive immediately. Because the client is special, we need to go public. There is no room for negotiation."

"Okay, then we'll wait."

The leader took his companions back to the convoy, comforted the driver whose legs were shaking, and then picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Xingsheng's confused voice came.

The leader pursed his lips with a serious face: "Brother, something happened, and I need you and Sister Zhao Rong to deal with it together."

"What's up?"

"We hit Zhao Song."


The leader took the phone away, and put it next to his ear after Xingsheng finished cursing.

"Can't you say hello to the traffic police?"

"Brother, six of the seven cars were built together, I don't have that ability."


"Brother, there's no way to talk about it. After knowing that the old man made a phone call, Zhao Song confessed. Everyone was very excited. Besides, you were the one who shook the person. They didn't listen to my words at all."

"...Wait." Xingsheng hung up the phone angrily.

The leader hangs up the phone with his head down, without seeing the corner of his mouth open.


In the fast-moving Mercedes-Benz, Zhao Song was dialing a number with an area code. After leading the other party to hang up, he closed his eyes and rested his mind. No one saw his fleeting smile.


June 15, 2003, 0:45 AM.

This is a very ordinary time, maybe it is special for some people, such as Zhao Song.

The reason why it is special is that in Paris, which is six hours behind the capital, there is a performance sponsored by Tesla.

An eighteen-year-old girl stepped onto the stage covered with 'T's, and under the watchful eyes of the red-eared men, she sang Madonna's song "A Small Island with Beautiful Spring" and twisted her head. The waist of the evildoer.

Some people say that she is the most beautiful woman in the universe, Zhao Song has no objection.

By the way, that woman's name is Alizee. Queen of France!

It is always said that rebirth can make up for regrets, but Zhao Song still regretted not appearing at the waist twisting scene in this life, which added another layer of hatred towards Xingsheng and others.



The car stopped slowly.

Zhao Song opened his sleepy eyes: "Are you here?"

"Brother, you'd better look out the window."

Zhao Song overplayed his head, and then, his saliva flowed down instantly.

Opening the door, getting out of the car, and receiving two strings of big kidneys, Zhao Song smiled all over his face:

"Grandma Gui, why haven't you confiscated the stall yet?"

Grandma Gui smiled and looked at Zhao Song, who was eating kidneys: "The workers on the evening shift are leaving, so we will close the stall."

"Grandma Gui, I'll take good care of your waist, you have to take care of yourself."

"I got it, I got it," Grandma Gui said happily from ear to ear, "Come over whenever you want to eat, and keep it for you."


Zhao Song agreed with a smile, feeling extremely satisfied.

Wealthy and handsome, maybe this is the life he yearns for, not a day full of plots and calculations every minute and every second.

"Mr. Zhao, don't worry about grilled sausages, it's from Shuanghui."


"Mr. Zhao, Mao Dan, I picked the baby boy for you."


"Mr. Zhao, leek roll teppanyaki, you vomited so sharply tonight, can you make it up again?"


Such a good life, Zhao Song thought blissfully, winning or losing might not be so important.

But he didn't know that for many people, his victory or defeat has always been very important.


As all the late shift workers left, people began to close and clean the stall. The next shift was already at 6:00 in the morning, and that was the world of early stalls.

Today's vendors are a bit unusual.

Cleaned up and received it, put the cart in the designated place, and chatted together in twos and threes. At the same time, they walked towards the nearest bank branch. There, there were already several old men and women in line. .

4:00 positive.

Liu Ke was woken up by his friend's phone call. When he realized the seriousness of the matter and came to the bank branch in the Industrial Park, he was stunned by the two rows of lines that could not be seen as far as the eye could see.

What's more troublesome is that there are as many bank outlets in the industrial park as there are two long lines, and even other places in Pingchang District...

The Tesla in Pingchang District is like this, so what will happen to the Shenzhou sent by Zhao Song? I don't know how many companies and individuals have been helped by the listing of Shenzhou and the housing reform in the Jiuxianqiao area.

There is also DK in Dianhai, Xiaohe Village, and by the way, Zhonghai, they should have some knowledge, they don’t only know that cash is useful like here, right?

Liu Ke didn't dare to think about it, he picked up the phone tremblingly.

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