Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 642 Here we come

5:05 minutes.

The first cash vans arrive.

But looking at the longer and longer line, the leader beside Liu Ke also shook his hands and took out his phone.

This time, instead of asking for help from the district, he called directly to the city, not begging, but roaring!

Liu Ke doesn't know what Zhao Song is going through, but he knows that no matter whether Zhao Song wins or loses, someone in the banking system that is lagging this time will definitely pay for today's incident! This person, the level will not be low!


The person in charge of the industrial park, Yuan Wu, and the district leaders arrived at the scene at the same time. Five minutes later, the presidents of the branches arrived.

After a brief consultation, all managers of the industrial park began to walk into the crowd to persuade them.

Yuan Wu picked up the tweeter and shouted hoarsely: "Everyone, find the administrator nearest to you for statistics, submit a copy of the deposit slip, and the bank will issue a credit certificate for everyone after confirmation, see the slip to transfer money, no other conditions.

Do you hear me clearly, no need to withdraw cash, all banks in Pingchang District will remit money against vouchers, no conditions, no conditions! "



The crowd gradually dispersed, revealing a commercial vehicle on the side of the road.

Li Wei looked at Yuan Wu who was going away, sighed in her heart, opened the car door and got in.

"How about it?"

The ball in the passenger seat turned his head, revealing a startled face.

Li Wei glanced at Hao Ying, and said helplessly: "It's not good, the pressure from Pingchang is not enough to make them let go, anyway, they have already made a mistake, so let's make it to the end!"

"Aren't they afraid?" Hao Ying asked angrily with her eyes wide open.

"The Xing family is already in ruins," Li Wei spread her hands, "The pot is broken, and it's absolutely fair!"

"What is absolute fairness?"

"It's okay to help Zhao Song, but the source of the funds must be clean!"

Li Wei rolled her eyes and continued, "Your money can be used by Zhao Song as long as you are not afraid of being held accountable afterwards. You should know that the back of the Weiwei Group is too complicated, so I can't do anything about it."

Hao Ying silently calculated: "I have less than 3 million US dollars. If it doesn't affect the tax payment next year, I can take it all out."

Li Wei nodded silently. Hao Ying's status is too sensitive. The family really has no money. All she can give is artist income!

But what's the use?

At this time, a bank card was slowly handed over from the third row.

A lazy voice sounded: "This is the money he helped me earn during the Olympics. In the past two years, bamboo has helped me turn over twice, and Hao Ying's is also worth 100 million."


Li Wei and Hao Ying looked at the black card together, with black lines all over their heads.

In the group of girlfriends, the laziest and most useless woman gave the most money...

At this moment, no one in the commercial vehicle spoke, except for the annoying music coming from the speakers:

"Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain



At 6:40, Capital International Airport, T2, international arrival.

Sunny Tian yawned, straightened her fluffy hair, and showed a perfunctory smile to the cloudy sky that was walking towards her:

"Why are you back?"

Yin Mingyu said with a serious expression: "Go home and have a look."

"Your home is not in the capital."

"There are no direct flights from New York."

"That's right." Qing Tian nodded in agreement, and walked out with Yin Tian.

"Is there anything else?" Sunny asked again.

"Is there something you don't know?"

Sunny is distressed: "The progress of the project is slow, and I am worried."

"Then what graphene?" Yin Tian asked with interest, "I heard from the gossip that someone is running the Nobel Prize for this project."

"none of my business."

"Okay~" At this time, Yin Tian's heart was full of slander against Zhao Song, which meant that Qing Tian was not treated as a human being, and was completely used as an animal.


Yintian looked at the little Otto, who was on the side of the road, and had already surrounded the front and rear four javelin points, with black lines all over his head.

"When did you buy the car?"

"Last weekend," Qing Tian said excitedly after getting into the car, rubbing his hands together for a long time before putting them on the steering wheel solemnly.

"When do you go home, I'll see if I have time to drive you."

Yin Tian shook his head seriously: "I take the train."

"Okay," Qing Tian started the engine and asked again, "When will I go back?"

"Later, I still have something to do."

"What's the matter?"

"Hao Ying is going to release a new song, we produced it."

"You guys?" Sunny Tian, ​​who failed to start the ignition, overplayed her head and looked at Yin Tian curiously.

"I set up a band, which is also a music copyright company, and recruited a lot of talented music producers."

"Oh," Qing Tian lost interest in an instant, she held the car key again, started the ignition again, and asked casually, "What's the name of the company?"

"Hell is close."

"Oh," Qing Tian murmured, "step on the accelerator, release the clutch, and let's go~!"

Otto started off with a hesitation.


"Shut up!" Qingtian stared forward and growled, "Talking to the driver is not allowed in the car."

"...Okay." Yin Tian looked out the window at the two groups of people who were waving to Qing Tian, ​​and fell silent.


On the side of the road, Xizi put down his hand in embarrassment, and smiled at the handsome man beside him: "Well, maybe I didn't see it."

"Oh." Dashuai Shuai was a little dull.

"Then let's take the bus and go to Xizhimen Bridge and do 362."

"Xizi, that..."

"This weekend, the Badaling side road will definitely be stuck in traffic, let's take Xueyuan Road."

The handsome guy turned up the volume: "Someone waved to you just now."

"Ah~" Xizi was taken aback, and quickly looked around, "Where is it?"

"You ignored him and walked away for a long time."

Seeing no familiar figure, Xizi gave up looking, shrugged and led the handsome man to the bus ticket office: "Maybe it's to greet the people next to me, I don't know many people, so it's just a coincidence that it's sunny. "

Da Shuai was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement.


No. 3 arrival gate.

Lu Li withdrew his waving hand, and asked awkwardly to the two girls beside him, "Although it's darker and dirtier, I'm definitely not mistaken, that person is handsome and handsome."

Juliet and Dong Lingyun looked at each other, nodded hesitantly, it has been so long, who can remember so clearly.

Lu Li pushed the luggage cart and said with a handsome smile, "Anyway, thank you for coming to pick me up."

"That..." Juliet and Dong Lingyun looked at each other again, and pointed to the pile of luggage not far away with a dry smile, "We just arrived, so come over and say hello when we see you."

"...I said, why didn't you call me by my name?" Lu Li's face turned red, he followed the two girls to the luggage pile, and formally extended his hand:

"Lu Li, singer of the third song of 99 Flash Mob, Ph.D student at Huaqing University and Berlin Technical University, assistant to the design director of Volkswagen Passenger Cars."

Juliet put away her smile, stretched out her hand and said:

"Juliet, Dong Lingyun, 99 pop-up dancers, interns at Hangda University and Aerospace Science and Technology, PhD candidates at MIT and Caltech, third-level researchers at Blue Origin USA."


Lu Li has never failed like this...pretentiously...


Destiny is a wonderful thing.

Yesterday, you changed our destiny.

Today, we will stand by your side.


Let's welcome together



Zhao Song, here we come.

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