Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 644 Chop off the head!

"So the boss didn't want it."

"He's also ambitious!" Xu Youcai exclaimed, "I didn't make a single call, and didn't answer a single call. On the other hand, Xingjia is eager to use all means.

If this makes Zhao Song win, tsk tsk~"

Xu Youcai pursed his lips, and sighed to Lao Qin: "Your little boss is amazing~"

"That's Zhonghai Zhao Song," the old Wang next door raised his head and said unhurriedly, "How could he lose?"

Xu Youcai said angrily, "Zhonghai is mine."

Old Wang next door, Boss Fu, and Boss Niu: "Bah~ who knows you!"

Liu Cong smiled and continued to wipe the counter, his eyes focused like never before.



Pingchang, Zhongguancun Industrial Park.

With the completion of the third phase of Tesla's project here, it has already occupied 75% of the Zhongguancun Industrial Park, so many people in Pingchang prefer to call it Tesla Industrial Park.

This is also Tesla's only production base in Asia at present, and more of its products are completed by OEM.

Industrial Park Office.

Zhao Song, who just woke up not long ago, is enjoying dessert after dinner.

Two pieces of snacks, a glass of milk, this meal can not be said to be finished for breakfast or lunch.

Zhao Song played with the Mongolian milk box and explained with a smile:

"This brand of milk will be given to me after I give birth."

Not long after arriving, Liu Ying was instantly shy:

"People haven't started taking folic acid yet."

Zhao Song: "..."

After the joke was over, Liu Ying returned to seriousness, and after reporting the new number in the phone to the secretary, the three of them quickly calculated a new number:

"370 million."

Zhao Song was curious: "What?"

"Funds that you can use unconditionally."

"Where did it come from?"

Liu Ying called out the text message on her mobile phone and handed it to Zhao Song.


Zhao Song returned the phone to Liu Ying in silence: "No need. What can be solved after Tesla pays dividends, so there is no need for such trouble."

"You don't have to, but everyone has to be prepared," Liu Ying said with a smile, "It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to let the richest flower grower owe you favors!"

"That's whatever you want," Zhao Song mocked, "There is a shortfall of 4 billion, and that little money is just a drop in the bucket!"

"Then what do you want us to do?" Liu Ying shouted with red eyes, "Everyone is trying to do their own thing, but what about you? Don't say anything, don't do anything! You at least tell us what to do to solve the problem Question?"

"It's because everyone is working hard, so I don't have to say or do anything." Zhao Song stood up and stopped the topic that made him feel mixed. "Money can't solve the fundamental problem. Besides, it's forty Billion."

Liu Ying said to herself: "What's the rush, there are still more than two hours, we will wait and see."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see." Zhao Song smiled lightly, "How is the road condition?"

Liu Ying turned her head quickly, and a small clerk shook her head and said, "It's not very good."

"Let's go early then."

"I'm calling the team to prepare!"


Reality is fantasy, for example:

A certain chairman jumped off the wall and went to the next door to shoot secrets.

Li Daqing led the idlers to snatch Dangdang's official seal.

Ma Huateng was tricked by three swindlers and became angry with the old godmother.

Fiction is reality.

Stocks, the greatest tool under the capitalist system.

No matter how affirming its positive significance, we cannot ignore its negative side.

No one has counted how many founders are just out of the founding company.

No one has counted how many companies have disappeared in the equity infighting.

Not to mention the more complicated market of florists.

Therefore, no matter how fantasy the novel is written, in addition to avoiding 404, the battle this time. In the final analysis, it is a battle for equity.


Both the enemy and us:

Red side: Zhao Song, (playing soy sauce) national team.

Blue Fang: Zhao Rong, the founding elder of International Capital, whose power was dispersed.

Root cause: profit (all others are excuses).

PS: Mr. Chen Ning will act as the narrator during this duel.


13:00 is.

The traffic police who had already prepared put up roadblocks, and the North Fourth Ring West Road went east to west, starting from Zhongguancun Knock to Dianhai Bridge, and began traffic control.

Under the command of the traffic police, a mighty convoy of commercial vehicles slowly stopped on the side of the north gate of Zhonghai Electronics Mall.

"Judging from today's newspapers, Zhao Song's name has disappeared. The official media began to target the Godson scientific research team to create stars. The financial media mainly focused on popular science NC machines and their significance. Shenzhou was sealed at the daily limit. Compared with the previous period, it is much better!"

Following the assistant's chattering report, Zhao Rong and Xingsheng got out of the car one after another.

"It's all bad news?"

Xingsheng asked in bewilderment.

"There is also good news." The assistant said to the reporter with a blank expression. "Starting from the morning news, many provinces and cities in the west began to report major investment news. In terms of major capital expenditures, Zhao Song can be regarded as the end of the road."

"It is indeed good news."

Xingsheng nodded affirmatively.

He and Zhao Rong stopped and stopped at the center of the square between the Fourth Ring Road and the North Gate of Zhonghai. After all the executives, assistants, and helpers of the team were in place, they started towards the North Gate of Zhonghai.

"Yo Yo~"

"Look which uncle is here~"

Chen Ning, who had been waiting at the side for a long time, greeted him with bright eyes. He jumped over Zhao Rong and Xingsheng who were in the front line, and joked to several burly men: "The last time you came to Zhonghai, you brought gold chains, Holding a mace, how did you become a human today?

If you want me to say, all of you can live to this day, thanks to Zhao Er's kindness!

Thanks~! "

Chen Ning stared at the leading man with a gloomy expression, stretched out his hand, and patted his face one after another.



That voice is painful to listen to.

"You bastards, let me put my words here, so that the brothers can walk out of the gate of Zhonghai safe and sound, let me write the word 'Chen' here today!"


Following the words, Chen Ning slapped hard, and the leader sweated profusely and his face swelled instantly.

Xingsheng said angrily: "Chen Ning, don't go too far."

"Come~!" Chen Ning put his face closer, and he was close to lip-to-mouth with Xingsheng, "If you scold me, or just hit me, I, Chen Ning, will call you brother sincerely, how dare you?" Well?"


It's not that I didn't dare, it's that Xingsheng didn't want to make troubles.

"I pooh~"

Chen Ning spat out disdainfully, and said contemptuously: "The most capable thing you have done in your life is to slap Zhao Song four years ago. I am waiting, looking forward, thinking, and dreaming, and I will wait until you What's the end, Grandpa..."

Before Chen Ning finished his harsh words, he was grabbed by Qin Hai who came forward and pulled him back by the collar.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Xing, the venue is ready, please~"

Zhao Rong smiled slightly, nodded politely at Qin Hai, ignored Chen Ning and Xingsheng, and was about to take a step, but stopped unexpectedly.


There was a muffled gasp from the crowd behind them.

All eyes were on a woman who was slowly approaching with a stroller.

The pair of big watermelons on her chest are so imaginative...

At this moment, only Chen Ning, who had finished the performance, shrank back depressedly, muttering words that no one heard:

("Compound Line, KO!)


Qiu Shan did not come alone.

The two uniforms behind her stepped forward solemnly and solemnly, even pushing him aside impolitely when crossing Xingsheng, grabbing a middle-aged man with quail from the crowd and handcuffing him.

"Boss Xing..."


After the siren blared and disappeared from everyone's sight, everyone turned their fearful eyes on the woman again.

Qiu Shan first glanced at Chen Ning with contempt, then stretched out her right hand...



Two hard slaps slapped Xingsheng's flushed faces, and he said with a half-smile:

"My dad is very curious about one thing, who can make his most valued subordinates make mistakes?!"

"As a result, I don't look like you at all~"

Qiu Shan asked herself and answered, "Oh, I see, is it your father?"

Under Chen Ning's adoring eyes, Qiu Shan stretched out her right hand again.



After another two slaps, Qiu Shan sullenly warned:

"If you stretch out your hands indiscriminately, I'll chop off your head together!"


(Host Chen Ning narrates: "Propaganda line, KO!")

Tomorrow, I will see the children and will update, maybe later.

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