Xingsheng stared at his flushed face and tried hard to suppress his anger, but he still couldn't help but roared:

"The trapped beast is still fighting."


The baby is crying.

Qiu Shan changed her face instantly.


He slapped it hard and deleted it.

"I hit you, do you want to call the police?"

Xingsheng covered his face and remained silent.

Qiu Shan tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart, no one knew what she was angry about:

"Believe it or not, that little man hasn't contacted me since two years ago.

The trapped beast is still fighting?

Little brat, if you can even relate to the shit you're doing, you'll be like this for the rest of your life. "

Xingsheng lowered his head and remained silent.

Zhao Rong smiled sweetly: "Sister Qiu, don't be angry, I believe you."

Qiu Shan hated iron and steel and nodded Zhao Rong's forehead:


Qiu Shan shook her head, turned around and picked up the baby, walking while coaxing her, and slowly disappeared from everyone's sight. (The child is not Zhao Song's, she has been cured by Professor Liu, as mentioned above)

At this time, Xingsheng vented sullenly:

"I don't believe Zhao Song didn't call her."


Everyone silently agreed.

"He really didn't call me."

At this time, a loud voice attracted all eyes.

Three picket uniforms approached steadily.

The leader stared at Xingsheng with naked eyes, making him put down his right hand covering his face uncomfortably.

The leader firmly held Xingsheng's right hand:

"My name is Hao Ren. I heard that you are going to take care of Zhao Song. That bastard made my sister show up in front of the whole world, and made grandpa angry for a long time. Work hard!"

Xingsheng nodded slightly.

"As for what you said just now," Hao Ren scratched his head, looked back at his companion, and said, "The investigation will take time, and you won't be able to use the equipment after today, so it's a good deadline to close the network. That bastard Zhao Song really doesn't matter."

Facing Hao Ren's special costume, Xingsheng didn't dare to say anything, but nodded honestly.

"Long live understanding."

Hao Ren happily shook Xingsheng's hand, but the two companions behind him unceremoniously pushed Xingsheng away, handcuffing the other quail behind him.

"You dare to take anything out," Hao Ren said bitterly, "Take it away!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled encouragingly at Xingsheng: "Come on."


In the distance, a slim figure appeared, and Hao Ren stopped in his tracks.

He scratched his head, his expression changed, and it didn't take long before he finally changed to his usual serious look.

He turned around and stared at Xingsheng seriously.


The destructive power of this slap is greater than all of Qiu Shan's slaps combined:

"Comrade Xingsheng, please go back and bring me something."


"If you stretch out your hands indiscriminately, I'll chop off your head together!"

(Chen Ning narrates: "Special front, KO!")


In the quiet scene, even Qin Hai, an outsider, was embarrassed.

Seeing that Xingsheng wanted to say something else, Qin Hai ignored him, and quickly said to Zhao Rong seriously:

"We don't know anything about what happened just now, Mr. Zhao, if those people just now are employees of Tesla or your friends, if they have not done anything illegal or criminal, please tell me, myself, the boss, especially The Sla Legal Department will never stand idly by!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Rong shook his head without hesitation and said, "They are all passers-by, I don't know them."

"That's good," Qin Hai continued to ignore Xingsheng, and stretched out his hand again, "Please~"

"Thank you~"



On the Zhongguancun Bridge, the well-known convoy in Beijing slowly turned around under the command of the traffic police.

It didn't stop at the side road, but after the security guards moved away from the roadblock, it went straight into Zhonghai North Gate Square, and parked swaggeringly at the intersection of the Fourth Ring side road and Zhongguancun North Street.

Before getting out of the car, Liu Ying turned her head and asked, "Go to the north gate?"

"Nanmen, go see old friends."

"That's the arrangement."

"Arrange a fart, this is Zhong Hai, who is Lao Tzu?!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song didn't even care about the security regulations, and walked away swaggeringly after getting out of the car.

On the side of the road, all kinds of idlers disappeared quickly, and several Zhonghai security guards wearing Rolex sales uniforms quickly surrounded them, protected Zhao Song in the middle, and walked towards the south gate arrogantly.

Lao Wang still runs his convenience store, and Lao Niu still sells his mobile phones. Coincidentally, the counters of the two are still facing each other.

After receiving the delicious food from Lao Wang, I stood in front of Lao Niu’s counter and browsed at will:

"Why is there no PHS?"

Lao Niu disdained: "It's better to go to the business hall to do that thing, and besides, Shenzhou has kept the price too low, so you can't earn much."

"That's right." Zhao Song nodded, and the pride between his brows disappeared in a flash—the domestic PHS supply chain, but he insisted on getting through, and the next step is GSM mobile phones.

He walked around to the counter, took two packages and prepared to unpack them. Lao Niu struggled for a while, and changed two for him:

"You'd better use licensed products."

Zhao Song: "..."

Nokia 8900, this is nothing to say, a mobile phone that I have never bought after thinking about it for a lifetime; another Moto A760, currently the world's first and only java+linux PDA.

"Uncle, remember to open an invoice and ask Lao Qin for reimbursement. I am also a person who spends with company money now."

"Don't worry, the official price is guaranteed, and I won't give you a penny."

Still taking the familiar taste, Zhao Song grinned happily.

At this time, Old Wang came over, frowned and said, "Is there a commotion over there?"

"Huh?" Zhao Song looked over, "What's going on?"

"Xingsheng company, many dealers in the venue have sued it because the payment for the goods has not been paid," Lao Wang explained, "I heard that the legal department of Shenzhou, Tesla, Wuming, Shanshi, and Wesonic have also issued numerous complaints. Warning letter and report to relevant departments.”

Zhao Song couldn't laugh or cry: "He hasn't done anything yet, why is the base camp almost lost?"

Old Wang didn't answer. He and Boss Niu looked at each other. They could see that something was wrong with Zhao Song, and they all sighed secretly. Old Wang patted Zhao Song's shoulder and solemnly reminded:

"There is no way out for Xingsheng. Everything can happen in a while, and the only thing that can't happen is one:

compromise! "

"Understood." Zhao Song thanked, looked back at the huge team that was already in place, and strode towards the conference room amidst the whisperings of countless customers and the silent watch of countless cabinet shop assistants.

When passing by the gold counter, he rolled his eyes at Liu Cong who was selling USB flash drives.


(Chen Ning: "Business Line, KO!")



The office area of ​​Zhonghai is closed, shutting out all the noise.

The door of the meeting room at the end of the passage was wide open, and all the managers inside were already present, only the empty main seat was waiting.

Zhao Song strode forward, passing many people.

He ignored Zhao Rong, Dongfang Jian, Wei Fang, and all expelled executives. As for Xingsheng, he didn't even have the qualifications to appear in his vision.

He walked into the conference room, sat down under everyone's gaze, and then fell silent.

He suddenly became a little young, he wanted silence to become the theme of today.

Because he really didn't know what to say to this group of... people who were considered human for the time being.

Unfortunately, some people will not let him wish. Not to mention the newly added capital predators, even the old shareholders are unwilling to have any more changes.

Nancy chuckled: "I'm wearing sneakers, Nicholas, this is the first time I've seen such a match on this occasion."




Zhao Song continued to enjoy the silence.

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

It's a pity that even the national team of my accomplice can't stand this state.

Before a certain leader was about to speak in an official tone, Zhao Song said:

"Jordan basketball shoes can run fast and jump high. It's a pity that people don't pay me for advertising."


Zhao Song stood up suddenly, pushed away the chair, took a few steps back, then ran up and jumped.

Everyone stared at Zhao Song dumbfounded, seeing him standing high on the conference table, watching him mockingly staring at all the blond shareholder representatives, watching him stretch out his hands, watching him raise two middle fingers:

"FXXK *** BI**ich, please enjoy your right to sit here at last!

Because after the listing, only the damn BOSS behind you is eligible to see me, as for you, make an appointment! Understand?

Also, I will give you the lowest evaluation in the survey questionnaire of headhunting companies in the industry!

Therefore, we must continue to do this job well, and we must never be laid off..."

PS: The plot description is in the author's words

Chen Ning - one of the main conflicting persons in the second memory war, the boss of Pengcheng, Shenzhou was founded and listed on the basis of Pengcheng. The compound line is the circle of friends.

What Qiu Shan was targeting was the act of treating Zhao Song as the savior in all the news some time ago.

Hao Ren, brother Hao Ying, have no future and can only go home to inherit the family business. The JUN team system, he is targeting Xingsheng to use the equipment to monitor Zhao Song, as mentioned in the previous chapters.

The plot is roughly: Signing an agreement - dispersing Zhao Song's shares - fighting for shares - seizing power.

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