Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 646 Reincarnation

Zhao Song's crazy performance scared many people, but some people didn't care.

Nancy leaned back in her chair and said relaxedly: "Nicholas, according to the contract, it's time to sign the second round."

After glancing at the foreigners who shrunk their necks and stopped being arrogant, Zhao Song chuckled, jumped off the conference table and sat down again:

"Nancy, I was able to use Harry Potter to advance Tesla's history to the 1980s, but I didn't let the NYSE open the back door magic for Tesla. Our contract stipulates that it will be before June 30th, and According to NYSE regulations, Tesla will not be listed until at least November 30.

We have a lot of time, Nancy, and a little rain..."


A sales report that hit the conference table interrupted Zhao Song, and Nancy sneered:

"This is what I want to say, Nicholas, the island country is about to face a complete outage, but you haven't done anything. It's hard for me to believe that the supply chain that Tesla spent a lot of money on will be so fragile?"

Zhao Song frowned: "Can't you see the deeper meaning in this?"

"I only see Tesla's imminent huge losses in the island country," Nancy sneered, "but you are indifferent! Nicholas, as a product manager, you have an obligation to tell us about the development of Tesla's product line!

We also have the right to know why you are unwilling to use a more beautiful sales performance to welcome the listing.

Like you said, we still have time. "

Zhao Song was silent, and what disappointed all the management was that he didn't even respond, but looked at Zhao Rong and the others in the corner with sharp eyes.

They are not qualified to attend the conference table, but as former managers and small shareholders, they are qualified to attend the meeting.

It was their responsibility and obligation to explain Tesla's planning and instill the company's strategy to shareholders, but they did not do it at all. What's more, they let shareholders know about the serious differences within the company.

Zhao Song sighed, and said in a waned mood, "Let's sign."

Liu Ying behind her immediately waved.

Legal affairs, clerks, and assistants walked into the venue.

Contracts and gold pens were placed in front of everyone at the conference table.

There is no need to read the contract, because it has already been studied countless times by their respective legal counsels. Everyone only needs to follow the assistant's instructions and sign on the blank page.

Some people are flamboyant, some are strokes, and most of them can't wait to sign their names.

Only Zhao Song stared blankly at the wall clock on the wall, waiting for its second hand to point to 12, before opening the Montblanc pen cap...

14:00 is.



Under the tense eyes of everyone, Zhao Song stopped writing and looked at the door of the meeting room suspiciously.

No one explained.

Only one hand holding the remote control sneaked out.


The electric fog glass is lifted, and the blinds are raised quickly.

The largest single electronic store in the North, the largest flow of people, the highest sales, and the overall picture of the Zhonghai Electronics Mall hypermarket that has kept countless records, slowly unfolded in front of everyone.

Inside, the security guards formed a human wall, the customers danced excitedly, and the cabinet shop assistants danced happily.

Even the three-story hollow glass curtain wall of the meeting room couldn't stop the rhythmic sound from the expensive hi-fi speakers.

However, what shocked everyone was not the sudden flash mob.

It is the color of every counter, every wall, every lamp, every passage, and every person.

It's that full of red.

It's a 'T' on every corner!

"oh~my god~!"

Even the calmest Nancy exclaimed in disbelief.


In Zhonghai Hypermarket, when a group of college students were distributing T-shirts, they fell into a complete commotion.

The prelude to the music is very long, just to wait for the most classic stage of Zhong Hai to be in place.

So when the last blinds were drawn, blocking out all the sunlight, the bass finally rang out.

The lights flickered, and everyone seemed to be in the most splendid performance scene.

On the counter of the store, young and beautiful female college students stood up at intervals, like a nightclub atmosphere group, putting smiles and moving rhythms into everyone in the store.

"The people who come and go on this street

Guys and Dolls

never forget to take out

is deadpan

my star

always singing soul

I just have to spread my hands

Sitting on the side of the road and resting"

Hua Hua, a legacy of the sea in the music industry, appeared in the golden channel with her fairy voice, trying to wake up everyone's ears here!

"Whether 3 3 6 3

or 3 1 2 7

like one by one trapped in

mortal elves

I would like to sing praises to the motherland

and praise love

but only hope

Whoever hears my singing wake up quickly"

The applause is getting louder and the action is getting louder.

After less than half a song, the audience fell into a carnival.

No one can reject this elf-like voice, and no one can reject the purest enthusiasm of college students.

"Zhao Song, maybe you will come back here less and less, but since we met here, then we will pay you back what we owe you for four years!"

This is the National Collegiate Flash Mob, and we only have one color today, and that's Tesla Red!

Zhao Song, here we come!

In the conference room, Zhao Song excitedly walked to the huge French windows, joined all the customers, cabinet merchants, and clerks, and applauded along with the leading dancers.

The materialistic world is too indifferent. Today, enthusiastic college students convey music to the hearts of many people through their ears. Perhaps it is not only the ears that wake up!

"I would like to sing the praises of the motherland

and praise love

but only hope

Whoever hears my singing wake up quickly"


"It's okay if you don't like to sing

just let the first ray of sunshine

Wake up your ears~! ~"


People are still applauding and moving in unison, and no one has time to express what they want, because the music according to the sense of rhythm is coming one after another!

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep"

Heavy bass again, as long as there is music related to Tesla, the heavy bass seems to be engraved in the bone.

With a strong reverberation rhythm, let everyone know that the second song after pop is electronic music.

The security guards are well-trained to change the formation, opening up gaps in every crowded passage, and opening up a huge open space in front of the huge glass curtain wall of the conference room.

Amidst the strong rhythmic sound, Lu Li was sandwiched between Dong Lingyun and Juliet, wearing a motorcycle helmet, walking neatly into the middle of the open space.

Along with the intro, they do all kinds of motorcycle moves, and then start singing.

Lu Li: "Let's all T together, Bar Bar Bar Ba~"

Dong Lingyun: "Follow me T, Bar Bar Bar Bar~"

Juliet: "Shout Ho (Ho) jump, jump (jump)

Follow me Hey (Hey) mom and dad go together"

Three people: "Bar Bar Bar Bar~"

They sang cheerfully, one high and one low, one bouncing and one jumping, and after each line of the lyrics, a group of college students would join in, and within a short time, they swept the entire Zhonghai.

This time, there is nothing wrong with the customers, but the flash dance of the Flash Mob Alliance.

This made Zhao Song in the conference room laugh out loud, and his eyes turned red.

I don't know when the university no longer issued school uniforms.

Even if it is posted, Zhao Song believes that they will wear red T-shirts this time, because today's Tesla can afford such an advertisement.

"Jumping Yeah, Jumping all jumping together (Jumping)

Oow Two Three, Yeah. "

Jin Haixin "Wake Up Your Ears", CrayonPop- "barbarbar"

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