Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 647 Liao Yingzhu: The ultimate goal of international capital supporting Zhao Rong

In front of the glass, Zhao Song grinned from ear to ear. He saw many old friends, and he even saw the handsome guy squatting and jumping awkwardly.

Liu Ying, who was behind her, was also very excited, and said softly, "The gang of flirtatious girls are here too."

What Liu Ying was talking about was the beauties from Gongshang University who were dancing hotly during the first flash mob, and they were the only ones wearing Tesla red at that time.

This is music. After waking up people's ears, it also brings emotions to everyone on the scene.

So, when the second song ended and the college students started holding hands, the whole audience fell into a sea of ​​changes.

No one cared about the sudden unusual blankness, and no one noticed that more and more security guards were pulling out of the human wall arm in arm.

Through the crowd, Zhao Song finally found the cloudy sky, the security guard who was sweating profusely, and the serious Qin Hai.


Zhao Song was suddenly angry.

"Zhao Song!"

Before he had time to go to Zhao Rong's cloudy troubles, a hand suddenly appeared and pulled him back to reality.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Song endured his anger and took the blank paper from Liao Yingzhu.

"Someone told me to wake up my ears, but I suddenly opened my eyes," Liao Yingzhu said solemnly, "I don't need to get to the bottom of it, but I can find out what they want to do just by substituting in this group of international capital as a trader."

Zhao Song looked at the crazy shock curve on the white paper seriously, and the last doubt in his heart was instantly resolved, his face was extremely gloomy.

"They have one and only one long-term strategic plan, and that is Google!" Liao Yingzhu's calm voice sounded in his ears, "If I were the executor of international capital, I would use all negative information in Tesla's listing—the management collective Factors such as betrayal, multiple collapses of the solar system structure, and insufficient management skills of the founders manipulate the stock price.

Even launched an impact on Tesla's leading products!

That Nancy is trying to cover up, I don't believe they don't know about the reserve product line, Zhao Lei is the person in charge of the procurement chain, how could they not know? "

"Compared to Tesla's products? Apple?" Zhao Song asked.

"It's not just Apple," Liao Yingzhu shook his head, "HP Iron Maiden has just completed the integration of Compaq, and the world's number one financial report for the first half of the year shows that it has great ambitions for the high-end market!"

Regarding the crackdown on the peers, if there is capital to participate, Zhao Song believes that the two companies will be happy to participate.

"As long as Zhao Rong wins, Tesla will have countless internal responses. They will harvest once in the listing, so as to complete the suppression of the stock price and make Tesla unable to achieve the purpose of financing;

At the same time, they still believe in your ability, and believe that you can restore Tesla's vitality when the ban is lifted, and then... harvest again!

Explain with conspiracy theory: what you did before has aroused their vigilance, so Tesla, a high-tech company from a flower grower, should not exist!

But since it came out, use it to multiply your assets several times and kill it! "

Zhao Song was not surprised by Liao Yingzhu's provocative words, but he was curious about the behavior of this little girl who always made trouble with Google.

Some companies are suitable for cutting leeks; some companies are suitable for long-term holdings, and there is no fuss, but this time Tesla is guessed as the former.

Zhao Song fully understood what Liao Yingzhu meant, because she had discovered a more violent path, and how could those people with higher interests not discover it?

He asked in a low voice: "How to break it?"

"Financially, there is a huge disparity in strength! There is no way but to participate in the sharing of profits and their profits."

"How to participate?"

"Tesla's increase must be controlled after listing, so you need to control these people for three equity awards.

Then we will wait for Google to go public, and when the time comes," Liao Yingzhu said with a grim expression, "I will fight back with an eye for an eye, and play these sons of bitches to death! "

"..." Zhao Song was silent, he didn't have time to chat now, he could only pat Zhuzi on the shoulder, "It's been hard work, go and rest."

He took a deep look at the foreigners who were concentrating on appreciating the performance, then turned his head and met Yin Mingyu who was looking over here.

Zhao Song stared at him deeply, and the meaning in his eyes was clear: "This is the promotional song for the new product launch, you shouldn't advance it!"

Yin Mingyu's eyes were uncompromising: "This is the most important moment. You should let those people know what Tesla is really worth!"

In Yin Mingyu's eyes, only Sheng Tian was the real one before, and Zhao Song shook his head helplessly:

"No one can ignore Shengtian!"

"But the news I received doesn't seem to be the case."

"That's because Tesla hasn't fully opened up the island market and connected the whole world!"

"Then tell them in advance, and let them know that the real value of Tesla is the people who connect the world with sound fields... people!"


This is the silent confrontation and confrontation of the two most shameless people in the world.

The source of one of them's songs is unclear; the other just uses his own name regardless of whether he asks!

They are the most mercenary young people, and there is only one sentence of their belief engraved in their bones:

Without morals, anything is possible!


Yin Mingyu looked at Zhao Song firmly:

"Those savage Westerners simply don't believe that Easterners can write songs and be successful!

You still have a lot of songs, right? Take them out and hit them in the face! "

Zhao Song understood what Yin Tian meant, he suddenly smiled, gave Yin Mingyu a thumbs up, then turned around and sat back in the main seat.

He met Nancy's gaze, murmured with a smile and asked:

"Are you afraid of me?!

It's like a few years later, you are afraid that we will have a good life like you; it's like ten years later, you are afraid that we will replace you? ! "

Nancy shifted her eyes to the hypermarket in a little panic. The uncontrollable restlessness there made her unable to calm down.

Last night, the doorman in the hotel was supposed to prepare the vehicle, but she left quietly while Xing Sheng and Zhao Rong were dealing with affairs.

She couldn't disagree with Zhao Song's words last night, because the huge benefits contained therein did not only make her moved...



At this time, the screams of the hypermarket attracted everyone's attention.

Inside, two rows of human walls composed of college students and security guards have been built.

Countless young people who realized something screamed excitedly.

In the Zhonghai Electronics Mall, which can undertake large-scale performing arts activities, the laser lights are fully loaded, creating a red ocean in the audience.

All the monitors in the venue were lit up, and the red interface made Zhong Hai feel like a dream.

"chug chug~"

The sirens of "Campus Raid" were deafening.


Amidst the screams, the four satellite hydraulic platforms slowly rose, and they rose higher and higher, over the crowd, over all the counters, and appeared in front of the audience.

Guitar, bass, DJ booth, drum kit.





The heart-piercing scream made Nancy in the meeting room tremble uncontrollably.

She looked at the last slowly rising figure, and a fierce confrontation arose in her heart.

She is one of the few people who can understand Zhao Song's strategic thinking.

If the light rain in the island country is the beginning of the fashion industry, then the Oriental Witch in the United States is the end of the entertainment industry.

Standing behind Time Warner, she was too aware of the concern of the company's artists for this witch.

Pay attention to her rising fame, pay attention to her naming countless products under her own name under the operation of Tesla and business companies, and pay attention to the rising business empire behind her.


"Ah, witch~"

"Ah, Y~"

Amidst the screams, the main platform rose to the highest point.


The bass drum hits.

At this time, even the bald foreigner next to Nancy couldn't help coming to the window.

Nancy looked at Zhao Song again, and then she met those sharp eyes.

"Are you scared?"

Zhao Song said with a mouth shape that only Nancy could see:

"Then be afraid forever!"


In the hypermarket, the bass drum is beating.

Then the guitar intervenes.

A beautiful melody sounded.

Hao Ying raised her head slowly, and looked around the audience with bright eyes:

" I've been left out alone like a damn criminal

I've been isolated like a criminal

I've been praying for help cause I can t take it all

I beg for help 'cause I'm overwhelmed

I m not done


I never say never! "

Within Temptation "shot in the dark"

PS: Old friends, if you have time, pay attention to the 7th census data that may be released to understand its possible impact on our future.

Two years ago, Zhao Song asked everyone to buy Moutai and keep their jobs.

So this time it's not a big deal of life advice, listen to me, go and understand, there is nothing to lose!

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