Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 649 The Second Round

"First, there is no longer a time limit for stock release.

Second, I want the third share reward! "

Stopping Zhao Song's words, Nancy trembled all over, closed her upper lip tightly, and said nothing - in her opinion, Zhao Song was trying to create the conditions to fulfill the promise last night.

If David and the others agree to the conditions, and if Nancy does what Zhao Song expects at the shareholder meeting in a short while, then Nancy can't help trembling because of the terrifying benefits she can get in the future.

On the side, after communicating with the others through eye contact, David replied helplessly:

"Nicholas, Soundfield can't open the European market without our full support, so we must get what we deserve.

But what I can answer you now is: the third equity award is what you deserve, but it is not as big as the first two.

As for the stock release time, it must be controlled within two hours, but the specific time and method are no longer required. "


All eyes were on Zhao Song, who was in deep thought, and no one noticed Nancy, who was taking a deep breath.

After a long time, Zhao Song stared at David without even looking at Nancy and said, "I'm waiting for your listing agreement, and I hope those two items can be truly reflected in it!"

David solemnly promised: "I believe it will be as you wish!"




Amid the warm applause, Zhao Song stood up, shook hands with every representative of the management, and said loudly at the same time:

"Then let's go, the group of people next to me are still waiting to stage a big fight for equity with me."

David held Zhao Song's hand with both hands, showing all the creases on his face with a warm smile:

"Nicholas, as shareholders, I think we have the right to watch."

Zhao Song shrugged indifferently: "Whatever, the door of the meeting room was not closed for such an important Errong signing. Don't tell me that you didn't turn this place into a global live broadcast."


Countless people were trying to hide their embarrassment, and even a few representatives of the national team tidied up their clothes embarrassingly.

Zhao Song looked at them dumbfounded:

"My god, guys, do you want to set up a camera for the people behind you to watch the live video?"

"Cough cough cough~"

Nancy, who regained her composure, smiled and came forward to shake hands with Zhao Song, and said:

"Excellent gunshots in the night, Nicholas, we are going through more than one flash mob today, right?"

"Of course," said Zhao Song proudly, "Y's singing in Yirong will let you know Shengtian, and singing in Errong will let the whole world know Shengtian."

Nancy was curious: "This song is the main song of the second album? If you want to surpass the first album, the weight of this song is not enough."

Zhao Song shook his head: "The first college's 52 weeks of crown singles are unprecedented, and I think there should be no future ones. Don't expect to surpass it."

Nancy admires Zhao Song who can stay awake all the time: "Nicholas, I don't need to ask about Tesla's reserve products, can you tell me how many song libraries you have?"

Zhao Song shook his head mysteriously: "I can't say it!"

Nancy was helpless: "Then when will your most satisfying song be released?"

"It has been published."

"A college?"


"Oh?" Not only Nancy, everyone looked over curiously, "Which song?"

Zhao Song smiled slightly, raised his head and sang loudly the song that only one person had heard before:

"I am Babo Erben

He's running around"


Maybe it was the two people who pulled the scooter to deliver together that summer?

Or the couple embracing each other at an airport send-off?

No matter what occasion this song has appeared on, it has indeed been heard by one and only one person...

In the corner outside the meeting room, Wen Jing leaned against the wall, bowed her head, and was silent, with one foot shaking, as if she was beating to the song.

"Ba Boer, Baboer Ba

two happy little monsters

Everyone loves beauty like a flower


Amidst the singing, all the staff members were nervously busy.

Box after box of materials were brought in, and in the end, even the aisles were filled with desks and chairs.

Computers, calculators, abacus, financial, tax information on the table.

An information channel directly connected to Zhongguancun Holdings, three links and one service, and even the local taxation department has been established.

A large number of actuaries are seated—the calculation template has been prepared, otherwise they will not take on the big work that requires on-site results.

In the conference room, Zhao Song sat back to his original position, playing with Nuoji 8900. Behind him, Liu Ying was leading a team of secretaries to classify all the materials. Liao Yingzhu beside him put the most important documents in front of him and explained:

"You don't need to worry about other things, just look at the final audit figures of PricewaterhouseCoopers for Sifang, and after a while, Sifang will sign your name, and all the land and assets in the Top Industrial Park will become clean and clean. Yes, Xingsheng will be responsible for the whole follow-up."

The voice, Zhao Song kept his head down and played with the phone, until Liao Yingzhu impatiently amplified the volume, Zhao Song raised his head, and then...

He slammed his mobile phone on the busy big man opposite.



The phone was torn apart, Zhao Song roared:

"Dare to sit opposite me in my place, who told you the rules? Who gave you face?!"


No one cared about the big man with clenched fists and a flushed face.

Representatives of Tesla's international investors sitting on one side of the conference room were talking to each other in low voices, waiting for a bigger excitement. As if what just happened never happened.

The representatives of the national team turned a blind eye, but stared thoughtfully at the opposite international capital.

This domineering young man did make a fool of himself in front of the people of the whole country yesterday, but in the conference room today, every word and every word he said will be pondered over and over again, especially his attitude towards foreign investors. It is also the direction of their research and thinking.

As for a little helper, who cares?

Except prosperity.

He walked forward with a sullen face: "Zhao Song, what's the point of venting your anger..."

Before he could finish speaking, the motorcycle phone was also thrown over, smashing the documents in front of Xingsheng to the ground:

"Not happy," Zhao Song put on a mocking face, "If you don't like it, get out!"

After finishing speaking, he greeted Liu Ying loudly: "Next topic!"

"Zhao Song, don't make trouble," Zhao Rong stepped forward to pick up the document and put it on the side of the conference table with a smile, "You are the biggest here, there is indeed no rule of sitting opposite you, Lao Xing sits here!"

She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth and pulled Xingsheng to the side.

"Papa~" Zhao Song clapped his hands, he sat without moving a muscle, and said boldly: "As expected of my sister Dada, grand~sensible~"

Xingsheng said darkly: "This will be changed to 4 years ago, if you can live to the night, I will be counted as me..."

"Thank you for remembering four years ago," Zhao Song interrupted Xingsheng's anger again, "You must always remember~"

"Remember," Xing Shengyin nodded with a smile, "How can such a wonderful scene be forgotten, I really look forward to reappearing it later."

Zhao Song nodded and smiled: "I'll wait and see."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and Qin Hai, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped forward with the trash can, squeezed Xingsheng away unceremoniously, and poured all the sundries in the water glasses into it.

Zhao Song admired Xingsheng's wonderful expression and turned his head when he felt someone poking him with his fingers.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Song got up and walked to the wall as Liu Ying pulled him. Liu Ying hung the communication equipment on him and introduced in a low voice:

"Just received news that Wu Ming, Shan Shi, Yi Kilometer, and even Shenzhou...all the company headquarters under SUPCON have been audited by an unknown working group. The financials are sealed and the bank cooperates. The funds cannot be used in the short term.

Sister Xu personally drove to Shishi to file a complaint. Wei Xu (formerly the bearded man of fantasy and the president of Shenzhou) called his superiors many times, but there is no feedback yet. "

Hanging the earphones on Zhao Song's ears, Liu Ying leaned close to Zhao Song's ears, and continued to say worriedly: "There is also something wrong with the store outside. Lao Wang and the others wanted to make trouble, but Liu Cong calmed them down."

Zhao Song asked calmly: "Has the three links and one access been affected?"

Liu Ying shook her head: "The convoys from all over the country have been merged into the local government to command the flood control, and no one dares to take the risk of being disrespectful!"

Zhao Songchao Xingsheng Fang Nunuzui: "He dares. In order to replace the Tesla shares in my hand, he will definitely threaten to withdraw all flood fighting teams in a while. This method of breaking the boat and offending countless people makes me very curious about him. What is the situation of the old man now?"

Hearing the question, Liu Ying and Liao Yingzhu looked at each other in blank dismay, "You don't know?"

"Isn't it busy lately? I didn't have time to ask the old man on the phone once, what the hell~"

Looking at the expressions of the two women, Zhao Song was also stunned. He regretted that he had recently closed all communication channels with the outside world.

He seemed to understand something, and suddenly asked something irrelevant:

"Did Xingsheng choose the cemetery?"

After asking, he waved his hand and said indifferently:

"Isn't this simple - win him and solve the problem!"

At this moment, all doubts of Zhao Song suddenly became clear.

He wondered why Xingsheng dared to be unscrupulous and offended countless people, even if he won, how should he deal with himself in the country?

It turned out that after losing his old backer, he found international capital as a new backer and ran away with the Tesla shares he won.

So what should we do at home?

There is Zhao Rong!

That woman will unite and prosper to achieve the goal, and at the same time guarantee and prosper are independent individuals, unaffected!



For some reason, Zhao Song suddenly remembered that before leaving today, he received a call from Professor Liu who was in charge of the overall situation:

"The property is divided.

The boss wears gold;

second child with silver;

The third child is carrying an iron pot;

The fourth child took nothing.

Suddenly one day, the fourth child found out that the wall bricks at home were valuable, so he began to tear down the bricks, and the parents kept silent out of compensatory psychology. "

Zhao Song: "Isn't he afraid that the house will collapse?"

Professor Liu: "You once predicted that the high-tech industry will only be popular for ten years. When the heroes of the Warring States Period understand the trend, it will be the time for the boss, the second, the third, and the fourth to enter the market. Now, it's just that the fourth enters ahead of schedule.

Zhao Song, this matter does have the characteristics of planting flowers, but you are an exception!

You are entitled to say, to do, to stop tearing down walls, to tell them:

Business is business! "

PS: Business is business. In order to avoid 4, I am a little confused. I am also anxious about the length of the foreshadowing, please be patient if you have doubts, I will work hard.

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