Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 650 The Long-lost Person (seeking a ticket)

Business is business.

As the new PC sales leader in Asia, PHS overlord, mobile phone predator, manufacturing giant, and foundry giant, Shenzhou Technology Group is also qualified to say this.

So when the mysterious working group came to the door, the bearded man only asked:

"Does the superior leadership of Shenzhou know?"

Just kicked out the door.

For Big Beard, Shenzhou, which has undertaken major national projects for two consecutive years, obviously satisfies his ambition more than fantasy.

"A financial company under the banner of national industry." It is Zhao Song's contempt for fantasy.

The big beard with the crooked buttocks is deeply convinced.

At this moment, in the office of the president of Shenzhou Gemini, the bearded man hangs up the complaint call with a deep expression, but he silently cheers for Zhao Rong and Xingsheng in his heart - he doesn't have any good feelings for Tesla. In contrast, he hopes to lose All Zhao Song can return to Shenzhou.


The phone rang.

The bearded man answered, and then heard something that surprised him.

In public and private, as a rival in the same industry, when Tesla was going public, Zhao Song had nothing to do with Shenzhou. To the bearded man's surprise, before Zhao Song set off for Zhonghai, he signed a decree from the president of SPC. , activated the special terms with Shenzhou.

The content of this last instruction is very simple:

Command Tesla and the Shenzhou marketing department to deal with a man-made memory war and quell the chaos in the market!

"I'm leaving now!"

Without asking the reason, the bearded man calmly accepted the order.

What other reason could there be, just because he was ruthless!


Zhonghai, a convenience store.

Lao Wang saw off an old friend, frowning and crossed out a number in his notebook.

"Old Wang," Overclocking Three boss Feng walked over with a frown, "I have something to do here, and the funds for the future cannot be guaranteed."

Lao Wang sighed: "The price of memory has increased?"

Boss Feng nodded: "After just a short while, it's difficult to transfer the goods, and the price of the goods has skyrocketed. Old Wang, do you know what's going on?"

Lao Wang patted him on the shoulder, pointed to several counters and explained: "After the flash mob ended, they took off their T-shirts without hesitation and I found out that there was a problem. A cabinet merchant, the whole village has been copying goods since the morning."

"What are they going to do? Control the capital flow of the audience?" Boss Feng said angrily, "The two major domestic memory manufacturers are here, so aren't you afraid of stealing chickens and losing money?"

Lao Wang was noncommittal: "They just need to persist for a while and they can make a profit and ship! Shenzhou and Tesla are both big groups, not to mention that everyone is in the conference room, so it is impossible to respond so quickly."

"Zhao Song is here, how can it be impossible!"

"It's not worth telling him about such a trivial matter."

Boss Feng asked in disbelief: "Is this a trivial matter?"

Lao Wang shrugged and agreed.

He reluctantly took out a few real estate certificates, and sighed in a low voice: "The only thing we can do is to find Xu Youcai.

Old Feng, it's really embarrassing~ When Zhao Er needed help, she just scraped together such a small amount of money. "

Boss Feng blinked and stared at a few documents: "What do you call this??? There seems to be a land certificate in it???"


The atmosphere in the conference room was tense.

Countless busy staff did not dare to breathe.

Even the representatives of various capital parties fell silent, their faces solemn.

They are also considered to have gone through the world, but such a blatant betrayal is the only one in their life!

At this moment, their only action was to stare at the quiet young rich man.

"Is everything that should come here?"

After the idlers were cleared and the meeting room was restored to order, Zhao Song spoke after receiving Qin Hai's request.

"It's all here." Qin Hai replied softly.

"Please come in."

The cultural tycoon walks like a dragon and a tiger, and walks in with the eighth child.

Zhao Song turned a blind eye, and now the relationship between this big boss and him is nothing more than the father of his ex-girlfriend.

Wenhua handed over the power of attorney to Santong Yida Legal Counsel, and said loudly:

"My daughter Wen Jing will exercise all shareholder rights on behalf of me and Lao Ba."

As soon as the words fell, Wen Hua took Lao Ba to sit against the wall, and Wen Jing walked into the conference room quietly, nodded in greeting, and sat on the side of the conference table, Xing Sheng lowered his head.

At this time, Zhao Rong stood up and put down two authorization letters:

"The equity of myself and Zhaojiacun Group will be authorized to Mr. Zhao Lei to exercise."

Zhao Lei walked out of the crowd behind Zhao Rong, greeted Zhao Song politely, and sat opposite Xing Sheng.

All four major shareholders of Santong Yida were present.

The company's legal officer stood up nervously, and was about to speak when he was interrupted by a rush of footsteps.

"Zhao Er~"

Zhao Dou and Zhao Li walked into the conference room sweating profusely, "We're back."

In the long surprised eyes, Zhao Song got up rarely, and hugged the two with a smile on his face:

"Brother, long time no see."

"It's all right!" Zhao Dou patted him on the back vigorously, "Brother, you have lived up to your trust. The largest logistics distribution base in the north with three links and one access has successfully opened in Zheng City yesterday."

"Brother Zhao Lei has already told me." Zhao Song said happily, "Go back and rest quickly, and you won't come back if you don't get drunk at night."

"Don't worry." Zhao Li replied in a low voice, and gave Zhao Lei a dark look.

"Second Brother." Zhao Song pulled Zhao Li who wanted to go forward, "Today is a collective matter of Zhao Family Village, it has nothing to do with you, go back."

Zhao Li and Zhao Dou looked at each other, didn't say anything, didn't go out, patted Zhao Song on the shoulder, walked behind Zhao Rong and stood quietly, no one looked at them.


Zhao Song sighed, sat back in the chair, and signaled for the legal affairs to begin.

"The recent major event of the company is that Mr. Xingsheng brought Top Industrial Park, land and other assets into Santong Yida, and all the funds were purchased by Chairman Zhao Song with shares of equal value.

If you have no objection, please sign the new shareholding confirmation letter. "

Wen Jing picked up the pen and signed her name without hesitation, then pushed the confirmation letter, and slid it in front of Xingsheng: "No problem, all the following issues will be handled by Brother Xingsheng on my behalf!"


"Cough cough."

Some people coughed, some swallowed, and some covered their faces. No matter what they did, they were trying to hide their shock. They continued to look at the other person.

Zhao Lei had no expression on his face, and signed his name in a leisurely manner. ,

Then, Zhao Lei pushed the document forward, and the power of attorney slid in the direction of Xingsheng under everyone's gaze.


Xingsheng's smile froze, and he stared at the hand on the authorization letter.

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Dooli ignored him, but returned the authorization letter to Zhao Lei:

"Before giving it to outsiders, figure out my share first."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Hai at the gate waved his hands excitedly.


The sounds of calculators and abacus staggered, and the actuary came on stage.

"Dou'er, the Zhao family village is one, so we can talk about what's going on after today!"

After Zhao Lei finished speaking with a calm face, he pushed the authorization letter again.


Xingsheng still didn't receive it.

The pen stuck the document on the desktop all the time!

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