Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 652 Liao Yingzhu Will Retaliate

This is a standard medium-sized meeting room, and it is decorated with stars and moons on the theme of daily work meetings.

Except for the background of the rostrum behind the main seat, there are multiple rows of seats arranged in other directions.

On the conference table, there were very few people seated, but outside the conference table, many people sat.

There was no rostrum, no banners, and even no handicrafts at the venue.

Except for a few green plants, no matter how you look at it, this is a venue that has not been carefully arranged.

However, Wen Jing, who had been pretending to be an outsider, gradually discovered the difference:

The seats are different. Xingsheng and her sat on the left side of Zhao Song on the opposite side of the simple seat; the national team representatives added cushions alone, so that they seldom changed their sitting positions, and the secretaries who watched tea and poured water for them were beautiful beautiful women; in comparison, the international capital side is much more shabby!

The colors are different. Zhao Song’s opposite is dominated by his favorite blue and green, refreshing and quiet; her and Xingsheng’s opposite is actually a mess of all kinds of excessively warm colors, red, orange, yellow, all the colors that make people warm, excited, and irritable can be found.


From the time I walked into this conference room, nothing unexpected happened at all. Everything that has happened should be part of the negotiating strategy.

Compared with Zhao Song's tit-for-tat abroad, his unscrupulous appearance today is still some kind of strategy.

The confrontation was going on all the time, and Wen Jing even began to hear Zhao Rong's breathing faster and faster behind her; she could see the sweat stains on Xing Sheng's back getting bigger and bigger.

They thought that Zhao Song had been studied thoroughly, and every step of the process was not unexpected.

However, Zhao Song's performance was still unexpected. He was doing the opposite, like a rebellious hooligan, making accidents happen every step of the way.

His speaking speed became slower and slower, and his thinking time became longer and longer. He successfully made the venue tense and made the opponent more irritable.

He didn't have time to break the opponent's three-year arrangement, but he did his best to close the gap, and even got close every time.

Then, he was waiting for his opponent to make a mistake!

If the opponent does not lose the chain, Wen Jing believes that Zhao Song definitely has a hole card, and at least it is double insurance.

what would that be Will I be one of the insurances?

Wen Jing lowered her head, with a complex expression on her face.


15:20. Minz Bureau not far from Zhonghai.

Cai Feng (who appeared during the start-up and Yirong) was also lowering his head, with the mop in his hand eager to wipe the ground.

On his right side is the purpose of his coming - the door of the archive room, but behind him and above, a surveillance camera is staring at him.

For Cai Feng, the staff here don't care about anything, and checking the status of the wedding banquet is like spying on state secrets.

Neither the press card nor the lawyer's card was valid, so he finally found the property manager. After some manipulations, he was allowed to clean on the first floor.

Time is running out, and there is only the last one left to wipe the floor. Cai Feng sweats on his forehead, takes a deep breath, and prepares to ignore the camera when he does it...


The door opened.



The heavy meeting room door was finally closed tightly.

The ticking wall clock was clearly heard by people in the venue.

Many people feel that there will be no more accidents, and the next step is to work hard with real swords and guns.

However, the accident still happened.

When Xingsheng held the final figure and was about to speak, Zhao Song moved.

He took over a manpower document from Liao Yingzhu and signed his name:

"This may be my last executive order. In order to prevent accidents, I need to agree to Ms. Liao Yingzhu's resignation request in advance," Zhao Song handed the document back to Liao Yingzhu under the surprised eyes of all Tesla related personnel, "Based on For Ms. Liao's great contributions over the years, there is no non-compete agreement in this letter of dismissal!"

Zhao Song raised his finger and shook Xingsheng who wanted to express his opinion: "Mr. Xing, before I sign, you have nothing to do with Tesla now."

After finishing speaking, he looked around and asked earnestly, "I have enough shares now, and I only need a few people to pass it. So, vote?"


Nancy smiled and raised her hand before the national team represented the action.


David raised his hand and shrugged regretfully at Liao Yingzhu.

"Then the vote is passed, and when I am no longer the president of Tesla, this agreement will come into effect."

With more than half of the shares, Zhao Song ended the topic without giving others a chance to express themselves.

David: "Miss Liao, Morgan Stanley welcomes you."

"I think Time Warner is the best choice for Bamboo," Nancy sincerely invited, "I don't know what plans Liao has for the future."

Liao Yingzhu accepted the agreement, and walked to the country representative office expressionlessly to distribute business cards.

‘**fund manager, **partner…”

Nancy looked at Liao Yingzhu in shock—if she left Tesla, this little girl would be a trader with huge funds.

"When you return to Wall Street, you must hold the dog leash in your hand..." Liao Yingzhu said sarcastic words in fluent English, but her eyes were fixed on the group of people behind Zhao Rong.

Lawyer Li, Wei Fang and her friends, Dongfang Jian, etc., those partners who have been together for countless days and nights...

“Otherwise, I don’t mind eating up all these delicious dog meats!”


"Bamboo, that's too much."

Accompanied by the sound of duty from the rebel generals, Zhao Song was also furious:


While glaring at Liao Yingzhu, he picked up the mobile phone and called the undercover secretary. He didn't throw the mobile phone to Liao Yingzhu until a stupid excited cry came from the earphone:

"Next time I insult the dog indiscriminately, I won't let you see me stupid again, I apologize!"


David stared at Liao Yingzhu's ugly face with a sullen face: "Can I understand that this is a threat to me?"

"It can also be interpreted as contempt for you!" Liao Yingzhu ignored the dangerous eyes, "Although I don't want to join the dirty place of Wall Street, I prefer that ungrateful people get what they deserve."

"Bamboo," Zhao Song walked up with a sigh, "and Zhao Song, I don't think we need to be so tit-for-tat. We have a common goal, which is to make Tesla better!"

Zhao Song pointed at Xingsheng disdainfully: "Cooperate with this kind of person?"

Zhao Rong's eyes were firm: "Cooperating with Lao Xing is just a means."

"Sister Da Da, your methods are too diverse, from administrative means to controlling public opinion, from restricting funds to recruiting traitors, my disciples admire them all."

"That's because you have too many shares, and we can only control Tesla by doing this."

Zhao Song: "Tesla was founded by me."

Zhao Rong: "No, Tesla is inseparable from everyone's efforts, and it should belong to each of us."

Zhao Song: "Since you can make a Tesla with hard work, please stay away from me and make another one. Why are you staring at Tesla?"

"Because we lost one of the best product managers."

Zhao Song shook his head: "I am not just a product manager."

Zhao Rong affirmed: "You are just a product manager, if you think it is not enough, then I can tell you for sure:

As a manager, you look forward and backward, and you have too much fear in your heart. Take the participation in the western development as an example. If the investment is independently operated by Tesla instead of worrying about the overall situation, the future benefits will be more than three times what you planned.

As the chairman, you use Tesla as a tool to lay out the entire central control system at the expense of the public and private interests.

You said that you have opened up the supply chain of PC peripherals for flower growers. It is nothing more than raising Wuming Technology with Tesla. Zhao Song, please tell all shareholders: Which proportion of the world's largest electromechanical company do you own? "

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