Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 653 I want to end the meeting


Ignoring the stabbing international capital, Zhao Song looked at Teacher Zeng disappointedly, and explained softly:

"As of now, Wuming Technology has co-incubated 238 related enterprises in the surrounding area. The total investment in the domestic electromechanical industry has grown by an average of 310% in the past three years, and 42 competitors have been cultivated. Compared with 1999, the cost of related parts has dropped significantly. More than twice."

Zhao Rong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The domestic trend has always been to focus on management and neglect R\u0026D. Wu Ming and Tesla are doing the opposite, and focus on mid-to-high-end, targeting the international market. If the shareholders here feel that Wu Ming is drinking Tesla’s blood, I can issue another president’s order to terminate all cooperation with Wu Ming from today.”


"Oh, by the way, based on Tesla's strict quality management of components and the compliance requirements of electromechanical products, Tesla needs to purchase globally after leaving Wuming, and the related costs will increase by three times."

Speaking of this, Zhao Song shrugged his shoulders and said with a sneer, "By the way, your idea is to work hard and use cheap goods, maybe you won't need that much."

Zhao Rong shook his head: "Our quality requirements are the same, Zhao Song, don't doubt my love for the Tesla brand."

"I can't see it." Zhao Song denied politely, "Up to now, the amount of funds fleeing from the flower stock market has also completely changed. According to the experience of employees in New Province, a certain stockholder decided to buy a gift for his daughter happily after the stock price stabilized. , he walked into the Tesla store without hesitation and bought a Tpod.”


Zhao Song faced the international representatives and said without fear:

"That's right, the central control department did borrow the name of Tesla and everyone, but please also pay attention to the upcoming huge positive feedback-improved popularity and contribution to the Tesla brand.

Brand building has a long way to go, we should consider the actual cost, but we should also consider the marginal effect! "

Zhao Rong sneered: "When it comes to cost, the cost waste of the re-researched Tesla is simply shocking."

Zhao Songping: "This is our irreconcilable contradiction!

Jinmen Xiali, which once accounted for 20% of the country's sales volume, came close to making a homemade 1.5T engine at the beginning. Some people said that it is better to buy it than to make it. Now, where is Xiali? "

Zhao Song was born in Jinmen, but he dared to admit with a blush: Jinmen people are really...why not enough to eat, why not!

Zhao Rong said angrily: "Your example is too far-fetched, Tesla is not Xiali, it is the world's top 500!"

"..." Zhao Song was completely disappointed. He was no longer interested in arguing with Zhao Rong. He waved his hand and said in a low voice, "In the final analysis, sister Da Da, you are also a tool person."


"This so-called debate is nothing more than a shareholding dispute with international capital as the background and pure interests as the goal."

Zhao Song turned his head, looked at Nancy and David, and asked, "Am I right? If not, please sit down."

David shrugged his shoulders, not interested in answering sterile questions.

Nancy smiled and said, "Nicholas, you're right, but I'm sorry, this is the flower planter's country, and we are not the protagonists today,"

"No need to apologize," Zhao Song didn't care, "If I were you, I would make the same choice, after all, to maximize the benefits~"

If Zhao Song hadn't seen the curve drawn by Liao Yingzhu, he might not have understood it as deeply as now.

Looking at David's fixed eyes now, Zhao Song knew that Liao Yingzhu's guess was right, and he thought of the vibration range of that curve - it could be used as a jumping egg in the human body.

If the stock price of Tesla after listing will be like that, the impact on the brand will be a disaster!

"Another battle between yellow and white, but as a flower grower, it is regrettable to see again: in the white team, there are a few small yellow flowers that are really dazzling!"

However, with Xingsheng's vicious gaze, Zhao Song confirmed for the last time:

"Mr. Xing, can you reconsider the share swap?"

Xingsheng sneered: "I can't."

"Look, I just like Mr. Xing. He hits the nail on the head and it's all for money! Refreshing!"

Zhao Song laughed and said, "Let's sign."

This is two consecutive share changes in one day.

This is also Tesla's two consecutive huge turbulences in one day.

The representatives of the national team signed the authorization letter together, and put them together in front of Zhao Song without hesitation.

This is the country's greatest support for him.

For the country, building a family has never been a problem, and off-site means are even more trivial, but when you figure out the main contradiction, you can understand the reason why the country did not support you clearly—when you are looking for external investment, you can say a thousand words The language does not match the sentence of international capital that "too much administrative intervention is not suitable for investment".

Influence, overall situation. Famous sayings through the ages.

The international representatives sitting there talking and laughing are the first-class citizens. They have nothing to fear, and they strictly restricted Zhao Song to the business rules!

Another stack of powers of attorney was handed over, and Xingsheng and Zhao Rong finally became excited. Although they were numerous and powerful, without these powers of attorney from international capital, they were nothing. But with these documents, they can influence an emerging Fortune 500 company!

Xingsheng felt that his life had reached a climax, and his face flushed:

"Unfortunately, Zhao Song, although the difference is almost the same, we still won."

Zhao Song looked at the ecstasy of Xingsheng, and suddenly put down Montblanc:

"I haven't signed yet, why are you so excited?"


Prosperity is like being poured with cold water, and you are dumbfounded.

He got up angrily, slapped the table loudly, and said grimly:

"Little brat, I will discredit you in front of the whole country."

Zhao Song was noncommittal: "Even if you hold the controlling stake, no one will listen to you in the short term."

"I don't need them to listen to me," Xingsheng Possessed stared at Zhao Song with dark eyes, "I just need to send a text message: The task is completed, return to work and share the money!"

"..." Zhao Song lowered his head and asked, "If I say that the current behavior of three links and one access will bring a huge boost in the future..."

"I don't care about the three links and one reach to death!"

Wen Jing raised her head in disbelief and glanced at Xing Sheng, who had completely lost her composure, and quickly used her eyes to appease the angry Wen Hua in the opposite corner.

There, Lao Ba had already stood up and raised his fist, being held tightly by Wen Hua.

Wen Jing breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the audience, and then froze again.

She saw the eyes of the group of people behind Zhao Rong moving left and right, it was Zhuzi's threat just now that had worked.

She saw a hot clerk move his office position, which attracted the attention of that old pervert David.

She saw that Xingsheng's outburst of emotions was out of control, but her eyes continued to be viciously directed towards Zhao Song's direction, and she was still squinting at an unfathomable speed. Over there, a clerical had no office at all, and she was sitting there moving slightly with a certain rhythm.

Something is wrong!

What are they doing?

Zhao Song's words, actions, even the venue layout, and the accidents that happened should not be independent, but some kind of deliberate targeting!

For prosperity! For this least likely to compromise.

Wen Jing was shocked, and looked at Zhao Song in disbelief. When did he become so scary?


The atmosphere in the meeting room was getting weirder.

People have their own thoughts, and few people find that Zhao Song's speaking speed is getting slower and slower, and his voice is getting deeper and deeper.

At this moment, he seems to be behind in the confrontation, but he has been controlling the rhythm of the conversation:

"Before signing, I need to determine the dividend time."

Xingsheng roared irrationally: "Impossible!"

Zhao Song's sharp eyes have long since disappeared: "Mr. Xing, the dividend issue has nothing to do with you," he said to the new shareholder representative sideways, "It has nothing to do with you."

Nancy said: "Nicholas, we have decided before that the timing of the dividend distribution needs to be decided by the general meeting of shareholders."

Zhao Song: "So I am preparing to discuss with you now."

Nancy said meaningfully: "It's the general meeting of shareholders! Nicholas, according to the agreement, new shareholders are not allowed to be added during the period from the meeting to the listing, so you must solve the problem now."

Zhao Song stopped entangled with her, and slowly turned his head to look at Xingsheng, with warm and peaceful eyes, accompanied by a finger, and patiently explained: "Tesla's dividend must be paid as soon as possible!

Because in the established strategy, it is only the first step:

The central control system will be led by Tesla and fully participate in the western strategy coordinated by the state. This will be a bargaining chip for Tesla to receive administrative support in the future.

Step two:

In the stock market boost plan, all the stocks related to the central control system will be labeled as Tesla concept stocks, so that the Tesla brand strategy will be sublimated into a positive brand culture, and it will penetrate into the hearts of every ordinary flower grower.

third step:

After the dividends, Tesla will start to prepare the most beautiful balance sheet. The credit departments of the four major state-owned banks and the three American consortiums are preparing to wait. The project has been set as the headquarters base designed by me and the master architect. , At that time, it will jointly build a new satellite city in Pingchang, the capital city, in conjunction with the Beijing University City Project, multiple national ministries and commissions, multiple state-owned enterprises, multiple education groups, the Central Control Department, BOE, Shenzhou Technology, North Huachuang and other units.

Its huge social and economic effects will have an incalculable positive impact on Tesla.

the fourth step:

In the western strategy, Tesla's first data center can be partially put into use, and Tesla No. 1 GM plans to start trial operation in flower growers.

At that time, everyone can use their accounts to log in to Soundfield, and can also use E-mail and more and more Tesla services! "

"Mr. Xing, imagine that when it comes to the market, we will announce the No. 1 universal timetable around the world, so that consumers around the world can enjoy the convenient changes in life brought by Tesla.

If realized, Tesla will no longer be a mere brand, but a culture..."

At this time, Nancy also noticed something was wrong. She glanced at David beside her, but he didn't notice anything, because they had read Zhao Song's introduction, and it was indeed very attractive, but Wall Street's plan was even more lucrative!

So at this time, David's attention was all attracted by the hot girl opposite.


Nancy stood up, Zhao Song's tone was wrong, and Xingsheng's expression was wrong.

Why the hell is there a row of seats up front? Why am I sitting in the middle?

'Zhao Song, what are you doing? You said you wanted to convince me, why are you aiming at Xingsheng? ’ Nancy straddled a pair of legs and shouted in her heart, ‘We paid countless prices to have you sit here today, don’t even think about ending it so easily! '

At this moment, Zhao Song didn't care about Wen Jing's discovery, and he didn't care about Nancy who was already moving. His heart was roaring: 'As long as you say a word, as long as you waver, I can end this damn meeting, and I will break you down. Say it, say 'I can consider'; say 'Of course', just one sentence is all it takes! '

The hot girl behind her has her buttocks up to the maximum, her paperwork is moving, and her black-rimmed glasses (Liu Ying) are standing still.

Zhao Song was like a leader who scolded Fang Qiu, looking at the other side with a hearty look, and gently asked seemingly trivial questions:

"Mr. Xing, don't you want shares? Imagine Tesla's listing performance after the implementation of the entire strategy. If you are given the same number of non-restricted shares, are you interested?"


No one would deny the temptation, Xingsheng's eyes were a little blurred:

’ Where am I? Why is this scene so familiar? Why is there a red flag on the wall? The black-framed secretary is still standing in the old position, what is the meeting recorder doing?

Why are so many people behind me listening to him?

Is this my father's conference room?


This is negotiating.

But the way they speak is alike.

Perhaps, their decisions are also right... right? '

Xingsheng shook his head, numb his face, and slowly opened his mouth.

Nancy had already stepped over all the seats, and she didn't dare to shout, any accident might make Zhao Song stop the meeting.

Now there is only a little distance left, just a touch of Xingsheng will wake him up.

However, an invisible man moved silently, making Nan Xi desperately discover that the distance is like a moat, so far away...

"Mr. Xing, it's the same amount, non-restricted shares, that's an unimaginable wealth, what do you think?"

Xingsheng's mouth had already opened. At this moment, the audience realized that something was wrong. No one had time to do anything. Xingsheng's voice sounded:



Zhao Rong stopped everything.

The meeting will continue.

Zhao Song was sad.

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