Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 658 Turning point

Nancy's smile remained unchanged, she got up and picked up the authorization letter on the chair in front of her, and looked at Wen Jing suspiciously.

"My business is in the United States." Wen Jing explained calmly, "Zhao Song, I can't be as unscrupulous as you, and dare not offend so many investment banks in the United States at the same time, so who should I support, please Miss Nancy, who has business contacts with me, decides .

I think this decision should not be subject to some kind of retaliation, right? "

Zhao Song nodded in affirmation: "It's just for the greatest benefit. It's a normal business thinking. Why do you want revenge?"

"Thanks, I'm fine."

After finishing speaking, Wen Jing returned to her original seat again without saying a word.

Nancy put away the authorization letter on the chair in front of her, got up, walked to Xingsheng, and put it back to its original position.


Zhao Song closed his eyes, lowered his head annoyed and somewhat grateful.

Annoyed that Wen Jing's back road was cut off.

Fortunately, the decision was made when the situation was unknown before—I chose Nancy as the main attack point by accident.

Of course, it is an exaggeration to say that it was an accidental hit. Zhao Song is sure that Nancy's side will get the least benefit in the alliance!

He needed time before, so that Nancy could see that the sound field with Tesla and the stone field without Tesla are completely different for Time Warner represented by Nancy.

Unfortunately, Zhao Song has no time.


At this time, the invisible man behind him knocked on the earphone twice.

"There's a signal."

Xingsheng focused his eyes on Zhao Song:

Sign or not?

Zhao Song switched off all kinds of chattering communication devices, quickly picked up the gold pen, and signed his name without hesitation.


David got up excitedly, and called out the number he had already prepared from the mobile phone address book, ready to make a call at any time.

The file was pushed in front of Xingsheng.

Xingsheng seemed calm, but his shaking hands revealed his excitement.

Putting all the documents together into a pile, Xingsheng looked at Zhao Song with a half-smile, and placed it directly opposite Zhao Song.


The face-slapping scene appeared: Zhao Rong sat down calmly.

"You~" Liu Ying blushed, and was about to reprimand but was stopped by Zhao Song.

The traitors stood excitedly behind Zhao Rong, just like they used to stand behind Zhao Song, and they didn't even change their positions.

"Now, proceed to the first item of the shareholders' meeting: Zhao Song, the president of Tesla Technology Group, proposed to be dismissed. After 1 minute, please show your hands and vote."

In the venue at this time, some people were pleasantly surprised, some were sad, some were angry, and some were happy.

Wen Jing finally raised her head, concealing her faint concern, and looked at Zhao Song.

David also came to the table, waiting for the final moment.

The other international shareholders looked at each other happily, showing tacit smiles.

The national team sighed, regretting the failure of that young man because of his eagerness for quick success.

Liu Ying rolled up her sleeves, always ready for a war of shrews.

The invisible man disappeared into the corner of the conference room with his team.

Qin Hai guarded the gate expressionlessly. Without Zhao Song's instructions, he would have stood here forever.

... If this is the big screen of a drama, then these people are performing all kinds of worlds, and it will make people wonder what it is that makes these people behave like this at this moment.

Except Nancy.

Zhao Song guessed wrong before, so the promise to her: to release Time Warner's shares at a fixed point and time after listing, it can't be realized at all-because Zhao Song guessed right just now, Tesla will never go public at all!

However, Nancy does not want to participate in the expression of celebration right now, because the signal has been restored, and at the last moment of this war, she still wants to hear the status quo of the fashion empire described by Zhao Song.



"President? Nancy? President? Is the signal restored?"

"Da da~" Nancy secretly tapped the microphone twice.

"Okay, okay, now I will report to you the situation in the lower island countries and Europe. According to our reporter friend, there are 4 business teams in Tesla who are negotiating outside. Internal sources say that they have lowered their requirements today..."

"Wait, Nancy, just got the news that the island country has signed the contract, it is the Louis Vuitton Group, and Wei has become the chief representative of Asia in their clothing department...

f**k, how come so fast?

Nancy, signed again, this will be shoes, wait, jewelry, watch, signed too? "

"Nancy, tell me you're still listening?"

"Da da."

Nancy tried to stay calm and tapped the phone twice again.

"It's news from the United States. There is also a team over there responsible for Y's business negotiations, including jewelry and watches. It has reached a strategic cooperation with Tiffany, and the two parties will jointly manage Y's personal business brand."

"Nancy, oh~, the island country has signed again, Xiaoyu's whole body is fully signed, the chief endorsement of Asia, and the clothing category has set an endorsement record. God, how did they do it?

What? Sales? No wonder, if I sign too! Nancy, did you hear that? On average, there are three companies vying for each item. Those fashion brands have an amazing sense of the market, so there is no doubt that that amateur, that light rain who came out less than a week ago, created a business empire! "

"Nancy, you are right, the decision to keep our attention on the island nation is wise!

Tesla has a star-making channel in its hands.

God, Y also signed, this time it is the creation of a personal clothing brand..."

At this time, Nancy had already got up and sat at the meeting table with all international shareholders.

Voting is about to begin.

Compared to her excited counterparts, her expression was exceptionally calm.

"Nancy, there's an emergency call, do you hear that?"


Zhao Rong scanned the audience, seeing that everyone's attention was on him, he felt a sense of success and fame spontaneously.

"Next, start voting. If you agree, please raise your hand."

After speaking, he raised his hand first.

Xingsheng raised his hand, while picking up the vibrating phone:

"Mr. Xing, a number of retailers and cooperative enterprises have begun to seize the company's payment, memory and other materials."

Xingsheng frowned, he didn't expect the revenge to come so quickly.

Nancy on the side quickly glanced around, looked away from David who raised his hand high, and knocked on the microphone again in a subtle way.

"Nancy, this is Martin."


Nancy's face finally changed.

"Now you just have to listen carefully."


The voting results are in.

Zhao Song's face was calm. In the eyes of many people, he may have accepted this result, waiting silently like a prisoner waiting for trial.

"Now I nominate myself, namely Zhao Rong, as the new president of the group. After 1 minute, I will vote with a show of hands."

The final moment is approaching, and Zhao Rong's voice trembled.


Nancy looked ahead, all her attention was on the communicator in her ear:

"I just received a private call from the owner of the White House. His original words were 'the original Tesla listing plan is in the interests of the United States', Nancy, things have changed. By signing, Zhao Song can also keep some American industries, because these industries overlap with the interests of some people."

Before Nancy lowered her head, she saw Zhao Song's calm face staring at the ground in shock, quickly analyzing gains and losses in her mind.

"You're on the front line, and Time Warner's side is up to you."

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