Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 659 Diabetes Insipidus (Familiar?)

Zhao Rong: "Start voting."

Zhao Song raised his hand first.

Xingsheng raised his hand, still staring at Zhao Song with gloomy eyes.

David raised his hand, his thumb was already on the dial key.

The international shareholders looked at each other excitedly and raised their hands one after another.

Some people in the national team were sighing, some were summarizing their experience, some were sending text messages, but no one raised their hands, and no one even responded to Zhao Rong.

"I now declare..."

Suddenly, Zhao Rong paused.

"Nancy?" David patted Nancy on the shoulder and looked at her suspiciously.

Xingsheng suddenly had an ominous premonition, and his whole body began to tremble slightly.


Zhao Rong tried to stay rational, calling out.

Zhao Song opened his eyes and stared at Nancy blankly. Perhaps because of the position, he clearly saw the white headphone cable in Nancy's hair:

"Good job Xiaoyu, good job guys!"

He shouted frantically in his heart.


The other international shareholders called Nancy, and in silence, someone seemed to have inadvertently removed their raised right hand.


Zhao Rong called again.

Nancy shook her head slightly, still thinking about the chairman's words in her mind.


"Because the people in the White House talk, even if the prosecutor signs it, the access to the Ministry of Justice will be blocked to some extent. This gives Nicholas the time he needs most. With time, he will have the strength to hurt both sides. He can lose his property. We won't get anything before."

"Nancy, what I want to say is: It seems that even if Tesla is lost, Nicholas still has a big market in the American political circle, so you have to think carefully-if we go according to the original plan, can we afford Nicholas' future? The loss caused by retaliation."


"I'm sorry, the vote is not more than half of the votes. This vote has not passed. Next, I will propose a candidate, and I will vote with a show of hands in one minute." Nancy took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "The candidate is——

Zhao Song! "



No one has time to exclaim, no one has time to be happy, and no one has time to be depressed.

Except that Zhao Rong was slumped on the chair, and his whole body was devoid of energy.

When Nancy's decisive voice fell to the ground, two people in the audience reacted the fastest.

Zhao Song picked up the phone and shouted at Chen Ning on the other end: "Where did the person die?"

Xingsheng strode towards David and begged in a deep voice, "We must leave now."

"Wait, Xing," David said pale, "We still have a chance, just wait."

"If we wait any longer, we won't be able to leave." After the failure, Xingsheng was calmer than ever. "Maybe we will lose our lives."


David shook his head in fear, "Yes, fate! Xing, it's an embassy vehicle, and you can't sit in it. I don't want to cause any diplomatic disputes."

After experiencing ups and downs, David quickly calmed down and calmly rejected Xingsheng's request.

Xingsheng didn't bother, turned around, pushed Qin Hai who was still trying to stop him, and strode out of the conference room.

This meeting is an important meeting that directly reflects the decision-making of the American branch. There is no reason for the officials of the two countries to intervene. Once Xingxing wins, the shares in his hands are crucial, so he can get in the black car, but even so, the company and channel dealers are also the road money he paid.

Now, the defeat he never thought of came, and he suddenly became dispensable. The company's payment for memory speculation must not be turned into road money, but the money he urgently needs!

Don't be dying, it's pointless, go! go!

This is the only thought in Xingsheng's heart at this moment.

He walked through the gate, pushed away Chen Ning who was running over, ignored the groans of his subordinates in the next room, and walked quickly towards the hypermarket.

Zhao Song stepped over the conference table, ignoring the invisible man who followed him everywhere, and chased outside the gate, shouting loudly at the same time:

"Proposal to revoke all positions of Mr. David, vote with a show of hands, now!"


The neat arms sent the winner out of the conference room door.


17:09. Zhonghai Electronics Mall, hypermarket.

It's flash mob again, and the memory is skyrocketing. Now, many merchants are deducting the payment from people. The rare excitement has opened the eyes of customers and made the hypermarket more and more crowded.

"How about it."

Xingsheng squeezed over sweating profusely, and asked his manager.

"I can't stop it anymore!" The manager was also sweating profusely, and said anxiously to Xingsheng, "Mr. Xing, think of a way."

After working under Xingsheng for so many years, he has always treated others like this, but he has never enjoyed such treatment.

"I'll go back and find someone now," Xingsheng said in a deep voice, "How much money do you have in the company's account?"

"Less than 4,000." In order to get rid of the big customers, the manager had just learned about the account situation, so he answered fluently, "There are Shenzhou and Tesla channels on site, so it's hard to talk about. I'm wondering whether to give them some. "

"Call me the integer immediately," Xingsheng lied without blinking, "solve the problem within an hour."

The manager nodded without thinking, thinking that he was still looking for a relationship as before: "I'll call the bank right away."

Xingsheng patted him on the shoulder: "I'll go first."

After speaking, he gritted his teeth and squeezed towards the crowd.

Under the escort of the last two loyal younger brothers, he squeezed away Lao Wang, pushed Lao Niu away, and even punched Boss Feng, and walked out of the crowd.


The harsh microphone sounded.


A roar!

Xingsheng stopped.


This is Zhong Hai, passage 13, at the end of the passage, Zhao Song stood there for a long time four years ago.

He saw Jiaming, and he saw Xingsheng opposite Jiaming.

He came to Jia Ming's counter, and he called "Miss Sister".

Four years later, Zhonghai has been renovated.

There is no Jiaming here, but prosperity is still there.

He stood there, just like four years ago, surrounded by thousands of people.


Under the protection of the security guards, the crowd vacated the open space, and Xingsheng was blocked intentionally or unintentionally.

Xingsheng turned around slowly, he saw Zhao Song and the mace in his hand, the red marks on it made his heart tremble.

He is 1.9 meters tall and tall, but he has never fought since he was a child. He is always playing tricks, and his appearance is to scare people.

"Zhao Song, for the sake of what I have taught you, give me a way!"

Xingsheng didn't realize that it was the trembling tone that said this.

Zhao Song shook his head.

He moved his left foot, and then his right foot.

For some reason, he wore Jordans on purpose today to run fast and jump far.

He flicked the mace, and the red liquid splashed around made the big man on the opposite side shake.

He held the mace and made a starting motion.

The vile lighting engineer didn't seem to leave, and all the spotlights in this area were shot on him.

Under the eyes of all the people, under the eyes of all the people, in the public....

He started.

The spotlights moved quickly with him.

He's wearing Jordans and he's running fast...

He sped up and ran fast.

He wears Jordans and jumps high...

He jumped up, really high.

Xingsheng stared straight at his eyes, and was shaken by the sharp edge of the nail on the mace, boundless fear rose from his heart.

He closed his eyes in despair.

At the same time, Zhao Song in the air dropped his mace.

He was wearing Jordans.

He jumps high, he sticks out his right hand, he starts to turn.


The unexpected pain did not appear.

But this insult in full view of everyone finally broke Xingsheng.

At this moment, he couldn't control the urge to urinate anymore, he slumped on the ground, let go of the gate, had a diabetes collapse, tears streaming down his face, crying loudly!

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