Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 660 Nobody Answers

Zhao Song left.

Xingsheng also left, but was taken away by two uniforms.

His so-called confidence has officially entered the judicial process under the report of the real name of the richest man.

In another time and space, the Top incident, which was silent, also had the most senior convict at this time.

The crowd dissipated.

Chen Ning looked at Zhao Song who hurried into the meeting room, and frowned:

"I really don't understand."

"Don't understand what?" Li Pei next to him said disdainfully, "I don't understand why Xingsheng didn't go out and hide for a while before coming back like other people in your circle, but was held accountable instead?"

Chen Ning hesitated and nodded.

"It should have been like this." Li Pei took a deep breath and sighed: "Xingsheng operated Topu's 2 billion bad debt accrual, which was bought back by Zhao Song at a discount and lent to Nanda Optoelectronics at a price of 1.2 billion.

However, in the follow-up operation, from the three links and one to the shares of Tesla, Zhao Song transferred them to Xingsheng at a discount. That is to say, although Xingsheng had to pay 1.2 billion yuan in cash, what he got was assets exceeding 2 billion yuan . "

Chen Ning said thoughtfully: "It turns out that from the very beginning, except for the method that caused the loss of state-owned assets, Zhao Song was acting in cooperation with Xingsheng?"

Li Pei nodded and sighed: "'You' said that I owe a favor, then I will pay you back, and we will be separated from each other from now on. Besides, it is a troubled time, Zhao Song also accepted to pay some shares for the sake of the old man, after all, It's reality!"

"But things had three surprises before the shareholders' meeting:

Off-site factors have intensified; Xingsheng and Zhao Rong have a deep alliance; international capital refuses to meet and communicate. "

Li Pei stretched out three fingers and explained: "Not only Zhao Song, but everyone thinks there is something wrong with this!"

While talking, Li Pei took out his mobile phone and called out a text message, and handed it to Chen Ning: "This is Tesla's inquiry at noon, why there was an inexplicable third party in the contract with Shenzhou last year, I can't help it." answer……"

Chen Ning said with embarrassment, "What's going on."

"I can't explain it." Li Pei shook his head helplessly, "This is a three-party contract, involving American suppliers. When I was working in the United States many years ago, I heard a rumor from the supervisor that the American FBI would investigate all foreign companies and even Domestic companies bury nails, including but not limited to 'three-party suppliers', 'bait contracts' and other means, when the country or interest groups need it...


Li Pei made an explosive gesture and sighed bitterly: "Tesla is not afraid of investigations, Zhao Song has the means to drag the investigations to the listing so that it will die without a problem, what it is afraid of is that someone will cooperate with others!

This inquiry is obviously that someone inside Tesla has shifted gears and was detected by the management, so once Xingsheng and International Capital are jointly controlled, those nails planted by the FBI will be recognized internally by Tesla, and it will be completely Planted in the hands of the US Bureau of Justice, so as to achieve the purpose of quickly breaking up Tesla. "

Chen Ning was puzzled: "What does this have to do with Xingsheng?"

Li Pei explained: "If someone in Tesla's internal management admits those 'thunders', it means violating the laws of the United States. Who do you think will admit it for no reason?"

Chen Ning's expression changed: "Zhao Rong?"

"That's right!" Li Pei nodded and said, "As long as those traitors return to their original positions, some of them will definitely take the blame, so Tesla will break the law even if it is not illegal."

Chen Ning suddenly realized: "I probably understand. The previous investigation found that Xingsheng went to the United States. He must have contacted a powerful person there who can unite those international capitals, mobilize the FBI, and coordinate the interests of all parties."

"There are no powerful people!" Li Pei sighed deeply, "This incident tells us a truth, and even all flower-growing companies that are trying to expand overseas should understand: that is, companies with flower-growing bloodlines like Tesla How will high-tech companies be treated once they are seized by the Western world!

Ningzi, we don't know how Zhao Song turned the situation around, but the price of being able to overcome ideological differences and turn defeat into victory is absolutely beyond our imagination. "

It is unimaginable indeed!

From the perspective of future generations, betting on a communication standard that is doomed to fail is either Shabby or a lunatic!

"I don't care what they paid for," Chen Ning said with a smile as he resumed his idle look, "I only care about what Zhao Song will do next?"

"The winner takes all!" Li Pei predicted indifferently, "Since those people don't know how to stop when enough is enough, they have to bear the price of insatiable desire!"

"What price?"

"Shares!" Li Pei flashed an inexplicable expression, "The legal affairs of China and the United States are on standby at any time, and Zhao Song is absolutely controlling. It is not easy to get (take back) the shares of Xingsheng and Zhao Rong."

"Fuck~" Chen Ning was stunned by Li Pei's speculation, he seemed to have remembered something, and asked in a low voice, "Li Pei, did you tell a rumor?"

"What rumor?"

"It is said that Zhao Song once answered one of the above questions: Can he be the richest man in the world?"

Li Pei's eyes widened: "How did he answer?"

"I can try."



"Li Pei..." Chen Ning rubbed his hands, and asked with a fearful expression, "Tell me, from the beginning to the end, does this look like a scene directed by Zhao Song?"


Li Pei absolutely does not believe that this is a scene directed by Zhao Song, unless he is willing to risk the company being taken over.

However, many unanswered questions made Li Pei unsteady.

For example, who did Gui Luyang recruit?

For example, how many companies in the United States have joined this harvesting conspiracy.

And what interests can make Tesla's international shareholders firmly unite?

"Under what circumstances can the independent sound field be higher than Tesla's expectations?"

"That's not easy," Chen Ning, who heard Li Pei talking to himself, continued without thinking, "Microsoft's official announcement is to integrate the sound field."


So how many people's cakes did Zhao Song touch?

This question may be answered with the bankruptcy of this conspiracy, but the analysis and discussion of this drama will continue for a long, long time...


Boardrooms, shareholder meetings turned into board meetings.

Not to mention those traitors, even representatives of international shareholders have lost the qualification to talk to Zhao Song.

The confidential conference call system was turned on, and the behind-the-scenes bosses of international capital went online one after another. After the business-free greetings, the small shareholders' share harvesting and redistribution plans were hurriedly completed.

There is no doubt that Zhao Song, as the winner, enjoyed most of the fruits.

Of course, the dividend plan was approved without any setbacks.

As for the previous farce?

Excuse me, what does it have to do with international capital?

They were just watching the show from beginning to end.

Whether Xingsheng and Zhao Rong win or lose, their roles are all wealth harvesters.

Zhao Song wasn't even interested in talking to the bosses.

So, in the expectation of trillions of shareholders, June 15, 18:14.

Morgan Stanley, United Credit Suisse (America), Bank of Merrill Lynch and other international investment banks have announced that they will serve as underwriters for the listing of Tesla Technology Co., Ltd. on the New York Stock Exchange.

The curtain of Tesla's listing officially opened.



The first digital music album to be released simultaneously globally in the true sense, the second album of the Oriental Witch was released on Soundfield Streaming Media.

At the same time, the title song "Bring Me to Life" jointly performed by two Grammy winners: Y and Eminem, airborne Billboard singles champion.

PS: The author said.

I memorized the EKG for two days and returned to a healthy state over the weekend.

I need to think carefully about the update issue. I was too anxious when I first resumed the update. In order to maintain the amount of two chapters per day, not only the plot was not well written, but also unnecessary pressure was placed on myself.

My main task now is to maintain my physical condition and maintain daily updates. I may read less or no comments in the near future.

The book clubs who reward and vote will thank you a lot in the future.

I am so sorry.

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