Although everyone else withdrew, Ye Feng was still waiting for another thing to happen in the oil futures market.

It was a month, during which time the price of oil was stable, hovering around $40.

Although it occasionally fell by one dollar or two dollars, Ye Feng didn’t care at all.

When the war between Iraq and Iraq was hot, the military of Iraq actually contacted Ye Chang and said that they wanted to speed up arms.

Ye Feng was happy after receiving Ye Zhang’s news, but he didn’t expect to have an extra harvest.

He asked Ye Chang to contact Yi Guo and ask him to count how many arms they wanted.

Soon, Ye Xian’s call came.

Ye Yan’s excited voice came: “Boss, Iraq has placed an order of five billion US dollars for us, and they said that if it can be delivered in fifteen days, all the weapons and equipment of their Iranian military in the future will be purchased from us.” ”

Ye Feng was also very happy to hear it, this is a big customer.

Ye Feng asked Ye Chang to drive a few freighters, he was not ready to personally deliver the goods this time, there was a war over there, just as the so-called gentleman did not stand under the dangerous wall, let Ye Chang go.

In the afternoon of the same day, Ye Chang drove eight large cargo ships over.

Ye Feng let Ye Su lightly transfer two and a half billion US dollars to his account.

Spinning around, Ye Feng felt that it was too troublesome, and he had to keep a little more money on his body next time.

Ye Feng bought all the arms according to the list given by Ye Fang, good fellow, there is everything, these weapons are enough to fight a rich battle for several months.

It seems that Yi Guo also knows that what he is about to do will be frantically retaliated by Ike Country, so this is to prepare in advance.

Since the amount was too large this time, Ye Feng asked the other party to pay a twenty percent deposit first.

The other party is also happy, the deposit will arrive on the same day, how much do you trust yourself?

The two sides have only done business once, and a billion dollars are given when they say it?

I originally thought that the other party would haggle and give half a billion dollars.

However, people gave it, and they couldn’t pay the bill, so they arranged for Ye Chang to leave for delivery in the afternoon.

At the same time, let Ye Lu drive two warships to escort.

Ye Feng continued to go to the trading room to stay, according to his memory, in less than eight days, the incident was about to break out.

Time passed slowly, oil futures were still 41. 3 dollars.

It has been almost a month and a half since the outbreak of war between the two sides.

On this day, news suddenly came from the side of the Ike country, and the Iraq country sent people to blow up the oil fields of the Ike country, or two at the same time.

This can make the country of Iraq angry, while extinguishing fires and saving oil fields, while frantically retaliating against the country of Iraq.

When he heard the news, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief, it finally happened, and then he just waited for the oil to skyrocket.

On the same day, this news was reflected in oil futures, directly soaring four dollars, and the next day soaring five dollars.

It wasn’t until the fourth day that the price of oil slowed down slightly.

Although it will rise later, the fire will be extinguished after three days and the price will stop rising.

And although it is also rising in the past two days, it is only two dollars or three dollars a day, and Ye Feng is not ready to earn these money.

My current funds are a little too large, and it will be too late if I don’t run.

If you have less money, you can wait two days, but you have too much.

The price of oil is now $65, and he entered at $13, which has now increased fivefold.

Ye Feng gave Wang Dong an order to quickly withdraw funds, and now there are many retail investors and large institutions taking over.

Wang Dong also knew that the matter was urgent, and his traders did not dare to delay the withdrawal of funds for a moment.

And the first day withdrew 80 billion US dollars, but there is still 300 billion US dollars, there is no way, so I had to continue the next day.

Ye Feng also called several people from the Xiangjiang chaebol and asked them to divide the money with HSBC four days later.

The others only knew what Ye Feng meant when he said that it would skyrocket.

If Yi Guo hadn’t admitted that they did it, the charter king and the others would have wondered if Ye Feng had sent someone to blow it up.

The next day, Wang Dong can continue to withdraw funds, and today he withdrew 100 billion US dollars at once, according to this schedule, there are still two days to come out.

On the third day, it was another 100 billion in the account, but today’s oil price suddenly fell by one dollar, and Ye Feng estimated that he withdrew too much in the past two days.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Wang Dong came to report that all the funds had come out, a total of more than 380 billion US dollars, a little more than fivefold.

Ye Feng was also very excited at this moment, although he had already calculated how much money he would earn.

But when he heard the actual numbers, he was still shocked.

Ye Feng said: Wang Dong, make a report and show it to others tomorrow.

Wang Dong was actually very shocked, he never thought that he would be able to operate more than 380 billion funds one day, and how many top traders would never see so much money in their lifetime.

It’s a pity that you can’t say it, otherwise you can blow it all your life.

The next day, in the large conference room of HSBC, the charter king, Li Jiacheng and others came early in the morning.

Sitting in the conference room, fidgeting one by one, the charter king is relatively old, and his hands are a little shaky when he drinks a cup of tea excitedly.

When Ye Feng saw the expressions of such other people after entering the door, he quipped: “Everyone, there is no need to be so excited, isn’t it just to make some money?” ”

Ye Feng did not mention that he was even more excited than the others yesterday.

The charter king glanced at him slantingly, “Don’t tease us, quickly say how much you earned?” ”

In fact, everyone can calculate it, but they still want to hear Ye Feng actually say it.

Ye Feng stopped talking nonsense, took out the report that had been prepared a long time ago, and handed one over one by one.


Everyone couldn’t wait to take it and look at it.

Skip all the operation process, look directly at the bottom revenue figure, when you see the number of 380 billion, you can’t sit still excitedly.

Don’t look at him in Xiangjiang, all of them are top people, in front of this number in hand, they are all younger brothers, younger brothers of younger brothers.

Coughing, Ye Feng coughed twice and said, “Everyone divide the money according to your own investment!” ”

Your money has almost increased fivefold.

The charter king said: “President Ye, after deducting your share, the rest will be credited to our account!” ”

Ye Feng nodded and said, “Well, everyone, let’s tell you about it first.” ”

The others nodded.

Ye Feng said: “Our total funds excluding fractions are a total of 380 billion US dollars. ”

So everyone’s money has increased fivefold.

Charter King, HSBC, you are 10 billion capital investment, a total of 50 billion, each family gives me a share of 5 billion, are you okay?

Of course, the charter king and others have no opinion, after all, they were said in advance.

Ye Feng then said: Li Zhaoji Li Zong, Zheng Zong, He Zong, your investment is 5 billion US dollars, a total of 25 billion US dollars in income, you give me a share of 2.5 billion US dollars, do you have no opinion?

Several people shook their heads, this has all been earned, what other opinions do you want?

Ye Feng looked at Shen Bi again and said: “Mr. Shen, yours is 1 billion investment, a total of 5 billion income, and the share given to me is 500 million.”

Shen Bi said with a smile: “I also want to thank President Ye for earning me a pension money, and you can deduct it yourself.”

Ye Feng nodded.

He continued: “Everyone, after deducting my share today, I will transfer HSBC’s finances to your respective accounts.

After that, the waiter outside took out the champagne that had been prepared long ago and poured a glass for each person.

He said: “Everyone, let us celebrate our first time cutting leeks whole, a complete success, and we have taken another step towards the top chaebols.”


The others also raised their glasses together and said: Cheers!

Li Jiacheng proposed again: “Everyone, let us honor President Ye and thank President Ye for giving us this opportunity.”

Yes, we are the one who should honor the leaf.

The crowd chimed in.

Then picked up the wine glass and touched one with Ye Feng.

It was not until the afternoon that HSBC’s accountant credited all the money to everyone’s account, and Ye Feng’s funds plus others divided a total of $83 billion.

When HSBC’s leverage is repaid, there is still $73 billion left.

This time it can be said that it is really a wave of fat.

New book on the shelves: monthly pass evaluation ticket.

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