(This chapter is not in my planning, it belongs to improvisation, cool is over, don’t pick the details)

Now oil futures are over, which means that the economic crisis is coming.

But everyone is ready, just waiting to cut the world’s leeks after the outbreak of the economic crisis.

Ye Feng transferred $23 billion to the foundation, leaving 50 billion for himself, ready to buy some companies after the economic crisis broke out in the United States and some European countries.

Ye Feng specifically instructed: “Let Ye Su spend money quickly and convert the money into family strength.” ”

In this way, his system can also be upgraded as soon as possible.

After being busy with this, Ye Feng was also ready to rest for two days, but a sudden incident made Ye Feng give up the idea of resting.

It turned out that Ye Chang called, saying that after receiving the arms, Yiguo made an excuse to say that the arms were inferior and did not want to end the money.

Mad, Ye Feng’s violent temper, directly dropped the cup that was drinking tea, dared to rely on the account of labor and management, or four billion US dollars.

Ye Feng asked Ye Chang and the others to come back first to avoid danger.

Ye Feng slapped the table and stood up, and cursed: “A bunch of immoral things, I said that at that time, given Jin Zhao so cheerful, I originally planned to pay the bill.” ”

The tiger is not powerful, you and I am a sick cat?

After making sure that Ye Chang and the others were safe, Ye Feng asked Ye Long to report all the four billion US dollars in the world media in the name of Ye’s Security American Branch, as long as it could be sent out to the news.

It’s nothing more than spending some money, just right, the last thing Ye Feng lacks is money.

That’s $10 million to spread around the world.

If before, Ye Feng might still be afraid of a small country like Yiguo, but now he is a person with 50 billion US dollars.

There are still tens of billions on the foundation, how many good things can you buy? How many guards can be recruited?

So, now he really doesn’t bother with a small country.

On that day, as long as there was media in the world, all places in the world knew about the four billion US dollars of Yi Guo Lai’s security account.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry held an emergency press conference, and the foreign minister personally clarified to the media.

Ye’s security is slandering them and shouting to Ye’s security to let their person in charge personally apologize, otherwise they will sanction Ye’s security.

Ye Feng did not expect Yi Guo to be such a scoundrel, and at the same time, he also asked Ye Long to hold a press conference in the United States to let them pay back, otherwise they would start a war.

The nearly 100 billion funds that Ye Feng can mobilize is the strength for Ye Feng to dare to say this.

In the evening of the same day, Ye’s Security American Branch also held a press conference, and Ye Long stood on the podium.

The attitude was tough and told the reporter: “Dear journalist friends, please convey it to the country of Iraq on your behalf, telling them that the money of our Ye family’s security is not so good, and if we can’t see the money within three days, we don’t rule out using force to solve it.” ”

The reporters below seem to be listening to a joke, a company to threaten a country?

The reporters below raised their hands to ask questions.

Ye Lu casually ordered a reporter.

The reporter said: “Hello President Ye Long, I am a reporter from BKD, what gives you self-confidence to threaten a country?” ”

Ye Long did not answer this question, but said: “If Yi Guo does not pay back, you will see what my confidence is.” ”

After speaking, he ordered another reporter.

This was a female reporter who picked up the microphone and asked: “President Ye Long, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry said that you are slandering them, how do you explain this?” ”

Ye Long said: “Iraq ordered 5 billion arms from our company’s military industry department some time ago, and only gave 1 billion deposits, and the rest is left to account. ”

The reporter continued: “Is your military factory legal? Do you have any evidence to prove that Iraq is on its account? ”

Ye Long stared at the reporter and said coldly: “This journalist friend, our military factory is built on an island we bought, and we have all the legal rights to that island, do you say ours is legal?” ”

“And we don’t need to prove that they are in debt, as long as we don’t see the money for three days, then go to war and fight until they pay them back.”

At the same time, we also call on global enterprises not to invest in Iraq, lest you lose your money.

At the same time, we also call on all arms production companies, we are one position on this matter.

He dares to rely on our accounts today, then other countries will dare to rely on your money tomorrow, and Ye Long will leave after speaking.

Some weapons production companies also know the beginning and end of the matter, and with their strength, they naturally know the truth of the matter.

As a result, some large arms manufacturers and some arms dealers issued notices in the open and in secret at the same time, not a single bullet will be sold to Iraq in the future.

In Xiangjiang, Ye Feng’s phone almost exploded.

First, President Wang called, and said with some hatred: “Why are you so reckless? That’s a country, people want to rely on your account, you can go to the international court to fight a lawsuit? Why are you still threatening people? ”

Ye Feng said a little speechlessly: “President Wang, my arms factory is on my own island, there are no formalities, ironclad three-nil products, how can you let me fight a lawsuit.” ”

“Besides, he dares to rely on my account, and he ate the bear heart leopard gall?”

President Wang said a little helplessly: “You have helped us so much, we can help you negotiate.” ”

Ye Feng directly refused, “President Wang, he has provoked me this time, if I don’t do something, how will my Ye family’s enterprise do business in the future?” Anyone can step on us. ”

President Wang was completely helpless, “How can you fight a country as an enterprise?” In small countries, that’s also a country. ”

Ye Feng laughed and said, “President Wang, just look at it, do you think that if I dare to open an arms factory and a security company, will I have a little confidence?” ”

President Wang had to say, “Okay, then you can’t hold it and call me…”

Then there were the calls of the charter king, Li Jiacheng, Shen Bi and others, the whole body is one meaning, other aspects may not help much, but with money, you can lend it to Ye Feng first.

At the same time, you can also issue a statement in support of Ye Feng.

After thanking the others, Ye Feng only asked the charter king to help him issue a statement, and refused to cooperate with Iraq in any transportation in the future.

You know, the charter king is the world’s first ship king, and his influence can be imagined.

So the next day, Huanqiu Transportation Company held a press conference, and it was Wu Guangzheng, the son-in-law of the charter king, who developed the conference.

Wu Guangzheng announced to the reporters in the audience: “Everyone, we Huanqiu Transportation Company announced that all our company’s ships are not in contact with Iraq. ”

“At the same time, we also call on global shipping companies not to have any transactions with such untrustworthy countries.”

When it came to the questioning session, Wu Guangzheng casually ordered a reporter.

The reporter asked, “Mr. Wu, may I ask if your refusal to cooperate with Yi Guo is because of Ye’s security?” ”

Wu Guangzheng said with a straight face: “Of course not, we are just from the perspective of businessmen, and after risk assessment, there will be great risks if we cooperate with Iran.” ”

Well, the next one, Wu Guangzheng ordered another reporter.

“Mr. Wu, hello, I am a reporter from Infinity TV, do you have evidence to prove that Yi Guo is in the account? After all, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry also said that they paid, and it was Ye’s security guard who slandered them. ”

Wu Guangzheng squinted at the reporter and said: “What is going on in this matter, people all over the world know that you think we businessmen will slander a country casually?” We are most particular about integrity. ”

“A businessman who loses integrity is self-defeating.”

After speaking, Wu Guangzheng left.

What Ye Feng didn’t expect was that the gambling king He Hongsheng also held a press conference and announced it directly at the press conference.

All their casinos and gambling boats forbid people from Iraq to enter, because the most important thing in casinos is integrity, and no one will gamble with a rogue.

There were also other people from the Xiangjiang chaebol, although Ye Feng refused their help, they also issued notices after seeing the press conference of the gambling king and the charter king.

All of their companies refuse to do business with Iraq from today.

Although their announcement has no effect, it is disgusting enough.

This is also the first time that the Xiangjiang chaebols have been unanimous with the outside world.

I received a lot of monthly passes today, so add one more chapter and you can almost finish it by ten o’clock.

Brainless cool text, everyone just look at it cool, don’t pick the details.

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