The Iraqi president sat on the top seat, looked at the few people below, held back his anger, and asked: “What about the money for buying arms?” Where did it go? ”

The people below were silent, and their eyes looked at one of the generals, who had a little cold sweat oozing from his face.

The Iraqi president looked at the man and asked in a deep voice, “General Carter, where is my money?” What about my four billion dollars? ”

General Carter stammered: “Mr. President, I paid them, and they received the money and left, not admitting it.” ”

The president suddenly threw the cup in his hand and smashed it on Carter’s head, and Carter suddenly broke his head and bleed.

The president roared: “Come, bring me down.” ”

Carter did not dare to squeak and could only be escorted down.

The president looked at the others and asked, “How do we solve it now?” ”

One of the generals said, “Mr. President, now we can only hold on.” ”

“It shows to the outside world that we did give money, and it was the person who sent the arms to Ye’s security guards who stole it.”

“Otherwise our country will no longer have credibility.”

“We must not be soft, we are a country, if we give in to an enterprise, what will the people of our country think of us?”

The president thought for a moment and said, “Okay, let’s do it, I’d rather see what he can do with us as a company, or threaten us?” ”

Today is the second day, and Yi Guo continued to hold a press conference, emphasizing that they gave the money, and it was Ye’s security guards who swallowed it themselves.

But no one present believes that everyone is not a fool, and that a company will come to slander a country?

At the same time, in Xiangjiang, Ye Feng called Ye Long and asked him to continue to report on Yiguo Lai’s account in the global media.

Alas, in the end, Ye’s Media is too weak now, otherwise this more than ten million can be saved, Ye Feng sighed.

The rest of the Ye family also called to tell Ye Feng that no matter what, the Ye family was advancing and retreating together.

Ye Feng was moved, just as the so-called tribulation sees the truth, when he faced a country alone, there were so many friends and relatives to help him, and his life was enough.

After two days of fermentation, under the dissemination of almost all the media in the world, almost everyone knows that there is a country called Yiguo, and it is still an old lai.

The Iraqi president was indignant, and his country’s reputation was now known to the world.

In the past, he wanted his country to be famous all over the world, but now that he is famous, he is not happy because it is a bad reputation.

He can imagine that no one will come to his country to do business again.

So the Iraqi president took Ye Feng to the international court, demanding that Ye Feng apologize, compensate them for their losses, and list a lot of evidence that they paid Ye for security.

That’s right, it’s Ye’s Security.

He could really think that the military factory was Ye’s security, but it was just a statement by Ye Long, and Yi Guo really believed it.

Because this matter was quite big, the international court accepted it on the same day, and also notified Ye Feng, and the trial will start in a few days.

Ye Feng was angry at that time, relied on his own money, and sued himself.

No matter what three days to pay back, immediately recruit escorts, 10 billion dollars and 20,000, plus 10 billion arms and weapons, he can wipe the country off the earth.

However, when he walked to the door, Ye Feng suddenly stopped, he recruited so many people by himself, and he couldn’t explain it.

Now the whole world is paying attention to itself, and it used to be a few hundred good to say, but now 20,000 at once really can’t explain it.

Ye Feng slapped his head sharply, I can use real people, I am a person with a mercenary company.

Immediately called Ye Long, let the announcement of recruitment and employment, global recruitment of mercenaries, as long as they pass the assessment, five thousand dollars a day.

Disability subsidies are based on grade, starting at $100,000 at a minimum.

The death benefit is $1 million, and only 20,000 people are currently enrolled.

At noon that day, the global mercenaries fryed the pan and went to the Ye’s security branch in the United States.

Ye’s security rented several large venues in the United States that day, and sent out the guards recruited by the system to conduct assessments.

They are happy, but the US government is angry, although only 20,000 people are enrolled, but there are more than 20,000 mercenaries from all over the world, and those who can be mercenaries are not good stubble.

The U.S. government dispatched national police forces overnight to maintain public order, but they couldn’t stop it, and they were officially registered security and defense consulting companies.

Besides, people are recruiting people to go to the Middle East to fight, not to fight their country, what does it matter to them?

Another reason is that several large domestic military enterprises do not let them manage it.

In this matter, it can be said that all military industrial enterprises and arms traffickers in the world are on the same line.

This precedent of buying weapons without giving money cannot be set, otherwise everyone will owe them money in the future?

At the same time, Ye Feng transferred two hundred of the three hundred people recruited on Green Island to serve as captains among the recruited mercenaries, and the remaining one hundred people and Ye Lu protected the military factory.

Anyway, there is still Ye Long in the United States.

The same bought a hundred warships, enough for 20,000 people to sit, and 200 people on one warship is more than enough.

I also bought 10 billion arms on Green Island, and this 10 billion is 20 billion US dollars in the outside world.

As for why weapons for 20,000 people are so expensive?

Of course, Ye Feng bought all heavy firepower, and the weapons were equipped with five billion US dollars.

There are also various body armors, bulletproof helmets, and it is estimated that the second in the field is an automatic rifle!

One per person, enough bullet tubes, countless grenades.

For Ye Feng to buy so much equipment, it is not a matter of four billion now.

This cannot be solved by 40 billion dollars.

At the same time, Ye Feng is also giving the muscles of the global Xiuye family, and after this time, Ye Feng’s system will definitely upgrade.

(Ding!) The system publishes the task, please check it by the host)

Hey? This system really came in time, did he not want it, he would not come out?

The system opens the task, let me see what the task is?

(Ding!) System task, point the sharpness of the Iraqi country, let them shoot Carter, compensate the host for 40 billion US dollars, and other mineral oil fields can also be credited)

(Ding!) Mission completion rewards host 200 attribute points)

System, why is there such a little reward?

(Ding!) Host, this is what you have to do if you fight for yourself and for the Ye family, even if there is no system reward. )

Well, Ye Feng also recognized it.

Just when Ye Feng was making preparations, the global media directly fried the pan, and this time there was no need for Ye Feng to pay for it, and they were reporting on Ye’s security and the affairs of Yi Guo.

How domineering it is to declare war on a country with the power of an enterprise.

Xiangjiang Media was also reporting, and all of them went to Ye’s company to interview.

Ye Hanwen and Ye Jiaheng did not dare to leave the company.

The citizens of Xiangjiang are excited, this is their local enterprise in Xiangjiang!

Organized by some people, the citizens of Xiangjiang have put up banners one after another.

“Debt repayment”

At the same time, President Wang called and asked, “President Ye, what the hell is your old man doing?” ”

Ye Feng said as a matter of course: “Of course, I want money, and it is natural to pay back the debt.” ”

President Wang said speechlessly, “Just for four billion US dollars? ”

Ye Feng retorted, “President Wang, what four billion? Now without 40 billion dollars, this is not finished. ”

“I’m almost $30 billion just to recruit people and buy equipment.”

“Now whoever talks to me about 4 billion again, I smack him.”

President Wang was really shocked, you 4 billion US dollars in only two days 40 billion? The printing machine is not as fast as you, right?

However, I heard that people have spent more than 30 billion for these 4 billion, and I feel that 40 billion is really not much.

Well, President Wang stopped continuing the topic and asked again: “Someone asked me to ask you, do you really want to fight?” ”

Ye Feng said: “The fight must be beaten, they all took me to court, and they also beat me upside down, let me apologize, and lose money.” ”

Speaking of this, Ye Feng became angry and complained to President Wang: “Old Wang, listen, is there such a truth under the sky?” ”

“If I don’t beat them up today, how will my Ye family stand in the future?”

“Is it possible that tomorrow which cat and dog can make my Ye family apologize and compensate?”

President Wang cried and laughed after hearing this, so he had to say: “Okay, then I only support you on behalf of the individual, come on!” ”

Finally, President Wang hesitated and asked, “Can you win?” ”

Ye Feng only replied, “Qian Duo”

The two sides hung up!

In fact, the above is also asked, still afraid that Ye Feng will suffer losses, and now Ye Feng has brought tens of billions of foreign exchange reserves to the mainland.

You know, last year the mainland only had $1.5 billion in foreign exchange.

Since Ye Feng is confident, they support it, anyway, this is legal abroad, as long as it is not brought to Xiangjiang and the mainland, they will not care.

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