Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1404 Go against the current!

Chapter 1404 Go against the current!

"What is this?"

Looking at the jade bottle in the old monk's hand, Yang Chen raised his brows slightly, and there was a little doubt in his eyes.

There is a powerful energy exuding from this jade bottle, but this energy is not quite like spiritual power. There is a mysterious feeling in the energy, and it seems to contain a steady stream of vitality, which makes people Just looking at it can't help but be attracted to it.

This water drop does not look like a pure water drop, although it is transparent, but its color is faintly light green, but there is a little red light in the green, which looks extremely gorgeous.

"What is this?" Yang Chen asked again.

Hearing this, the old monk shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly what it is, but the effect of this river is very great!"

"What's the use?" Yang Chen asked back.

Hearing this, the old monk laughed and said, "Disciple, just take care!"

After the old monk said this, he suddenly raised his hand and untied his shirt. Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene appeared in front of his eyes. Yang Chen saw that the upper body of the old monk was already skinny and skinny.

Even the organs in his body protruded from the skin because he was too thin.

"How is this going?"

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes showed surprise. Because he actually felt endless death intent from this old monk, like an old man in his dying years, looking extremely fragile.

Hearing Yang Chen's words, the old monk smiled wryly, and said, "Disciple, have you forgotten? Although my teacher is a demon-subduing master, he is just a mortal after all. I have been waiting for you for countless years." It's been too long, in the boundless time, I have already reached my twilight years, my dying years."

"If you count carefully, I should have died a thousand years ago..." Speaking of this, the old monk sighed, and there was a little helplessness in his eyes.

Sure enough, the years are urging people to grow old!

No matter how strong and invincible you are, you still cannot withstand the erosion of time.

Even though you are magnificent and look down on the world, in the end, you are still nothing but a handful of loess.

Ashes to dust, dust to dust.

reduced to nothing.

It seems that the longer people live, the more thoroughly they see certain things.

Seeing the old monk's reaction, Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help showing doubts in his eyes, and asked curiously: "Why? Did you force your life to continue?"

After all, in Yang Chen's view, the old monk was entwined with endless death energy, and he was indeed a person who should have died a long time ago. But now that the other party is still standing in front of him alive, he must have used some means to forcibly extend his life.

Hearing Yang Chen's words, the old monk nodded and said, "Yes, I used other methods to forcibly prolong my life. And the source of this method is the jade bottle in my hand."

Hearing this, Yang Chen was greatly surprised.

What exactly is the water drop in this jade bottle? To be able to forcibly extend the lives of others, could it be...

Yang Chen seemed to have thought of something, his heart was beating wildly, and a sense of excitement instantly filled his whole body, as if the blood in his bones was boiling.

But soon, Yang Chen gave a wry smile in his heart, and shook his head secretly: "No, how is it possible? This kind of thing is a god of heaven and earth that has disappeared for several epochs, how could it appear in such a place? "

Yang Chen smiled wryly in his heart, and quickly denied his own thoughts.

And just when Yang Chen thought so in his heart.

The old monk on the opposite side suddenly pulled out the cork of the small jade bottle. Immediately afterwards, Yang Chen saw that the old monk directly poured out the water droplets in the jade bottle.


As the water droplet flowed out, in an instant, a gorgeous ray of light directly diffused from the water droplet. The rays of light filled the entire space in an instant, and the water droplets were like gems, shining with crystal luster and crystal clear in the air.

However, Yang Chen soon saw that when the water drop fell into the ground, it suddenly slowly expanded. Immediately afterwards, the water drop became bigger and bigger, first it spread to the size of a pool, and finally it spread into a lake.

The lake was flowing calmly in front of the two of them, and the water was so clear that it could be drunk directly.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen frowned, feeling a little puzzled.

He didn't understand, the other party just collected the lake water just now, and now it's released again, what exactly is it going to do?

And just when Yang Chen was puzzled, he asked the old monk to stretch out his hand suddenly, and smiled kindly at Yang Chen: "Good apprentice, come, give your hand to my master."

Yang Chen was slightly taken aback.

Although he was puzzled, but for some reason, he stretched out his right hand out of nowhere.

The old monk led Yang Chen and walked slowly towards the lake.

The two walked to the lake and stood still.

"Teacher, look at the water in this lake, what's unusual?" the old monk said with a smile.

Yang Chen watched for a while after hearing the words, and then said: "There is nothing unusual."

"No, look at the direction the river flows." The old monk shook his head and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yang Chen observed for a while, and then he realized that the water in the lake was not swimming in the same direction.

Instead, it is divided into several strands.

It's as if someone used a knife to divide the river into several sections, and each section flowed in a different direction. They came from different places, and finally gathered at one point slowly.

Finally, it started again from that point and merged into the entire lake.

There is a faint sense of mystery.

The old monk walked towards one of the rivers.

Yang Chen discovered that the place he was going to was not where the river gushed out, but where the river finally flowed.

"What are you going to do?" Yang Chen looked at him curiously.

"Just look at it." The old monk smiled lightly, and then slowly raised his right foot under Yang Chen's gaze.

He followed the end of the river, slowly walked towards the beginning of the river, and walked in the opposite direction.

Step by step.

Every step is very steady.

And when the old monk took that step, Yang Chen's expression instantly became a little restless. Because he found that as the old monk walked closer to the starting point of the river, his face became younger?

In the first step, there was not much change.

During the second step, the wrinkles on his face were significantly reduced.

But at the third step, the beard on his face turned a little black.

And by the time of the fourth step, his entire face had transformed directly from an old man in his seventies or eighties to a young man in his thirties or forties.

And his upper body, which was originally lifeless, became full of spring at this moment, with smooth and plump skin.

Like a strong young man, it is amazing.

"how did you do it?"

This miraculous scene also completely shocked Yang Chen.

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