Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1405: The Power of Time

Chapter 1405 The Power of Time

"How on earth did you do it?"

Yang Chen's eyes widened, and he looked in shock at the middle-aged man in his early thirties and forties with a masculine face.

With the appearance of the old monk now, there is no trace of his dying years, he is clearly an extremely strong young man.

Even the vitality in his body is much stronger than his own? This is too exaggerated, it's like two different people!

"see it?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man in front of him smiled slightly and said: "This is the mystery of this river. It seems to have some kind of energy, and this energy can reverse time. I have walked several times. At the end of the crossbow, when I was about to despair, it was this river that saved me."

"One piece is ten years, and ten steps is a hundred years. I just took four steps, and time has been reversed for forty years. Although my real age is only forty years younger, my body has returned to middle age." The old monk smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Yang Chen licked his lips, and his eyes couldn't help showing shock.

"Long time?"

Yang Chen blinked and muttered to himself.

Although he has never seen the real long river of time, the scene before him is indeed very similar to the purpose of the long river of time.

But the ascetic monk once said that the real long river of time had already separated from the heavenly road several epochs ago.

Could it be that the long river of time has not been completely separated? But a small part remained, hidden in the stone statue of the old monk?

Thinking of this, Yang Chen also took a big breath of air, forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart. At this moment, Yang Chen felt goosebumps all over his body, indescribable excitement filled his whole body, and the blood in his bones seemed to boil.

If the river in front of him really came from the long river of time, then his trip to Tianlu this time is really worthwhile!

"Long time?"

Hearing this, the old monk frowned, with doubts in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Chen saw that the old monk's eyes gradually showed entanglement. He seemed to be caught in some distant memory, and the pain on his face became more and more intense.

"It's been a long time... such a familiar name!"

"I seem to have heard this name somewhere!"

"Why...why I can't remember at all!"

The old monk held his head in pain.

He kept talking to himself.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen quickly stretched out his hand, and a burst of immortal energy burst out of his palm, and flowed into the old monk's body along the opponent's shoulder.

He knew that the person in front of him was just a part of the main body, or a remnant. Therefore, the other party's body must have lost a lot of memories, and it is reasonable to not know the long river of time.

And under the nourishment of the energy of the fairy body, the other party's expression gradually calmed down, becoming less ferocious.

His breath also became calm and steady.

"Since you can't remember it, then don't think about it anymore." Yang Chen smiled slightly and said, "By the way, can I try the power of this river?"

Hearing this, the old monk was slightly taken aback, then nodded and said, "Of course, apprentice, this river was originally given to you by the master."


Yang Chen nodded.

Although he knew that the old monk in front of him was just a remnant soul, Yang Chen's heart was warmed and moved by the other's words.

After all, Yang Chen could tell that the other party really regarded himself as an apprentice in his heart.

After hugging the other party, Yang Chen didn't stop any longer. He followed the example of the old monk and reached the end of one of the rivers.

Seeing the opposite river continuously rushing towards him, Yang Chen took a deep breath, feeling a little hesitant in his heart. After all, this is also the first time Yang Chen has come into contact with Time Changhe. He doesn't know if he really walks on, will it affect him?

Another point, if you go against the flow of time, you can restore your youthful appearance, but will your cultivation base also weaken with age?

These were all Yang Chen was worried about.

But Yang Chen also knows how rare this opportunity is, if he misses it, it will be very difficult for him to get in touch with the river of time again.

Even, such an opportunity may not necessarily have a second time in a lifetime.

Moreover, the demon god once said in the Endless Island that the reason why he was reborn this time is most likely because he entered the long river of time.

Perhaps this time, he can get in touch with the secrets of the ancient time travelers.


As soon as Yang Chen gritted his teeth, his heart skipped a beat.

He directly lifted his foot and took a light step forward.


There was a soft sound, and the soles of his feet hit the ground.

And the moment Yang Chen's right foot stepped on the ground, Yang Chen suddenly felt a mysterious energy surge into his body. Under this mysterious energy, a burst of vitality also instantly nourished and penetrated into his limbs.

Under the nourishment of this vitality, Yang Chen felt that his body had undergone a sudden qualitative change, and every cell seemed to be reborn, becoming full and full of vitality.

However, his cultivation has not decreased.

On the contrary, it has increased further.

If someone stood opposite Yang Chen at this moment, they would definitely find that Yang Chen was still in his thirties at this moment? He clearly turned into a young man in his early twenties!

And this mysterious energy also made Yang Chen feel a little dazed, and a sense of comfort that he hadn't seen for a long time came to his heart.

This sense of comfort made him subconsciously lift his foot, and couldn't help but think about taking another step forward.


With one step down, Yang Chen's face changed again, from a young man in his early twenties to a ten-year-old child.

The child is very cute, with a pair of big eyes, shining like black gems, and a childish face.

And then.

Yang Chen wanted to take another step forward.

But before he had time to lift his foot, a figure suddenly rushed out and grabbed Yang Chen's shoulder.


The violent shouting was like thunder, and suddenly sounded.

Hearing this voice, Yang Chen was shocked, and his eyes instantly showed clarity. He lowered his head, staring blankly at his petite body and his pink and plump hands.

" did I become like this?" Yang Chen took a breath and was suddenly at a loss.

"You took two steps, your body went backwards for twenty years, and now you have become a ten-year-old child!" said the old monk with a serious face.

"If you continue on, your body will completely collapse, and your whole body will turn into a soul, wandering at both ends of the long river of time!"

"Even... will get lost in the previous years!"

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