Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1406: Memories

Chapter 1406: Memories

On the bank of the long river of time, Yang Chen stood quietly. He lowered his head and stared blankly at his petite body and those fat and tender hands. He couldn't help showing a wry smile in his dark eyes.

At this moment, he has already transformed from a middle-aged man in his thirties to a child of about ten years old. Although the cultivation base in the body has not disappeared, Yang Chen still feels a little strange about the current body.

After all, he was used to his original body, and now he suddenly turned into a child. Anyone would feel uncomfortable, right?

The old monk took a deep breath, and said with a very serious face: "Disciple, the long river is not walking casually at this time. If the number of steps you take exceeds the age of your body, then your body will not be able to bear this energy. Break down. In the end, you will walk between the two ends of time as a soul. If you are lucky, you may be able to find a crack in time and go back to the past or the future. If you are unlucky..."

Speaking of this, the old monk's tone paused, and there was a little fear in his eyes.

"What will happen?" Yang Chen was a little curious.

"If you are unlucky, you will probably wander in time for the rest of your life, becoming an immortal ghost. Imprisoned in time for eternity, you will be extremely lonely. Only when you find the crack in time will you be able to escape and escape. out."

Hearing this, Yang Chen was shocked, and there was a little fear in his eyes.

From the words of the old monk, Yang Chen knew that the crack of time should be a very precious thing, and it is very likely that this kind of thing will only appear once in many years. If once his body collapsed, then he might really be reduced to a wandering soul wandering at both ends of time, as the old monk said.

But at this moment, Yang Chen was more concerned about what the old monk said before.

That is, if the crack in time can be found, it is possible to go back to the past or the future. If you think about it this way, then your own rebirth is very likely due to the time crack in the long river of time.

He still remembered that the demon god said that a long time ago, countless time travelers appeared in this world.

It's just that Yang Chen didn't remember it at all.

After he was murdered by the Red Dust Empress and the Jingxin Great Emperor, all his memories were cut off. And when he woke up again, he found that he had come to Qingfeng Empire.

There was a gap of 80,000 years in between.

During these 80,000 years, something important must have happened.

"You seem to be preoccupied?" Looking at Yang Chen whose face was a bit strange, the old monk frowned, his eyes showing doubts.

"Oh, I just remembered some things from the past." Yang Chen shook his head and said with a faint smile.

Finish this sentence.

He just turned around.

From the direction where the river gushes out, go downstream toward the end of the river.


Taking one step forward, countless energies rushed in again, penetrating into Yang Chen's limbs. And as this energy poured into Yang Chen's bone marrow, Yang Chen's body was also undergoing rapid changes. His stature increased rapidly, and his facial features became more mature and tough.

Soon, Yang Chen returned to his twenties.

And just as his body recovered, a flash of memory kept flashing before Yang Chen's eyes like a revolving lantern.

He saw a magnificent mansion, and there was a figure standing in the mansion. This man was about forty years old. Beside the middle-aged man, there was a boy about seventeen or eighteen years old. Both of them lowered their heads and looked humble.

On the opposite side of the two was a middle-aged man who was also in his forties, with an extremely arrogant expression on his face.

"Yang Shan, I'm not talking about you, your son is a waste! You know his grades in Tianxing Academy, and now he is only a martial arts level 2 heaven. Such grades are considered to have completed the courses of Tianxing Academy. , it won’t be very promising!” The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed in pity.

"Patriarch Li!"

Hearing this, Yang Shan's face changed, and he said quickly: "Xiaochen is still young, he has to go to school! And in this world, only becoming a warrior can make a difference. I beg you... Please..."

While Yang Shan was talking, he couldn't help crying, his legs suddenly bent, and he knelt down slowly towards Patriarch Li.

"Father!" Seeing this scene, "Yang Chen" next to him couldn't help crying, with a look of unbearable expression in his eyes.

"Hey!" Patriarch Li sighed, and said, "Yang Shan, it's not that I don't want to help you, but you also know that the expulsion order from Tianxing Academy has come down, and I can't help you with my ability!"

"Patriarch Li, your hands and eyes are in the sky, how can you do nothing?" Hearing this, Yang Shan quickly kowtowed to Patriarch Li, the sound of "dong dong dong" echoed endlessly, and his head was dripping with blood. It looked horrible.

"Hey!" Seeing this scene, Patriarch Li sighed, he raised his hand, helped the other party up, and said softly: "Brother Yang Shan, get up, I promise you will be the general!"

Hearing this, Yang Shan was slightly taken aback, with doubts in his eyes.

He seemed a little unbelievable that Patriarch Li, who had always looked at them coldly, would be so kind?


Patriarch Li's next words made Yang Shan feel like falling into an ice cave.

"Brother Yang, I heard that you have an old house with a rather large area. When I was having dinner with the dean of Tianxing College, I heard him mention this incident by chance. I'm very interested..." Patriarch Li said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yang Shan's face turned ugly for a moment.

"No!" Looking at this memory, Yang Chen's expression changed instantly, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand, wanting to help Yang Shan up.


Memories are memories after all.


Yang Shan in his memory nodded slowly: "Okay! I promise you! As long as Xiaochen can continue his studies, I am willing to teach you the old house!"

"Good! Hahahaha!"

In the memory of Patriarch Li, he smiled freely and arrogantly.

In the memory, Yang Shan's face was ashen, as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

Then, the screen flashed again.

Another memory sneaked into Yang Chen's mind like a revolving lantern.

In the picture, a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old is standing on the school playground like a wooden stake. And beside him, there was a circle of students from Tianxing Academy. The faces of this group of people were full of sarcasm, and they kept talking to the young man in the middle.

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