Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 905 Past Life (3)

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Nine hundredth and fifth chapter past life (3)

"Little monk, where are you from? Why did you appear here alone?" Hong Chen held his chin and looked at the little monk with a smile, as if a child had acquired a beloved toy. Curious and happy.

"I... I came from the town." The little monk scratched his head and said.

"In the town?" The girl tilted her head, as if she didn't know much about these three words, and said curiously, "Where is the town? Is it fun? Is it more fun than the forest? I've never been to a town before!"


Hearing Hong Chen's words, the little monk suddenly felt that this girl was a bit pitiful, she was already in her teens, and she had never been to the town? How boring is it to live alone in this forest?

"Of course the town is fun!" The little monk laughed and said, "There are a lot of delicious, fun, and delicious things to eat in the town! There are also juggling, magic tricks, and opera singing. There are so many fun things! There are a lot of people like us, and you won't feel alone!"

"Someone like you?"

Hearing this, Hongchen's eyes narrowed slightly. She seemed to be able to imagine that there were hundreds of little bald heads walking around on a wide street, and everyone was chanting "Amitabha, Amitabha".

"Hahahaha!" Thinking of this, Hongchen couldn't help laughing out loud, tears were about to fall from his laughter.

My God, there are all young monks in one place? How fun is that?

"What are you laughing at?" The little monk frowned, stood up from the ground, and said a little unhappy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Hong Chen said quickly, then took out something from his arms, put it gently in the palm of the little monk, and said, "Little monk, thank you for chatting with me today, and for giving me a name." .This thing is for you, I will ask you to play with it tomorrow!"

The little monk spread out his palms and took a look.

In the palm is a pebble the size of a fingernail, shining crystal light in the sunlight.

"Are you leaving?" The little monk's eyes suddenly revealed a little reluctance.

"Well, it's getting dark, if I don't go back quickly, my family will scold me!" Hong Chen nodded, and with a light hop, he jumped onto a branch not far away like a rabbit, facing The young monk below waved his hand and said:

"Little monk, goodbye!"

After saying this, Hong Chen disappeared from sight, leaving the little monk alone, standing there quietly, feeling lost in his heart.

"Oh, I haven't asked where your family lives yet, so you left in such a hurry." The little monk sighed, suddenly raised his hand and patted his head, and said, "Bah, bah, you're a monk, why don't you leave?" Can you miss a secular woman? Sin! Sin!"

After the little monk said this, he shook his head and left. However, he hadn't taken a few steps when he saw a figure suddenly jump out, patted the little monk on the head, and said angrily, "Little brother, where have you slipped away? Didn't you ask you to find something to eat? What's the matter?" You disappeared for half a day?"

The little monk raised his head and saw that the elder brother and the master had stood beside him at some point, looking at him straightly, their eyes almost turned green with hunger.

"Master? Senior brother? Why are you here?" The little monk frowned, but he quickly remembered something and said, "Okay, you two, I was chased and beaten by a tree spirit just now. Everyone is calling for help! Why didn't any of you agree to me?"

"What? You said you were attacked by a dryad?" As soon as the words came out, the old monk frowned and said in disbelief: "Impossible? The dryad is a fourth-level monster. With your level , it is impossible to escape from the dryad's hands!"

"I, I..." The little monk scratched his head, not knowing how to answer this question, whether he should tell Hong Chen's affairs. However, the old monk didn't seem interested in this topic, so he just said lightly: "Okay, let's go back quickly, it's late at night, if we stay outside, I'm afraid we may meet a terrible monster!"

Hearing the word "monster", the senior brother and the young monk visibly trembled, and immediately followed the old monk to the depths without saying a word.


Ten minutes later, the three monks piled up matches in the cave to keep each other warm. The elder brother got some wild fruits from somewhere, and after the young monk ate a little, he sat in front of the old monk and listened to him explain some knowledge about subduing demons.

"Kongkong, Kongling, you two have been my teacher for seven or eight years. I think you should have some understanding of the matter of subduing demons." The old monk glanced at the two of them and said, "Today, my teacher will teach you A means of self-defense, called a warning sign!"

As the old monk spoke, he suddenly raised his hand and quickly slid it in the air. In an instant, the glittering and translucent silk thread was like a spider's web, intertwining and intertwining rapidly in the air, and in the next instant, it turned into a mysterious rune.

This rune is like a butterfly, its whole body is crystal clear, exuding a little crystal light, and the little monk is fascinated by it.

"Master, this is a warning sign? What is the use of this kind of talisman?" The little monk asked curiously.

"Oh, although this kind of rune has no attack or defense power, and it doesn't even have any enhancement properties for the magician. However, this kind of warning symbol is an indispensable thing for every magician! Because this warning symbol , can remind you where there are monsters, what is the strength of the monsters, including the number of monsters, etc.!" The old monk said with a smile.

Hearing this, the little monk immediately widened his eyes, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes: "Why is this thing so powerful?"

As the young monk spoke, he stretched out his hand and touched the old monk's warning sign. However, the rune didn't change in any way, it was still floating quietly in the air, not to mention being vigilant, even the color didn't change.

"Master, is your warning symbol useless? Why hasn't it changed at all?" The little monk couldn't help asking.

"Silly boy, you're not a monster, how could there be any changes?" The old monk shook his head and smiled wryly. He raised his hand and drew another warning sign in the air.

Two warning symbols, one fell into the hands of the young monk, and the other fell into the hands of the elder brother.

"You put away these two warning symbols. Remember, once there is any change in this warning symbol, you must run away immediately! Because once the warning symbol changes, it means that you may have encountered a monster !” said the old monk with a serious face.

As soon as these words came out, both the little monk and the elder brother swallowed, and quickly put away the warning sign.

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