Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 906 Past Life (4)

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Nine hundred and sixth chapter past life (4)

It was late at night, and the little monk and the elder brother were sitting by the campfire, quietly studying the two warning symbols. Five minutes later, the senior brother suddenly shouted happily: "Junior brother, I drew a warning symbol! Look, look!"

The elder brother said, spreading his hands.

A beautiful rune, like a butterfly, flew out from the palm of the elder brother, the crystal silk thread exuded a little light, very beautiful.

"So lovely!"

The little monk couldn't help but say something.

"Hey, doesn't it look good?" The elder brother smiled slightly, put away the warning sign, and said, "But the master said that the warning sign is used to subdue demons, it's not something pretty! You have to work hard!" , try to draw the warning sign tonight!"

The elder brother said, patted the young monk on the shoulder, turned around and left, and went to rest.

Leaving the little monk alone, sitting quietly in the cave, his mind was full of the beautiful, butterfly-like rune of senior brother just now.

"It's so beautiful!" The little monk held his head and said to himself: "If Hong Chen sees it, she will be very happy, right? Such a beautiful thing..."

As the little monk spoke, he suddenly took out a pebble from his bosom. This pebble was exactly what Hongchen gave him.

"Master said that courtesy is reciprocal, and it is not a gentleman's action to come and go! Since Hongchen gave me a pebble, I will give her a beautiful rune!" Thinking of this, the little monk immediately showed excitement with his swollen eyes , he seemed to have found motivation in an instant, and began to ponder over that rune.

It's getting dark.

The entire forest was shrouded in darkness.

Only the bonfire in the cave was still on, and the little monk sat alone by the bonfire, carefully carving the runes.

One, two, three...


Just after drawing the third line, the runes in front of the little monk suddenly exploded, like fireworks, and the powerful impact directly knocked the little monk away.

"Ouch, it hurts!" The little monk covered his head, looked helplessly at the slowly drifting runes, and said with a wry smile: "It failed again, why did the big brother paint so easily, but when I came here, why did you draw it so easily?" So clumsy?"

The elder brother turned over and said sleepily, "Little brother, you haven't gone to sleep yet? Go to bed quickly, it's getting late, and you have to hurry tomorrow!"

They need to go to a place called Java to promote Buddhism, and this place is still some distance away from Java, so they have to hurry up.

"Eldest brother, you go to sleep first, I will sleep after I draw the warning sign!" The little monk said.

Hearing this, the eldest brother was slightly taken aback, and suddenly felt a little suspicious. When did this little junior become so diligent? On weekdays, he would be able to fall asleep even after reading a scripture, why did he seem like a different person today?

"Forget it, I won't sleep if you don't sleep." The senior brother shook his head, and walked over from not far away, with a little helplessness in his tone: "Little brother, the warning sign is not drawn like this, you drew it wrong !"

"Wrong drawing?"

The little monk was slightly taken aback, carefully looked at the warning sign in his hand, and said curiously: "That's right, big brother, what's wrong?"

"Look at it!" The senior brother laughed, and then sat in front of the little monk, and drew a warning sign himself. This time, he drew very slowly and steadily, as if he deliberately wanted the little monk to see clearly, every stroke was extremely stable.

Five minutes later, a beautiful rune appeared in front of the two of them.

"Junior brother, have you seen it clearly?" The senior brother asked.

"See it clearly!" The little monk nodded, his eyes twinkled with stars, as if he had suddenly realized, and he was extremely excited.

He seemed to understand something, and immediately began to draw warning signs. Although it still failed, it was much better than last time.




The sound of runes bursting kept ringing in the cave, and the little monk was bumped to the point that his head was covered with bags and his body was dirty.

He clutched his chest, got up from the ground, and then spread his palms.


A gorgeous rune like fireworks flew out from the hands of the little monk, like a dancing butterfly, shining dazzlingly in the cave.

"Brother, I succeeded!" The little monk danced happily, carefully holding the rune like holding a baby bump.

Then, like a gust of wind, he ran out of the cave.

"Where are you going?" Looking at the little monk who ran out, the elder brother was stunned and asked behind him.

However, before the little monk could answer, the figure of the other party had already disappeared from sight, running further and further away.

"This guy, he's been a little out of order recently, did something happen to him?" The elder brother frowned, feeling suddenly worried.

He still decided to tell the master about this matter after the master woke up.


In the forest, the little monk ran and ran, almost exhausting all his strength. He couldn't wait to share this beautiful thing with Hong Chen.

However, the little monk didn't know how long he had been running, and suddenly stopped slowly, with a slump showing on his immature face.

"That's right, I don't know where she lives yet. Where can I find her?" The little monk sighed, leaning his back against the stone, suddenly feeling as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

"Little monk, who are you looking for?"

Suddenly, a clear and clear voice sounded, and a beautiful face poked out from the top of the little monk's head, looking at him with a smile.

"You! It's you!"

The little monk was startled, and got up from the ground, but I don't know if it was because he got up too fast, he bumped into the stone beside him, and the little monk screamed in pain.

"Hehehehe!" Seeing this scene, Hongchen immediately laughed coquettishly, laughing so hard that tears almost fell down. Suddenly, she looked at the little monk's palm, and couldn't help asking curiously:

"Little monk, what is in your hand?"

"Uh, this..."

The little monk scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "This is what I originally wanted to give you..."

"Give it to me?" Hearing this, little stars twinkled in Hong Chen's eyes immediately, she clapped her hands happily, and said, "Okay, okay, what do you want to give me? It's delicious. ? Still fun?"


The little monk hesitated for a moment, spread out his two palms, and released a beautiful rune. The runes were like butterflies, flapping their wings, and flew up between the palms of the little monk.

"This is a rune, I will give it to you, so that you don't have to be afraid of demons!" The little monk said with a smile.

"Hong Chen, do you like this..." The little monk raised his head and asked subconsciously, but immediately after, the little monk was stunned.

I saw Hong Chen, who was standing in front of me just now, disappeared at some point, and there was no one in front of me.

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