Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1325: Father is actually crazy!

Ning Shuqian is also very annoyed. She knows better than anyone that collecting this for the next generation is a reckless act under the Wen Xinya impulse. To put it bluntly, it is good to make claims. Which kind of onion is Wen Xinya? She dared to disregard the opinions of all shareholders, and announced the matter in public. She could be drowned simply by the spitfire of shareholders.

Regarding the interests of the Wen's Group, Master Wen will also be dissatisfied with her.

She just waited for the Wen Xinya public appearance, unable to end, and eventually turned into a laughing stock for everyone.

Tian Zuo Yi can do nothing about it. He can't live by himself, Wen Xinya himself, and no wonder others, relying on the identity of his Wen family heirs and the importance of his father, he is nonchalant, and now he should taste the taste of failure.

However, she did not expect that Mr. Wen would openly support her.

Father is actually crazy!

Wen Ya is so adept at doing so, she is clearly provoking the majesty of the chairman of the Wen Group.

Ning Shuqian was stunned.

At this time, Wen Haowen had a dark cloud on his face, a pair of eyes, staring closely at the gentleman and Wen Xinya Ya Wen down from the T stage, watching them surrounded by reporters, accepting interviews by reporters, calmly responding Answering the reporter's various tricky questions.

He can't wait to rush up and ask the old man why he did it.

Throughout the Wen Xinya return to the Wen family, all the large-scale events organized by the Wen family seemed to produce various unpredictable monster moths. This time he was obviously defenseless, but it was still secretive and staged. Got this out.

When the reporters dispersed, Wen Haowen rushed forward, sulking his head and anger, "Dad, I don't agree with Xinya's public sales strategy for the next generation of collections, and as the president of the Wen Group, and Objections on behalf of shareholders of the Group. "

Cozy and elegant now has a strong position in the Wen's Group. The sales strategy of collecting for the next generation is obviously to promote Mo Yunyao. As Mo Yunyao's only daughter, everyone will naturally look at Cosy and Elegant. Wen The Shi Group will remember Mo Yunyao's contribution to the Wen Group in the past, and his position in the Wen Group will be more stable.

This was not a good thing for him.

Mr. Wen whispered: "Xinya's public proposal is very good. She puts forward her mother ’s name and proposes a sales strategy for the next generation of collections. The ranks of the most luxurious and expensive jewellery will bring unexpectedly great benefits to the Wens Group, and at the same time promote the reputation of the Wens Group. Whether it is public or private, this proposal is to the Wens Group. Fame and fortune, what position do you stand for opposing opinions? "

Wen Haowen's objection was, to his surprise, only a few shareholders who participated in the jewellery fair have acquiesced in his decision. In any case, the objection is now too late.

Wen Haowen was poor for a while, but he was not reconciled: "Even if this proposal would bring great benefits to the Wen Group, it would be decided in public in a hasty manner. No? Dad ... Wen's Group is not yours. "

Yu Yi, a sales strategy for the next generation of collections, is to miss Mo Yunyao, thank Mo Yunyao for his original contribution to the Wen's Group, Yu Gong, this strategy can bring great benefits to the Wen's Group, he really did not The name of the rebuttal, but it can not be easily, let the old man and the Wen Xinya grandson two, so embarrassed as to achieve the goal.

Mr. Wen sneered, "How could the board of directors and the shareholders' meeting object to the favorable proposal of the Yu Wen Group? Didn't the shareholders and directors who had just been present not raise any objections? The Wen Group is really not me It ’s not a word of yours, of course, it ’s not that you are against it, of course. ”

What kind of heart does Wen Haowen keep? Wouldn't the old gentleman Wen not know it? He wouldn't say it, but he just took care of the father and son's affection, so as not to chill the hearts of the two.

Wen Haowen's face gloomed down: "Dad, what are you talking about? Only then did you and Warm and Ya sing together, when did you give everyone a chance to oppose it?"

He acknowledged that no matter how much shares he had, his influence on the board of directors, and even shareholders' support for him, he was not as good as the old man, but this did not mean that there was no other way to stop them.

Mr. Wen was too lazy to tell him more, his eyes fell on the runway.

At this time, Xinya was designing jewelry for Wen's Group on the stage. Although it could not be compared with the sensation caused by Yun Yao, it was also remarkable and received a lot of praise.

More importantly, she is only 21 years old!

Wen Haowen froze, but didn't get a response. He couldn't help but anger: "Dad, I said so much, have you been listening? Did you just stand by Xinya? When did you actually treat her with a yellow hair? Did the girl obey this? Dad ... are you really confused? "

After a series of cross-examinations, the sentence was agitated and the sentence accused.

Mr. Wen stared at Wen Haowen sharply. His face was full of ugly greed fascinated by the color of power and desire: "You have to ask yourself, if it isn't for your brazenness, take it without asking yourself The posthumous works exhibited by Xinya ’s mother have caused these shameful things. As for maintaining the mother ’s dignity and maintaining the face of Wen ’s family, does Xinya publicly propose a collection for the next generation? ”

Wen Haowen defended Ning Shuqian in public, which was disrespect for his original wife, making it difficult for Xinya on the spot, and being unkind to his daughter, one was a wife, one was a woman, and two had made outstanding contributions to the Wen Group. This behavior is in the eyes of everyone, and it is embarrassing.

The Wen family, under the name of Mo Yunyao, organized a jewelry exhibition, gained both fame and fortune, but indulged the upper third, insulting the deceased original daughter and the daughter left by the original daughter. What makes everyone think?

Wen Jialuo's indifference is still light.

Unfortunately, Wen Haowen didn't think about this joint, and he couldn't help but become angry and anger: "But it's just a set of jewelry. If it's not Xinya's aggressive, how could this happen to such a point, it's all the beast's fault . "

Mr. Wen's complexion suddenly turned blue. His hands placed on his legs suddenly lifted upwards, then lowered weakly, and clenched his fists tightly: "Why, Wen Wen, how can you raise such indifference?" s things."

If it wasn't for the reason, Father Wen would have been slapped into his face.

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