Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1326: This is awesome, and a warning!

Wen Ya has always stood by Grandpa's side, just watching Wen Haowen so quietly, her eyes flashed with irony.

In the past, Wen Haowen also knew some etiquette and shame, knew how to disguise his ambitions, and even bear humiliation, but since he led the entertainment city project and received the support of the Zhang Group, Wen Haowen has completely abandoned the camouflage mask on his face. To be unkind to the husband, to be unkind to the father, to be filial to the son, the true face of indifference is exposed in front of everyone.

Even more frightening is that he should take it for granted.

The words of Mr. Wen made Wen Haowen's face somber and scary, but he also knew that this was a public place and was not suitable for quarrels. He suppressed his anger and slowed down his voice: "Dad, be rational. The Wens Group is now, basically Not suitable for this top-level sales strategy. "

Mr. Wen was about to speak, Wen Xinya and asked with a smile: "Dad, why do you think that the Wen's Group is not suitable as a top-level sales strategy for the next generation of collections?"

Just now, Wen Haowen basically ignored the Wen Xinya side of the old man. At this time, he spoke warmly and elegantly, and his expression suddenly became angry: "I speak with your grandpa, what do you say? It is related to the interests of the Wen Group, What do you know?"

Wen Xinya knows that Wen Haowen just deliberately took the opportunity to reprimand her and wanted to give her a kick, but she didn't eat this set: "Dad, you are wrong! Since this proposal was proposed by me, then I will You must take responsibility for this proposal and fully understand its shortcomings. "

Wen Haowen couldn't help but be stunned, but how could he be treated by the Wen Xinya, he ignored the Wen Xinya, and turned to Mr. Wen said: "Dad, the jewelry of the Wen Group has been in existence for 30 years. It can be regarded as old-fashioned jewelry, but compared with the real century-old jewelry at home and abroad, it shows a gap! Those century-old jewelry have never been so arrogant and bold to do such a strategy, how can we compare with those century-old jewelry? "

Wen Haowen's words are, in some ways, very convincing.

He also thought that he had good reasons, so he raised his eyebrows and provoked a Wen Xinya look.

Wen Xinya smile: "They dare not do this because they don't have Mo Yunyao."

Since the death of her mother, the Paris Fashion Jewelry Design Contest has been held for four more times. Many people have become famous overnight in the design contest, but which one is more amazing than her mother.

That year, my mother was not only the uncrowned crown of the Paris Fashion Jewelry Design Contest, but also the youngest and most amazing contestant ever.

The Wen Xinya words made Wen Haowen irritable and suddenly became hairy: "Mo Yunyao, Mo Yunyao, she is dead!"

What's the point of lifting a dead person in such trouble?

A dead person, which has no use value to the Wen family and even the entire Wen group, why hold on so tightly?

The Wen Xinya voice said indifferently: "It is because my mother is dead that my proposal is more memorable."

Tonight, the sensation caused by her mother's legacy is in her eyes, and it is precisely because of this that she dares to make such a proposal in public.

Wen Haowen was speechless, unwilling to be full of heart, and finally turned into an anger: "To make such a sales strategy, the investment of manpower, material resources, financial resources, and energy is countless. If you can't do it, then the company's loss will be caused by Who is responsible? "

Warm and sneer: "Dad, as the president of Wen's Group, you say such a word without IQ, any investment in the mall is risky, never 100%, but as long as the return exceeds the risk, it is worth it Post a blog. "

Wen Haowen also knew what he had just said, and some had a big red face without his brain.

Mr. Wen smiled lightly, his old face with a trace of majesty: "Since I have decided on this matter, there is no room for turning around. You do n’t have to say more and do n’t interfere, otherwise I ca n’t protect it. Your entertainment city project will not go smoothly. "

This is a rib and a warning.

The sales strategy of collecting for the next generation is imperative. If Wen Haowen dares to obstruct, then the entertainment city project will also be obstructed.

Wen Haowen's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Father Wen incredibly: "Dad ... you ... you threaten me!"

Even though he was not resentful in his heart, but what about it, the entertainment city project has been carried out so far, and he can't afford to bet at all.

His gaze was staring at Father Wen, and his eyes flashed with resentment.

Still Ning Shuqian saw that the seed was wrong, and hurried forward to pull him away. No matter what, the most important thing now is the entertainment city project. According to the old man's mind and means, if he really blatantly obstructs the entertainment city project, Then the project will certainly not go smoothly.

After Wen Haowen and Ning Shuqian left, Warm and Ya sighed quietly and whispered, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I just made an argument!"

Her behavior today is too reckless and hasty. As the Miss Wen family, the future heir of the Wen Group, she must explain to Grandpa, even if she puts forward the sales strategy of "this next generation collection" in public, it will Bring huge benefits to the Wen Group.

Mr. Wen looked at the young girl with a complex look: "Although you are making an advocacy or even a bold move, you have not disregarded the reputation of the Wen family and the interests of the Wen Group, so you did not make a mistake."

This granddaughter has refreshed time and time again since he returned to Wen ’s house. He adjusted and relaxed his understanding of her again and again, but whenever he felt that he knew her enough, She always does something amazing to make you feel like you never knew her.

Mr. Wen thought that he never looked down on her.

Wen Xinya was affirmed by Grandpa, and the big stone in his heart was settled slowly: "That being said, I still recklessly."

She put forward the sales strategy of "collecting for the next generation" in public, which she had never thought of before, but when she searched out Ning Shuqian's bag for the eternal light designed by her mother, such an idea was in her heart. Began to sprout. When I heard Wen Haowen's "but it's just a legacy", this kind of thought was like a madman. Her heart grew. She acknowledged that her behavior today is impulsive and even wanton. , But she didn't regret it at all.

For her mother's legacy, she has to find someone who really loves it.

No tarnishing or degrading of anyone is allowed.

Besides, there are other calculations in her mind.

Mr. Wen said quietly, "The sales strategy for the next generation of collections is very good. Your performance is very bold. You can rest assured that the Wen family will cooperate fully to sell the strategy for the next generation of collections."

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