Si Yiming in the corner couldn't help but smile, his eyes flashing with an unknown light.

Obviously a person with a very strong sense of presence, but at certain times and occasions, he can condense himself as if there is no sense of being.

He sipped red wine, watching this farce finally come to an end!

Yes, farce!

In his eyes, all this today is just a farce.

Regardless of whether Master Wen ’s family will stand up for Xinya, from the moment Xinya stands to the T stage, the sales strategy for the first-generation collection is a foregone conclusion and will not be changed.

Mo said that in the face of such huge interests, the Wen Group will not oppose such a proposal. Even if they oppose it in the end, this proposal is imperative and no one can stop it. This is why Xinya dare to stand on the stage. Causes of wanton behavior.

It is ridiculous that Wen Haowen didn't know the situation, he thought that it was the result of the maintenance of the old Wen family.

His thin lips were slightly lifted, with inexplicable emotions.

In the past three years, although Xinya has not deliberately intervened in the operation and management of the Wen's Group, or even forcibly strengthened her right on the board of directors, but ... her operation within the Wen's Group is absolutely beyond Wen Haowen's imagination.

"Why are you hiding here!" Wen Ya was so annoyed by the reporter that she came to this small terrace to hide herself. I did not expect Si Yizhen to be here.

The small terrace is located at the dead end of sight, and it is also a monitoring dead end.

Si Yizhen took the wine glass in her hand and poured the liquid from the wine glass into her own glass. She smiled and said with a smile: "Let's not try to attract butterflies, and someone can't help but eat vinegar!"

Prior to Sun Xiaorou's move, she almost did not frizz.

Wen Xinya can't help but want to stare at him: "Do you believe it or not, I will let you soak in the vinegar jar every second."

She said she loves flying vinegar and doesn't want to think about herself. It is simply a jar of vinegar. Some time ago, Si Yizhen went to the school to pick her up. As a result, she saw that she was talking to a fellow student in the same department. The performance is that when she loves being in bed, she is forced to repeat the words "I only love you" over and over again.

Si Yiming's eyes glanced across the banquet. Many young talents could not believe her words. He put the wine in his hand on the small glass window on the terrace, holding her waist, low Chant: "You really want to?"

Warm and Ya mumbled a small mouth and said, "Not willing!"

He didn't want to let her be jealous, but where was she willing to let him make jealous jars?

Si Yi laughed and said, "Good ~~"

Wen Xinya took the red wine on the window sill, put it on Si Yizhen's lips, and fed him a drink: "How is the arrangement of the jewelry exhibition today? Are you still satisfied?"

Mr. Si also said with a smile: "Natural satisfaction. The jewelry exhibition tonight is an unprecedented success. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe you don't need to wait until tomorrow. The uncrowned crown of the World Paris Fashion International Jewelry Design Contest, Mo Yunyao's legacy, came out. The news will spread all over the world, causing a worldwide sensation and attention, and the sales strategy for the next generation of collections will become a topic for more people. "

The hotter the topic, the more attention the Wen Group will receive. This wave caused by Mo Yunyao's posthumous work, I am afraid that it will not calm down so quickly.

Looking at Si Yizhen warmly, she said faintly: "Because of the nature of the organization, the HZ League of Nations is destined to be like a snake hiding in a cold cave. Any wind and grass moving will retract its head into the cave. Now Wen Because of this jewellery exhibition, the Group has received much attention from the world. For the time being, the people organized by the HZ League of Nations will not dare to act lightly. The entertainment city project will also slow down temporarily. This will win us more time. . "

This is the real reason why she is determined to exhibit her mother ’s legacy. Si Yizhen has to investigate the HZ League of International Organizations. Depending on her strength, she cannot help, but at least she can try to get more time for him and create more. Good opportunity, the attention of the whole world, Si Yizhen hides it, it is easy to mix fish and touch fish without being found.

Si Yizhen brought her against the white wall and gently rubbed her soft, petal-like earlobe with one hand: "Not only that, the more prestigious the Wen's Group is, the more they deal with the various methods of the Wen's Group, The more scruples there are, and even the use of mouse jealousy, the Wen Group will be able to reserve more strength by taking advantage of this opportunity. "

Xinya's cleverness is even beyond his imagination.

Wen Xinya nodded, and stretched out his hand to lightly hold his waist: "Soon, Wen Group will be fully engaged in planning a sales strategy for the next generation of collections, everyone's eyes will be gathered on this proposal The HZ International Alliance organization will definitely take the opportunity to speed up the progress of the entertainment city project. At that time, let's catch it. "

This is a serial story. The advent of the mother ’s legacy is a sensation that will jeopardize the HZ League of Nations organization, and the entertainment city project will slow down, waiting for everyone to focus on the sales planning for the next generation of collections. The quiet and long-standing organization of the HZ International Alliance is bound to take this opportunity to complete the entertainment city project as soon as possible.

It must be said that this entertainment project has progressed much more slowly than expected, and the people of the HZ International Alliance are not fools. The longer this project is delayed, the less profitable they are. Peace of mind.

This point can be seen from Wen Haowen's recent active operation within the Wen's Group in an attempt to win the first fund of the entertainment city project as soon as possible.

This is a trap that she and Si Yizhen set up for the H-Z League of Nations.

Although the collection for the next generation was just an idea she had just impulsively, but when she stood on the runway, she had quickly analyzed the pros and cons, and the more she firmed the proposal.

Si Yixuan clung to her ear and whispered, "Relax, leave everything to me."

He had no intention of letting her participate in this matter, but according to her current strength, it was far from reaching this level, but her keenness and expression in this matter were very amazing. This series All of her plans are laid out by her own hands, and who can imagine that this girl with a little childishness in front of her actually has the scheming means to compete with the internationally frightening HZ League of Nations organization? ?

At present, regarding the power of the H-Z League of Nations organization in Beijing, he has found some eyebrows, and now he is just waiting for an opportunity. He has taken control of the overall situation. The H-Z League of Nations organization can no longer escape his control.

"Yum" sighed and let go of his hands: "Mom's final set of jewelry was exhibited by me. It's almost time, I should go backstage to prepare."

The jewellery exhibition has come to an end, and the exhibition will end after the young phoenix displays.

Si Yizhang pulled back and kissed her lips, "Go!"

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